WE ARE vRM. - Ramdohr Marketing

» Direct. Clear. Honest.
We are pleased to welcome you.
Get to know us!
Our performance is in demand. Since
We support brands, trade, producers
Our team consists of highly skilled and
and conquerors of niches.
experienced professionals.
As specialists for brand-management,
We aim at target groups. We like to listen,
Each member an expert in his sphere, with
marketing and corporate communica-
learn and communicate in order to disco-
individual strengths and a wide scope of
ver the most central requirements of our
competencies, that we will combine to meet
We pre-think, conceive, rethink, reflect
whatever requirements are indicated for a
and co-operate. Full of invention resour-
In the interest of our clients, we digg deep
ces and enthusiam for each new project,
and discover real new brands. And always
we work on solutions for challenges, effi-
exactly on time, within the budget that our
cient conceptions, and individual targets.
client has in mind.
All with our clients’ needs in mind.
With love!
Our entire creative team has at its disposal a vast amount of brand competence.
Our team members can field any questions with reference to packaging, sales-marketing, POS activities, and sales
literature. Our longstanding experience as consultants for international clients who manage well-known brands
gives us valuable know-how and tools that all our clients can benefit from.
The Team
Coco Zillmann
Art Direction
Mette Henning
Design, Web-Design
Marcus Mbiwe
Julia Elmers
Christiane Ramdohr-Meyer
Cord-Patrick Neuber
Managing Director,
Conceptions and
Creative Managing Director
Live the brand
Understand the business
To be a partner
Become a brand, be a brand, stay a
Before your product can convince
Your company requires messages that
brand – each of these vital stages invol-
clients, consumers are going to have to
are tailored to different target groups:
ves special challenges, and each demands
be interested in what you are offering.
Staff, consumers, clients or trade-
exceptional strategies and first-class
We offer all of the instruments neccessary
measures. Whether it’s a launch or a
to generate that interest: From the develop-
We can develop and manage communica-
relaunch – we care about your brand.
ment of strong sales-related POS-concepts,
tion tools for you - internal or external.
through attention-raising POS-placements
Modern or classical. Efficient and power-
and showcases, all the way up to effective
ful. From print-materials the unbeaten
sales materials, catalogues, info-sheets,
all-rounder to film, which we realize with
leaflets etc..
our partner „Visuelles Marketing“.
Fields of work
Well packed
On Screen
The ”face“ of a brand is much more
At a minimum, packaging can protect
In order to build a successful commu-
than only the logo.
the product inside it.
nication mix, many different bricks
Identity and recognition of a company
More ideally, however, packaging can act
are needed.
are built through the perfect mixture of
as one of the most effective sales-repre-
Websites play a leading role in this sec-
typography, metaphorical language, con-
sentatives at the POS, as well as a strong
tor, since they are more than simply a
cept of colour and design guidelines.
brand ambassador. Whether a launch or
company´s business card. We will work to
Through the successful fusion of all of
a relaunch, we design market – and trend-
advise you regarding design, development,
these components, we impart to brands
oriented packaging that is first class in
and structure of your website content. Our
an unmistakable reputation.
both form and function.
team is in a position to get you started
with strong programming, and a successful web-presence.
A selection of our clients:
More Clients: Run­time Group GmbH / ALTE OLDENBURGER Kran­ken­ver­si­che­rung AG in Zusam­men­ar­beit mit Visu­el­les Mar­ke­ting / FLYLINE Tele­sa­les & Ser­vices GmbH / Heis­sen­büt­tel & Peitz­meyer GmbH / Regena Gesundheits-Ressort / SIC Invent GmbH / Future Info Cen­ter für
Implan­to­lo­g ie / IBSO Auto­ma­tion GmbH / Jentsch Zahn­tech­nik GmbH / OLS Omni Life Sci­ence GmbH & Co. KG / Pro­fil Con­sult GmbH / Steu­er­
be­ra­tung Niemöller-Ladwig / Visu­el­les Mar­ke­ting GbR / Kae­mena & Köpke GmbH / Fritz Loh­mann Wild­spe­zia­li­tä­ten / Sim­ple Pro­ducts by Kutz
Skip references
Client: Mercedes-Benz Plant Bremen
Project: Design of the glass-front at the arrival area at Bremen Airport
Client: H S D Haendschke
Project: Product booklet and further sales material
Client: momen­tis oHG Bre­men / Dia­geo Ger­many GmbH
Project: Booklet for Classic Malts & Food
Client: Mercedes-Benz Plant Bremen
Project: Development of an overall visual for the jubilee 35/75
Ads for diverse newspapers, e.g. BILD
Client: Imperial Tobacco Group
Project: Brand­book­let, trade fair material, folder
Client: henkel consulting
Project: Corporate Identity and roll-out
Client: Imperial Tobacco Group
Project: Launch Kit, sales folder, calendar
Client: EVAC Train GmbH
Project: Image– & product poster
Client: Visuelles Marketing
Project: Corporate Identity and roll-out
Client: cam­bio car­sha­ring
Project: Development of an Icon-range & Screen-Design for the cambio app
Client: EVAC Train GmbH
Project: Infographic of technical processes & poster
Client: Mercedes-Benz Plant Bremen
Project: Development of a poster for internal communications purposes
Client: Imperial Tobacco Group
Project: Promotional concept, design and newspaper for Gauloises
Client: TGKS
Project: Corporate Identity and roll-out
Client: Mercedes-Benz Plant Bremen
Mercedes-Benz Customer Service Center Bremen
Project: Development of an advertisement-range
Client: Spatz Deli­ka­tes­sen
Project: Packaging & case study
Client: Imperial Tobacco Group
Project: Sales­fol­der & shelftalker
Feel welcome to contact us.
Office + 49.(0)421.84 78 91 56
Slevogtstraße 15
28209 Bremen
[email protected]