ffi Certifi cate awarded to Firmengruppe Richard Grießbach firmengruppe lndustriering 8-12 richord grieBboch 017 U Di ppold iswalde, Germany (sites of this division are shown in the annex) Bureau Veritas Cetification certifies that the Management System of the above organisation has been assessed and found to be in accordance with the requirements of the standards detailed below. Standard DIN EN ISO 9001:2008 Scope Development / construction of: - controls input units and display panels components and systems for pneumatic and hydraulic applications cutting, punching and molding tools CNC milling and rotating parts, injection moulding parts Spare parts for Railway industrie date: Date of the audit, 24.02.2005 original appro'al 30.01 .2014 Date of next recertification: 29.01 .2017 Subject to the continual satisfactory operation of the organisation's ìvfanagement Systerr¡ this certificate is valid frcm: Date of certiFrcation: 18.02.2014 valid until: 17.02.2017 To check this certiFrcate validiry you my contâct Bureau Veritas Certification. Further claifications regarding the scope of this certificate and the applicability of the Management Systems requirements may be obtained by consulting the organisation. \[u¿ I¡cal Technical CertiFrcate ( DAKKS Deutsche lvfanager Akkred¡tierungsstelle ox,10.04.2014 .u-¡"" D E00 4050'2 va¿e,1 of2 Bureau Veritas Certification Germany GmbH Veritaskai 1 '21079 Hamburg D-ZM-16024-01-O0 UV ffi Annex to the Cettifrcarc No D8004050-2 awarded to Firmengruppe Richard Grießbach firmengruppe richord grieBboch 017 U Industriering 8-12 Dippoldiswalde, Germany Bureau Veritas Certification has issued this annex to the Management Certificate of the above mentioned company. Standard DIN EN ISO 9001:2008 Address Site Richard Grießbach Feinmechanik GmbH Betriebsstätte Luckenwalde lm Biotechnologiepark 14943 Luckenwalde, Germany lndustriering 8 - 12 017 44 Dippoldiswalde, Germany Pneumatik & Hydraulik GmbH Gewerbegebiet Reiholdshai n Duisburger Strasse 6 28199 Bremen, Germany Dowaldswerke GmbH Betriebsstäte Bremen ..;..'ì:, ta lf{ r!. Date:10.04.2014 Page 2ol2 :1:l DAkks : Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle Ð-zM-1602+07-00 CertiFrcate numbe. DE004050'2 Valid until: 17.02.2017 Bureau Veritas Certification Germany GmbH Veritaskai 1 '21079 Hamburg
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