Quarterly Newsletter

St Hedwig Village
Issue 55
St Hedwig Village News
March 2016
Spring Edition
Lord Jesus,
as You touched
the eyes of the blind man,
touch us
so that our eyes may be opened
so that we can “really see”
the many wonderful things
around us
and in our own lives.
From the CEO’s Desk
Redevelopment of Our Village
We are progressing with our plans for the redevelopment of our
Like any major project this takes time to get everything done.
To date we have continued our discussions with the architect,
numerous consultants for essential services, traffic, waste,
landscape architects, legal advisers and staff.
We have also visited several new aged care and retirement
village sites to get an overview of what is currently being built
and services provided.
There is still some way to go before we will be ready to lodge our
DA application with Blacktown Council but we are on our way.
Kathy Eberl
Vita mutatur non tollitur
St Hedwig Village
Issue 55
Liebe Bewohnerinnen und Bewohner von St. Hedwig,
nun sind wir also in der Fastenzeit und haben auch schon den Ausblick auf das kommende Osterfest.
Fastenzeit ist ja eine Zeit der Buße und Umkehr, stark verbunden mit Fasten und Abstinenz am
Aschermittwoch und Karfreitag. Davon sind natürlich ältere Menschen, ab 60 Jahren und auch die
Jüngeren, unter 18 Jahren sowie die Kranken ausgenommen. Das sind natürlich schon viele
Ausnahmen und somit ist quasi ganz St. Hedwig davon ausgenommen. Wir müssen gar nichts machen.
Nun, die Praxis der Buße und Umkehr ist ganz und gar nicht auf Verzicht auf etwas eingeschränkt.
Vielmehr gehören zur Buße und Umkehr auch, dass man etwas MEHR macht: Messbesuch, Gebet,
Kirchenbesuch und nicht zuletzt die Zuwendung zu anderen Menschen mit Hilfe: Besuch von Kranken
und Einsamen, (noch) mehr Freundlichkeit und Geduld, dankbar sein und Dankbarkeit zeigen. Es gibt
so viele Möglichkeiten anderen Menschen ihr Leben zu erleichtern und besser zu machen. Und dabei
gibt es keine Einschränkung im Alter. Dazu ist man niemals zu jung oder zu alt und selbst Krankheit
schränkt uns hier nicht ein.
Sodann ist ja der Gedanke bei der Fastenzeit; dass sie ja mit Ostern endet. Diejenigen, die gefastet
haben, dürfen sich wieder auf ein kühles Bierchen und ein saftiges Steak freuen. Ob man dann aber
seine neu gewonnene Lebensführung, die Freundlichkeit und Geduld zum Beispiel dann wieder ablegen
muss, das ist fraglich. Hier zählt der Gedanke der Auferstehung Christi: Zu neuem Leben auferstanden
– und wir sollen als neue Menschen leben. Erneuert durch den Auferstandenen selbstverständlich – aber
auch selbst erneuert, wenn wir den eingeschlagenen Weg weiter beschreiten.
Gesegnete Fastenzeit Ihnen allen und noch mehr gesegnete und fruchtbare Osterzeit.
Ihr Pfarrer
Roland Maurer
Staff Find Love In St
Hedwig Village
Congratulations to a beautiful
couple Rechel and Chris.
The long awaited refurbishment of the Hostel back patio /garden
area is finally completed. Residents and visitors can now look
forward to many pleasant hours sitting outside in a beautiful new
The small statue of Our Lady has been returned to her place in the
Shrine so she can continue to watch over us.
St Hedwig Village
Nach einem langen Winter ist Ostern in
Deutschland für viele Familien der erste
Anlass, im Freien zu feiern. Die Kinder suchen
im Garten nach Ostereiern, während die
Erwachsenen spazieren gehen und die milde
Frühlingsluft genießen. Eine Vielzahl von
Traditionen und Bräuchen sorgt
für vergnügliche Aktivitäten rund um das
Osterfest, das höchste Fest des Christentums.
jauchzet groß und klein: Hier bin ich
Mensch, hier darf ich’s sein!“ Dieses Zitat
stammt aus dem Gedicht „Osterspaziergang“
von Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Es
beschreibt sehr treffend das Gefühl, mit dem zu
Ostern in Deutschland viele Menschen nach
den kalten Wintertagen den Frühling
begrüßen. Parks und Gärten laden dazu ein,
die warmen Schals und Mützen zu Hause zu
lassen und mit Familie und Freunden die
ersten Sonnenstrahlen zu genießen.
Das Osterfest wird jedes Jahr an einem
anderen Datum gefeiert. Es fällt auf den ersten
Sonntag nach dem ersten Frühlingsvollmond.
Der Name Ostern leitet sich wahrscheinlich
aus dem altgermanischen Wort "eastron" für
Morgenröte ab. Es soll auch eine
altgermanischen Lichtgöttin Ostara oder
Eostra gegeben haben.
Issue 55
Hallo St. Hedwig!
Mein Name ist Tobias Ziegler und ich bin
18 Jahre alt. Seit Anfang Januar bin ich
hier und arbeite als German Volunteer im
Nursing Home von St. Hedwig. Ich komme
aus Waiblingen bei Stuttgart und habe dort
2015 mein Abitur gemacht. Bevor ich mit
dem Studium beginne wollte ich unbedingt
die Chance nutzen um die Welt zu sehen
und etwas komplett anderes machen. Schon
in Deutschland habe ich bereits einige gute
Erfahrungen mit sozialem Engagement
gesammelt, und so bin ich nun hier in St.
Hedwig gelandet. Nach meinen 6 Monaten
hier werde ich noch ein wenig Australien
bereisen und anschließend nach
Deutschland zurückkehren. Dort möchte
ich dann Maschinenbauingenieur studieren.
Nachdem ich mich nun bereits sehr gut
eingelebt habe freue ich mich wirklich auf
die noch kommende Zeit mit ihnen allen
und hoffe weiterhin so gute Erfahrungen
machen zu können!
Liebe Grüße, ihr Tobias
Pastoral Care Condolences
We take this opportunity to extend our
condolences to the families who have lost loved
Monica Anderson, Joseph Belfer, Karl Cadalbert,
Hermann Herbst, Maria Rosenberger, Francine Van
Hilten and John Woodward.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this sad
St Hedwig Village
Issue 55
Pastoral Care Coordinator News
2016 is well under way with the month of January now in the distant past. As our year progresses I
hope it will bring all of us many blessings, good health and time to reflect on whom and on what is
important to us in our daily life.
As I was celebrating the New Year in Ireland with family and friends, making New Year resolutions
was one of the topics of conversation. Because some family members had over indulged during
Christmas and gained some weight, it was decided that walking, swimming and a gym membership
needed to be considered. Our friends had other goals, saving more and using their credit cards less, no
doubt all good intentions. Making New Year resolutions has never been a priority for me so I stated I
would give the matter a little more thought!
Many people it seems like to make New Year resolutions but I often wonder for how long do they last?
Why do we do it? Is it because of a sense of guilt or we think we are obliged to do so? I read an article
recently written by an American author, Alan Cohen who stated that “You will always succeed at
things you choose because they make you happy. You will never succeed at things you do just because
you owe” He suggested in his article that instead of forcing ourselves to do things out of guilt “we live
each day looking at the world through eyes of wonder. We may not know what tomorrow holds but we
can keep ourselves open to possibilities. When we live each day in faith, trusting in God’s divine plan
for us there is no reason for any of us to dwell on the past”. His suggestion for life is to “Live in hope,
joy and optimism, take nothing for granted and receive everything as a gift” profound words to keep us
pondering as we step further into this year.
News from the Pews
We welcome Frane Beros, a Deacon from Germany who will be working as a Pastoral Care volunteer
in St Hedwig Village during this year. Frane has worked in Germany with the youth and in Aged Care.
Be sure to say hello to him whenever you see him around the facility.
Easter falls in March this year so our Lenten program will be commencing in the Hostel Chapel on
Tuesday 16th February at 2:00pm. The program will run for 6 weeks. All welcome.
Please check the Pastoral Care notice boards throughout the facility for details regarding Mass times
and all the Church services for Easter.
The family morning teas which were very successful last year will commence again at the end of March.
All new and existing family members are welcome to attend. The date and times will soon be advised.
Maria Lynam
St Hedwig Village
Issue 55
Poet’s Corner
Narooma Holiday
We have a Resident Poetry Group that comes
together on a regular basis to read and discuss
“Oh, I do like to be beside the
This poem is selected by Gertrud Lasota who
is a resident in our Nursing Home.
From 8th February to 13th February 2016 eight
residents from our Nursing Home and Garden
Terrace Wing enjoyed five days in Narooma a
seaside town just past Ulladulla.
Sonntag ist’s, in allen Wipfeln
rauschet es der dunkle Wald,
alle Bäche leise fließen,
alle Vögel wonnig grüßen
und von fern die Glocke hallt.
Sonntag ist’s, am Zaun das Veilchen
betet still im Gras für sich,
Rose hebt die süßen Augen
und die roten Lippen hauchen
ein Gebet demütiglich.
Sonntag ist’s, ein heilger Frieden
liegt auf Erden weit, so weit,
Sonntag ist’s in allen Herzen.
Sonntag ist’s für alle Schmerzen,
heiliger Sonntag weit und breit.
Our holiday makers included: Muriel
Andrews, Elizabeth Angerer, Antonia Biedler,
Johannes De Lange, Gertrud Lasota, Maria
Michalewicz, Ruth Senkbeil and Janna Van
The residents travelled down to Narooma in
our village bus. It’s a 5 hour journey broken up
by a stop at McDonalds on the way down.
They stayed at the Clark Bay Farm Cottages
and enjoyed activities such as fishing,
restaurant dining, beach walks, sightseeing,
picnics, seal watching and just enjoyed being
outdoors by the sea.
St Hedwig Village staff have been taking
residents to Narooma on holiday since 1999.
It’s a great location and the residents really
enjoy the opportunity to see, smell and feel a
new experience. It’s a real holiday for them.
Thank you to Ursula Bachler, Birgit Hellwig,
Fayelene Kennedy and Philip Hagmann for
escorting the residents.
St Hedwig Village
Issue 55
Pet Therapy
I am a two and a half year old German Shepherd. I love playing with balls, especially chasing them
and bringing them back to my owners to throw again. When I run a lot I pant and my tongue gets
very long.
My favourite food is chicken, cheese and on the weekend I have a special breakfast of milk and
eggs…. Yum.
I thought it would be a great idea to come to visit St Hedwig Village to see some new people and of
course get even more pats. I love travelling in the car so off we went on Saturday 26th November
2015, I was so excited. There were so many new smells and loads of people in the big room called
The Link Room. I could hear my name all over the place but it was so great to have all the residents
wanting to say hello, pat my head and body and I love my ears being stroked, people say they are so
soft – it makes me smile. After a while I realised that people had my favourite treats in their hands –
oh what fun to try to get those treats, I had loads. And everyone was taking photos of me – I must
say I do like to have my picture taken.
There was a lady who couldn’t come to this big room so we went for a walk to her room, more great
smells and wow, she gave me the biggest hug, her face was so happy. It’s great being a dog who likes
After going for a little walk outside we then went to a place called Garden Terrace Wing – I couldn’t
believe there were more people and when they saw me they had BIG smiles on their faces. I got more
pats, hugs and you guessed it even more treats. What a day, I loved it and felt so happy that so many
people were happy to see me.
I must say I was VERY tired when we left, I don’t remember much of the trip back home in the
mountains, but what a great day. Hopefully, I will be able to come back and see the wonderful
residents at St Hedwig Village….. love and woof JOHNSON.
Residents with Johnson
St Hedwig Village
Issue 55
Nursing Home Activity Report
December is also known as
the Christmas season.
Christmas Celebrations
started with the lighting of the
First Advent candle on
Sunday 29th November.
Residents were involved in
decorating the Christmas
trees and craft activities
centered on the Christmas
theme. These activities
included making Christmas
cards which are sold to raise
money to purchase more craft
Bus trips for December
included two night trips to
view the Christmas lights in
the area, starting out with
dinner at the St Marys RSL
Club and then a drive
through the area to view
houses decorated with
Christmas lights.
On 12th December we had a
visit from St Michael’s Holy
Family Choir and in the
evening residents enjoyed
Christmas carols performed
by the St Raphael’s Choir.
Residents were delighted by
these wonderful
All Village residents were
invited to a wonderful display
of Christmas decorations in
the St Raphael’s Hall referred
to as Christmas Wonderland.
This was a lovely afternoon.
Residents enjoyed the
spectacular Christmas display,
afternoon tea and
Christmas Day started with
unwrapping Christmas
presents followed by a Mass.
Many of our residents were
joined by family and friends
for a delicious lunch.
The Friendship group meets
every Monday for morning
This group activity started to
encourage residents to
socialize and support each
other. The group is opened to
all residents who wish to
Monday 25th January the
morning tea theme was
Australia Day with
lamingtons being served.
On 26th January a BBQ lunch
was provided to celebrate
Australia Day.
A group of residents travelled
out to Flower Power in
Glenhaven to purchase plants
for the resident’s garden.
Residents chose plants they
would like to see in their
garden as well as enjoying
lunch in the café Belle Fleur.
Valentines Day started with a
fun photo shoot of residents.
A lovely Valentines Day
lunch was organized for
residents and their partners.
RAO’s Nursing Home
St Hedwig Village
Issue 55
Hostel Activity Report
December is the busiest month of the year as
most of the activities revolve around
Christmas. Baking, craft and decorating
activities are part of the Advent time.
St Joseph’s Primary School children visited
and entertained our residents with a lovely
program. St Nikolaus and Krampus visited
and brought gifts of chocolate.
St Raphael’s Choir performed their Christmas
Carol singing program for our residents, which
was most enjoyable. The supper afterwards
resulted in our residents lingering on and this
created a great sense of belonging to one big
Once again our residents were invited to an
afternoon at Pia’s Christmas Wonderland in St
Raphael’s Hall to admire a stunning display of
Christmas decorations. We thank Pia, Gisela
and family for their generosity of catering for
so many residents with mulled wine, coffee,
cookies and gifts.
The men’s gardening activity has commenced
and ice cream in the garden is a welcomed
morning tea on warm summer days.
Our residents enjoyed their Christmas
chocolates and the end of year party. Some
residents got together to greet the New Year
and were appreciative that staff had provided
beverages and nibbles for their midnight party.
The New Year was greeted with a fantastic
attendance to a champagne morning tea in our
new “Marien Garden”. Everyone agreed that
we could host more parties in this newly
renovated Hostel backyard area.
The herb garden has grown quickly to the
enjoyment of our residents. Discovery room
visits are on demand with residents enjoying
the virtual journey, featuring sounds and
scenery as they cycle along.
Quite a few of our new residents attended the
bus trip to Club Marconi for an “all you can
eat” lunch.
The seaside theme day practically brought the
beach into the house. To see, touch and feel,
we had a display of sand, shells, corals and
other items, relating to a beach environment.
The craft activity for a day involved creating
pictures of fish using sand and pebbles. Thanks
to Catering Industries for preparing a meal of
fish and chips wrapped in newspaper. Soon
the decorations had to change as we celebrated
“Rose Monday” carnival time. Hostel
residents enjoyed this party in the Link area as
we had a fantastic disc jockey. Everyone had a
good time. Quite a few ladies dressed up and
took to the dance floor. It must have been the
punch, which loosened their limbs.
Valentine’s mock wedding was a massive
success and everyone had a great time. Thank
you to all the residents who ‘played’ a part in
our wedding ceremony.
RAO’s Hostel
St Hedwig Village
Issue 55
Retirement Village
The Retirement Village AGM on 24th November
2015 was attended by 36 residents and it was very
gratifying to see so many residents. Another
important meeting was held on 2nd December 2015
to inform us of the planned redevelopment of our
village. This time there was an excellent
attendance of 46 residents.
Christmas Lunch
Since our last edition we had
three significant birthdays –
Adolfine Hinterholz 91 years,
Hilde Schuldt 90 years and
Arthur Rochester 80 years.
Congratulations and best
wishes for many more years
in our village.
On 25th January we bid
farewell to our well-loved
resident Heiner Herbst. He
will be sadly missed by all
who had the privilege to
know him. Our deepest
sympathy to Heiner’s family.
Our sincere condolences also
go to Kurt Rosenberger for
the loss of his soul mate
Maria on 30th January. They
had been married for 71 years
and, even though they had
not been long in our village,
they had become a regular
sight on their daily excursions
through our gardens.
The Christmas season started
off with a lovely lunch hosted
by the Management of St
Hedwig Village. Excellent
food, Christmas carols
accompanied on the violin by
Regula Scheidegger, recitals
of various poems and Kathy’s
warm welcome to the 12 new
residents provided a wonderful
community spirit.
remember to obtain a medical
clearance from your doctor
before starting any exercise
This was followed by the
annual “Winter Wonderland”
celebration in the St Raphael’s
Hall which again was
breathtakingly decorated by
Gisela and Pia who
entertained with carols,
poems, drinks and Christmas
cookies. Not to be outdone,
our Bingo Club also organised
a lovely Christmas lunch with
plenty of food, carols and
poems. The New Year was
welcomed by 16 residents with
music and laughter until well
past midnight. A big THANK
YOU to everyone who helped
to decorate our hall and to
make our functions so
On Saturday, 30th January, 32
residents were present at our
Retirement Village Resident
In January, 19 residents
enthusiastically watched,
listened and participated in a
demonstration of the new
HUR state-of-the-art exercise
equipment in the Physio
Room. This equipment is
designed to improve our
flexibility and mobility. Just
After thanking Arno Schöpfer
and Sinie Weever for their long
Mrs Hildegard Schuldt
service a new Resident’s
Committee for 2016 was
Easter will be fairly early this
year. On behalf of the St
Hedwig Village Residents’
Committee I wish the board,
staff and residents of our
village a very Happy Easter.
Ursula Fober
Village Residents Committee Secretary
St Hedwig Village
Issue 55
Congratulations to the
following staff on
reaching a milestone
anniversary at St
Hedwig Village in
March, April and May.
Renate Weingardt
Karl Dogwe
Congratulations to the following staff on reaching a milestone anniversary
We’d like to take this opportunity to welcome to St Hedwig
Village these new residents:
Armando Dominici
Franziska Miller
Sylvia Smith
Ursula Zdenkowski
We hope you will be happy and comfortable here. We look
forward to getting to know you and your family and friends.
Staff had a surprise visit
from Santa and his
Happy Birthday to all our staff and residents
who have recently celebrated a birthday.
St Hedwig Village
St Hedwig Village is
becoming a
“Smoke Free Site”
as of 1st July 2016.
This will mean that no
staff, volunteers,
contractors, visitors and
new residents will be
allowed to smoke on the
grounds of St Hedwig
Kathy Eberl
Issue 55
Senior’s Health
Mobility – Use It or Lose It
Mobility is essential for general independence as well
as ensuring good health and quality of life.
Impairment of mobility is common in older people,
with prevalence of between 9 – 42% in the
community, 50 – 60% in nursing homes and 40 – 65%
in the hospital population.
Elderly people with limited mobility have higher rates
of mortality, institutionalization, falls and other
morbidity, and tend to deteriorate faster than those
without such limitation.
Even though elderly people may have many problems
related to mobility, sometimes just solving one
problem may significantly improve the opportunities
to solve the other problems.
Decline in mobility with age is neither inevitable nor
irreversible. In population studies up to 20% of
elderly people improve with time, and trials of
rehabilitation both in the community and in nursing
homes have shown increased capabilities, even in
very elderly and severely impaired people.
Physiotherapists play an important role in keeping
elderly people healthy. Specific exercise programs
designed by physiotherapists have been shown to
improve strength, balance and functional ability in
older people living in the community.
Blisscare Australia
Carnival time at
St Hedwig Village
Here in St Hedwig Village we strongly encourage
those residents who can, to join in and participate in
one of our Enablement Programs be it – walking,
strength and balance exercises, riding the Motomed
bike, using the HUR exercise equipment or having
one-on-one physiotherapy.
St Hedwig Village
Issue 55
Have a “cuppa” on us
Morning Tea for Relatives and Friends
During the year we will be hosting morning teas for
the families and friends of residents residing in our
Nursing Home or Hostel.
It is a good opportunity to meet and perhaps form
acquaintances with other people who you may see
visiting when you visit. You could even schedule one
of your visits to coincide with our morning tea days
and have a “cuppa” on us. It’s free.
Dates for 2016 are listed below. The venue is the
Hostel Lounge area ground floor. On some occasions
a guest speaker may be organized.
Looking forward to getting to know you better.
Kathy, Judith, Mary, Roshni and Maria
Dates are:
15th March 2016
17th May 2016
19th July 2016
Next information session for Hostel relatives will be
on 10th September commencing at 6:30pm in the
downstairs lounge room.
To assist with catering and seating please ring Melissa
on 02 8822 9900 or email Melissa at
[email protected].
20th September 2016
15th November 2016
Happy Easter to all our residents, staff, families and friends