放送台本 - 和歌山県ホームページ

1 番はリスニング問題で,
父 親 : What are you doing, Junko ?
女の子 : I’m playing the guitar. 父 親 : Where is the newspaper, Junko ?
女の子 : It’s on the table.
父 親 : Can you help me, Junko ?
女の子 : No, I can’t. I’m watching soccer on TV.(3秒)
父 親 : What are you doing, Junko ?
女の子 : I’m playing the guitar. 父 親 : Where is the newspaper, Junko ?
女の子 : It’s on the table.
父 親 : Can you help me, Junko ?
女の子 : No, I can’t. I’m watching soccer on TV.(5秒)
女の子 : What time is it now, Taro ?
男の子 : I’m sorry. I don’t have a watch.
女の子 : I’m really hungry. Can I eat this ?
男の子 : Yes, you can. Please enjoy the food.
女の子 : Look ! There are some birds.
男の子 : Oh ! They are singing in the tree.(3秒)
女の子 : What time is it now, Taro ?
男の子 : I’m sorry. I don’t have a watch.
女の子 : I’m really hungry. Can I eat this ?
男の子 : Yes, you can. Please enjoy the food.
女の子 : Look ! There are some birds.
男の子 : Oh ! They are singing in the tree.(5秒)
これから,No.1から No.3の順に,二人の対話をそれぞれ2回ずつ放送します。対話の最後にそれぞれチャイム
母 親 : How was your school trip to Kyoto ?
男の子 : It was great. I saw a lot of foreign people. I talked with some of them in English
and we took pictures together.
母 親 : Cool ! Can you show me the pictures ?
男の子 : <チャイム音>(7秒)
母 親 : How was your school trip to Kyoto ?
男の子 : It was great. I saw a lot of foreign people. I talked with some of them in English
and we took pictures together.
母 親 : Cool ! Can you show me the pictures ?
男の子 : <チャイム音>(9秒)
男の子 : Tomorrow is Hanako’s birthday. Did you buy a gift for her ?
女の子 : No. I’ll make a cake for her. I bought some fruit for the cake yesterday.
男の子 : Oh ! Do you often make cakes ?
女の子 : <チャイム音>(7秒)
男の子 : Tomorrow is Hanako’s birthday. Did you buy a gift for her ?
女の子 : No. I’ll make a cake for her. I bought some fruit for the cake yesterday.
男の子 : Oh ! Do you often make cakes ?
女の子 : <チャイム音>(9秒)
男の子 : My brother is going to sing in a festival next Sunday.
女の子 : Really ? He sings very well. I want to listen to him, but I’ll meet a friend on that
day. 男の子 : Well, if you come, my brother will be happy. How about coming to the festival with
your friend ?
女の子 : <チャイム音>(7秒)
男の子 : My brother is going to sing in a festival next Sunday.
女の子 : Really ? He sings very well. I want to listen to him, but I’ll meet a friend on that
day. 男の子 : Well, if you come, my brother will be happy. How about coming to the festival with
your friend ?
女の子 : <チャイム音>(9秒)
を聞き取って,( ア )から( オ )のそれぞれにあてはまる日本語または数字を解答用紙に書きなさい。それ
Do you like reading books ? In our school, we read books for 15 minutes before classes every morning.
At first I didn’t like it, but now I love reading books. Why ? I’ll tell you about it.
One day, my teacher told me to go to the library because I needed a book to read. So I went there. In
the library I met Ms. Kimura. She showed me some books and talked about them. I borrowed one of
them. It was a book about animals. It was very interesting. When I finished reading it, I visited the
library again. Then I borrowed more books.
I had many experiences through reading books. In them I traveled to space and all over the world. I
felt happy and sad with the people in the books.
Now I really enjoy reading books every day. In one year I read 50 books. You can learn many things from books. Books can become your friends that are always with you.
Please visit a library and read many books.(3秒)
Do you like reading books ? In our school, we read books for 15 minutes before classes every morning.
At first I didn’t like it, but now I love reading books. Why ? I’ll tell you about it.
One day, my teacher told me to go to the library because I needed a book to read. So I went there. In
the library I met Ms. Kimura. She showed me some books and talked about them. I borrowed one of
them. It was a book about animals. It was very interesting. When I finished reading it, I visited the
library again. Then I borrowed more books.
I had many experiences through reading books. In them I traveled to space and all over the world. I
felt happy and sad with the people in the books.
Now I really enjoy reading books every day. In one year I read 50 books. You can learn many things from books. Books can become your friends that are always with you.
Please visit a library and read many books.(3秒)
それでは,今,放送された内容について問題に答え,続いて 2 番以下の問題に取り組みなさい。