
☆ 接 続 詞 、 関 係 詞 の 違 い
接 続 詞 は 名 詞 、 副 詞 の 働 き を す る も の 、 関 係 詞 は 形 容 詞 の 働 き を す る も の である。
①接続詞…後ろは完全文 全体で名詞 or 副詞
・ 等位接続詞→and ,or,but,so など。 前後で同じ形の反復が起こる
※ 等位接続詞の連語
both A and B
either A or B
not (only)A but (also) B
neither A nor B
・従属接続詞→全体で副詞にしかならない because,while,since,though,as…
※名詞にも副詞にもなるもの→that,if,wherther のみ
②(関係詞)…後ろは不完全文 全体で形容詞
③[間接疑問文]…後ろは肯定文の語順 全体で名詞
あくまで 「疑問詞~」 で名詞としてはたらくだけ。
Do you know [who plays tennis well]?
Do you think where she lives?→×
Yes,No で返答できない場合は Do で聞くことはできない→where を前に出す
→Where do you think she lives?
1 He wanted to buy a new car.
2 In Japan people have a tendency to buy a new car.
3 He worked very hard to buy a car.
4 Walking in the park is a good relaxation.
5 People in the park ,he came across his old friend.
6 Walking in the park ,he came across his old friend.
7 Where he has found the book is a mystery.
8 This is the library where he has found the book.
9 He has to put the book back where he has found it.
10 The discovery made by those scientists has changed our whole view of the world.
11 Having a wealth does not always mean being happy.
12 To make the plan carried out he did everything in his power.
13 To help those who are in trouble is a good thing to do.
14 What has made his father anxious is that he always needs some money.
確認問題 解答
1 He wanted [to buy a new car].
2 In Japan people have a tendency (to buy a new car).
3 He worked very hard <to buy a car>.
4 [Walking in the park] is a good relaxation.
5 People (walking the park) feel comfortable..
6 <Walking in the park> ,he came across his old friend.
7 [Where he has found the book] is a mystery.
8 This is the library (where he has found the book).
9 He has to put the book back <where he has found it>.
10 The discovery (made by those scientists) has changed our whole view of the world.
11 [Having a wealth] does not always mean [being happy].
12 <To make the plan carried out> he did everything in his power.
13 [To help those who are in trouble] is a good thing (to do).
14 [What has made his father anxious ]is [that he always needs some money].
☆ 接 続 詞 、 関 係 詞 that の 用 法
①that 後ろが完 全 な 文 (文の要素が全て揃っている文)→接 続 詞
so~that 構文などが有名
②that 後ろが不 完 全 な 文 →関 係 代 名 詞
形容詞節であり、前の名詞の説明を与える(that 以下の不完全な部分に前の名詞を入れる
問1) 次の文章を和訳してみよう。また that の働きを考えよう。
① He said in the interview by a reporter that he had an alibi.
② He made a answer in the interview that was held in his office.
③ The fact that he is tired is shown in his weary appearance.
④ The fact that was revealed by the police was really shocking.
⑤ They believed so firmly in their god that they get angry with any criticism against
⑥ I was surprised that he knew her name.
⑦ He said nothing so that he could keep himself calm.
☆ 関 係 代 名 詞 と 関 係 副 詞 ( which,that,what,where) の 違 い
★ 関 係 代 名 詞 ・・・which,that,what など。関 係 代 名 詞 以 下 が 不 完 全 な 文 章 になる。
そして前の名詞(先行詞)の説明を与える(関係代名詞 what は先行詞がないこれは the
thing + which= what となったためである)
※ 目 的 格 の 関 係 代 名 詞 は 省 略 可 能
( that )
( that )
( that )
( of which )
( that )
※ 先行詞が強調されている場合→関係代名詞は that
the +最上級、enery~、no~、Who ,〜thing など
★ 関 係 副 詞 ・・・where,when など。関 係 副 詞 以 下 は 完 全 な 文 章 がくる。
これは前 置 詞 + which= 関 係 副 詞 となったためである。先行詞の種類によって来る関係副
the reason「理由」
→the reason or why どちらか省略可
the way「方法」
→the way or how どちらか必ず省略
① This is the park (which/where)he often visited.
② This is the park (which/where)he often came.
③ I know (what/that) he said.
④ I know (what/that) he said so.
①He said in the interview by a reporter[ that he had an alibi].
②He made a answer in the interview (thatφ was held in his office).
③The fact <that he is tired> is shown in his weary appearance.
④The fact [thatφ was revealed by the police] was really shocking.
⑤They believed so firmly in their god <that they get angry with any criticism against
⑧ I was surprised <that he knew her name.>
⑨ He said nothing <so that he could keep himself calm>.
① 接続詞、名詞節
② 関係代名詞(the interview にかかる)
③ 接続詞、副詞節(同格)
④ 関係代名詞(The fact にかかる)
⑤ 接続詞、副詞節【程度(so~that 構文)】
⑥ 接続詞、副詞節(感情の原因)
⑦ 接続詞、副詞節(目的)
①This is the park( (which/where)he often visitedφ).
②This is the park ((which/where)he often came).
③I know [(what/that) he saidφ].
④I know [(what/that) he said so].
☆ い ろ い ろ な 接 続 詞 、 関 係 詞
C になる(様態)
☆ 1
so~that 構文などが有名
☆ 2
先行詞が who 節以下の主語なら who、目的語なら whom
☆ 3
if 節は目的語のみで主語にはならない
☆ 4
後ろが不完全→様態 ~のように
☆ 5
how=the way なら可能 意味は様態
問1) 次の文章を訳してみよう。また接続詞、関係詞の用法を指摘しよう
①Whether his daughter will succeed in school or not is his greatest concern.
②Whether his daughter will succeed in school or no, he will be happy to have her home.
③I believe that there is world of imagination which it is possible for everyone to enter.
④The passage from childhood to adulthood which seemed a natural process
is rather
painful now.
⑤There are many people who I know that are concerned about the increasing violence
in their society.
⑥As some psychologist point out ,the unhappy experience in one’s childhood has a
defective affect on his later life.
⑦Leave them as they are.
⑧Considering how they look, they may have failed in the exam.
⑨Please show me the way you make a folded paper crane.
⑩She talked to me the way a mother talks to her child.
☆ 疑 問 詞 + ever whatever
問2) 次の文章を和訳し用法を指摘しよう。
①You must not believe whatever he says about his failure.
②Whoever wants water can get some.
③Whoever comes to apologize, I don’t want to see him.
④You can take whichever you like.
⑤However busy you may be ,you can find time to relax.
☆ 関 係 詞 の 限 定 用 法 、 継 続 用 法
限 定 用 法 はいわゆる普通の関係詞で
他 に も 同 じ も の が あ る こ と を 前 提 に し て 説 明 で 限 定 している
継 続 用 法 は カ ン マ ( , ) + 関 係 詞 の 形 で表し、他 に も 同 じ も の が な い こ と を 前 提
問3) 適切な方を選ぼう
①He wrote his parents (, who/who) lived in Tokyo. ②He wrote his friend
(, who/who) lived in Tokyo. 7
①[Whether his daughter will succeed in school or not] is his greatest concern.
②<Whether his daughter will succeed in school or no>, he will be happy to have her
③I believe [that there is world of imagination( which it is possible for everyone to enter
④The passage from childhood to adulthood (whichφ seemed a natural process)
rather painful now.
⑤There are many people (who I know [that φ are concerned about the increasing
violence in their society]).
⑥<As some psychologist point out> ,the unhappy experience in one’s childhood has a
defective affect on his later life.
⑦Leave them (as they are). VOC
⑧<Considering [how they look]>, they may have failed in the exam.
⑨Please show me [the way you make a folded paper crane]. 間接疑問文
⑩She talked to me <the way a mother talks to her child>. 副詞節
① 名詞節
② 副詞節
③ 形容詞節(関係代名詞)
④ 形容詞節(関係代名詞)
⑤ 形容詞節(関係代名詞)
⑥ 副詞節(様態)
⑦ 形容詞節(C)
⑧ the way は 名 詞 節 で は how と 同 じ 意 味 、副 詞 節 で は 様 態 を 表 す 。形容詞節は存在
①You must not believe [whatever he says about his failure].
②[Whoever wants water] can get some.
③<Whoever comes to apologize>, I don’t want to see him.
④You can take [whichever you like].
⑤<However busy you may be> ,you can find time to relax.
①, who
It is natural that he is tired after the hard work.
The fact that was reveal by the police was really shocking.
Are you stupid
He has such many books (that/ as)he has to rent a room for them.
that you should tell me to do something?
1 They asked the astronaut if his experience in Spain had been an exciting one.
2 They will ask the astronaut if he comes back.
3 She was so moved by what he said that she burst into tears.
4 Which of the two teams will win the championship is our favorite subject in the bar.
5 He is stuck in a condition which ordinary people may consider a disaster.
6 He made use of what knowledge he had.
7 He was told to take a bus ,which advice he followed.
8(Whether/If)his statement is true become clear soon.
9 The reason for his failure was (that/why/because) he was sick at that time.
10 (What /As) is often case with young people, he is not punctual.
11 I gave him (what/which)money I had.
12 Galileo argued that the earth was round,(whose/which )assertion people considered
13 Galileo argued that the earth was round,(whose/which )movement was determined
by some physical law.
14 As the opera was coming to its climax, the audience got excited.
15 He admired his teacher as a believer in a religion worships his god.
16 You should be friends with such persons as will give you a new point of view.
17 He has told us how terrible what he saw in the war was.
18 He told us how he could escape being killed in the accident.
19 Do not touch my belonging .Leave them (which/as)they are.
20 Do you know (what/how)he is? ‘He is a teacher.
21 Do you know (what/how )he is ? ‘He is fine.’
22 He did (what /as) seems best to him.
23 He did it (what /as)seems best to him.
24 We discussed (how/the way)promising his plan was.
25 Judging from (what/the way)he said ,he has comprehend his task.
26 Judging from (what/the way)he looked ,he has recovered from his illness.
27 Whatever he says about his failure ,I cannot be tolerant of him.
28 You won’t be satisfied whichever you take.
29 I’ll deeply appreciate whatever help you can give me.
30 I won’t leave you wherever you may go.
31 I remember
my old days whenever I see this picture.
32 However you may pretend to be honest, I know you are a liar.
33 The primitive men admired( whoever/whomever/whatever)could keep calm in
dangerous as a real brave.
34 No matter (what/where)you may call at you have to behave yourself.
35 (No matter what/whatever)chance he has had is gone.
36 He wrote to his parents(,who/who)lived in Tokyo.
37 I’m planning to have a trip with my youngest daughter (,who/who/,that)you saw the
other day.
※ 継続用法 which ,where ,when 前の部分全体を示す
38 He was told to see a doctor ,(who/which)was found good advice.
39 Children will enjoy new games once they have learned them.
40 Once there lived an old woman in this house who served her husband.
41 The moment the traffic signal turned green ,the cars in the front row started in a
42 The moment for argument has already gone.
43 The governor announced Hong Kong would be returned to China very soon.
44 I am so busy I hardly ever have a chance to play tennis.
45 He has to pay for the service they have given him.
46 The effect the scientific progress has on our life is a great.
47 He made a remark the detective thought of as a confession of guilt.
48 In the situation I was then aware of everything seemed to be quite easy to solve.
49 Many people I know who have fled from poverty to affluence are often reluctant to
admit that they were born poor.
50 After a day of reflection there came the movement he decided to study abroad.
51 Tell me the subject you have (discussed /referred).
52 Who is the woman you were (talking/ talking to)?
53 He was annoyed by the noise the cars on the highway(made/get).
54 There is much the illegal waste disposal (has to do with/is done with)the destruction
of our natural environment.
55 This is a kind of behavior you should (help/do)in public.
help + 行動→避ける
56 In the age he (grew up/raised),a boy was unable to decide for himself what he
should do in life.
57 He is so honest as to do what he thinks is right.
58 He did what most people would think was a difficult .
59 He carried out what everyone else had thought it was impossible to do.
60 The man who I thought was wise doesn’t have made a silly mistake in time of a
61 It is a sad fact for a man who loves sports to look down on books.
62 You can have the goods you’ve bought at this shop shipped to your house.
63 Just as snow conceals everything dirty ,so a fine building conceals every evil people
often do in it.
64 Nobody has expected her to win a Nobel prize this year, Considering what she has
done for the world peace, however , it is not at all surprising.
65 I’ve really been busy in working in February .I’ve caught ,beside ,a bad cold which
people call flu.
66 He was rich in talent. He had no luck ,though.
67 Man is not the only animal to communicate with each other . Dolphin, for
example ,talk to one another using some signals.
68 It is absolutely true, she says ,that everybody has a different character.
69The man (who/whom)we thought is honest has turned out a liar.
70 The man (who/which)we thought to be honest has proved a liar.
1 I think him to be right (
) going out in such bad weather may lead to any kind of
disaster. ① owing to ② because of ③ in spite of ④ because
2 (
) our protest against the new law ,the government decided to make it into
① Though ② Even if ③ In spite of ④ However
3 This is the park (
) he would often visit.
① where ② which ③ when ④ what
4 This is the park (
) he would often go.
① where ② which ③ how ④ what
5 I cannot believe (
) he said.
① what ② that ③ when ④ whether
6 I cannot believe (
) he spoke so rudely.
① what ② that ③ which ④ whom
7 It doesn’t matter (
) he came to the conclusion.
① what ② because ③ so that ④ how
8 All (
)glitters is not gold.
①what ② that ③ where ④ so that
9 The subject (
)he was absorbed was sociology.
① in which ② which ③ to which ④ with which
10 My father was a man of wisdom (
) I could turn for help.
① which ② whom ③ to whom ④ in which
11 The twins consulted a lawyer (
) of them should be father’s heir.
① which ② whom ③ about which ④ in which
12 The theory of thermodynamics is an essential one (
) we could not be so
comfortable in life.
① with which ② without which ③ into which ④ according to which
13 You should visit Kyoto (
) in my opinion is one of the most beautiful cities in
the world.
① which ② where ③ ,which
14 I have no idea (
④ ,where
) language I should learn in university.
① whose ② what ③ why ④ how
15 I was told to study French(
)advice I followed.
① which ② whose ③ ,which ④ ,whose
16 The British museum is the one (
)collection we are proud of.
① whom ② which ③ whose ④ what
17 (
) attractive it may seem , we should examine
a theory before we accept it.
① whatever ② whichever ③ however ④ wherever
18 You should take good care of your cat (
) you have got it.
① whatever ② whichever ③ whoever ④ wherever
19 (
) suggestion he makes we are willing to accept.
① Whatever ② However ③ Whoever ④ Wherever
20 He helped (
) he thought was in trouble.
① whomever ② whatever ③ whichever ④ whoever
21 You should take what he said (
) it is .
① as ② which ③ what ④ who
22 He was late for school today,(
) is usual with him. He is not at all punctual.
① as ② which ③ what ④ who
23 People usually assume that mathematics is not necessary for their life,(
) is
① as ② which ③ what ④ who
24 “Do you know (
)he is?” “Yes, he is a teacher.”
① as ② what ③ that ④ how
25 “Do you know (
)she is
now?” “Yes, she is fine.”
① as ② what ③ that ④ how
26 (
) the season is , I’m sure you will enjoy good weather here.
① Whenever ② What ③ Whatever ④ When
27 When I asked him (
)was the nearest university, he said that it was the
University of Tokyo.
① where ② what ③ that ④ wherever
28 Interested as he was (
) the matter , he kept silent.
① with ② about ③ of ④ in
29 Standing as he (
) on the hill, he was able to enjoy the landscape of the vally.
① did ② was ③ had been ④ would
30 The lawyer (
) has betrayed us.
① which we trusted ② we trusted him ③ whom we trusted him ④ we trusted
31 He said something I cannot understand (
① its meaning ② what he said ③ of ④ a word of
32 The reason (
) has not been mentioned by him.
① he revealed ② he revealed the secret ③ that he revealed ④ why he revealed
33 The reason for his failure is (
)he was not prepared for such circumstances
① that ② why ③ because ④ since
34 His grandfather suddenly passed away that morning. That is (
) he was
① that ② why ③ because ④ for
35 He was absent from school yesterday. This is (
) his grandfather had died
① that ② why ③ because ④ for
36 The book had three chapters in it, (
)is the longest one.
① whose second one ② of which the second one
③ the second one of that ④ which the second one
37 They were not surprised at the accident, (
① they had expected ② that they had expected
③ which they had expected ④ because they had expected
38 Americans are eager to find out their identity,(
)Englishmen are keen on
losing theirs.
① while ② so that ③ until ④ because
39 They offered me two ways to deal with such a crisis,(
) was good enough.
① which ② neither of which ③ but neither of which ④ neither of them
40 He knew that he was taking himself into trouble . He,(
do it.
① but ② despite ③ however ④ regardless of
) ,had no choice but to