彫nan3Ⅵ olaυ ununttη 口渕ⅥloⅥ tj130na」 nnヽ 」、 g.。 酎01閃 田 aⅥ ll.コ nη υ 創 綱 0″ ∩崎 0∩ LJη ttnυ ndO,8詢 5彰 前 償 則 wnu側 輌口 ν論 1口 ,ulν η5甲 喬つ」翻 in gnnl,9an9nnlo91llJも an刊 1う ta彫 6Q∩ 5,NallⅥ unn35 11J18tJu511口 51 351nlnnll肩 nυ η占u電 ∩η 」、 ぅ胃nυ η2559(nttod l) 口η 脚研う Ⅵ01群uunun■ η 昴脚Ⅵlう Ⅵ03ooaa」 1∩ ぅ1群 」5彫 ∩η nttua郵 ∩ ぅ ザ∩肩∩ loし ギ 1高 ∩ υηし υnd01彫 ″u」号則則η υ Om(」 号QJttn口 弓)luぅ 彫 tlll=u働 51」 18ゴ η Яn∩ ∩15肩 ∩ υnm範 1∩ η l月 ∩ υη2559(∩ 子 0研 1)乱 う Ⅵun″uunun%η tt l∩ 寸 剛o o」 」,8oη n,lo10晰 劇aⅥ gaoυ ♂脚ЯlunJ anソ 511tta脚 ∩5И an39ぅ lJ5ソ 112,∩ ¶un」 朝manttnっ 、η∩ηぅma10n15、qく nutta彫 ∩っ∩ぅ1脚 oⅥ Ⅵun∩ n50η Ⅵun∩ 153ollし し a83oouⅥ aou∩ o■ 1. an9υ %o 5偽 蘭●飾 1 unNana r?alfodou#iln1uoi ι Ondn,も ‖ 口N "し 1651001 口ηUQ口 Ⅶa t%unautⅥ n 9.00u 4.26 1651002 un(31っ っ15創 Ouく ∩ nぅ 9.00■ 4.2,7 1651003 unヾ an35unauo onυ 9001J. 4.1.1,4.21 4 1651005 口η UⅥ ■ 5 9.00u 4.1.1 5 1651006 (anっ 、 η 切η Qnη ∩ ttQ悩 1 し 、ЭヾnQ 5Ⅵ っくaⅥ 5 し つ 号則aagana η Qa 1%∩ 9.00■ . '=qu5■ 6 1651007 q口 uη unヾ anっ ∩ 7 1651008 unく alo%"∩ η 8 1651009 u'r{a1?!rufl:u 9 1651010 un¶ anon%則 10 1651011 ulonl■ 百Ⅵく 石 1651012 ul(33olⅥ 55υ n 1651013 urua:llxr 1651014 unく an33∩ uCり 321ヾ 9.00■ 411 9.00u. 4.1.1 │ n η =m嘔 lJう Uう 側 av 9t1?v11\0lluflu 9,00■ 」 。 03ぅaバ 9.00u. 41.1 195、 創彫n%則 n 9.00■ 4.2.6 ttalⅥ 3」u 9.45■ rrcid'r Oiagっ n10ぅ . . . 4.1.1,4.26 9.45u 411 9.451J. 4.1.1 anoυ 」 剛0 ∩ 5 И d晰 鍼 ヽ ・ じ っanun● oυ ●3Jnη υgu LOnan'じ 別34Ь 口N Ⅵ乱Ⅵ輌na Ⅵう 945■ 41.1 41.1 un3Jana n330"Uη un゛ ● 1651016 unoo昴 ギ らat∩ 5輌 う 945■ 1651017 unu働 烈Ⅵn憫 ∩Ongouバ η 9.45u 1651019 unNanっ Ⅵ3oo310 1651020 Ⅵ5Ⅵ 30U し Ⅵηくanつ し 1651021 ulurt{t,.tu 20 1651022 un(anっ 5馳 21 1651023 ■1(anっ 佃5創 筍η 22 1651024 ■1lano■ 3則 ⅥⅥO 23 1651025 24 /0 1651015 18 8 9.45■ 4.11 し 筍Unauし Ⅵ輌 9.45u 4.1.1 nulo 945■ Ⅵ瓢囁 脚1斜 つ 9.45u 彫1∩ un∩ ∩ m゛ 」ぅ 4.1.1,4.2.1, %un na qQ、 口 . 4.2.2,4.26 4.1.1 10.30■ . 411 ν則50"イ ∩6 1030u. ■113η O%つ 01 nU潤 Ⅵ`Ⅵu 10.30■ 1651026 1 uno31o%u面 Qnη Ⅵul濶 lm 10.30■ 25 1651027 5Qη 1 unlanつ 」昴つ Ⅵ10uaQ斬 も 10.30■ . 26 1651028 27 1651,029 | urlarrrltr t{u{on{1}l 10.30 28 1651030 urlartdu:n: nilaniuilruflrt 10.30■ 29 1651031 linη un(33つ 」 UttSittlvNNaj し ぢ 10.30 30 1651032 uη O● 晰蜀unl 10.30u. unoanof■ 5%1 l- u 60Ⅵ 5o潤 筍 4.11,4.26 . 4.11 . 1 4.1.1 4.1.1 10.30■ u. | 4.1.1 41.2,425, η つ015則 η . u. 4.2.7 I 4.1.1 4.1.1 η La彰 500し 晰 υυunttuu‐ una∩ un Ⅵl。 型nanlⅦ し 弓ooも し Ⅵ3Jauし lnuu tlく nlu斉 3oし ∩ ∩u¶ 彫肖0。 し Ⅵ濶η Uし И :ヽ tinaollη ∩ η nη inη ⅥIJnnl,3oυ 昌Ⅵ 劉 V 2. ′ じ〕 η ,nuQgndou ν3Jnυ ι νロ ●ontJη `〕 09.00-1200ロ ´ 〕 utanivl ヽ C」 n3d151001■ aa」 憫 デ。 。 ,彫 輌 弓Cno ∩ 口つ 0■ oo∩ n,♂ nunく n■ o5nη ぅ u∩ aoua3JЯ ηuo」 30 oJnin∩ 脚 2559 も つ6η lJ∩ aOUattЯ ηυ側 口aく %u nioし ⅥⅥη 彫脚η 偶 」ぅ 剣 15■ η Иn t劇 員 И υ じ 研■ oo,gl ttη ) 4 2)イ 憫8 Иau∩ Ⅵ つ η "Ⅵ nttnη Ⅵ ug 2559 」5彫 nη 輌1lo電 va'rrrar 18.00 u. :rJuuunr:d'rnruai dou t:u.ifrl1ila1Frun1: vtv 5',ru.i1url?n0u-uai o ― w sulc org hanund。 嗣aⅥ 筍 gし И3JnutⅥ 口:l」 ぅ∩llη ぅloolumつ バoutっ an3ou3∩ ∩っn濶 ぢ Ltattaouattnlυ J」 5彫 脚η創 15 un輌 g・ νu∩ ttav3彰 占oollし Onani``lb趨 出産LJh査 曇炉出こュ立強Ш■■■旦 u9191濶 も つ6η デバη 晰働aⅥ Ou♂コnlυ 面o彰 者o(濶 15nuく η 由饉 Щ降 ぬ訓鎚 尊 n臣国Ш 襲卸 htthh咀山 h盤並夏 詢熙 五 1"Ⅵ ぢ0渕 anuttu■ oo相 aη gaouttnη υ面 a錨 」∩∩5oo脚 1」 観uttaOυ ね nη υ面高oo “ し La8 4. to∩ 31づ η 義tっ く ian脚 m/_suに ○鴨 LtuuaOuaコ nnυ o」 00し luaっ uⅥ uく 剛 Oo∩ 彰 じ ondη 5ι Ⅵ田じ 口測 4.l LLl」 ud l占 0。 aヾ tOnanilデ ∩itJ01■ 4.1.1 lυ 4.2 Lta9ヾ て luつ u、 lolη u口 っti3■ unanυ llⅥ コ 筍ヾ句彫」58∩ 1●1デ ηぅηun3oMa、 Q 肩∩ 凩anη ぅ ∩υ潤50潤 anunmou」 anu(」 Ⅵ.1)ttag♂ ltuntu」 ぅ unぅ 彫 8n3niuJn,(」 Ⅵ2) Ⅵ引ヽ 輌ou■ 掘n15anul l、 。。∩ 80ギu5oonη 、 し anせ nsnnぅ (∩ 、 1∩ u∩ 5彫 vIぅ つ く 働可a■∩う aouバ η ¶ 日∩υ1589U脚 503JanUnmou」 anuИ ,oι Йouし 111lnannuunnian、 ndη ヾ ∩η 、 彫じ vln) 」ぅ 41.2 L号 LLUUデ 2群 oodoLO∩ anilデ ∩、uζっ■ 1■ 豹 tang1 30濶 ∩■1∩ 潤 2559 η ゴη n∩ 10ヾ tunumi」 5彫 筍 %u剛 00閃 」 4.21 lu剛 00ω 」 42.2 ゴηし unη tttlJO口 υ n∩ 100 423 dlL口 lυ 9ぅ 」、 彰 %1%u剛 oo蘭 a郵∩ 、 4.24 ぎηtunⅥ 彫ι uu口 υη u剛 00閃 a濶 ∩ 、 425 1」 lnu(И tth口 ぅo13J● つ脚ИtJつ n tLattlttaっ 4.2.6 427 5. 1,Oooo観 νant″ ¶η∩崎ul価 "ann、 3ou PA丁 3Jし Lう u口 η問1)tlun9 1 0■ 41」 1(,、 4ath) "ann,3ou sA丁 (Math) m制 研mdu呻 .釧 c∝ g ノ 」 ,8∩ na n」 っ uデ ι ∩ innlJ ク脚 2559 ン 6° ぎ ヽ ド :靴 』 蹴籍キ 耶棚凧 AnnouncementofSitpakornUniversitylnternationaICol.|.ege List of Quatified Applicants for lnterview Examination Programme For the Direct Admission for Bache[or of Business Administration in Event and Leisure Marketing Academic Semester l/20t6 (lntake 1) Sitpakorn ∪niversity lnternationat ⊂Ottege haS evatuated and determined the tist of quahfied appucants for lnterview Exarnination for the dlrect adrnission for Bachetor of Business Administratlon Programme in Event and Leisure ヽ4arketlng for academic semester 1/2016 (lntake l), the ust and information can be seen hereunder No. AppLication First lnterview Name Last Name ID appointment Additional. Documents 1651001 Mr.」 atuphon ⊂HOEIKLINTES 9.00 Hr. 4.2.6 1 2 1651002 Miss Wananong SRIRUANGKIJ 9.00 Hr 42.7 3 1651003 Miss Tanasinee A∪ KSONTHONGS∪ TTI 9 00 Hr. 41.1,4.2.1 4 1651005 A/1r.Pachara ⊂HAROENSILPSAK∪ L 9 00 Hr 41.1 5 1651006 IⅥ CHOKHIRANttHANAK∪ L 9 00 Hr 1651007 Miss Knttlya 7 1651008 Miss⊂ 8 1651009 Miss Boondaree DAOPHIPHA丁 ⊂HAI 9.00 Hr. 9 1651010 Miss Plchaya YOYSAVげ ASDI 9 00 Hr 4.1.1 10 1651011 Mr.Kanphong 9 00 Hr. 42.6 1651012 Miss 9.45 Hr. 4.1.1,4.2.6 1651013 Mr Samarn 9 45 Hr 4.11 12 iss⊂ hanisakarn hanapa Supansa BOONSAWANG BORIB∪ RANA S∪ ∨ARNNAPHICHAYA PHOLSUTTICHAI SAE⊂ HA∪ 9.00 Hr 4.1.1 9.00 Hr 4.11 App[ication No. First AdditionaI lnterview Name Last Name ID Documents appointment ttAWONW∪ T丁 IKRAI 9 45 Hr 4.r.t SABPAISARN 9.45 Hr. 4.1.1, LEELAKMISORN 9.45 Hr. 4.t.t 1651014 Miss tthidarat 1651015 Miss 1651016 Mr. 1651017 Mr tteekatas 1651019 Miss Ploywaree TUNGPRAJUCKPUCKDEE 9 45 Hr 4.t.t 18 1651020 Miss PraePtoy CHOEYKLINTHES 9 45 Hr 4.t.1 19 1651021 Mr. TACHO 10 30 Hr. 20 1651022 Miss tthanchanok MANA∨ APA丁 10 30 Hr 21 1.651,023 I Miss 22 1651024 14 SawanYa Apichai DOKR∪ ANKAM 9 45 Hr 4.1.1,4.2.t, n | -rc51,025 CherngchaY Natnicha SUCHARITKUL 4.2.2,4.2.6 10 30 Hr │ NTAWATSAK ヽ1lss Kvvanhatal B∪ Miss Chawisa PIAMSAP ChonniPa 4.t.t 10 30 Hr. 4.t.L,4.2.6 10 30 Hr. 4.t.t 10.30 Hr 4.t.t 10 30 Hr 4.1.1 4.t.t Miss 25 1651027 Miss Patiworada 26 1651028 Miss Nattacha 1651029 Mlss Nicha NGOENGNOKNGAM 10 30 Hr 28 1651030 Miss Pattrakorn KAMOLKORNPANNATA丁 10.30 Hr 29 1651031 Miss Panisa 30 1651032 Miss つ4 1651026 BANDHUMASUTA M∪ ENSING L∪ RPROMCHAI lAMttEERAPAIBOON TUCHINDA │ 10.30 Hr. 24 Nataya 4.t.1 4.t.2,4.2.5, 4.2.7 10 30 Hr 4.1.7 10 30 Hr. 4.t.1 prohibited. Remark: Appticant shatt wear student uniform or formal attire. Jeans and sandats are strongty 2. Examination Schedute Time Date 09.00 - 12.00 Test Center Subject Sitpa Bhirasri Hatl (Lounge 2) hrs. Saturday (Please arrive 15 minutes 30th January 2016 before the interview 8tn Ftoor Interview Exam Office of the President Buil.ding 18.00 hrs. 4th February 2016 onward The interview witl be conducted as a Taling Chan, Bangkok appointment) Thursday Remark Remark: No parking space Announcement of fitstcpne-first= serued bosis. Announced on SuccessfuI www.suic.org Candidates Remark: Ptease arrive 15 minutes before the test appointment. 3. Appticants who are etigibte for the interview exam must arrive at the test center by the indicated time and must submit "lmportant issues for aooticants and their oarents towards SUIC Bachetor's degree programs" with signatures on the day of interview examination. This document can be downtoaded at www.suic.org and 4. is considered as a partial of interview scores. Addition Documents 4.t. Type 1 The document(s) must be submitted on New Student Registratlon Day, which witt be informed tater 4.1.1. Copies of high school [eve[ education transcript and diptoma. 4.1.2. High Schoot Equivatency Certificate issued by the Ministry of Education, Roya[ Thai Government for appticant who compteted a high school [eve[ (or equivatent) from an academic institute abroad. 4.2. Type 2 The document(s) must be submitted on Saturday 30thjanuary 2016 4.2.1. A copy of Government lD Card - ParenVGuardian 4.2.2. A copy of House Registration - Parent/Guardian 4.2.3. A copy of Government lD Card - Appl.icant 4.2.4. A copy of House Reglstration - Appticant 4.2.5. 4 Photos (facing forward and no sungtasses) in 1-inch 4.2.6. PAT (Math) score 4.2.7. SAT (Math) score 6 size 5. ADOtiCants must oresent the aooucatiOn card and recelDt befOre enterint exam room and ヴ ノ″ Announced on ル D rect∝ れ `anuary 2016 o蝋 ぶTI翼 lhi&e 『 翼罷 1黒
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