HD 엄마 母 70minsx50eps DRAMA 妈妈 For a long time a mother has sacrificed herself to raise her four children but these children are only interested in her fortune and their possible inheritance. Stung by their betrayal and unacceptable behavior, she is determined to live the rest of her life to the fullest and be selfish for a change. This TV series will revolve around family values with themes of generational conflict and reconciliation. The revenge of a mother on her grownup children begins now! 親孝行は後回し、ひたすら遺産だけを狙う子ども達に対する母親の痛快な復讐戦が始まる。長年母親は子どものために犠牲になりながら生きてきたが、子ども達は母親 を利用して自分たちの利益ばかりを得ようとする。子ども達に裏切られた母親は、今からでも自分の人生を取り戻そうと身勝手な子ども達に宣戦布告する。世代間の葛藤 と和解を通じて家族の意味を再確認するヒューマンドラマ。 面对不知尽孝,只顾争得遗产的子女,母亲开始痛快淋漓的报复正式展开。在漫长的岁月里,母亲一直为子女做出牺牲,但子女只想利用妈妈获利。遭到儿女背叛 的妈妈决心寻找自己的人生,向可恶的儿女宣战。这部人性电视剧通过两代人之间的矛盾与和解,再次印证家庭的意义。 엄마 母 妈妈 http://content.mbc.co.kr 267 Seongam-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul 03925 KOREA Tel : 82-2-789-3715 Fax : 82-2-789-3749 For more details : http://content.mbc.co.kr E-mail : [email protected] STARRING JANG SEO-HEE As the eldest daughter, she advised her mom to start up a rice cake shop and believes that she is the true owner of her mom’s shop. While she is a hardworking person she annoys people with cutting remarks. When she has problems in her life, she takes them head on and usually finds a solution. To protect the shop and house that is dearer to her than her own life, she makes a dirty deal with her younger brother, Kang-jae to make her mother remarry. One day, she meets her ex-lover whom she had a torrid romance with and her feelings for him are rekindled. キム・ユニ : 俳優 チャン・ソヒ ユン・ジョンエの長女。母親と共に店を切り盛りし、餅屋‘ジョンエのせいろ’の本当の主人は自分であると考える。働き者だが、正 直過ぎるせいで人を困らせる時もある。問題が起こった時は逃げずに真っ向勝負で切り抜ける。家と店を守るためと、弟と一緒 に母親の再婚計画を立てる。 その渦中で燃えるように恋焦がれた初恋の人が現われ、心を揺さぶられる。 金润姬 : 张瑞希饰 尹贞爱的长女,认为与妈妈一起经营的贞爱米糕店实际上属于自己。非常勤快,但因过于直率经常让别 人不快。在出现问题时从不回避,而正面突破。以保住房子和店铺为名,与弟弟一起筹划让妈妈再婚。 这时曾热烈相爱的初恋情人突然出现,让她发生动摇。 STARRING LEE TAE-SUNG As the second son, Kang-jae always felt he was in competition with his older brother who was always ahead of him. In high school, he was on the varsity baseball team, but after his baseball dreams were crushed, he ended up committing petty crime and became a gang. He rebelled against his mom who only doted on his older brother. He sets up an elaborate quick-rich real estate scheme with some partners but he ends up going to jail for it. His sister has to sell the shop to pay the lawyer’s fees and his brother is on the brink of divorce because of what he has done. So he hits upon the idea that the only way to resolve everything is to have his mom remarry a rich man. キム・カンジェ : 俳優 イ・テソン できのいい兄のせいで劣等感に苦しむユン・ジョンエの次男。高校まで野球選手だったがその先に行けず、一時は反抗や家出 を繰り返した。兄だけに期待を寄せる母親に反感と寂しさを感じている。地上げで一儲けしようとしたがうまく行けず、 そのせい で店まで売りに出す羽目になり、兄は離婚の危機に立たされる。 すべてのピンチを打開する方法として、母親を金持ちの男と結 婚させるしかないと考える。 金强载 : 李泰成饰 尹贞爱的次子,因为比他大两岁的哥哥很出色,一直有自卑心理。直到高中一直是棒球运动员,但在前 途受阻后一度反叛彷徨。对为哥哥付出一切的妈妈产生反感和失望。本想靠开发房地产大赚一笔,结果 入狱。因此不得不卖掉店铺,还让哥哥面临离婚的危机。他认为只有让妈妈与有钱的男人再婚才能摆脱 所有危机。 STARRING KIM SUK-HOON STARRING HONG SOO-HYUN Jung-ae’s handsome and studious first son who currently works in the wealth management division of a large bank. When he was younger, he was a sickly child, which caused his mother a lot of worry. Because he knew his single mom was always struggling, he made an extra effort to be a good son all his life. He is not in favor of seeing his mother remarry but his wife and siblings overrule him and he tacitly agrees with their plan to help his mom find a new husband. He feels like Chairman Uhm is taking away his mom, and he treats him coldly. She measures everything in life by its financial value. Somehow, she falls in love with Young-jae, who could not be any further from what she wants in a partner and marries him. After moving in with Young-jae’s family, every day is filled with drama. Young-jae’s siblings are always getting into some kind of trouble. Although she has given up on her dreams of becoming rich, she schemes with her brother-in-law to have her mother-in-law remarry so that she could get her husband’s inheritance sooner. イ・セリョン : 俳優 ホン・スヒョン キム・ヨンジェ : 俳優 キム・ソックン 世の中にあるすべてのものを、経済的価値というものさしだけで考える。 ところがなぜか理想とは全く異なるヨンジェと恋におち ユン・ジョンエのハンサムで勉強が得意な長男。幼い頃は体が弱く、母親を心配させた。母親の苦労を知るため反抗期もなく、 た。結婚してみると、家の中は毎日騒々しい。嫁ぎ先の家族はみんな問題ばかり起こす。 目標である裕福で華やかな人生は叶わ 優しい息子になろうと努力してきた。 そのため危なげな事業をする弟カンジェが理解できない。母親の再婚には不満だが、妻ま なくても、家はもらうという下心から義弟と一緒になって姑を熟年再婚させようとする。 で加担するため仕方なく家族の意見に従う。母親を取られた気持ちになり、継父となったオム会長に冷たくする。 李世玲 : 洪洙贤饰 凡事都以经济价值这唯一的尺度衡量。却爱上与自己的理想型相去甚远的英载。结婚后发现家里没有一 天消停日子,婆家人都总惹麻烦。她决心即使不能实现享受荣华富贵的人生目标,也要继承婆家的房 子,于是和小叔子一起把婆婆推进黄昏再婚市场。 金英载 : 金锡勋饰 尹贞爱的长子,相貌英俊,学习好,目前在银行融资部工作。小时候因为体弱,总让妈妈操心。他深知 妈妈的辛苦,没有经历青春期的反叛,努力成为善良的好儿子。因此他无法理解弟弟强载为何做很危险 的生意。他虽然不愿让妈妈再婚,但因为妻子也参与其中,只好听从家人的意见。他觉得妈妈被夺走, 对继父严会长态度冷淡。 STARRING CHA HWA-YEON STARRING PARK YOUNG-GYU After her husband’s premature death, she has raised her four children all by herself. She considers her life as a successful one as she owns a shop, regardless of the poor neighborhood, with an attached living space. But her children, who had seemingly turned out well, start to cause her intense stress. They shirk their responsibility in caring for her and also scheme to have her remarry so they can get their hands on their inheritance sooner. Bitter and angered at their bad behavior, she announces that she will disown them and leaves the house. His parents used to run a small clothing shop in Namdaemun market and after inheriting it, he grew it into a fashion brand. His wife died prematurely just a few years into their marriage and it was a devastating loss for him. He goes on dates with age-appropriate ladies but all of them are after his money. Missing his late wife who had movie star looks, he starts to frequent a theater showing classic movies and meets Jung-ae there. After a string of coincidental encounters with Jung-ae, he musters up the courage to confess his love to her. ユン・ジョンエ : 俳優 チャ・ファヨン オム会長 : 俳優 パク・ヨンギュ 成功した人生だと自負したが、信じていた子ども達から次々と裏切られる。親の面倒も見ようとせずに、 もうけを得るために子ど い喪失感に包まれる。何度か見合いをするが、 みんな露骨に金目当てだ。往年の映画俳優にそっくりだった前妻を想い、映画館 宣言して家出する。 を告白する。熟年恋愛はそうして始まる。 尹贞爱 : 车和娟饰 严会长 : 朴荣奎饰 死別後、4人の姉弟を女手一つで育てながら必死に生きてきた。 ソウルの外れではあるが、店舗兼住宅を手に入れてそれなりに も達に嫁までもが加わり、無理やり再婚させようとする。寂しさを通り超えて怒りが湧き上がるジョンエは母親業を放棄すると 丈夫去世后,独自顽强地抚养四个儿女。在首尔的偏僻地区盖起一栋带店铺的住房,为自己认为的成功 人生感到自豪,却遭到一直信赖的儿女接二连三的背叛。为了回避赡养母亲的责任并获利,儿女和儿媳 硬要让她再婚。她感到失望和愤怒,宣布不再当他们的妈妈离家出走。 親から継いだ洋品店を巨大なトータルファッションブランドに成長させた実業家。若い頃から共に苦労してきた妻を亡くし、深 に足を運ぶなかでジョンエに出会う。 その後、偶然の出会いが重なり、 ジョンエの飾らない美しさにひかれ、 ついに自分の気持ち 继承父母的服装生意,开创了大型综合服装品牌。从年轻时起一起辛劳的糟糠之妻去世后感到非常失 落。虽然多次相亲,但女方都露骨地贪财。他因为思念酷似昔日电影演员的前妻前往影院,在那遇到了 贞爱。此后两人不断偶然相遇,他被贞爱的纯朴美丽所吸引,向她表白爱意。黄昏的纯真爱情故事就这 么开始了。
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