英 語 Ⅰ 次の対話文ⅰとⅱを読んで、 1 ~ 6 に入れるのにもっとも適切なものを①~④の中か らそれぞれ一つずつ選び、その番号をマークしなさい。 ⅰ Miki:WelcometoJapan,Jean! 1 Jean:Hi,Miki.Itwaslongandalittletiring,butIwasabletorelax,listeningtomusicand watchingthemovies. Miki:Good.Isthisyourfirstvisithere? Jean: 2 Miki:Oh,Ididn’tknowthat.Wheredidyoustaythen? Jean:Well,IwantedtolivewithaJapanesefamily,butIcouldn’t.SoIsharedaroomwitha classmateatthedormitoryinstead. Miki:Thistimeyou’regoingtohaveyourownapartmentandlivealone,right? Jean:Yeah, ① Howdidyougethere? ② Howfarisyourcountry? ③ Howlongwereyouontheplane? ④ Howwasyourflight? 2 ① Yes,lifeinthecountrysideisnewtome. ② Yes,I’vealwayswantedtocometoJapan. ③ No,Icamehereasanexchangestudentafewyearsago. ④ No,IfirstvisitedSouthKoreaonmywayhere. 3 ① I’mafraidI’llsoonfeellonelyandhomesick. ② I’mgoingtoenjoybeingcompletelyfree. ③ I’mplanningtosharethehouseworkwithmysisiter. ④ Mylandladylivingdownstairswillalwaysbewatchingme. I’mreallyexcited! 1 3 -英語 1- ⅱ Jane :Hello.Isthisthehistoryclassfor2ndyearstudents? Wendy:Yes. 4 Areyounewhere? Jane :Yes.ThisismyfirstchancetostudyinProfessorLym’sclass. Wereyouinhisclasslastyear? Wendy:Yes.He’saveryinterestingteacher,andIlearnedalot.Butthere’soneproblem. Jane :Oh?What’sthat? Wendy:Well,helikestogivespottests. Jane : 5 Wendy:Helikestogiveshorttestssuddenlyandwithoutwarning. Jane :Oh,no! 6 Wendy:Yes.That’sthebestwaytogetagoodgrade. 4 ① That’sright. ② That’saproblem. ③ That’swrong. ④ That’swhy. 5 ① Whydoeshedothat? ② Whendoesithappen? ③ Whatdoyoumean? ④ Whogivesspottests? 6 ① Iwillhavetowearmybestclothes. ② Wewillhavetoprepareforeveryclassthen. ③ He’snotusuallylateonMondays. ④ Ithinkthat’swonderful. -英語 2- Ⅱ 次の 7 ~ 16 に入れるのにもっとも適切なものを①~④の中からそれぞれ一つずつ選び、 その番号をマークしなさい。 Ourschoolisjustinfrontofthebusstop.Youcan’t ① find ② miss 8 Thecakeiscovered ① about 9 ① repair Isitimportant ③ lose ④ get ③ to ④ with ③ repairing ④ repaired assoonasIcould. ② repairs 10 youtopracticespeakingaswellaswritingEnglish? ① to Wewatchedthesun ② in Hewillbeunhappy ③ for ④ of 11 belowthehorizonjustanhourago. ① sink ② sank ③ tosink ④ besinking 12 Johnnydoesn’tcome. ① when Ihave it. chocolatecream. ② at Igotmycomputer 7 ② if ③ what ④ why 13 finishedthework,soIwillgotobed. ① just ② only ③ still ④ even 14 tothatscholarship,IwasabletogoabroadtostudyEnglish. ① Thanks Itisnotanorange ② Whenever ③ Because ④ While 15 atypeofsweetlemonthatgrowsonlyinOkinawa. ① to ② on Many supporters could not help ③ by ④ but 16 disappointed when the Japanese team scored only two goalsintheWorldCup. ① feel ② tofeel ③ feeling -英語 3- ④ beingfelt Ⅲ 次の 17 ~ 21 の ① ~ ④ の中で、正しくないものをそれぞれ一つずつ選び、その番号を マークしなさい。 17 ① Asit israiningveryhardyesterday,theteacherdecidedthatthechildren shouldn’t ② ③ go hiking. ④ 18 Every roomin thehotel haveabeautiful viewoftheocean. ① ② ③ ④ 19 I havetogo tohome earlytonight toprepareforabusinesstrip. ① 20 ① ② ③ ④ Mr.andMrs.Johnsonhavebeen twodaughters. 21 ① ② married sinceeightyears,andnow ③ Wheredoyou prefertolive, inabigcity andinasmalltown? ② ③ -英語 4- ④ ④ theyhave Ⅳ 次の 22 ~ 24 の文にもっとも近い意味を表すものを①~④の中からそれぞれ一つずつ選 び、その番号をマークしなさい。 22 Henolongerliveshere. ① Hepassedaway. ② Hedoesn’tlivehereanymore. ③ Hehasbeenhereforalongtime. ④ Helivesherelongerthananyoneelse. 23 I’llbeintouchwithyouinthenearfuture. ① Iwilltouchyoushortly. ② Iwillseeyousoonerorlater. ③ Iwilltalktoyouassoonaspossible. ④ Iwillcontactyoubeforelong. 24 Takeshicouldn’tkeepupwiththeclass. ① It’seasyforTakeshitokeepintouchwithhisclassmates. ② It’shardforTakeshitomakeupforthetimehewastedyesterday. ③ Takeshicouldn’tfollowtheclass. ④ Takeshicouldn’tgetalongwithhisclassmates. -英語 5- Ⅴ 次の英文を読んで、後の設問に答えなさい。 編集の都合上、省略します。 -英語 6- -英語 7- Ⅵ 次の 30 を一つの文章としてまとまるように並べ替えた場合、もっとも適切な配列を①~④ の中から一つ選び、その番号をマークしなさい。 30 WhenDorothywenttoFranceonholiday,shesometimeshaddifficultyusingFrench. A Soshetookoutapencilanddrewapictureofamushroom. B Onedayshewentintoarestaurantandorderedsomemushroomsforlunch. 🄒🄒🄒🄒e suddenly smiled and hurried back into the kitchen. 🄓🄓🄓🄓🄓🄓🄓🄓🄓🄓🄓🄓🄓🄓🄓🄓, Dorothy didn’t know the French word for ‘mushroom,’ and the waiter didn’t understandher. Afewsecondslater,hereturnedcarryinganumbrella! ① 🄓🄓🄓A-🄒🄒🄒B ② B-🄓🄓🄓🄓🄓🄓A ③ 🄓🄓🄓A-B-🄒🄒 ④ B-🄓🄓🄓A-🄒🄒 -英語 8- Ⅶ 次の日本文の意味を表すように、与えられた語句を並べ替えて英文を完成し、 31 に入る語の番号をマークしなさい。 水曜に私の上司に会って頂くのは、あなたにとって都合がいいでしょうか。 Isit onWednesday? 31 32 ① for ⑤ convenient ② meet ⑥ you ③ to ④ myboss 彼女が動揺するなんて驚きでした。 It upset. 33 34 ① surprising ⑤ that ② be ⑥ was ③ she ④ should 私の先生は、なぜ私が授業に来なかったのかを尋ねた。 Myteacher totheclass. 35 36 ① why ⑤ me ② come ⑥ asked ③ didn’t ④ I 私は夏の間、暗くなるまで魚釣りをしていました。 Ikept thesummer. 37 38 ① dark ⑤ got ② it ⑥ fishing ③ during -英語 9- ④ until ~ 38
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