il:snroivrard'uururrrG 耐0ヾ 閃an15● Oυ 論 崎 onЧ uraT ivr urd'ufi nna市 1lnυ ndO貿 詢 anttη ら剛1∩ η5nan9nl19nヾ ηuし Lavう arhn: 僑 彎劉 lJ翻 嘱口 luittυ υ詢 口,ヾ on5,NallⅥ IJnnη i llJ,彫 uυ itJ口 ♂ η И ¥unη ∩ nη 、 η 日 ∩ υ 斉 ■コ n15肩 nυ η 2559(∩ き o1 1) 'q ml潤 ЙうⅥun″uЧ ηttη %n01群 」ぅ彫∩ηn前」輌f∩ 1ザ ∩目∩υη し loし イ1月 ∩υndOl■ 1彫 前J」 号則則nu翻 輌働 Ⅵざn191U号 Ⅵη5,、 ∩Q Sヽ朝働 01剛 ηOり ηnn,nannn15Q∩ ol■ も し attnっ n5,劉 o口 Ⅵunnn,剛 oloⅥ 0100■ ηuη %η 口 濶νηつⅥUnaUna」 η∩,an1451JЯ η∩ ∩nぅ 目∩υη占蹟 ln15anuη 2559(∩ ぶ11 1),論 J ぅⅥ00″ o口 alJl■ nal∩ ゞ剛。J、 彫∩nn,η u可 0晰 働aⅥ gtinanせ ndo tta彰 1lИ 口∩n15 5oolnu商 糸 ぅηolo誂 uuデnu」 58mtti 1. 」 R10 un3Jana a191J 5MaNattn, 1 1651005 uη 2 1651006 j l%∩ ,ダ ouη η η 口η (anっ %働 輌 ∩ 則¶ 則 Qa 1651007 un¶ an3∩ 1651008 uη 1310%una 1651010 η un131っ nら 町 ζ 003ぅ aが 41,43 1651015 く ■η an3a155ol η5Ⅵ 乱Ⅵnla 4.1,43 1651016 ■000Я %U 1651020 uη くanoし LⅥ 5Ⅶ aOυ 9 1651022 un゛ an35側 10 1651023 unく an3o」 so」 %n a■ 1651025 ttanO%っ nn 口η t」 u脚 Ⅵぅ lAlu 1651026 un(anっ %切 脚unn ,N■ 1651027 unlanQ」 ∩ n っ ぅ Л t1/110■ 0く 晰 31,41,43 1651028 秘1lanQ譴 5%3 00Ⅵ 50脚 %0 41,43 7 つ4 14 υⅥぉi n号 則aagana ηttUn Чttaanl tliυ i翻 aantnぅ ● 5 %un じ %u∩ al」 し Ⅵ● ttn側 っⅥ瓢u 1口 ∩a 5脚 am 晨Oul刊 ∩n,Lttη 胃∩unmO 32,41,43 31,43 31,41,43 41,43 41,43 32,41,43 41,4.3 3.1,43 31,3.2,4.1,43 31,41,43 annu 」 剛0 lИ attattn5 潤OIJtttnl,も イnttnυ ndO lln3Jana 口ηttan30」 1651030 u1.ia1'lf,iu:n5 nilan:uiltuyrrl 4.2,43 17 1651031 linη unoanっ 」 し うu潤 3581Ⅶ Чag 41,4.3 18 1651032 un(an3oJЛ ttη η3■ 91 ′0 1651029 %n 3.1,41,43 し くulo∩ ¶η潤 3.2,4.1,43 nstt研 ヾ ∩η η η η 1 ∩ u兇 脚 ∩uQ彫 占0。 し dヾ ∩ η ぅ υく umlη ∩ し υ∩っUじ ∩ 号Ooし も UUunSu■ _膏 ∩月∩せη ⅥlololnnⅥ し η La彰 ヽ 01し デ … Иttauし ln曹 11 2∩ 1剣 η』n怖 刊 58in商 晰a飾 ,コ nLanq荷つ曰 nlИ ttnn15ouuuavlg 劉 し 2. 」 も つan 100■ Ⅵ νttnuも Иロ %158n1555潤 tuuttnnin∩ υη つuⅥ l14aunⅥ ll nttn3,N"52559 g tttuN■ 40,000 uη Ⅵ l∩ η υ uび uaⅥ 2 ∩nt、 」utaぅ 脚Ⅵuinunlυ 10く nη υ η naouη uη tlη ロ ♂η u∩ ヾ u3Ⅵ 」 9.00■ -1200u ヽ■5研 ∩ ぎη 膏∩く η ■o3n35Uう tttun■ 5,000 unⅥ naく %u nlく LⅥ Ⅵ 3 ∩nt5uutaぅ 脚Ⅵu51u∩ o」 口nla95 tlun■ 5,000 uη Ⅵ gttη 濶∩ηИuntつ ol∩ qnanつl斉 MLEELM県 兇輌lJanttn5oouuuaη 厠uanuさhu面 う hυ ぅ っ く ν ttn が 3. nlduれ れMg覇 8側 anttg 1デ tnヾ ι ソηttn■ oo Ⅵぢollじ Ⅵηttal喘 局Ⅵunauununttn働 Ⅵぅηυ yあ づ 2559コ 9y蒟 。 つ プ ?ν ″ 鰐′ η 前9Jr7,■ 」 ち あυ■ 晨Outttnllし も■月nundo晰 30υ ttη unη ぅ3oυ ∩∩し 80∩ じ Jl月 ∩υndoluИ ″∩q口 lu3И ηぅ 1,局 ¶JOJam Q∩ Oη utta彫 ∩Q∩ ぅ、濶auⅥ un∩ η、 し し ヽOul■ 口01も 剛1し ヽUuし 輛う潤Ⅵuinu υUⅥ濶し anttη う■lnη 、口an∩ ∩η、 u∩ 15」 5彫 し 脚u"a l∩ oo彫 口01Lttntヽ uuも ta彰 "η llJ∩ η ∩バη η ぅ 鰯o■ 群゛ Q И ∩蘭30υ 閃1■ tttltJ例 員晨Oul剛 働し lantinSu■ 1劇 ∩ nu∩ η ぅ υ召っ uし ta彫 /И 号 彫L働 u閃 aQ彫 oo∩ ∩ ol劇 閃 ぅ 」、 ッ4ヽ ■ 【 ッ■ %000∩ ¶η∩閃濶aⅥ 5し 剛na 1 nlJn口 o 3.1 6utJじ ● R34■ lljnunlυ loonqu 3.26o■ 6田 釧lJ∬ nunnm● 1● ng Lζ 4. LOna15nllanせ lι nttLa劉 uζ っ 観uれ]uhaⅥ 3(れ Ⅵηttυ 昴1111潤 nl血 甲nun1530υ 繭 60n荷 oldoЮ nanittdol」 仇ヂ∩ぅ 覇し η o∩ an吼 JⅥ ギ o脚 ■ ∩doし 寄 Ⅵinttnη ttu愉 ]■ thaⅥ3 olデ 昴 4.1 4.2 luし し an。 因an15日 ∩υnぅ 彫∩ul150濶 目∩υη口Ou」 an3(」 Ⅵ g255の lun,湿 l)し ta彫 どltuntu」 5彫 ∩n輌 伺JJm5(」 Ⅵ 2) νゞ nぅ し 50゛ ∩ らuυ R掘 ∩15月 nυ η可く Oo∩ 1∩ un、 彫 Ⅵlっ o日 ∩υn3∩ η l (∩ ぅ 詞晰a■ ∩う 3ou♂ lL号 ¶ ∩η anυ η う l彫 ∩ u `o8o=υ 脚503J肩 ∩υlmOu」 an3Ⅵ 号oし 輌utJt119η nanη υu∩ η 日nul林 no」 、 彰し η輌 、 ) 4.3 n4u03oouoo濶 lデ員∩n、 口5o¶ Lo∩ 315∩ ηi3nt5Q∩ 崎ul■ 9 Mvwm血 零 糸 iぎ 3・ れ ηぅ肩∩υ15彫 Oυ 潤50潤 目∩υnmOu」 anu辱 ヾanttnin∩ ηっず籠ソanl群 研 aη stta彫 和 ∩∩10く ¶彫斉00aqanu調 olol執 │■Ⅵ論 51■ 商 u 5, n15感n58バ 155■ 別ШONn15月 ∩un デau昴 0111脚 nη ` 輸Jg 5.1. 1■ づ uⅥ η (aИ ttutlη 肩∩υl群 ooゞ 15彰 11555潤 し 2559膏 ∩ 働Uttn15anυ ndOuttin ll■ っ ■40,000 unⅥ 1,彰 lη し ηζ し a彫 ぱ lJ И っ ■ 薇oOuJuaⅥ だし 弓 0■ ta33J諷、 uЛ η く J hn5553JLttU8Jnll月 υo01∩ η ,lu斉 η )し dO■ ヽ∩ うⅥ81群uuη unttη ttQ81o■ し lu115'134tttU脚 ∩1,日 ∩un Lし し 、ou:ooLtaつ l∩ uバ η ]u」 uaⅥ だ し ta彫 11し 、uuta弓 濶轟.51uttη nυ n Ⅵ8o t10in肩 ∩υnaqⅥ 8L00uし И ηうnudou偶 し l」 unlυ ηざQ∩ ηv an脚 15oイ 15彫 1荷 21oく Ⅵηく6o 5.1l Quan 512 tt∩ %nuゞ 面∩ 漁うnuう Ⅵun詢 uη un%η 昴脚νη う Ⅵol詢 aa」 1∩ ぅ ηuギ1竜ゝⅥ彫LGuuし 1■膏∩日∩υnt劇 づn∩ 、F几 ∩η Ⅵoau M出 □幽Ш盪興 うⅥυηablJllJn%na剛 oaqっ uaⅥ 乱 J6unulヂ 晰、ηυヾ 5,2. し バ3555濶 し ν6o(anttη 5oぱ η58閃 η■5uη ∩η5И 号o例 nO゛ naく nη ullJが 口輌ドηИ口∩ 辱くQ彫 し もolデ lo脚 ∩nittnundっ uテ じ Ⅵinunnuν ao) ●dη 555渕 し 3oU」 弓 働曰 、 脚Ⅵanq口 ぅ 劉則nuttnm(」 号 則則n口 1) drururiu inunni (urvr) 1,00000 バη 彫前」 剛ootauИ oo 」ぅ 糸 5漏 晰1向 .輪 肩 ∩ n) υ “ 彰 ∩ ∩ 研高η ∩ n) 糸誂 ぅ 記u怖 イ υ 6η ぅ n3uniく 脚ⅥloⅥ 8naU Яη∩∩ηう輌∩υna8 4,00000 4 ∩η555濶 し uu脚 Ⅵnll口 5u∩ 輌∩υη 6η 58∩ 5 ∩η 彰∩uQIJmじ Ⅵηdつ uЧ ∩na し UU」 う !n1:6nu1au 1 hnluⅥ 彫ι lu」 ]uu■∩肩∩υη 2 dη 58∩ 1,50000 糸軋 5請 晰η 記u飾 anυ η 5000 ) 15000 6,700.00 ,Q別 ttnudonη ∩ ●dnaく Ⅵ彫し 石∩ ■5un∩ η ぅИlo偶 閃looお QЛ nullJう 悦輌バnn4unlttu n4潤 η ∩η ぅ υη(anttη 5oぜ 15彫 閃η Gu■ 8o■ じ 15ntl∩ η ソaヽ イdヂ ル υ し t寄 く uo9可 oQttι ι ) sirururiu (uru) Иana91 tJnanυ ntη u 1 uir,tr:q:fi arirufr n artrirrnr:maronr:iovruuacfi on::r#uuurnr: u∩ 月 nυ lnη 65,00000 ヾ %lm 75,00000 uu脚 ∩naく Ⅵ彫ttJυ 口し ヽUuし ソコη010 Lta8∩ 机ギうnu。 コ η 」aく ∩n555脚 し M腱 □幽Ш五興 -3Ⅵ Unauunun■ o口 旬o3o3uaⅥ 凱 u∩ 15し 」バUuし し inυ が っく n4晰 η l∩ ulJ占 0く tt寄 11ヂ Ⅵ ―らⅥuη 詢■η 1詢 o3(QuaⅥ 乱調aun観 儲 ぅ η u■ っ ullu商偽 Ⅵ8綱 u.向 u愉 石nuntJう lol繊 ∩]糸 れ 6.れ れ 劇nnη nnll月 nυ η 01JttuⅥ ,Ⅵ nu1 2559 lnl■ 月 15う 0ソ 1∩ 脚2559 nttЯ η Jg 2559 一 噴 η 輌創3■ 輌 4 彰 ∩ 」ぅ '輸 動' 。 っ 忠慨蔦胤Tf歌 ]豫 儡 〆 1許 Ⅵu晰 づn.っ Jnn,っ ηunau■ lunttη 口 潤ИηつVIU100aa」 ηni し 」a邁翁ぅη%∩ ηぅし Announcement of sil.pakorn University lnternational. col,[ege List of SuccessfuI Candidates for Bachel.or of Business Administration Programme in Event and Leisure Marketing Academic semester t/20t6 (lntake 1) Sitpakorn University lnternationaI Cottege has eva[uated and determined the tist of successfut candidates Bachetor of Business Administration Programme in Event and Leisure Marketing Academic Semester t/2016 (lntake 1), the tist and information can be seen hereunder' t. The List of Successfut Candidates No. Application First lD Name Conditions Last Name 1651005 Mr Pachara ⊂HAROENSILPSAK∪ L 1651006 Miss Chanisakarn CHOKHIRANTHANAK∪ 1651007 Miss Krittiya BOONSAWANG 4 1651008 Miss Chanapa BORIBURANA 4.1,4.3 5 1651010 Miss Pichaya YOYSAWASDI 4.1,,4.3 o 1651015 Miss Sawanya SABPAISARN 4.1, 4.3 7 1651016 Mr. LEELAKRAISORN 4.t,4.3 8 1651020 Miss 1651022 Miss tthanchanok 1 つ4 10 12 14 1651023 ,ν Apichai Praeptoy 41ss Natnicha CHOEYKLINTHES 3.2,4.1,,4.3 L 31,43 3.r, 4.1, 4,3 3.2,4.1,,4.3 MANA∨ APA丁 4.1,4.3 S∪ CHARI丁 K∪ L 3.1,4,3 1651025 Miss Chawisa PIAMSAP 1651026 Miss 1651027 Mlss Patlworada M∪ ENSING 1651028 Mi55 Nattacha L∪ RPROMCHAl 1651029 M ss Nicha Chonnipa BANDHUMASUTA NGOENGNOKNGAM 3.1,3.2, q.t, 4.3 31,4.1,43 3.r,4.1,, 4.3 4.1,4.3 3.1,,4.1,,4.3 No. Apptication 18 First lD Name 1651030 Mlss Pattrakorn 1651031 Miss Panisa 1651032 Miss Nataya Last Name Conditions KAMOLKORNPANNATA丁 42,43 lAMttEERAPAIBOON 41,4.3 丁∪CHINDA 32,41,4.3 Remarks 1. Dress Code: Appticants sha[[ wear student uniform. Jeans and sandats are strongty prohibited 2. Appticants must present the apptication lD card. 2. Admission Schedu|.e 丁ime Date Venue Remark │ Enrottment Fees SUIC Administrative Office Thursday 900-12 00 Hrs 11th February 2016 5tn Ftoo.. Office of the President Buitding Tating Chan, Bangkok l. Conlrmation Fee:丁 HB 40,000 2 intensive Engush cOurse: 丁HB 5,000 3. lntensive rν 4athematics Coursei 丁HB 5,000 Remark : The appticants who pass the direct admission requirements but cannot attend the admission shatt submit a written statement to SUIC within Monday 8th Febru ary 20t6. The appl.icants who faiI or neglect to submit the written request witt be disquatified to study at SUIC. ⊂onditions Every successfut candidate who passes the direct admlssion requirements for Bachetor of Business Administration Prograttnme in Event and Lelsure Marketlng with conditions must attend lntensive Courses as assigned Attendee who faits to obtain at teast 800/o of the totat studylng tlrne and faits the Finat Examinations is subjected to be disquatlned fOr Reglstration and Enrottment. 4. 3.1 1ntensive Engtish⊂ ourse 3.2 1ntensive Mathematics Course Additionat Documents Successfut candidates must subrnit the fotto1/ving documents on the adrnission day(丁 hursday llth February 2016) ln case that the documents are not ready,ptease consutt S∪ │⊂ staff on that day 41 Coples of hlgh schoot tevet education transcnpt and diptoma, 42 High Schoot Equivatency Certificate issued by the Ministry of Education, Royat tthal Governme∩ t for appticant who compteted a high schoot tevet(or equivatent)from an acadernic instltute abroad 4.3 丁he High Schoot Certificate∨ erification form,which can be downtoaded at wn型 ニュЦ【x】3.丁 he candidate and the parent shatt undersign as evidence 5. Payment of Tuitien Fees 5.1 On the admission day (Thursday 11tn February 2016), successful candidates shatt pay the first instattment of tuition fees (THB 40,000) as a confirmation fee and the lntensive course fee. The first instattment wi[[ be deducted from the total tuition fees after the student has comptetety registered atl courses. Applicant may submit the fees through one of the fottowing channets: 5.1.1 5.1.2 Remark: SUIC 5.2 Cash A cashier's cheque payabte to Silpakorn University lnternationaI CoLtege does not reimburse tuition fees in any case. The remaining balance of the tuition fees must be paid at the bank or at the financiat department on the 6'n fl.oor by the due date. (The due date wil.l. be informed [ater.) The ttuition Fee for ● aduate student No. Amount(Baht) Detaits 1 New Student Registration Fee (for the first year only) 1,00000 2 Property lnsurance (for the first year on|.y) 1,50000 University Fee Per semester 4,000.00 Student lD Card (for the first year onty) PersonaI Accident lnsurance Per year 4 5000 15000 Totat o 6,700.00 The Semesterty Registration Fee can be paid at the bank or at the financial department by the due date shown on the involce. (The due date wi[ be informed |.ater.) Amount(Baht) Programme Thai Student 1 BBA Programme Remarks - Non― Thai Student 65,00000 in Event and Leisure Marketing 75,00000 : the rights to amend the Tuition Fee, the Registration Fee, and other fees without prior notice. - SUIC does not reimburse tuition fees in any case. SUIC reserves 6. The First Day of Semester 1/2016 Monday 15th August 2016 Announced 5/ ./u/ on 4th February 2016 lu/- Watana) A, Deputy Director for Academic Aff#f" ' (Asst. Prof. Dr. Surawut Acting on Behatf of Director of Sitpakorn University lnternationaI Col.l.ege
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