Vacancy Notice Vacancy Numbers: Grade: Title: Division/Office: NATO Body: Country: Closing Date: Point of Contact: 1. 16006-16011 LWR (A5/6) Driver/Operator Transportation Section, Vehicle Operations Branch, Motorpool Squadron, Base Support Wing HQ NAEW&C Force GK Germany 08 April 2016 Mr. R. Gülpen 02451-632340 Mrs. J. Augustinova 02451-632344 GENERAL: Applications are invited for the posts listed above. These posts are due to be filled as soon as possible. The HQ NAEW&C Force reserves the right to select personnel for future identical vacancies from among the candidates who apply on account of this advertisement. Applicants are required to strictly adhere to the instructions on how to apply (paragraph 11) in order to ensure that their applications receive full and proper consideration. Please note that only applicants who succeed in the initial screening will receive a response. In order to follow the status of a vacancy please refer to our web site Due to prevailing circumstances, potential candidates are herewith informed that this recruitment process may well have to be curtailed prematurely at any point in the future, depending on the nature of ongoing developments and decisions regarding organizational, structural, or financial issues or for any other valid reasons. Consequently there can be no guarantee that a selected candidate will actually be appointed to this post. Normally the Civilian Personnel Selection Board will only consider the applications of candidates fully meeting all the essential qualifications of the job description. When no candidates apply who meet all the essential qualifications, the board may decide to consider candidates not possessing all of the essential qualifications. If such candidates are selected, they will be appointed at a lower grade and their employment contract will stipulate the conditions under which the grade attached to the post can be granted and the employment contract confirmed. 2. POST CONTEXT: The E-3A Component Commander is responsible for maintaining the readiness of all elements of the NATO E-3A Component to support operational employment of the NATO E-3A Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) aircraft as directed by SACEUR through the Commander, Air Command Ramstein. The Base Support Wing (BSW) is responsible to the E-3A Component Commander for the effective operation of all E-3A peculiar MOB base support functions including the supervision of those covered in Host Nation Support Agreements. The Motor Pool Squadron manages the MOB’s and FOB’s/ FOL’s vehicle fleet and its efficient operation/ utilization. The Vehicle Operations Branch schedules and operates a bus, cabs and truck fleet for personnel and materiel transport. Performs airfield cleaning as well as snow and ice clearing/ removal in support of MOB and flight line operations. The incumbent operates the vehicles necessary to perform the Component mission, as assigned 3. REPORTS TO: The designated supervisor. 4. PRINCIPAL DUTIES: Responsible for: Operating, handling, servicing and maintaining all classes and types of motor vehicles as well as related equipment in accordance with Motor Transport Instructions; May be required to operate, handle, service and maintain specialized vehicles and related trailers as well as accessories of various types. 5. ADDITIONAL DUTIES: Responsible for: Performs other related duties as assigned; May be required to undertake TDY assignments worldwide; Attends, as directed, additional training courses/ programs relevant to the mentioned duties; May be required, to carry out a similar range of duties in any organisational element of the headquarters, at the same grade, without necessitating a change to the employment contract. 6. ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATIONS: a. Professional/Experience: Sufficient job-related experience (min. two (2) years). Experience in personnel and material transportation. b. Education/Training: Completed relevant secondary education. Driver’s license equivalent to European classes B, C, D and E. c. Security Clearance: NATO SECRET. d. Language: Standard NATO Language Profile (SLP). The 4-digit SLP refers to listening, speaking, reading and writing in that sequence; the level number stands for: 1-Elementary; 2-Fair (limited working); 3-Good (minimum professional); 4-Very Good (full professional); 5-Excellent (native/bilingual) English 2221 German 2221 Note: The work, both oral and written, in this post and in this headquarters as a whole, is conducted mainly in English. e. Physical/Medical Prerequisites: Must fulfill medical prerequisites of occupational health code as specified in the E-3A Component’s Occupational Health Examination Programme. 7. DESIRABLE QUALIFICATIONS: a. Professional/Experience: Experience working in an international military environment. Basic skills in vehicle maintenance. b. Education/Training: Formal qualification as “Berufskraftfahrer” or equivalent. Completed education in handling hazardous goods (Gefahrguttransport) in accordance with ADR regulations. Completed load security/ safety training. 8. LWR POSTS: Shift work: Yes On Call Duties: Yes. 9. REMARKS: Flight Line driving permit required. 10. SALARY AND CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT: Salary and conditions of employment will be in accordance with the Collective Tariff Agreement (CTA II). The place of duty will be at the NATO Air Base Teveren, near Geilenkirchen, Germany. For more details please see below (INFORMATIONSBLATT FÜR BEWERBER). English translation available upon request. 11. APPLICATION PACKAGES (Hereinafter referred to as Applications): PLEASE READ CAREFULLY (How to Apply) Candidates are requested to strictly adhere to the following instructions: a. Applications must be forwarded by normal mail to the following address: HQ NAEW&C Force GK Civilian Personnel Branch/Recruitment Post Box 411008 D-52511 Geilenkirchen b. Applications must quote the above-mentioned post and advertisement numbers. c. Only applications containing complete and pertinent information and documentation will be taken into consideration. As a minimum, application packages must include a fully completed HQ NAEW&C Force Application Form and a fully completed Post Requirements Form (both forms can be obtained on the following Internet site: Candidates must answer every question on both forms completely in English. Expressions such as please see attached CV, please see annex, please see enclosed document, etc. are not acceptable. d. Applications must also include documentary evidence of the educational and vocational requirements as listed under essential qualifications. Applicants are further requested to supply documentary evidence in support of the statements made in the application (such as certificates of other education/training, evaluation sheets, job descriptions, letters of appreciation/recommendation, etc.). Do not submit the original texts of references or testimonials. Any documentation submitted in a language other than English must be accompanied by at least an unofficial translation. INFORMATIONSBLATT FÜR BEWERBER Grundlage für die Entlohnung und Arbeitsbedingungen ist der “TV NATO” in Verbindung mit dem “TARIFVERTRAG FÜR DIE ARBEITNEHMER BEI DEN STATIONIERUNGSKRÄFTEN IM GEBIET DER BUNDESREPUBLIK DEUTSCHLAND (TV AL II)”. Nachstehende Informationen sind dem TV NATO / TV AL II auszugsweise entnommen. Tätigkeit Eingruppierung Wochenarbeitszeit : : : Driver/Operator A-5/6 41,5 Stunden A) Vergütung : Bruttolohn B) Zusatzversorgung : Die Zusatzversorgung beträgt 2,50 % des zusatzversorgungspflichtigen Entgelts. Dieser Betrag wird nicht ausgezahlt und ist steuer- und sozialversicherungspflichtig. Er wird direkt vom Arbeitgeber auf ein Lebensversicherungskonto bei der ERGOVersicherungs-AG zu Gunsten des Arbeitnehmers einbezahlt. C) Zuschläge (Auswahl) : Mehrarbeit bis 5 Stunden pro Woche ab 6. Stunde pro Woche 25 % 30 % Nachtarbeit 21.00 - 06.00 Uhr 25 % Sonntagsarbeit mit Freizeitausgleich ohne Freizeitausgleich 25 % 50 % Feiertagsarbeit mit Freizeitausgleich ohne Freizeitausgleich 50 % 100 % Schichtzulage pro geleistete Schicht pro geleistete Wechselschicht 2.50 € 5,00 € EUR 2.646,13 D) Urlaubsgeld : Das Urlaubsgeld beträgt 2,00 % des tatsächlichen Arbeitsverdienstes für die dem 1. Mai vorangehenden zwölf Monate. Die Auszahlung erfolgt im Mai des jeweiligen Jahres unter der Voraussetzung, dass der Arbeitnehmer die Probezeit abgeschlossen hat und am Auszahlungstag 4 Monate beschäftigt ist. E) Weihnachtsgeld : Das Weihnachtsgeld beträgt 6,33 % des anrechenbaren Arbeitsverdienstes innerhalb der dem 1. November vorangehenden zwölf Kalendermonate erzielt hat. Die Auszahlung erfolgt im November des jeweiligen Jahres unter der Voraussetzung, dass der Arbeitnehmer die Probezeit abgeschlossen hat und am Auszahlungstag 4 Monate beschäftigt ist. F) Vermögenswirksame : Leistungen Arbeitnehmer haben einen Anspruch auf einen Arbeitgeberanteil zu den Vermögenswirksamen Leistungen in Höhe von EUR 30,00 pro Monat. G) Erholungsurlaub : Der Urlaubsanspruch beträgt 30 Tage/Jahr = 6 Wochen. Erholungsurlaub kann erstmals 6 Monate nach Beginn des Beschäftigungsverhältnisses in Anspruch genommen werden. H) Probezeit : Die Probezeit beträgt 3 Monate.
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