2015年度 高 総合学力テスト・11月 80分/ 100点満点 模擬試験の問題および解答解説は著作物です。著作権法で許容される範囲を超えて,それらの掲載内容 を無断でコピーするなどの行為は違法であり,これを固く禁じます。 受験上の注意 1.試験開始の合図があるまで,この問題冊子の中を見てはいけません。 2.解答用紙は,この冊子の間にはさんであります。 3.大問構成は下表のとおりです。選択問題は,学校から指示がある場合は,それに従ってい ずれか1題を選択し,解答してください。2題を解答してはいけません。 選択問題 英 語 リスニング問題 (6題解答) 会話表現問題 ※いずれか1題を選択 必答問題 ・ ・ ・ ・ 4.解答用紙には,学校名・受験番号・名前・フリガナを必ず記入してください。 5.解答は,必ず解答用紙の所定の解答欄の枠内に収まるように記入してください。 6.字数制限のあるものは,原則として句読点も一字に数えます(指示のあるものは除く) 。 受験番号 51120530 名前 *この冊子は再生紙を使用しています。 英 語 問 題 (80分) 【注意】次の1は選択問題である。 1:リスニング問題 2題から1題を選んで解答 2:会話表現問題 【選択問題】 1 放送を聞いて,次の Part 1 ∼ Part 3 の問題に答えよ。なお,すべての問題でメモをとっ てもかまわない。 (配点 18) Part 1 次に放送される二人の人物による会話(No. 1∼ No. 4)を聞いて,それに関する質問 の答えとして最も適当なものを,それぞれ下のア∼エのうちから一つずつ選び,記号で答 えよ。なお,No. 1・No. 2では,会話とそれに関する質問は一回ずつ読まれる。一回し か読まれないので,注意して聞くこと。No. 3・No. 4では,会話とそれに関する質問は 二回ずつ読まれる。 No. 1・No. 2では,会話とそれに関する質問が一回ずつ読まれる。 No. 1 ア At a school cultural festival. イ At a school entrance exam. ウ At a school graduation ceremony. エ At a school sports day. No. 2 ア Biology. イ Geography. ウ History. エ Math. − − 2 No. 3・No. 4では会話とそれに関する質問が二回ずつ読まれる。 No. 3 ア July 13th. イ July 30th. ウ September 13th. エ September 30th. No. 4 ア Continue listening to the CD. イ Go to pick her sister up. ウ Take a rest. エ Start to cook dinner. − − 3 Part 2 次に放送される二人の人物による会話を聞いて,それに関する質問(Question No. 1, No. 2)の答えとして最も適当なものを,それぞれ下のア∼エのうちから一つずつ選び, 記号で答えよ。なお,会話とそれに関する質問は二回ずつ読まれる。 Question No. 1 ア By airplane. イ By bus. ウ By car. エ By train. Question No. 2 ア The woman has an important meeting after the trip. イ The woman has driven to visit the man’s parents before. ウ The couple visited the man’s parents last winter vacation. エ The couple will return from visiting the man’s parents separately. Part 3 次に放送される英文を聞いて,それに関する質問(Question No. 1,No. 2)に答えよ。 Question No. 1に関しては,質問の答えとして最も適当なものを,下のア∼エのうちか ら一つ選び,記号で答えよ。Question No. 2に関しては,質問に関する答えを日本語で 答えよ。なお,英文は二回読まれる。 Question No. 1 According to the passage, what has happened to languages over time ? ア They have changed. イ They have increased in number. ウ They have become international. エ They have remained the same. Question No. 2 もし言語がなくなると,例えば私たちは何を失うと述べられているか, 日本語で具体的に説明せよ。 − − 4 問題は次のページに続く。 − − 5 【注意】次の2は選択問題である。 1:リスニング問題 2題から1題を選んで解答 2:会話表現問題 【選択問題】 次の A・B の問いに答えよ。 (配点 18) 2 A 次の1∼4の会話文中の空所に入れるのに最も適当なものを,それぞれ下のア∼エのう ちから一つずつ選び,記号で答えよ。 1 Man : Hello. May I talk to Mary Lee ? Woman: I’m afraid she’s in a meeting right now. ( ) Man : No, I’ll call back later. Thanks, anyway. Woman: You’re welcome. ア May I call you now ? イ May I take a message ? ウ Would you call her back ? エ Would you like to return ? 2 Nancy: Shall we play tennis this weekend ? Jason : Well, I don’t know ... . Nancy: Come on. Let’s play tennis ! Jason : OK. ( ) ア I believe it. イ I’ll stay home. ウ You trust me. エ You win. − − 6 3 Daughter: Mom’s angry again. I hate her. Father : How dare you talk like that ! ( ) Daughter: Sorry. OK, I will. ア Do it now. イ Never give up. ウ Speak your mother tongue. エ Watch your mouth. 4 Ben : Would you like some more tea ? Amy: No, thanks. Ben : Are you sure ? Amy:( ) ア Say when. イ Sure, give me two cups, please. ウ Well, then, just a half cup, please. エ Yes. I’m sure you are. − − 7 B 次の会話文を読んで,あとの問い(問1,問2)に答えよ。 ( At the dinner table at Toshi’s house ) Rachel: You are a very good cook, Toshi. Everything is so good. Thanks a lot. Toshi :( 1 ) Why aren’t you eating the meat, by the way ? You don’t like meat ? Rachel: Well ..., as a matter of fact, I’m a vegetarian. I just don’t like animals being killed for us. Toshi : Oh, no. ( 2 ) I should have asked you in advance. Rachel: But I eat eggs, though. Toshi : Really ? I thought you said you were a vegetarian ! Rachel: Actually, there are several kinds of vegetarians. ( 3 ) Toshi : No, I didn’t. Several kinds ? I’m curious. Rachel: OK. Let me explain some of them to you. The first group is called vegans. They never eat meat or eggs, drink milk or even use wool or animal leather. They don’t want to kill or cause pain to animals to give humans comfort. Toshi : Wow ! They don’t even use wool or leather ? Rachel: No. They would never wear a wool sweater or a leather jacket. Toshi : Really ? I’m very surprised ! What is the next kind ? Rachel: The second is lacto-vegetarians. They don’t eat meat, but they drink milk and eat cheese. Toshi : I didn’t know there were such people ! ( 4 ) Rachel: Sure. I’ll be happy to do that. Another group is lacto-ovo-vegetarians. They don’t eat meat, but they drink milk and eat cheese and eggs. Fundamentally, they are very loving and caring people who don’t want to cause animals any pain. Toshi : So, you are a lacto-ovo-vegetarian, right ? Rachel: Right. And actually, there are a lot more groups, depending on more detailed definitions, but these three may be well-known even among most people in the US. Toshi : ( 5 ) They have their own ways of living, right ? I think they are great. Rachel: A ? Toshi : No. I don’t think I could give up meat. But since I really admire vegetarians’ − − 8 loving care to animals, I’ll find out what I can do for them ! For example, I would like to help animals in bad situations such as unwanted dogs or cats. Rachel: That’s the spirit ! Toshi : Thanks a lot for telling me new things, Rachel. Rachel: Thank you for the wonderful meal, Toshi ! 問1 会話文中の空所( 1 )∼( 5 )に入れるのに最も適当なものを,それぞれ次の ア∼クのうちから一つずつ選び,記号で答えよ。ただし,同じ記号を二度以上用いてはな らない。 ア After you. イ Can you tell me more ? ウ Didn’t you know that ? エ How would you like it ? オ I think I’ve got it. カ My pleasure. キ So do I. ク Sorry about that. 問2 会話の流れに合うように,会話文中の空所 A に入れるのに適当な表現を,5∼8語 の英語で補い,英文を完成せよ。ただし,必ず vegetarian という語を用いて答えること。 − − 9 【注意】以下はすべて必答問題である。 3・4・5・6・7 5題ともすべて解答 【必答問題】 3 次の A・B の問いに答えよ。 (配点 4) A 次の1,2の各組で,左端の単語と下線部の発音が同じものを,それぞれ下のア∼エの うちから一つずつ選び,記号で答えよ。 1 mean ア dead イ pleasant ウ threat エ treat 2 cough ア enough イ ghost ウ neighbor エ through B 次の1,2の各組で,最も強いアクセント(第一強勢)のある位置が他の三つと異なる ものを,それぞれ下のア∼エのうちから一つずつ選び,記号で答えよ。 1 ア as-pect イ de-gree ウ suc-cess エ u-nique 2 ア bar-ri-er イ ed-i-tor ウ in-dus-try エ mu-si-cian − − 10 【必答問題】 4 次の A・B の問いに答えよ。 (配点 10) A 次の1∼6の英文の空所に入れるのに最も適当なものを,それぞれ下のア∼エのうちか ら一つずつ選び,記号で答えよ。 1 A: ( ) was the weather like on your vacation ? B:Oh, it was nice and cool. I had a good time. ア How イ What ウ When エ Why 2 We would often talk( )a glass of wine or two. ア at イ by ウ on エ over 3 Any book will( )as long as the story is enjoyable. ア come イ do ウ go エ make 4 Please remain seated until the red sign in front of you( ). ア is turned off イ turn off ウ will be turned off エ will turn off 5 I wonder who left the bath water( ). ア run イ running ウ runny エ to run 6 A:His English is just amazing ! B:Yes. He is( )to none in English in his school. ア better イ first ウ quick − − 11 エ second B 次の英文の空所( 1 )∼( 4 )に入れるのに最も適当なものを,それぞれ下の ア∼エのうちから一つずつ選び,記号で答えよ。 Every person has good and bad character traits. My good trait is ambition. Once I make up my( 1 )to do something, I will try to do anything to meet my goal. The amount of energy or time needed to accomplish it doesn t( 2 ) . This is( 3 ) helps me to tackle anything tough and demanding. I like to be busy all day and have lots of things to do. I don t like sitting at home all day( 4 ). 1 ア brain イ emotion ウ heart エ mind 2 ア care イ happen ウ matter エ stop 3 ア how イ that ウ what エ which 4 ア doing many things イ doing nothing ウ with doing many things エ with doing nothing − − 12 問題は次のページに続く。 − − 13 【必答問題】 5 次の英文は,病院での筆者と息子の様子と,筆者自身の幼少期の出来事について書かれた ものである。英文を読んであとの問いに答えよ。(配点 21) The doctor came looking for me at five in the morning. I was in the empty cafeteria, with a cup of tea that had gone cold hours before. I stood up as she came towards me, waiting for her to speak. “Congratulations,” she said. “Your son has a very hard head.” “He’s going to be okay ?” “He’ll have a severe headache for a few weeks, and a scar for life. But, yes, he’s going to be okay.” I took her hands and held them a bit too long. “Thank you.” “That’s why we’re here,” she smiled. I could see that I was embarrassing her, but I couldn’t help it. Finally I let go. “Can I see him ?” Pat was at the far end of a separate room full of children. He was on *a saline drip, his face as white as his pillow, his head wrapped in bandages. I sat on his bed, stroking his free arm, and his eyes opened. “You angry with me ?” he asked, and I shook my head, afraid to speak. He closed his eyes, and suddenly I knew that I could do this thing. I could see that ⑴ my performance so far had been pretty poor. I hadn’t been watching Pat closely enough in the park. That was undeniable. But I could do this thing. All families have their own legends. In our little family, we always tell the story of when I was five years old. I was playing with a neighbor’s dog behind the row of shops where we had our apartment. The dog was licking my face and I was loving it until he put his front legs on my chest to balance himself and pushed me over. I landed flat on my mouth, blood and teeth everywhere, my mother screaming. I can just about remember the rush to hospital and being held over a white enamel sink − − 14 as they took out bits of broken teeth, my blood dripping all over the sink. But most of all I remember my dad insisting that he was staying with me as they put me to sleep. When the story was retold in our family, the *punch line was what I did when I came home from the hospital with my broken mouth ― namely, I filled it with a bag of salt and vinegar potato chips. That ending appealed to my dad, the idea that his son came back from the hospital with eight bloody holes where his front teeth used to be and was so tough that he immediately opened a bag of potato chips. But in reality I wasn’t tough at all. I just liked salt and vinegar potato chips even if I had to eat them slowly. I knew now that ⑵ my dad wasn’t quite as tough as he wanted to be, because nobody feels tough when they take their child to a hospital. The real punch line to that story was that he had refused to leave my side. Now I could understand how he must have felt watching his five-year-old son being put to sleep so that the doctors could remove bits of broken teeth from his *gums and tongue. He would have had that feeling of helpless terror that only the parent of a sick or injured child can understand. ⑶ I knew exactly how he must have felt. 注) *a saline drip 生理的食塩水の点滴 *punch line (話の)落ち,聞かせ所 *gum 歯茎 問1 次の Question に対する Answer となるように,空所に入れるのに最も適当なものを, 次のア∼エのうちから一つ選び,記号で答えよ。 Question : Why did the author hold the doctor s hands for a while ? Answer : Because he was( ). ア greeting her イ sorry for her ウ thanking her エ worried about her − − 15 問2 筆者が下線部⑴のように思った理由として最も適当なものを,次のア∼エのうちから一 つ選び,記号で答えよ。 ア He didn t let his son play freely in the park. イ He didn t take care of his son in the hospital. ウ He scolded his son for his rudeness. エ He took his eyes off his son while in the park. 問3 幼い頃の筆者が病院から帰宅した後に取った行動に対する,筆者の父親の思い違いにつ いて,次のようにまとめたい。以下の英文の空所①,②に入れるのに最も適当な内容を, 空所①については本文中から単語1語を抜き出し,空所②については3∼5語の英語を補 い,文を完成せよ。 When the author ate potato chips, the author s father thought his son was ( ① ) , but, in fact, the author ate potato chips just because( ② ) . 問4 下線部⑵を筆者が知るようになったのは,筆者の父親の,当時のどのような様子からか。 20 字程度の日本語で答えよ。ただし,句読点も字数に数える。 問5 下線部⑶の理由を,日本語で説明せよ。 問6 本文の内容と一致するものを次のア∼エから一つ選び,記号で答えよ。 ア The author refused to see Pat at first. イ When the author went to see Pat, the author was angry at him. ウ Pat s accident made the author recall his own childhood accident. エ The author was bitten by the neighbor s dog because it was angry with him. − − 16 問題は次のページに続く。 − − 17 【必答問題】 6 次の生態系における生物の個体数に関する英文を読んで,あとの問いに答えよ。 (配点 23) A population that breeds without limits will grow rapidly. That is, the population will grow( 1 )in each generation ― two children will produce four grandchildren, eight great-grandchildren, and so on. Without limits, it is estimated that a pair of rats could increase to twenty million rats in three years. It is a good thing that in the real world there are always limits. Earth will never be covered with mice, spiders, or mushrooms, because each will eventually run up against challenges to its basic needs that will limit its population. When a population grows until it gets as large as its environment can *accommodate, that environment is said to have reached its carrying capacity. Carrying capacity is the number of individuals that the local resources can support. A population that uses up its resources faster than they can be replaced naturally is heading for trouble with the carrying capacity of its environment. For instance, yeast introduced into a cup of grape juice will initially grow and breed wildly. The yeast, however, will eventually consume most of the sugar. Alcohol and carbon dioxide levels will then rise dramatically, creating conditions that no longer allow the yeast to grow. All the yeast in the cup will then die. Individuals in a population that has gone beyond the carrying capacity of its environment may have poor health and suffer from poor nutrition because of the crowded living conditions. When this happens, the weakest individuals may die, or the population as a whole may become weaker due to further environmental stress or disease. Sometimes a large number of individuals in a population die as a result of overshooting the carrying capacity of their environment. This is known as a die-off. Certain animals and plants have a built-in sense of carrying capacity, so that instead of overshooting and having a die-off, they remain within the limits of their environment’s ability to support them. *Lake trout, for instance, stop breeding as *prolifically when the population density increases too dramatically. Although this is the result of individual responses to chemical signals from other trout rather than a thought-out response on the part of the trout, the result is that population numbers may remain steady − − 18 for extended periods. The trout will produce more eggs and the young trout will grow faster when populations are threatened, such as when aggressive fishing takes place. When space and food run out, such as when a lot of fish are living together in a small pond, the trout remain smaller and breed more slowly. Experiments have shown that no matter what number of lake trout a pond is filled ⑵ with in the beginning, the population will increase until it reaches a particular density, then remain at about the same number. Technological advances in agriculture, called the Green Revolution, extended the Earth’s carrying capacity for humans. In Asia, new breeds of rice produced larger amounts of grain per *acre using the same *nutrients, so that( 3 ). 注) *accommodate ∼を収容できる *lake trout レイクトラウト(サケ科の魚,マスの一種) *prolifically 多産に *acre エーカー(面積の単位) *nutrient 栄養素 問1 本文中の空所( 1 )に入れるのに最も適当なものを,次のア∼エのうちから一つ選 び,記号で答えよ。 ア faster and faster イ less and less ウ more and more slowly エ older and older 問2 第2パラグラフ( It is a good thing ∼ )について,次の英文中の空所①,②に入れる のに適当な内容を,それぞれ英語1語で補え。 Certain animals and plants will never( ① )the earth because they will meet with the( ② )that are always present in the real world. − − 19 問3 第3パラグラフ( A population that uses up ∼ )中のイースト菌を用いた実験の内容 について,英文を出来事の順に並べたとき,空所①∼③に入れるのに最も適当なものを, 下のア∼ウのうちからそれぞれ一つずつ選び,記号で答えよ。ただし,同じ記号を二度以 上用いてはならない。 Procedure:Put yeast into a cup which is filled with grape juice. ↓ ( ① ) ↓ ( ② ) ↓ ( ③ ) ア Alcohol and carbon dioxide will increase in the cup. イ The yeast will grow and consume the sugar. ウ The yeast won t be able to grow and survive. 問4 次の Question に対する Answer となるように,空所に入れるのに適当な内容を英語で 補え。 Question : What two things will happen to lake trout if aggressive fishing occurs in their pond ? Answer : The lake trout will( ). 問5 下線部⑵が示す実験の結果について次のようにまとめたい。空所に日本語を補い,文を 完成せよ。 ある池に ことを実験が示している。 − − 20 問6 本文中の空所( 3 )に入れるのに最も適当なものを,次のア∼エのうちから一つ選 び,記号で答えよ。 ア the same rice field could not support as many people as before イ the same rice field could support greater numbers of people than before ウ the same rice field needed more and more workers than before エ the same rice field produced a smaller amount of grain than before 問7 本文の内容をまとめた次の英文の空所①∼③に入れるのに最も適当なものを,それぞれ 次のア∼ウのうちから一つずつ選び,記号で答えよ。ただし,同じ記号を二度以上用いて はならない。 If a population grows and overshoots the( ① )of the environment, the weakest individuals may die or sometimes a large number of individuals may die. To prevent such a( ② ) , certain animals and plants have a( ③ )of how many of them can live in their environment. ア built-in sense イ carrying capacity ウ die-off − − 21 【必答問題】 7 次の A ∼ C の問いに答えよ。 (配点 24) A 次の1∼3の英文が自然な文になるように, ( )内の語(句)を並べかえて,英文 を完成せよ。ただし,文頭にくる語も小文字にしてある。 1 A:Before you leave,( are / all the doors / make / locked / that / sure ). B:No problem. I will. 2 A:Don t you think this meeting is too long ? I m sick of it. B:Yes. ( be / continues / question / same / the / to )asked. 3 A:Jerry always helps people in need anytime and anywhere. B:Yes, he does. ( cannot / him / like / respect / someone / too / we ) much. B 次の日本文中の下線部⑴・⑵を英語になおせ。 ついこの間,私の携帯電話が行方不明になった。 なくなって初めて,どれほど自分が ⑴ それを必要としていたかわかった。使いこなしていると思っていたが, 驚いたことに, ⑵ 自分が支配されていたのだ。便利なものに依存しすぎないよう,改めなければいけない。 − − 22 C 次のグラフは,Mr. Kent(ケント先生)が「朝食が健康状態と学力に及ぼす影響」につ いて,クラスの生徒 30 人にアンケートを採った結果を示したもので,下の英文は,Mr. Kent によるその説明である。英文中の空所に 20 語程度の英語を補い,英文を完成せよ。 Graph 1: Health and Breakfast Eat breakfast every day Feel well. Don’t feel well. Skip breakfast more than 3 days a week 0% 100% Graph 2: Average Test Scores and Breakfast Eat breakfast every day Average test score Skip breakfast more than 3 days a week 0 100 Mr. Kent : Look at the graphs above comparing two types of students. As you can see, . Therefore, to improve your health and performance at school, I suggest you eat breakfast every day. − − 23 無断転載・無断使用をお断りいたします。 ©Benesse Corporation 2015 Printed in Japan 2015年度11月実施 高2学力テスト 英 語 解 答 用 紙 (80分) 《ここから上には解答を記入しないでください。採点の対象となりません。 》 英語 【選択問題】1・2のうちから1題を解答せよ。 1 Part 1 No. 1 No. 2 Part 2 No. 1 No. 2 Part 3 No. 4 No. 1 No. 2 18点 2 No. 3 A 1 B 2 問1 1 3 4 2 3 4 5 )? 問2( 18点 【以下はすべて必答問題】3∼7は5題ともすべて解答せよ。 3 4点 4 10点 A 1 2 B 1 2 A 1 2 3 4 B 1 2 3 4 6 問2 問1 5 5 問3 ① 問4 問5 問6 ② 10 20 25 21点 問1 6 問2 ① 問3 問4 ② ① ② ③ The lake trout will( ). 問5 問7 問6 23点 7 ① ② ③ 1 Before you leave,( . ) A 2( )asked. 3( )much. B ⑴ ⑵ C 内容点 As you can see,( ). 24点 《ここから下には解答を記入しないでください。採点の対象となりません。》 高校 2 年 受 験 番 号 フリガナ 英語 組 クラス番号 名前 出席番号 ※すべての記入は鉛筆等を用いて必ず黒色を使用してください。受験番号は受験カードと同じ番号を記入してください。 フリガナは姓と名の間を1マスあけて記入してください( , は1マス分とること) 。 英 語
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