ウェブ入会注意事項 Note: CEA `s eastern miles enrollment. ※ ご入会

ウェブ入会注意事項 Note: CEA ‘s eastern miles enrollment.
※ ご入会の際にご一読下さい Please read carefully below.
弊 社 管 理 の 下 取 り 扱 わ れ ま す 。 CEA will use your personal information for internal
purposes under our management.
★ マイレージの正確な加算運営のため、申請表上のお名前は必ず搭乗者名と一致
させて頂く様お願い致します。To ensure a successful point accumulation, your full
name must be the same as it has appeared on your latest passport.
★ マイレージサービスを最大限にご利用頂くために、☆マークがついている事項は必ず
ご記入下さい。Please complete the blanks highlighted with ☆, which enable us to
manage your mileage account service more efficiently.
★ 満2歳から 11 歳までのお子様も「東方小飛人」会員としてご登録頂けます。
All those who are from 2-year-old to 11 –year-old can be entitled to enroll as Flying
Explorer on condition that their guardians are members of CEA ‘s eastern miles.