【英語 A】 ■Listening Navigator: Unit 11 15 重要箇所スピードチェック つづり be congested with He is said to have been put in prison for theft. 意味 で混乱している 彼は窃盗で刑務所に入れられていたそうです。 Lost and Found Section 遺失物取扱所 People are waiting for a train to come. 人々は列車が来るのを待っています。 under construction 工事中/建設中 be attached to にくっついている in the same direction 同じ方向に close friend 親友 We’ll make it. 間に合うわよ。 Apparently, 明らかに、 or so That’s a relief. Please get in touch with the Lost and Found Section. かそこら それは良かった。/それは一安心だ。 遺失物取扱所までご連絡ください。 I majored in chemistry 私は化学を専攻していた the Great Wall 万里の長城 The man is concerned about the environment. その男性は環境のことを心配しています。 global warming 地球温暖化 greenhouse effect 温室効果 acid rain 酸性雨 air pollution 大気汚染 water pollution 水質汚染 eco-friendly 環境に優しい exhaust fumes 排気ガス gas station ガソリンスタンド(ガソリンを給油するだけ) service station ガソリンスタンド(修理や点検もしてくれる) fill up を満タンにする global warming 地球温暖化 ozone depletion オゾン層の減少 Either will be fine. I don’t know what science he’s interested in. so much … up to どちらでもいいです。 彼がどんな科学に興味を持っているのか、私には 分かりません。 とても なので… まで for free 無料で be supposed to することになっている be at work? 仕事に就く/就いている as できるだけ多くの as possible laboratory On what day of the week is this library closed? 実験室 何曜日にこの図書館は閉まるんですか? the other day? 先日 so far これまでのところ not any longer もうこれ以上 ない half an hour 30 分 on time 時間通りに、ちょうど weekdays 平日 public holidays 祝日 Adam’s apple のどぼとけ in an emergency 緊急の際は residents 住民 be scared 怖がる fire escapes 非常階段 I’m afraid your name escapes me. どうも君の名前をど忘れしちゃったみたいだ。 I was fast asleep. 私はぐっすりと眠っていました。 first of all 最初に/まず I was scared to death 私は死ぬほど怖かった A campus evacuation drill will take place at 11 a.m. on Tuesday. 火曜日の 11 時に校内避難訓練が行われます。 weather permitting もし天気が許せば be carried out 実行される on the basis of を元に splittable be reminded of had a souvenir picture taken 割ることができる を思い出す 記念写真を撮ってもらいました in the vicinity of の近くで classical music クラシック be anxious to したい sea lion アシカ The woman is standing with her arms closed. 女性が両腕を組んで立っています。 society 社会 I’m looking forward to visiting London. 私はロンドンを訪れるのを楽しみにしています。 I’m willing to go there. 私は喜んでそこに行きます。 I’ve never been to に一度も行ったことがありません travel around the world 世界一周旅行をする due 到着予定の because of のために behind schedule 予定より遅れて ■Listening Navigator: Unit 16 新出単語・表現スピードチェック つづり 意味 tow away レッカー移動させる two-way 両側通行の get snarled up 渋滞する due to のために current 現在の coastline 海岸線 restriction 規制 occasionally たまに be inferred 推測される reduction 減少 westbound traffic 西に向かう車線 ■COCET 3300: #1301-1450 No. 英単語スピードチェック つづり 意味 1301 accumulate [自][他]蓄積する 1302 extreme [形]極端な 1303 infant [名]幼児 1304 proof [名]証明、証拠 1305 weigh [自]重さが 1306 aware [形] 1307 brief [形]簡潔な、手短な 1308 liver [名]肝臓 1309 quote [他]引用する 1310 simulation [名]シミュレーション 1311 sugar [名]砂糖、糖 1312 bay [名]湾、入り江 1313 grain [名]穀類、粒 1314 status [名]状態、地位 1315 passenger [名]乗客 1316 primary [形]初めの、一番の 1317 pure [形]純粋な 1318 domestic [形]家庭の、国内の 1319 false [形]間違った、誤った 1320 epidemic [形]流行性の 1321 chamber [名]部屋 1322 copper [名]銅 1323 ecosystem [名]生態系、エコシステム 1324 representative [名]代表者、代理人 1325 smart [形]頭が良い 1326 upper [形]より上部の、上位の 1327 visual [形]視覚の、聴力の 1328 diversity [名]多様性、相違点 [名]極端 [形]幼児の である [他] の重さを計る に気付いている [名](伝染病などの)流行 [形]銅製の 1329 encounter [名]遭遇 [他]偶然出会う 1330 ultraviolet [形]紫外線の 1331 assumption [名]想定、仮定 1332 distribute [他]分配する、配送する 1333 sink [自]沈む、落ち込む 1334 strange [形]奇妙な、変な、不慣れな 1335 web [名]クモの巣、ウェブ 1336 distill [他]蒸留する 1337 mutation [名]突然変異、変質 1338 sheep [名]羊 1339 meaning [名]意味、意図 1340 excellent [形]優秀な、すばらしい 1341 respect [他]尊敬する、大切にする 1342 valley [名]谷、渓谷 1343 athlete [名]運動選手、スポーツが得意な人 1344 justify [他]正当化する 1345 plasma [名]プラズマ、血漿 1346 beach [名](川・海・湖の)浜、浜辺 1347 innovation [名]革新、新しいもの 1348 controversial [形]論議を呼ぶ、論争の 1349 visitor [名]訪問者 1350 antarctic [名]南極 1351 dramatic [形]劇的な、印象的な 1352 grin [自](にやっと)笑う 1353 electrode [名]電極 1354 explode [自]爆発する、破裂する 1355 frame [名]枠組み、枠 1356 jump [自]飛ぶ、急に上がる(動く) 1357 mechanical [形]機械の、機械的な 1358 predator [名]捕食動物、略奪者 1359 recall [他]思い出す、思い出させる、リコールする [他]沈める [名](台所の)流し台 [名]尊敬、観点 [形]南極の [他]爆発させる [名]リコール 1360 apparent [形]明らかな、見かけの 1361 arrangement [名]配列、打ち合わせ、準備 1362 carefully [副]注意深く、用心深く 1363 consult [他] 1364 hectare [名]ヘクタール 1365 illustrate [他]説明する、図解する 1366 insight [名]洞察力 1367 reliable [形]信頼できる 1368 score [名]点数、得点、楽譜 1369 shot [名]発射、注射 1370 interact [自]相互に作用する、交流する 1371 legislation [名]立法 1372 sharp [形]鋭い、くっきりした 1373 bottle [名]瓶、ボトル 1374 context [名]文脈、前後関係 1375 hesitate [自]ためらう 1376 diamond [名]ダイヤモンド、菱形 1377 hypothesis [名]仮説 1378 fair [形]公正な、かなりの 1379 craft [名]技能、工芸、船舶 1380 ecology [名]生態学、エコロジー 1381 pest [名]害虫、害獣 1382 territory [名]領土、領域 1383 via [前] 1384 wheel [名]輪、車輪 1385 fresh [形]新しい、新鮮な 1386 reef [名]岩礁、砂州 1387 bury [他]埋める、埋葬する 1388 majority [名]大部分、過半数 1389 processor [名]処理装置、加工業者 1390 psychology [名]心理学 に相談する、(辞書など)を調べる [他]得点する、採点する 経由で [副]公正に [名]博覧会、フェア 1391 trick [名]手品、いんちき [他](人を)だます 1392 boost [他]押し上げる 1393 deny [他]否定する、拒絶する 1394 drill [他]穴を空ける、教え込む 1395 draft [名]草案、設計図、下図 1396 hall [名]ホール、大広間、開館、廊下 1397 invest [自][他]投資する 1398 requirement [名]必要条件、必需品 1399 struggle [名]戦い、闘争 1400 artist [名]芸術家、芸能人 1401 sophisticated [形]洗練された 1402 considerable [形]かなりの、重要な 1403 intense [形]強烈な、集中した 1404 commit [他](犯罪・過失を)犯す、委託する、任せる 1405 derive [他]導き出す、推論する 1406 negative [形]否定の、負(マイナス)の 1407 tough [形]頑丈な、難しい 1408 amino [形]アミノ基を有する 1409 crime [名]犯罪 1410 exhibition [名]展覧会、出品物 1411 incorporate [自]合併する 1412 tobacco [名]タバコ 1413 accelerate [他]加速させる、促進する 1414 float [自]浮く 1415 resolution [名]解決(策)、溶解、解像度 1416 advertisement [名]広告 1417 colony [名]植民地、集落 1418 hence [副]それゆえに 1419 methane [名]メタン(ガス) 1420 velocity [名]速度 1421 gulf [名]湾、入り江 [名]上昇 [他]下書きをする [自]奮闘する、格闘する [自]由来する [他] [他]合体させる を浮かせる [名]浮くもの 1422 moreover [副]その上、更に 1423 patch [他]継ぎをあてる、接続する 1424 vice [形]代理の 1425 capital [名]首都、資本 [形]大文字の、資本の 1426 request [名]依頼、要請 [他]依頼する、要請する 1427 audience [名]聴衆、慣習、視聴者 1428 cure [他]治す [名]治療 1429 dye [名]染料 [他]染める、着色する 1430 initially [副]最初のうちは 1431 input [名]入力、投入量 1432 philosophy [名]哲学、信条、理念 1433 timber [名]材木 1434 border [名]国境、境界 1435 donor [名]ドナー(臓器提供者)、寄贈者、援助国 1436 permit [他]許す、許可する 1437 suddenly [副]突然に、不意に 1438 dominate [他]支配する 1439 eliminate [他]取り除く、廃止する 1440 enhance [他]促進する、向上させる 1441 affair [名]出来事、仕事、業務 1442 consumption [名]消費、消費量 1443 intelligent [形]知的な、知能を持った 1444 spill [他]こぼす 1445 communicate [他]通信する、伝える 1446 ethic [名]道徳、倫理 1447 highlight [他] 1448 sufficient [形]十分な、満足な、間に合う 1449 identical [形]同一の、等しい 1450 altitude [名]高度、標高、深度 [名]つぎはぎ、絆創膏 [名]悪徳、不道徳 [名]許可証 [自]優位に立つ [自]こぼれる を目立たせる [名]主要部分、ハイライト 【英語 B】 ■TOEIC Workbook: DRILL 21 Read the text and then answer the questions. Deluxe Hotels Asia Your Ideal Solution Whether you are staying for business or for pleasure, Deluxe Hotels Asia offers the ideal solution. With over 115 Hotels in Japan, Thailand, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan and South Korea, you can find world class hotels in all the best locations; in city centers, close to major railway terminals, on major roads and by international airports. Not only that but you can choose from various levels of hotel to suit your budget. We have motels, business hotels, tourist hotels and international luxury hotels with sports clubs, swimming pools and business facilities. We provide good service, a warm welcome and good value for money. Just the things that every traveler values. Not only that, but our hotel network extends around the world. Try Deluxe Hotels Europe, Deluxe Hotels USA, and Deluxe Hotels East Africa. Wherever you need to be, you will find us waiting there to serve you. Wherever you need to go, call us first. Our prices are amongst the best value and whether you are traveling for business or leisure, Deluxe Hotels Asia is a wise choice. 1. What type of message is this? (A) A letter to a customer. (B) A reply to an enquiry. (C) An advertisement. (D) A hotel price list. Answer: C 2. Which of these hotel locations is NOT mentioned? (A) Near a bus terminal. (B) On an important road. (C) Close to an airport. (D) By a large train station. Answer: A 3. Why are Deluxe Hotels Asia suitable for different types of people? (A) The prices vary from cheap to expensive. (B) They have an international atmosphere. (C) There are branches all over the world. (D) They serve many different types of food. Answer: A 4. According to the passage, what is one thing that travelers value? (A) Warm clean rooms. (B) Discounts on the room rate. (C) Business facilities. (D) Good service. Answer: D ■TOEIC Workbook: DRILL 22 Read the text and then answer the questions. New World Airlines New Regulations on hand baggage Because of limited space in the overhead lockers, and in order to make you safer and more comfortable while flying, we have made a new policy regarding the size, weight and number of bags that passengers can take as hand baggage on the aircraft. Passengers are required to follow these new regulations at all time. The regulations differ according to the class you travel in. First and Business Class: Two bags measuring no more than 120cms, weighing no more than 18kg altogether. Economy Class: One bag measuring no more than 110cms, weighing no more than 10kg. Note: Parents traveling by any class with a child up to the age of five may bring a baby carriage on to the plane in addition to hand baggage. Please note that all hand baggage may be checked a second time at the boarding gate. Bags that are too big will be taken from you and may travel on a different aircraft. 1. Where will passengers probably see this notice? (A) In a baggage shop. (B) At a check-in desk. (C) After getting on an airplane. (D) On a travel advertisement. Answer: B 2. What reason for the new regulations is NOT mentioned? (A) There is only a small amount of space. (B) Passengers will be more comfortable. (C) It will be safer to travel on the airplane. (D) It will help to stop terrorists. Answer: D 3. Which passengers may bring more than the regulation carry-on baggage? (A) Children traveling first class. (B) Parents with babies. (C) Business class travelers. (D) Adults in economy class. Answer: B 4. What may happen if your carry-on bags are too big? (A) The bags may be thrown away. (B) The bags may not travel on the same plane. (C) You will not be allowed to get on the plane. (D) You will have to pay first class price. Answer: B ■TOEIC Workbook: DRILL 23 Read both text and then answer the questions. EU Cash Card 28th July 2006 Dear Ms. Brock, Your new EU Cash Card is enclosed with this letter. With your EU Cash Card, you can get money 24 hours a day anywhere in Europe. Remember, a EU Cash Card is valuable. Don’t lose it! Keep your money safe by following these rules: Take care of your EU Cash Card! ・When you get you new EU Cash Card, sign it immediately. ・Do not use a pencil. Use a ballpoint pen. ・Cut up your old EU Cash Card, sign it immediately. ・Make sure you can remember your secret number. Do not write it down anywhere! Keep your EU Cash Card safe! ・ If you lose your EU Cash Card, call the card company’s emergency telephone number immediately. ・A new card will be sent to you as soon as you call us. Help us to fight credit card crime! ・Always give your security code if a shop asks for it. Your security code is the three numbers on the back of your card. ・Always give your correct address if a shop asks for it. We hope that you will enjoy using your new EU Cash Card. If you have any questions, please contact us at any time. Sincerely, Norman Tate 14th August 2006 Dear Sir, I requested an EU Cash Card from you three weeks ago. You told me I would receive my card in one week, but the card has not arrived yet. I am worried in case the card has been lost by the post office or stolen. As I told you, I will be traveling to Spain at the end of August. You advised me that carrying a cash card is safer than carrying cash when in other countries. I agree with you! Could you please send my EU Cash Card as soon as possible? Emma brock 1. What is the purpose of this information? (A) To ask for a new cash card. (B) To advertise Cash Flash Cards. (C) To give advice to a new cash card holder. (D) To help people use cash card machines. Answer: C 2. What should you do when you get a new credit card? (A) Cut it up and throw it away. (B) Telephone the emergency number. (C) Write your name on it with a pen. (D) Write your correct address on it. Answer: C 3. What should you do if you lose your cash card? (A) Telephone the card company quickly. (B) Check the statement carefully. (C) Give your security code to the bank. (D) Write down your secret number. Answer: A 4. What problem does Ms. Brock have? (A) She did not receive her new cash card. (B) The bank refused to send a cash card. (C) She does not have any money. (D) She lost her cash card. Answer: A 5. Why did Ms. Brock ask for a cash card? (A) She needs to take cash to Spain. (B) She was advised to do so by the bank. (C) She thought it would take only one week. (D) She is worried about losing her money. Answer: B ■TOEIC Workbook: DRILL 24 Read both text and then answer the questions. Wickman’s Computer Super Store is looking for full and part time staff Technician Cash register Sales person Cleaner Delivery Driver Coffee Shop Staff Starting Date: Full Timers: From April 1st Part timers: On weekend days and/or national holidays from April 1st. To apply for full time jobs: Send a personal history with a photograph. To apply for part time jobs: Telephone 023-5376-9736 for an interview. Note: You can also email your job applications to: Susan Kears, [email protected] Note: All salespeople and technicians should mention their experience with computers. NOTE: We do not employ people under the age of 19. To: Susan Keats <[email protected]> Subject: Job Application cc: Attachment: personal history.doc Dear Ms. Keats, I saw your advertisement for jobs in the news paper and I would like to apply for a job as a sales person at Wickman’s Computer Super Store. I would like to work on Saturdays only. I have been using a computer for two years, and I always got good results in my computer IT class at high school. I also have experience working in a store. During my summer vacation last year I helped in my father’s book store. I learned how to use the cash register and I helped some customers find the books they wanted. I enjoy working in a store very much. I have enclosed my personal history as an attachment. I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Jeremy Langdon [email protected] 1. What is the purpose of this announcement? (A) To sell computers. (B) To hire workers. (C) To announce the store opening. (D) To employ college graduates. Answer: B 2. On which days should part time staff be prepared to work? (A) Saturdays, Sundays and special holidays. (B) From Monday to Friday every week. (C) All national holidays from April 1st. (D) On the weekend and national holiday on April 1st. Answer: A 3. How should people apply for a full time job as a delivery driver? (A) Telephone for an interview. (B) Write a letter explaining the job. (C) Send a picture and personal details. (D) Email a letter about computer experience. Answer: C 4. What kind of work does Jeremy Langdon want to do? (A) To deliver computers. (B) To repair computers. (C) To clean the computer store. (D) To sell computers. Answer: D 5. What problem will stop him from getting a part time job? (A) He has no experience of working in a store. (B) He cannot work on national holidays. (C) He knows nothing about computers. (D) He is not old enough to work in this store. Answer: D ■TOEIC Workbook: DRILL 25 Select the best answer to complete the sentence. 1. The bad weather was the A they canceled the game. (A) reason (B) cause (C) result (D) effect 2. With your artistic ability you will become a good B. (A) photography (B) photographer (C) photographic (D) photograph 3. I almost gained first place in the car race, but right at the end someone A me. (A) overtook (B) around (C) won (D) beaten 4. Mr. Jones is good at D documents from English to Russian. (A) writing (B) making (C) speaking (D) translating 5. At first I thought that traveling by airplane was frightening, but now I don’t B it. (A) care (B) mind (C) bother (D) worry 6. I like hamburgers because they have a good C. (A) tasty (B) delicious (C) flavor (D) vitamins 7. Brian made an A proposal at the meeting last night. (A) interesting (B) interest (C) interested (D) interestingly 8. It is difficult for doctors to find a D for some illnesses. (A) heal (B) treat (C) care (D) cure (C) politicians (D) polite 9. Some terrorists are fighting for A causes. (A) political (B) politics 10. Our workers are going to have a strike to B against the new rules. (A) demand (B) protest (C) threaten (D) oppose 11. The presenter made some interesting C during her talk. (A) opinions (B) ideas (C) points (D) pictures 12. I usually buy my suits at this shop because they give big D. (A) bargains (B) prices (C) cutbacks (D) discounts ■TOEIC Workbook: DRILL 26 Select the best answer to complete the sentence. 1. You can have anything you like on this table. Just take your C. (A) choice (B) desire (C) pick (D) liking 2. Chelsea is feeling A the weather, so she’s staying at home today. (A) under (B) about (C) over (D) sick 3. When you want to lose weight, it’s best to D easy on snacks! (A) be (B) take (C) feel (D) go 4. Now that we see C on everything, it will be easier to work together. (A) face to face (B) hand to mouth (C) eye to eye (D) nose to nose 5. I’m afraid we are A eggs, so we can’t make breakfast! (A) out of (B) sold out (C) used up (D) none of 6. Alan’s fat because he always eats C a horse! (A) with (B) as (C) like (D) up 7. Don’t be afraid of our dog. He’s as D as a lamb. (A) kind (B) big (C) clean (D) gentle 8. The shop had to close down B lack of business. (A) with (B) for (C) in (D) by 9. I admire your A solutions to problems. I like practical ideas. (A) down-to-earth (B) over-the-moon (C) pie-in-the-sky (D) head-in-the-sand 10. Yukiko wants to be a lawyer, so she’s studying hard to D. (A) get the point (B) make a pass (C) take the time (D) make the grade 11. I hope this fog B soon. The airport has been shut down for hours. (A) cleans out (B) clears up (C) lifts up (D) wears out 12. I hear Peter has C writing as his new hobby. (A) started out (B) made for (C) taken up (D) tried on ■TOEIC Workbook: DRILL 27 Select the best answer to complete the sentence. 1. John doesn’t like chicken anymore, so I stopped B it for him. (A) to buy (B) buying (C) for buying (D) bought 2. Nowadays, B people go the movie theater because they watch movies at home. (A) less (B) fewer (C) smaller (D) lesser (C) where (D) what 3. The city C I grew up is an exciting place. (A) which (B) that 4. Our company C founded in 1863 by James Warburton. (A) has (B) is (C) was (D) had 5. Susan likes going hiking and so A her husband. (A) does (B) do (C) is (D) are 6. I D to use my cell phone for the duration of the flight. (A) couldn’t (B) didn’t (C) mustn’t (D) wasn’t able 7. Her uncle was neither kind C generous, but he was a very clever man. (A) and (B) or (C) nor (D) not 8. B Jean was at the hairdresser’s, I talked with her brother. (A) During (B) While (C) For (D) Meanwhile 9. This product costs D price to make as ours, but it is more expensive to buy. (A) as much (B) as large (C) the low (D) the same 10. If I A millions of dollars, I could afford to retire. (A) won (B) would win (C) will win (D) want to win 11. The plane will be landing at Kansai International Airport B 10 minutes. (A) for (B) in (C) by (D) during 12. D you pay for this book, you cannot take it from the shop. (A) If (B) Please (C) When (D) Unless ■構文ノート: 5. 関係詞を含む構文 40. Jane goes to school with Wendy, who is also an English teacher. ジェーンはウェンディと一緒に学校へ行っていますが、彼女もまた英語の先生です。 <EXERCISES: 31> (1) ジムには娘が 2 人いて、彼女たちは銀行に勤めています。 Jim has two daughters, who work for banks. (2) 私はそのクイズ番組を見ましたが、それはおもしろかったです。 I watched the quiz show, which was funny. (3) Ms. Yamada, who teaches us math, will retire next year. 山田先生は私たちに数学を教えていますが、来年退職する予定です。 (4) I bought a mobile phone, which is equipped with a camera. 私は携帯電話を買いましたが、それにはカメラが付いています。 (5) 彼女はおじさんを訪ねましたが、彼は家にいませんでした。 She visited her uncle, who wasn’t at home. (6) ジェーンはスープを作りましたが、それはとてもいいにおいがしました。 Jane cooked soup, which smelled very good. <EXERCISES: 32> (1) ジムはその木に登ろうとしましたが、それはむずかしいとわかりました。 Jim tried to climb the tree, which he found difficult. (2) He said that he felt sick, which was a lie. 彼は気分が悪いと言いましたが、それは嘘でした。 (3) Yesterday I bought two books, one of which is very thick. 昨日私は本を 2 冊買いましたが、その内の 1 冊はとても厚いです。 (4) 私は黙ったままでしたが、そのことが彼女を怒らせました。 I remained silent, which made her angry. 41. We visited her house, where we had a Christmas party. 私たちは彼女の家に行って、そこでクリスマスパーティーをしました。 <EXERCISES: 33> (1) 私たちは横浜に行き、そしてそこで楽しいひとときを過ごしました。 We went to Yokohama, where we had a good time. (2) 父は 1945 年に生まれたが、その年に第二次世界大戦が終わった。 Father was born in 1945, when World War II ended. (3) I climbed Mt. Fuji, where I breathed fresh air. 私は富士山に登って、そこで新鮮な空気を吸いました。 (4) She first met her husband three years ago, when she was a college student. 彼女が夫と初めて会った 3 年前、彼女は大学生でした。 (5) 私はロンドンに行き、そこに 2 週間滞在しました。 I went to London, where I stayed for two weeks. (6) 昨晩彼が私の家に来ましたが、そのとき私は勉強をしていました。 He came to my house last night, when I was studying. 42. Jane bought the same present as Wendy did. ジェーンはウェンディが買ったのと同じプレゼントを買いました。 <EXERCISES: 34> (1) ジェーンは私が持っているのと同じかばんを持っています。 Jane has the same bag as I do. (2) あなたの役に立つような本を読みなさい。 Read such books as will help you. (3) This is the same mistake as you made before. これはあなたが以前したのと同じような失敗です。 (4) ウェンディはユミが買ったのと同じ自転車を買いました。 Wendy bought the same bicycle as Yumi did. 43. We had more food than we could eat. 私たちには食べきれないほどの(食べられるより多い)食べ物がありました。 <EXERCISES: 35> (1) 彼には使いきれないほどのお金があります。 He has more money than he can spend. (2) There were more people than I had expected. そこには私が予期していたよりも多くの人がいました。 (3) There is no rule but has some exceptions. 例外のないルールはありません。 (4) 必要以上に多くのものを買うべきではありません。 You shouldn’t buy more things than you need. 44. Wendy invited whoever wanted to come. 私たちには食べきれないほどの(食べられるより多い)食べ物がありました。 <EXERCISES: 36> (1) 私たちは学びたいと思っている人はだれでも歓迎します。 We’ll welcome whoever wants to learn. (2) あなたは好きなことを何でもしてよい。 You can do whatever you like. (3) おばあちゃんはぼくが会いに行くといつも喜びます。 Grandma is happy whenever I go to see her. (4) Whoever knows Jane likes her personality very much. ジェーンを知っている人は誰でも彼女の性格がとても好きです。 (5) You must take your passport with you whenever you travel abroad. 海外へ旅行する時はいつでもパスポートを携帯しなければなりません。 (6) この部屋は読書をする人ならだれにでも開放されています。 This room is open to whoever read books. (7) 彼が言ったことは何でも真実でした。 Whatever he said was true. (8) 私の兄は自分が行きたいところならどこへでも行こうとします。 My brother tried to go wherever he wants to. ■構文ノート: 6. 否定構文 45. (1) Not all of us went to the Sapporo Snow Festival. 私たちみんなが札幌雪まつりに行ったわけではありませんでした。 (2) Wendy was not always interested in Japanese festivals. ウェンディは必ずしも日本のお祭りに興味があるというわけではありませんでした。 <EXERCISES: 37> (1) 私たちみんながキャンプに行ったわけではありません。 Not all of us went camping. (2) ジェーンはいつも早起きするとは限りません。 Jane doesn’t always get up early. (3) 私たちは誰もその真実を知りませんでした。 None of us knew the fact. (4) Wendy doesn’t like all the pictures by Picasso. ウェンディはピカソの絵が好きとは限りません。 ⇔ Wendy doesn’t like any pictures by Picasso. (5) Not everybody in our team can become a regular player. 私たちのチームの全員がレギュラー選手になれるわけではありません。 (6) すべての鳥が飛べるわけではありません。 Not all birds can fly. (7) お金持ちが必ずしも幸福だというわけではありません。 The rich aren’t always happy. <EXERCISES: 38> (1) 私は彼の両親の 2 人ともに会ったことがあるわけではありません。 I haven’t met both of his parents. (2) Both of the brothers are not good at swimming. その兄弟は両方とも泳ぐのが得意だとは限りません。 ⇔ Neither of the brothers is good at swimming. (3) I don’t quite believe in the existence of ghosts. 私は幽霊の存在を全く信じているわけではありません。 (4) 私は彼女の CD を両方とも持っているわけではありません。 I don’t have both of her CDs. 46. The festival was far from (being) dull. そのお祭りは決してつまらないものではありませんでした。 <EXERCISES: 39> (1) その結末は決して幸福なものではありませんでした。 The ending was far from happy. (2) 彼女は決して怠け者ではありません。 She is anything but a lazy person. (3) The final exam was anything but easy. 期末試験は決して簡単ではありませんでした。 → The final exam was anything but easy. → The final exam wasn’t easy at all. (4) あの橋は決して安全ではありません。 That bridge is far from safe. 47. Jane never sees snow without remembering her childhood. ジェーンは雪を見ると必ず子どものころを思い出します。 48. She never failed to talk about Sapporo in her classes. 彼女は授業で必ず札幌のことを話題にしました。 <EXERCISES: 40> (1) 彼女はそのテレビドラマを見ると必ず笑います。 She never watches the TV drama without laughing. (2) 出かける前に必ず宿題を終えなさい。 Don’t fail to finish your assignment before you go out. (3) They never meet without talking about the past. 彼らは会うと必ず昔の話をします。 → Whenever they meet, they talk about the past. (4) Jane never fails to call her mother once a week. ジェーンは週に一度必ず母親に電話をします。 (5) Wendy failed to get a ticket for the concert. ウェンディはそのコンサートのチケットを手に入れ損ねました。 (6) 私はこの写真を見ると必ずトムを思い出します。 I never see this photo without thinking of Tom. (7) 毎週日曜日にジェーンは必ず教会に行きます。 Jane never fails to go to church on Sundays. 49. We cannot be too careful when we walk on snow. 雪の上を歩くときは、いくら注意してもしすぎることはありません。 <EXERCISES: 41> (1) 彼女と話す時は、いくら礼儀正しくしてもしすぎることはありません。 You cannot be too polite when you talk with her. (2) We cannot emphasize enough that time is money. 「時は金なり」という言葉は、いくら強調してもしすぎることはありません。 (3) He rescued the girl from drowning. We cannot praise his courage too much. 彼はおぼれていた女の子を助けました。私たちは彼の勇気を賞賛してもしきれません。 (4) 運転する時は、いくら注意してもしすぎることはありません。 You cannot be too careful when you drive. 50. Jane would be the last person to forget about the festival. ジェーンは決してそのお祭りのことを忘れるような人ではありません。 <EXERCISES: 42> (1) ユミは決してたやすく腹を立てるような人ではありません。 Yumi would be the last person to get angry easily. (2) He would be the last man to speak ill of others. 彼は決して他人の悪口を言うような人ではありません。 → He never speaks ill of others. (3) She was the last person that I had expected to see there. 私はそこで彼女に会うとは予想もしていませんでした。 (4) ケンは決して約束を破るような人ではありません。 Ken would be the last person to break his promise. ■構文ノート: 7. 助動詞を含む構文 51. We had better begin to prepare for the exam. 私たちは試験勉強を始めた方がよい。 52. I would rather study than play today. 今日は遊ぶよりもむしろ勉強をしたい。 <EXERCISES: 43> (1) あなたはすぐに出発した方がよい。 You had better start at once. (2) 私たちはそのことを彼に言わない方がよい。 We had better not tell it to him. (3) 私はハイキングに行くよりもむしろ昼寝がしたい。 I would rather take a nap than go hiking. (4) You had better apologize to Jane for breaking her cup. あなたはコップを割ったので、ジェーンに謝った方がいいですよ。 (5) I would rather watch the movie on TV tonight. 私はむしろ今夜テレビで映画を見たい。 (6) 子供たちはもう家に帰った方がよい。 The children had better go home now. (7) 私は泳ぐよりもむしろサッカーがしたい。 I’d rather play soccer than swim. 53. Ken may well be glad about the result of the exam. ケンが試験の結果に喜ぶのももっともだ。 <EXERCISES: 44> (1) 彼が驚くのももっともだ。 He may well be surprised. (2) You may well be proud of your daughter. あなたが娘さんを誇りに思うのももっともです。 (3) It may well snow even in Shikoku region tomorrow morning. 明日の朝、四国地方でさえ たぶん雪が降るでしょう。 (4) 観客がその劇に感動するのももっともだ。 The audience may well be moved by the play. 54. He must have studied English hard. 彼は英語を一生懸命勉強したに違いない。 55. I should have gone over Jane’s lessons. 私はジェーンの授業を復習しておくべきだったのに(しなかった) 。 <EXERCISES: 45> (1) 彼女は道に迷ったに違いない。 She must have lost her way. (2) 私は数学をもっと一生懸命に勉強しておくべきだったのに。 I should have studied math harder. (3) You can’t have seen him yesterday. He’s been in Paris. あなたは昨日彼にあったはずがありません。彼はずっとパリにいます。 (4) You ought to have brought your umbrella today. あなたは今日傘を持ってくるべきでした。 (5) ジェーンはもう学校を出たかもしれない。 Jane may have left already. (6) あなたは私の忠告に従うべきだったのに。 You should have followed my advice.
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