
(1)He may not be a teacher.
(2)Do you know the truth of the world? -Yes, I do./No, I don't.
(3)Where were you spoken to by a stranger? -At home.
(4)I can't be a Martian.
(5)Tom hasn't eaten anything for thirty years.
(6)Does Tom have to go home? -Yes, he does./No, he doesn't.
(7)If it is rainy tomorrow, we won't be able to play baseball.
(8)The train which I wanted to get on has gone.
(9)I was born to play the guitar.
(10)Have you ever seen the movie? -Yes, I have seen it three times.
(11)She has never missed school, has she?
(12)He doesn't know who I met yesterday.
(13)Were you cooking when I came home? -Yes, I am./No, I'm not.
(14)Yumi finished making breakfast ten minutes ago.
(15)Reading books is important for us.
(16)Ken left the store without paying.
(17)My dream is to be a witch.
(18)Give me something cold to drink.
(19)There is a house on the hill.
(20)I have a book written in French.
(21)Yumi is as tall as Tom.
(22)Yumi is prettier than her sister.
(23)Mt.Fuji is the highest mountain in Japan.
(24)Jim is brighter than any other kid in the class.
(25)She is one of the best tennis players.
(26)The people working there are all Chinese.
(27)I have an uncle who is a math teacher.
(28)I saw an animal whose tail was very long.
(2)あなたは世界の真実を知っていますか。 -はい、知っています。/いいえ、知りません。
(3)あなたはどこで知らない人に話しかけられましたか。 -家です。(疑問副詞・受動態・
(6)トムは帰らなければならないのですか。 -はい、そうです/いいえ、その必要はありま
(10)今までにその映画を見たことがありますか。 -はい、3回見たことがあります。(現在
(13)私が家に帰った時、あなたは料理をしていましたか。 -はい、していました。/いいえ、
(19)丘の上に家がある。(There is/There are)
(21)ユミはトムと同じくらい背が高いです。(as 原級 as …)
(22)ユミは彼女の妹よりもかわいいです。(比較級 than …)
(23)富士山は日本で最も高い山です。(the 最上級 in単数/of複数)
(24)ジムはクラスのどの子供よりも賢い。(比較級 than any other …)
(25)彼女は最高のテニス選手の一人である。(one of the 最上級 …)