Modulbezeichnung/ Title of module: Customization, Internet GIS, Visualisation Kürzel/ Module code: CIV Semester: PG 2 Modulverantwortliche(r)/ Responsible for module: Prof. Dr. Franz-Josef Behr Dozent(in)/ Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Behr / Prof. Dr. Coors / Prof. Dr. Schröder Zuordnung zum Curriculum/ Compulsory subject Relation to curriculum: Geoinformatics SWS / Lehrform/ SHW/ Teaching methods: MSc Photogrammetry and Each topic is introduced by a lecture which seeks to identify the main issues in order to convey an understanding of the relative importance of the technical issues to the customization of software tools, Internet GIS and Visualization methods related to geomatics. The lectures are accompanied by guided practices and handson workshops in the computer lab. Students are expected to use the recommended online tutorials for the standard issues of programming language used (4 SWS). Arbeitsaufwand/Workload: contact hours self-study Kreditpunkte/ Credit points: 6 Empfohlene Vorkenntnisse/ Recommended prerequisite subjects: Basic knowledge of a XML/HTML, CSS, JavaScript Angestrebte Lernergebnisse/ Expected learning outcomes: On successful completion of this module, students should be able to: list different customization approaches in modern system architectures and apply them, explain how geospatial applications works in the Internet and judge different approaches, applications, interfaces, and architectures to implement such applications, set up a multi-tier Internet / Intranet applications based on standard software components, list which components are required in modern visualization techniques and integrate them into existing workflows, set up a web-based 3D-visualization based on OGC standards. Part 1: Customization Customizing a graphical user interface Adding tools and Add-Ins Inhalt/ Content: 60 120 hours programming languages, Knowledge of GIS and geospatial data processing and modelling Modulbezeichnung/ Title of module: Studien- Prüfungsleistung/ Study assessment and Examination: Medienformen/ Forms of media: Literatur/ Literature: Software: Customization, Internet GIS, Visualisation Visual geoprocessing modelling Part 2: Web Mapping and Internet GIS client / server and multi-tier architectures relevant protocols for client / server communication (HTTP, FTP, AJAX) client-side and server side technologies administration of Web servers (like Apache) Map Servers and Mapping Clients Server side programming and geo-database integration Internet Mapping in the Web 2.0 context Part 3: Visualization Computer Assisted Cartography data aspects, 3D data formats (X3D, CityGML) simplification of terrain models visualization from urban and regional model to digital globes Written examination As a prerequisite for the written exam, a number of assignments have to be prepared. Lecture, Project based Learning, Moodle, video tutorials Peng, Z., Tsou, M. (2003): Internet GIS: Distributed geographic information services for the internet and wireless networks. Wiley, New Jersey. Darie, C., Bucica, M., Cherecheş-Toşa, F., Brinzarea, B.: AJAX and PHP: Building Responsive Web Applications, Packt Publishing, 2005, ISBN 13: 978-1-904811-82-4 Tyler M. (2005): Web Mapping Illustrated O'Reilly Media, ISBN: 0596008651 Li, S., Dragicevic, S. & Veenendaal, B., Eds. (2011): Advances in Web-based GIS, Mapping Services and Applications. ISPRS Book Series, ISBN 9780415804837 Fu, P. & Sun, J. (2011): Web GIS – Principles and applications. ESRI Press, Redlands, CA Masser I., Crompvoets, J. (2015): Building European Spatial Data Infrastructures. Environmental Systems Research Institute Inc.,U.S.; Auflage: 3 (9. Februar 2015) Web3D conference proceedings (selected papers) Course material Internet GIS: Client Side Technologies (HFT Stuttgart), Server Side Technologies (HFT Stuttgart) Online tutorial x3dom and geovisualization (Fraunhofer IGD / HFT Stuttgart) ESRI ArcGIS Apache HTTPD, PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, d3js, OpenLayers
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