EXERCISE 69(10)(関係詞省略)

EXERCISE 69(6)(目的補語)
1.~5.の各文末の( )内の語を文中のどこに入れたらよいか↑印で示して
下さい。6.~ 8.は、
( )内の語を並べ替えて全文を書いて下さい。
1. People Sugamo Jizo shopping street “Grandma’s Harajuku”. ( call )
2. The popular singer himself bankrupt. ( declared )(ポピュラーシンガ
ーは彼自身が破産したと宣言した)*bankrupt (adj): 破産した
3. The Greek parents their baby girl Maria. ( named )(ギリシャ人夫婦は
4. The doctor says exercise and eating properly will you healthier.
( make )(医者は運動と適度な食事があなたをより健康的にする、と言って
5. Music fans at the concert hall the group sing their new song. ( heard )
6. ( 1. left 2. in the Kanto and Tohoku regions 3. heavy rains and
flooding 4. dead 5. eight people ).(関東・東北地方の豪雨と洪水で 8 人
7. ( 1. had 2. the lacquerware shop 3. help find 4. the tourist 5. the
taxi driver 6. in Wajima City, Ishikawa Prefecture ).(旅行者はタクシー
8. ( 1. I saw 2. a grasshopper 3. the five-year-old boy 4. catch
5. and then release it 6. in a corner of the garden ).(私は 5 歳の男の子が