GITA-Japan 2008 Annual Conference The Geospatial Dimensions of Critical Infrastructure 最重要インフラの相互依存関係の地理空間的特性について Dave DiSera Chief Information Officer First Insurance Co. of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii ハワイ・ファースト保険会社CIO デイブ・ディセラ Presentation Agenda プレゼン内容の題目 The Geospatial Dimensions of Infrastructure Interdependencies GITA’s GECCo Update Critical Infrastructure and Interdependencies Modeling-based Tools 1 Geospatial Dimensions of Infrastructure Interdependencies 最重要インフラの相互依存関係の 地理空間的特性について Infrastructure Interdependencies Cross Local, Regional, and National Boundaries 最重要インフラの相互依存関係は地区、地域、国の境界を越える 2 Critical Infrastructure Interdependencies Heller, M (2001). Interdependencies of Civil Infrastructure Systems. The Bridge, a publication of the Nation Academy of Engineering. V. $, #31, 2001 最重要インフラの相互依存関係の分類 Infrastructure Interdependencies Classifications Physical – a physical reliance on material flow from one infrastructure to another Cyber – a reliance on information transfer between infrastructure Geographic – a local environmental event affects components across multiple infrastructures due to physical proximity 地理空間的関係:ある地点での事象が物理的に近接したインフラへ与える影響関係 Logical – a dependency that exists between infrastructures that does not fall into one of the above categories Source: Rinaldi, Peerenboom, and Kelly (2001) 3 最重要インフラの地理空間的相互依存関係 Geospatial Interdependencies of Critical Infrastructure Transportation Roads Rail Ports/Airports Energy Water Electric Gas Oil Potable Wastewater Communications Landlines Wireless Cable 最重要インフラの地理空間的相互依存関係 Geospatial Interdependencies of Critical Infrastructure 局所的な事象が状態変化をもたらす場合が地理空間的相互依存関係 Infrastructure are geospatially interdependent if a local event can create state changes in all of them. Geospatial interdependency occurs when elements of multiple infrastructure are in close spatial proximity.この依存関係は複数のインフラの要素が空間的に近いときに発生 - For example, an explosion or fire could create correlated disturbances or change in these geographically interdependent infrastructures. - Correlated changes are not due to physical or cyber connections between infrastructures. They arise from the influence the events exerts on all the infrastructures simultaneously. 相互関係的な変化は物質的、情報的接続には依らない。その変化は事象が すべてのインフラに同時に働く影響から発生する。 4 Geospatial Interdependencies of Critical Infrastructure 大規模な河川 堤防を横断 するガス導管 Geospatial Interdependencies of Critical Infrastructure ガス導管と 500KV電力 線との交差 5 GECCo Update 更新されたGECCoプロジェクトについて GECCo Objectives GECCoプロジェクトの目的 To provide a framework by which by public and private organizations can better collaborate and share information to protect critical infrastructure and relate interdependencies 最重要インフラの防護のための官民組織の共同のための枠組み作り To assist infrastructure owners with: - Identifying and accessing the interdependencies of critical infrastructure - Building an actionable plan for mitigating and protecting those critical infrastructures - Establishing procedures and standards インフラ所有者支援策:最重要インフラの相互関係の理解、具体的体策の実行 6 GECCo応用研究の支援策 GECCo Applied Research Initiatives Critical Infrastructure Protection and Emergency Management Geospatial Interdependencies of Critical Infrastructure • Data Sharing and Collaboration Project Manual and Templates • A Practitioner's Guide and Resources ・データ共有、共同作業のためのマニュアル類 ・実務者用ガイダンス等 Critical Infrastructure and Interdependencies Geospatial Modeling Tools 最重要インフラと相互依存関係の 地理空間モデリングツール 7 最重要インフラの地理空間モデリングのイメージ The Geospatial Modeling of Critical Infrastructure Electric Grid Sewer Lines Transportation Network Communications Water Lines Source: Critical Infrastructure Interdependencies Modeling: A Survey of U.S. and International Research, Idaho National Laboratory インフラ・モデリングツール一覧 Infrastructure Modeling Tools Agent-Based Infrastructure Modeling and Simulation MIT Screening Methodology Critical Infrastructure Interdependencies Integrator Multi-Layer Infrastructure Networks Critical Infrastructure Modeling System Multi-Network Interdependent Critical Infrastructure Program for Analysis of Lifelines 最重要インフラモデリングシステム The Critical Infrastructure Protection Decision Support System Natural Gas Infrastructure Toolset Critical Infrastructure Protection Modeling and Analysis Program Net-Centric Effects-based operations MOdel Critical Infrastructure Simulation by Interdependent Agents Network-Centric GIS Distributed Engineering Workstation Network Security Risk Assessment Model Electricity Market Complex Adaptive System Next-generation agent-based economic Laboratory (N-ABLE) Fast Analysis Infrastructure Tool NEXUS Fusion Framework ネットワーク特化型GIS Financial System Infrastructure金融システムインフラTransportation Routing Analysis GIS Fort Future フォートフーチャ(軍事シミュレーション ) TRANSIM Interdependent Energy Infrastructure Simulation System Water Infrastructure Simulation Environment Knowledge Management and Visualization in Support of Vulnerability Assessment of Electricity Production Urban Infrastructure Suite 8 最重要インフラモデリングシステム Critical Infrastructure Modeling System (CIMS) Created by Idaho National Laboratory Provides a modeling and simulation framework that combines geospatial information to support “what-if” analysis 起こりうる事態の解析のためのGISモデ ル化、シミュレーションの枠組み提供 Allows users to create models and infrastructure simulations on the fly embedding new intelligence as it becomes available 新たな機密情報の即時取込機能 Model development can start with an aerial image or a map. All information is georeferenced モデル化は航空写真、地図からスタート可能。すべての 情報は空間参照可能 Critical Infrastructure Modeling System of New Orleans CIMSによるカトリーナ後のニューオリンズの空間モデリング 9 Critical Infrastructure Modeling System of New Orleans 洪水とそれに起因する停電による被害概況 Critical Infrastructure Modeling System of New Orleans 建物と電力線の関係を分離して強調表示。 10 フォートフーチャ(軍事シミュレーション) Fort Future Model Developed by Argonne National Laboratory and uses simulation to test plans for Department of Defense installations 国防省の軍事施設計画の検証シミュレーション GISによる編集、シミュレーション、意志決定支援機能 Provides GIS-based plan editors, controls simulations, and organizes results into a decision matrix Assesses the impact of critical infrastructure on mission using a virtual simulation that contains models for transportation, electrical power, water systems Set up planning scenarios local, regional, and national level to conduct dynamic analyses over time periods of up to 30 years 輸送、電力、水道などのインフラの仮想シミュレーションによる影響 評価。局所から国レベルのシナリオ、最長30年スパンでの解析 フォートフーチャ(軍事シミュレーション)のイメージ Fort Future Model Electrical Infrastructure (capacity & interruption) Water Infrastructure (Flow and CBR) CBR:化学、生物、放射能 CBR Plume Modeling 11 フォートフーチャ(軍事シミュレーション)の適用例 Fort Future Model ネットワーク特化型GISモデル Network Centric GIS Model This framework uses GIS to support emergency management decision makers GISによる緊急時意志決定支援 Provides data sharing and timely access to インフラ相互依存情報への infrastructure interdependency information データアクセスを提供 Defines location based infrastructure interdependencies (LBII) for a particular area by: – Identifying critical infrastructure sectors in the study area 対象エリアの最重要インフラ区域の特定 – Analyzing processes and operations for each sector – Analyzing dependencies – Determining Interdependencies – Modeling and visualizing (interoperable 3D internetbased) 各区域ごとの解析、相互依存関係の決定、3Dモデル化と表示 12 ネットワーク特化型GISモデル(適用例) Network Centric GIS Model British Columbia Vancouver Highways Vulnerability Maps Legend ネットワーク特化型GISモデル(適用例) Network Centric GIS Model 13 金融システムインフラ Financial System Infrastructure 連邦銀行での契約ベースの現金取引の自動処理モデル Developed by the Los Alamos National Laboratory Agent-based model of cash transactions that is dependent on contractual relationships and a network at that the Federal reserve level Models create transactions which rely on telecommunications and electric power Dependencies can cause deadlocks in the situation where one is unable to pay until being paid Designed to protect physical infrastructure of payment and trading systems initiated by the events of 9-11 このモデルは通信と電力に依存する現金取引を生成。9-11が端 緒となって支払い取引システムの物理インフラを守るように設計。 金融システムインフラの適用例 Financial System Infrastructure Power Restored to Financial Institutions after 39 Hours 39時間後の金融機関に復旧した電力状況(緑:完全復旧) 14 Thank You 15
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