
Lesson 1
1 構文演習(Ⅰ)
2 英作文演習(Ⅰ)
3 文法語法演習(Ⅰ)
Lesson 2
1 構文演習(Ⅱ)
2 英作文演習(Ⅱ)
3 文法語法演習(Ⅱ)
Lesson 3
1 構文演習(Ⅲ)
2 英作文演習(Ⅲ)
3 文法語法演習(Ⅲ)
Lesson 4
1 長文読解演習(Ⅰ)
2 英作文演習(Ⅳ)
3 文法語法演習(Ⅳ)
Lesson 5
1 長文読解演習(Ⅱ)
2 英作文演習(Ⅴ)
3 文法語法演習(Ⅴ)
Supplemental Material
Part A Digging Deeper into Sentence Structures
Part B Composition
Part C
Sentence Structures の大意
Part D
1 構文演習(Ⅰ)
Conversely, although friendship is for the most part a far less strong tie than the
connection to family, you may feel less close to members of your family in terms of
friendship than others with whom you have no biological or legal bond.
Meg was sitting close to the doctor.
Rachel was sitting close to the doctor.
Meg was sitting closer to the doctor than Rachel was.
Meg was sitting closer to the doctor than Rachel.
The doctor was sitting close to Meg.
The doctor was sitting close to Rachel.
The doctor was sitting closer to Meg than to Rachel.
The doctor was sitting closer to Meg than Rachel.
less strong … than ~
ほど強くない; より弱い
far less real than ~
far less popular
far less strong … than ~
for the most part : ほとんどの場合
feel close to … :
in terms of … :
に関して, の観点から
biological or legal bond with … :
2 英作文演習(Ⅰ)
(1) 祖母はわたしたちのためにケーキを 4 つに切り分けた。
My grandmother (
) for us.
(2) 彼女はこのホテルに 5 時までに到着することになっていた。
She was (
) 5 p.m.
Translate the Japanese prompts in this dialogue into natural English. You MUST use ALL the
English words provided after each Japanese prompt, in the form and order they appear.
A: You look terrible.
1(徹夜でレポート作成をしていました:up / all / working / my paper). 2(もっと早く書きはじめて
さえいたら:only / I / begun / writing), I wouldn’t be in such a state.
A: Are you going to be able to take today’s test?
B: Just 3(コーヒー1杯飲ませてください:have / a / cup). Then I’ll be fine.
(C )
3 文法語法演習(Ⅰ)
1.∼14.の空欄に入れるのに最も適当なものを,それぞれ下の A∼D の中から 1 つ選び,その記号を解
1. The train bound (
) Pelham arrives at 1:23.
A by
B for
C in
2. He hasn’t been back to work (
A because
D with
) his accident.
B by
C since
D until
3. Carl is over 50 years old now, but he tries to dress like a teenager. Those clothes (
A aren’t suitable
B don’t suit
) him.
C mismatch
D not appropriate
4. The soccer match is really exciting, but I know that I (
) to turn off the TV and do my
A had better
B mightn’t
5. I’ve lived in Japan all of my life. I (
C ought
D should
) been abroad.
A hasn’t never B didn’t never C have ever D haven’t ever
6. I usually stop at the convenience store (
A for
B in coming
7. In order to prepare for the essay, I’ll need to (
A borrow
8. His colleagues, (
B invest
C on my way
D to
) a number of books from the library.
C lend
D rent
) at the news of his resignation, could not utter a word.
A delight
B shocked
9. You couldn’t imagine how (
A badly
A a commencement
C surprising
D perplexing
) James’s Japanese was thirty years ago.
B fluently
10. I just remembered that I had (
D present
) home from work.
C poor
D well
) at the dentist this afternoon.
B an appointment
C attendance
11. This question may need significant (
), as many of us think it is too easy for our
A rewriter
B revised
C revision
12. An exceptionally attractive lady came up to me and (
D to rewrite
) if I wanted to dine with her
A asked
13. I (
B invited
C said
D suggested
) to this examination room much earlier except that my train was delayed by that
A could come
B had been unable to come
C would come
D would have come
14. It will be a long time (
) she can write as efficiently as her classmates. She has got a lot of
catching up to do.
A ago
B before
C by
D whether