New paradigms in Molecular Ele ectronicss Supervisors: Pilarr Cea and Santiago Martíín Areass: Chemistryy, Physics Summ mary: Molecular electroniccs is a fasscinating mu ultidisciplinary field of f research which contrributes to both b fundam mental sciennce and futu ure technological advannces. The use u of molecules as fun nctional unitts has numeerous appealing advanta ages includinng miniaturizzation M quicker and more eefficient devvices as well as the discoovery of new w and (More Moore: MM), mena at the nanoscale (More ( amazzing propertiies due to the appearannce of quanttum phenom than Moore: MtM M). This fina al master prooject will be e NECO projectt develloped in thee frame workk of the MIN (CTQ2012‐33198 entitled Novel hybrrid organic‐‐ inorg ganic functio onal molecular electroonic devicess using g Langmuirr‐Blodgett and a other bottom‐up p techn nologies) wh hose aim is the t fabricati on of novel,, highlyy functional (MtM) molecular electronicc platfo orms that will w provide a route to sub‐20 nm m techn nology nodes by exploiting device sttructures. In n particcular, this ob bjective will be achievedd by the use e of o organic moleecules having a transsition metal comp ponent (i.e. metal‐orga anic hybrid molecules, MOCs) to construct hybrid mole ecular electronic devicees with MtM M functionaliity by first exploring, e an nd then expploiting, the redox propeerties of the MOC within n a metal or semiconductor junction.. In this sensse, such mole ecules are the ne plus u ultra of meta al‐organic in tegration. W We will addre ess some of f the most crritical, a near horizon h scieentific and technologiccal challengges in mole ecular conteemporary and 1‐5 electronics. Recent publicatio ons of the grooup intimate ely related to o this propossal include: 5 1. M Marques‐Go onzalez, S.; Yufit, Y D. S.; Howard, J. A. K.; Martin, S.; Osoriio, H. M.; Garcia‐ G SSuarez, V. M M.; Nichols, R. J.; Higgins, S. J.; Cea, P..; Low, P. J., Dalton Transsactions 201 13, 42, 3338‐341. 2. B Ballesteros, L. M.; Martín, S.; Cortés,, J.; Marqués‐González, S.; Higgins, SS. J.; Nichols, R. J.; LLow, P. J.; Ceea, P., Chem. Eur. J. 20133, 19, 5352‐5363. 3. M Martin, S.; Pera, G.; Balle esteros, L. M M.; Hope, A. JJ.; Marqués‐González, S.;; Low, P. J.; P Perez‐ M Murano, F.; Nichols, R. J..; Cea, P., Cheemistry – A EEuropean Jou urnal 2014, 220, 3421‐342 26. 4. B Ballesteros, L. M.; Martin, S.; Cortéss, J.; Marqué és‐Gonzalez, S.; Pérez‐Muurano, F.; Nichols, R R. J.; Low, P. J.; Cea, P., A Adv. Mater. Interfaces 20 014, DOI: 10.1002/admi..201400128. 5. O Osorio, H. M M.; Cea, P.; B Ballesteros, LL. M.; Gascon, I.; Marqués‐González,, S.; Nichols,, R. J.; P Pérez‐Muran no, F.; Low, P. J.; Martín, S., S J. Mate er. Chem. C. 2014, DOI: 110.1039/C4TTC01080A.
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