」,3nn何 らηunao■ oungna 酎0。 ttν nら nn,詢 a焔 ,飾 胃nυηL《 ηttnυ ndO貿 前 Ⅵυnatlaa」 η n, 僑 剣則n」斜ηnh,彫 υυ詢 口,1 」58づ lnannη 5胃 ∩un高 u]nn,同 nυ 1 2559(∩ ギ0デ 2) うИuη ざounun%3昴 濶Ⅵnう Ⅵooお uaa」 η∩5剛 。」58∩ η nバ nИ 切 ∩∩η ぅし し agⅥ ″∩し ∩oJ晰 lunl,前 Ja■ ∩5ttagaЭ υ ″∩し 林o5彫 ∩u」 号則旬η らo∩ 膏∩居∩υlし lotin肩 ∩υη 彫utl=u口 ぅo」 、 彫ヾη ∩∩η J創 輌働(」 弓 Яη 占秘] ぅ肩∩υη 則則nm号 )1■ ぅ ∩n5日 nun 2559(∩ 執輌2)熱 おη uagtう u91ol」 働 υm a ^② 2. 1.l κttaⅥ Sal∩ ぅaouQ彫 占ooし 色u蘭 ♂ηし 号っ∩35目 ∩u15彫 ∩b脚 OU3J肩 ∩υη90口 」anuⅥ lotЙ ttlltlη Иlolη ざq目 ∩υl o」 lu58∩ u腎 u3J50脚 21 目∩υη 翻1 6 Qη naoouu∩ η 肩∩ 彫 ηlつ く anun。 ∩ ni う υl調l″ 前J∩ η ぅ 、 u,01■ η ∩∩う 働0■ 」anυ Иloじ 輌uuし 調η ソη∩蘭a■ ∩ぅa olJど ηし 号η∩η ぅ石∩υη ぅ彰∩ur5u脚 石∩υη n3ooJ"∩ η ηη ぅ肩∩υn gtⅥ n ttaf∩ ぅ dnq」 ぅ n、 目 ∩ IJlual∩ ぅ Q8占 0(311uじ 偶 uuQ掘 ∩ υn可 ,Oo∩ 1∩ u∩ 18Ⅵ lつ く anυ ns∩ ni ttη Ⅵギ o脚 奇 ∩つU 3. nη Иtannη 5じ じ a彫 っ5∩ η、allniloυ η νunnη ,luattn, 31 ド 調8 Lttυ η 3uQuⅥ 25潤 ∩ in∩ 濶2559-う un∩ ゞ U■ ∩うη∩脚 2559-つ νⅦ5輌 6し 脚υnuu 0■ Q■ Ⅵ`例 153郵 ∩ ″っ 2559(dl1/4前 」 ∩ し ぅ u″ っ 0゛ ) 2559(ぎ nⅥ 前J∩ η、af∩ 5Ⅵ nll」 ぅυgiJ) 5● 3Jn5晰 a渕 ∩lmO(a。 し onallⅥ lo脚 nllaO口 1脚 lu100ど ntunO∩ moヾ Ⅵ∩Quu∩ o100∩ ηimOl」 i 32 uan層 llJnη`'25脚 321 lua脚 ∩1%荀 ∩50∩ 旬0∩ 11脚 attυ 5創 ∩うU00■ ヤヽ503J漁ヽ口∩ぅ」dη u anlu論 5聯 _墜 a脚 ∩ぅβυuギ ooし し さ3(3o脚 η50∩ η観 ソ 322 バna飾 53ouソ an冤 口ぅ 銭 剣町1嬌 品切n■ 500 unⅥ ttuno 2■ つ し し agaoanu濶 ololulu 匹 製 ) 偽仇un5飼 輌漁Юnanぅ ∩η ぅ a飾 ぅ Ⅵnd」 ぅ υttJ lデ 蘭a■ ∩ぅttllllゴ ntun34a∩ 5011観 o■ 員口lna∬ ∩iaoυ ■oく 5uη ∩n5Ⅵ loJη し u111」 51Jη 側口ⅥζO脚 Lttuu %o閃 a潤 ∩ 5oluⅥ 3∩ 5nunn■ outく u 3.2.3 324 325 326 327 閃anη ぅ 石∩unぅ 80u脚 5u脚 肩∩υ190■ 」an3し tavぎ 1し uη ttl」 5彫 ∩η ゴη し untutし a∩ く nttJぜ m5ソ ミ Э ∩11向 ■輸月υ ♂η 出lⅥ 憮ao詢 1。 。 ttuぅ 彫 商飾oN肩 ∩υη 16 コ ぎη tunu口 ぅ 」589η mQ」 58%η %u剛 ol因 a脚 ∩ぅ ∩∩5oo し し ag閃 」 ぎη 口lⅥ 彰し し Gu■ η u剛 oo高 a■∩ ぅ も ta彫 閃 」n∩ 5oく 0剛 un9 1複 っ nuou 3う 」 ぅ 」03oソ uη 口ぅ っ 11チ 員uさhJЙ ∩イo聰 aqη uaa」 彫 Q彫 占0く dく し し Portfotio)し ta8 ) ― BFA Portfotlo ln∨ entory (cD Sheet (anttη 5o∩ η Qゞ RИ 3ntonanilttЙ 328 閃a∩ 彫ttuu丁 OEFLソ 弓o lELttS Ⅵlo sA丁 (Criticat Reading)熱 倒閃aaou"01員 01ql劇 し 3■ 2 1嚇」Qη ∩前綱30υ ttη u anttη lolttu∩ し ぢ 口m13ou柿 凩anη υη 論∩η観斉 丁OEFL SA丁 ヽ89U剛 00И ana口 , IELttS Paper-based Computer-based Иan3m5」 弓Qttnu鋼 0, soo nvuruuflutrj ttu¬ 可 切lll 173∩ 8 (Critlcat Reading) lnternet-based ot nvuruuflutrj s.s nvuuuduh.l qso nsruuflut! 盟堅EELM県 晰al・ nigく u14Lonan5∩ o5a脚 ∩59っ υ口utOく anttn,o、 lJもヽ1」 う彫旬ηttQttaOtll荷 口η、 10 0Qη ∩%nう 彫∩138uniaOU Lし おっ ぎηИぅuttatunう %。 むuし 0∩ 3η ヽn35a脚 ∩i3oUⅥ ηヾ l」 ぅυnJ83n3Jη 1051JUmう 」ぅ彫in口 っ'γ●oυ l斉 バOuaoⅥ 彰LUUuし 剛130u ぎ l∩ uanttη lo口 51300uta剛 」ぅ彫イη″1晰 3oUl群 輌 Ⅵ潤ηuし a剛 o288083615く 31o口 がuaou l前 J Ⅵ″nam5」 30uttη 働号し 33 116∬ niaoυ どlⅥ 前」 au:ミ ■500 331 332 333 uη Ⅵ晰a∬∩ヽ 彫 31脚 n,oば η 、 l荷 3う S喬 o gnぅ 彫∩っu口 utoく Ⅵ5o潤 Uuし Onanう ∩n5a脚 ∩ぅ na潤 ∩ く ∩η lo■ し l」 ∩ 53oυ し 剛1も、尋0■ η ぅ 5un∩ η5 n、 こⅥu anttη unく 剛u切 糧Ⅵ %Oυ 可■ 3Ⅵ unauuη uη %lm ttИ loⅥ unaUna」 η∩、 ta剛 Иum% 058-0-29287-8 ぱo5彫 1la∬∩ laollⅥ η ll」 ぅ υttJ5Ⅵ oo諭 ∩ nil」 5υ dJ an剛 lull匈 ■ デザη l」 ぅυdj Ou %0因 うυも 閃01切 00∩ ηうつⅥUnaUun■ Ⅵ00 3Ⅵ 0130ulun■ tattЙ 1働 "u新 lυ lロ 脚unlⅥ unauna」 n∩ ぅ η 22 0■ uui脚 う %ヽ 口 働働う0き u∩ Roし ⅥⅥη10170 n51o■ nuaqttar∩ 53。 υ 哺 鶴倒Ⅵη ∩κaf∩ 11劇 l斉 ばη l彫 dn3∬ ∩ 13ou群 ou働 uし 011ヂ JOバ η し unMan5o■ ∩ aqanU働 olo前」 5ol η η η ol」 5uttj ′η aっ 脚 Ⅵζ Jtonanぅ ∩ ,a潤 ∩ 16uη Ⅵ tunQ∩ 群 o188υ ギ Ooし し o脚 ふ ● 0 1 Q7 4 υ ^ 0 ` ^つηUnauuη 0切 ∩na濶 ∩5aoυ unttn口 ■oaく o■ 3Ⅵ 5∩ ηヽ∩切も 呻 笏 3.4 nr:drluafin: "l#frario:ar"lu a:irr: uns uonar:vdnorunr: η (1」 、 341 a3Jn、 η υttJ偶 !d arin:a Иη ∩ぅ(a■∩,3oυ うⅥunが oun■ η %3昴 濶 うⅥunざuaa」 η or ) 1■ o3nniυ 6 筍u5厨 ∩ぎη 膏∩く 1%%lJu mao■ ■ o50し ⅥⅥη 10170 し a剛 Ⅵ 22 0uuU5脚 ぅ gi- 4 u vnu ?vlutailulu'|il]n1 a0n]il1u 342 L2a1 ;, v 4, 4.<t nulvnunfl luluilaLuud1nfa a飾 ぅ荷っuttЮ 、91潤 ぅ彫き彫nanaド ηИ切∩糸誂dnan 9 00‐ 1600u仙 ∩れ )l嗣 oMunaυ ■1■ 1%η 働潤Иη つⅥ0100na」 n∩ ぅ %■ ninく η 55∩ パ 切03∩ 15υ 昴 a剛 Ⅵ 22 ouuυ し l脚 ぅ1%%ulJ maく 可 ぅ0し ⅥⅥη 10170 "∩ 因a襲 ∩53oυ anttη lom■ Oη Ooulη u%0奥 脚aη g3。 uじ tattaol■ 調 し oul%働 η aluれ Ⅵ qttυ 6柄 21田 υ lo■ 2559糸 軋 」,彰 ∩ dnan 18 '30ul群 00 u向 鰐観」 riruunnr:aou υ 」 っuⅥ v olourfi raurrao! riouuraraouodrrtio し っan Ⅵ 。 口ⅥηИau∩ -! 21し 脚υlU■ rifi fi vrda ouo iη Uつ Иttη ULⅥ ロ mlっ ¶●ou、 oo■ Ottag anl■ Иaoll 例www suic.Org a飾 う (1)ど 1ソ 詢晰 叩 晰 則 lデ 30Uし nИ o13oυ . Ⅵanam5 lo憫 qパ η o3unulu∩ n、 3oυ し ocil:cnrfll#M:r! っuし aniⅥ 23し濶υnuu urfi aoouⅥ Яη υ001∩ Qυ 0845■ 5 」 腎naOU 」58∩ ηnllo尋 o ν ν■^【 υ 凩脚aⅥ 53ouっ ∩∩10濶 5 1800■ 2559 t.r t も っan3ou 2559 09.00-12.00■ 3011つ 丁OEFL И5o lELttS nrou6'r ∩∩つη ttinlυ 10.∩ qυ 因 a∩ 彫 し tl」 u30U (2)晰 劇 Иlo SAtt l劇 閃alJ . し n創 朝 3■ ⅥηMaunⅥ 28 tttυ η υu outanぅ Ⅵ 30し NU00■ 1800切 2559 o vr.J:v nr 2559 12 19 Ⅵη υЯn∩ 脚2559 6 100■ ⅥaOUⅥ anⅥ 5u閃 ●脚∩5 nruud'r ⅥnⅥ anam5 」 筍Otta:` 〕 `D3oUf5η 〔 つanllooη 300■ И一し 働つ Ⅵ ,00(lun3 0900-1200¬ ovr-i:cnrnl#r:ru 9nf,´ nnぅ η u3o 」1彫 ∩ 働 n肩 ∩ o 閃 潤 aⅥ だ し ギ υη ovrv arv:uilalJFl: unuanaa: www sulc org aoud'uruni 1800■ Ⅵη 潤2559 unη ∩ Matl∩ Ⅵ っ uⅥ η nlfi'y:ru nruud'.r っ uⅥ qソ au昴 輌 mぅ っっaou、 lo■ 0も し a彫 」18∩ 1● 5nulo ν●へ ` υ ` 興ldaⅥ 5ooualJnlunJ l― u Sulc org ∩lⅥ unnloMaq g 薇 し 001JuttgⅥ ι 沼00副 uu赦 机unη 5● Oυ nη υOSnη υ n∩ ■ 1コ ● oυ つ 、 Jnη・ 蘭tinaouQ彫 占oく 柿 口号o濶 aua。 2B Uη くau」 1∩ ∩n脚 ■ u伽 ●oυ ■0脚 U■ OuaⅥ La彫 ば1'8∩ η5、 1潤 し 1■ ■∩目∩υηし 薇0竜uⅥ 彫tuu口 し lデI∩ 目∩υlⅥ aouttn口 ぅηυonu口 つも 3■ n3o ⅥηυЛη Ⅵη Иau昴 gtu 2559 '19 8 」ul19nl∩ nη 5目 nυ η 口ul∩ η 5ooυo 2559 1o Ou3uⅥ η Лη ∩∩η in∩ υ 9 lⅥ 15 aOソ n∩ l12559 f口 國 正 塾 L型 凰 夏 油 』 fLtty=旦 91 Ⅵunau■ 1■ o%η 昴 剛っく ら 石∩ 試olun/4群 nqm、 1彫 ∩u」 号則則nml ηnManq口 ぅ し ら3∩ し イη υη 53ou∩ ∩ 蘭aou閃 1■ ∩η うUuし し o彰 因ηunlllJぅ 彰tttutta lntensive Courses un∩ 晰●ou閃 ∩u脚 脚ⅥηQⅥ UnaUaa」 η∩lη ∩ぅηJ901し 劉ηし 剛ηttnυ nmo a彰 /Ⅵ lo l劇 閃nu∩ 1,」 18し Nu脚 a句 彫Q∩ aq電 000∩ Qη nω ttaⅥ だし つ01し 剛ηも うUulJ∩ lυ Qっ uし も し 92 ガaoυ ttη ∩し 」oluソ ざ∩ un153oυ ∩ 80∩ tin肩 ∩ υη amiaa」 Jttnm an剛 1∩ nloontttlllaOanlo島 ,ィ aデ Лttoul剛 l仇 者η6ou」 詢 亀 Лηぶ ηuaa」 彫(∩ η5。 。∩軋UU ttag/Ⅵ lo∩ ηlっ η∩ばu)¶ 8占 o耐 η耐0■ ■o彫 閃η現∩15 彫 ∩ ndη っ Иn∩ κ 」ぅ tiu凶 a luⅥ ″ am5″ く 3ou閃 lu員 し lanし Jnし 号 uulJ∩ ilJζ っ u ttag/И lo も 1石 ∩ η mo 」 、 し 脚 utta¶ 彰 an,9■ ooonη n∩ 閃 脚 aⅥ だ し 剛 υ il:vnrs ru iufi /l lrn:rn! vrr.a. 2559 イ (50く j∩ ぅし ang働 ぅ n¶ nぅ ∩ υぅQuⅥ ga3) 閃00¬ つUnl,つ Ⅵonauuη un筍 nm γ 終 ∩ぅ 濶Иnら Ⅵonauaa」 η l劇 η 閃 unll Announcement of SiLpakorn University lnternationaI Co[tege Direct Admission Requirements for Bachetor's Programme Academic Semester 1/2016 (lntake 2) Sitpakorn University lnternational Cottege (SUIC) woul.d like admission requirements for to announce the detaits on direct The information can be seen academic semester 1,/201,6 (lntake 2). hereunder: Bachetor of Fine Arts in Digitat Communication Design 2. 2 1 An appucant must either have compteted a high schoot tevet(or equlvatent)or currentty studles in a high schoot te∨ et(,ν1 6 or G. 12)at an academic institute recognized by the Ministry of Educatlon,Royattthai Government 2 2 An appticant Ⅵ/ho has compteted a high schoot tevet(or equi∨ atent)from an acadernic instltute abroad must submit“ High Schoot Equl∨ atency⊂ ertincate''issued by the lν linistry of Educat on,Royat tthal Government 3. 31 Apptication Periods 3.1.l 312 32 Appty in Personi Monday 25th」 anuary 2016-Friday 8th Aprit 2016 Appty by Postat'、 4a t:Monday 25th Ja∩ uary 2016-1/Vednesday 6th Aprit 2016 Required Documents(Certified true copy on every page) 3 2 1 A comptetety fitted― in and signed appticatlon forrn へ /ith one of 2‐ inch photo 、 attached tthe apptication form can be downtoaded at― 蛭 咀 叫 3 2 2 Apptication fee of ttHB 500.丁 he apptlcant Ⅵ/ho appties by postat rnait shatt attach att required documents and a copy of bank deposit sup or a cOpy of money order mentionlng the appucant's nameN/vith the appticatlon form. Ⅵ/ho has 3 2 3 Coples of high schoot te∨ et education transcript and diptoma. Appticant compteted a high schoot tevet(or equivatent)from an academic institute abroad must submit “H gh Schoot Equivatency Certificate" issued by the ハ ′ linlstry of Education,Royat Thal Government An appticant、 へ /ho currentty studies in M.6 orG. 12 shatt submlt the``Certificate of Student Status'' 324 A copy of go∨ ernment identification document for both the appticant and the parenti Passport(for forelgn natlonatities)or ldentificatlon⊂ ard(for tthal natlonatity) 3 2 5 A copy of House's Registration for both the appticant and the parent(lf any) 32.6 丁hree(3)sets of facing― fo印/ard and no sungta5SeS photo in l― inch size 3.27 z生 ■2生 Apロ ヒnnt must submt a CD Pottfouo and a BFA Portfouo lnventory Sheet, へ 、 /hlch can be doぃ ノ ntoaded from、 ″vttv sulc≦ 23 3.2.8 Appticant who achieves a score of either TOEFL or IELTS or SAT (Criticat Reading) within 2 years fottowing the score in the betow tabte is exempted to take SUIC Engtish Proficiency Test. TOEFL IELTS Degree Bache|.or's Degree Paper-based Computer-based lnternet-based 500 or more 173 or more 61 or more SAT (Criticat Reading) 5.5 or more 450 or more Remark:The appticant who appiies in person sha(|. received "apptication card" after the payment of apptication fee. The appticant who appties by postat mail shaLt recelved "application card" at the SUIC Engl.ish Proficiency Test registration tabte, your identification number shatI be presented on the website of SUIC. 3.3 Application Fee (THB 500 for a Bachetor's Degree) 3.3.1 Paid by cash 3.3.2 Money Transfer Name: Branch: Bank Address: Bank Krung Thai Bank Bang Khun Non Branch 150/28 Bang Khun Non Road Bang Khun Non, Bangkok Noi, Bangkok, 10700, Thaitand AccountName: Account Number; Swift Code: CHIPS UID SitpakornUniversitylnternationalCottege 058-0-29287-8 KRTH THBK 007895 3.3.3 PostaI Money Order Office: Pay To: Address: Post Bang Khun Non Post Office Director of Sitpakorn University lnternational Cottege Sitpakorn University lnternational Cotl.ege 22 Borommarachachonani Rd., Tating Chan, Bangkok, 10170, Thaitand The appl.icant who appties by postat mait shatt attach required documents and a copy of bank deposit stip or a copy of money order mentioning the applicant's name with the appl.ication form. Remark : SUIC does not reimburse application fee in any case. 3.4 AppticationSubmissions 3,4.1 Appty by Postal Mai[ Silpakorn University InternationaI Cotlege (Entrance Exam) 5'n Fioor., Office of the President Buil.ding 22 Borommarachachonnani Road, Tal.ing Chan Bangkok 10i70 Remark : SUIC accepts onty the appl.ication forms which has been postmarked by due date. 3.4.2 Appty ln Person from 09:00-i6:00 hrs. (Dail'y) at Sitpakorn University lnternationaI Col.l.ege 5tn Floor, Office of the President Buitding 22 Borommarachachonnani Road, Tating Chan Bangkok 10170 Announcement of Ouaufied ADDuCants fOr sUI⊂ EnQush PrOficiencv Test.Test⊂ enter.and 4 Appucants … can check their∩ ames and test center at the websttelセ 饉鼻〃並型虹ュよ⊇撃 On Thursday 21St Apnt 2016 after 18.00 hr Examination Schedute Appucant shatt arri∨ e at the test center 15 rninutes before the exam 5 time Announcement of QuaLifled Thursday 18.00 hr Applicants for SUIC Engtish 2t't April. 2016 Proficiency Tests 08 45 hr Remark Venue Description Time Date Pl.ease check the name [ist mrwv.suic.org (1) Attapplicants (2) App[icants Enter the exam room for an expIanation Saturday who do not obtain To Be Announced 23'd April201,6 0900- 12 00 hr TOEFL/IELTS/SAT scores as SUIC Engl.ish Proflciency Test required by Announcement of Thursday 18 00 hr Candidates Shortlisted for 28th Aprit 2016 30th April. 20t6 Thursday To Be Announced Announcement of Successful Ptease check the Candidates name [ist www.suic.org 12th May 201,6 0900-12 00 hr Confirmation, Registration 19th May 2016 6 For a[[ candidates lnterview Exam Announced 18 00 hr Thursday For a[[ candidates name tist wvwv.suic.org lnterview Admissions To Be Saturday Ptease check the SUIC To Be Announced and Enrollment Stationerv for Test Date For SUI⊂ EnQush Pronciencv ttest An appticant must bring 2B pencits,pens,and an eraser 7 AdmisJon and ReQistraJon for Students Att quaufied candldates rnust conlrm their admissions on Thursday 19th iν 8 4ay 2016 First Day of the Semester The first day of Academic Semester l/2016 is on Monday 15th Augusl201,6. 9 lntensive Courses 9.1 Appticants who pass the direct admission requirements for atl SUIC Bachel.or's Degree the Final Examination. Attendee who fail.s to obtain at least 800/o of the totat studying time and faits the Final Examination is subjected to be disquatified for Registration and Enrottment. Programs must attend SUIC lntensive Courses and pass 9.2 Applicants who pass the direct admission requirements for Bachetor of Fine Arts in Digital Communication Design program must attend lntensive Drawing Course and/or lntensive to obtain at least 800/o of the totaI studying time and faits the FinaI Examination is subjected to be disqual.if]ed for Registration and Enro|.|.ment. Design Course. Attendee who fai[s ,1. Announced on )Z )anuary 2016 ヽ ″ を ノ μ (Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gaysorn Chansiri) Director Silpakorn University lnternationaI Cottege sS ' fun/
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