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Fine Arts 1), in Design the tist of appticants Digitat Communication Design interview the tist and information can be seen hereunder. The List of Appticants Oualified for lnterview Examination No. Apptication First ID Name Last Name lnterview Additional. appointment Documents 1 1621001 Mlss Tossamas APUAttAB∪ TRA 9.00 Hr 4,1.1 ) 1621002 Mr ttinn ttANTIKOSOOM 9 00 Hr. 4.1,.2 1621003 Mr Rachata AMORN∨ 9.00 Hr 4.11 4 1621004 Mr Kittikorn THoNG⊂ HIM 9.00 Hr. 4.1,.2 5 1621005 Mr Atanon RAKITKOSOL 9.00 Hr. 4.Lt 6 1621006 Mr Takdanal 9 00 Hr. 4.1.1 7 1621007 Miss 9 00 Hr 4.1.1 1621008 Miss Nichakon s∪ KKANKHA 9 00 Hr 4.1.1 1621009 Miss Dhitthita ttHANAKARN 9.00 Hr. 4,1,.1, 1621010 Mr Siwanat cHAROENNA/ATTANA 9 00 Hr 4.t.1 1621012 Mr. CHTTTSAWANGDEE 9.00 Hr. 4.1,.1 1621013 Miss CHANTHARAMETHTKUN 9.00 Hr 4.1.1 1621014 Mr. PHOLVADDHANA 9 45 Hr 10 12 Praewa Chawakorn Chiratchaya Thaya ∪丁HIK∪ L K∪ NGSA∨ ARANGK∪ L AKHAWUTWANTT 4 Empimon 14 1621015 Miss 15 1621016 Mr」 ant 16 1621017 Miss 1621018 Mr ttham 1621019 Mr Kittimont 1621020 Miss Ratawan Loma 20 1621021 Miss 21 1621022 Miss Sitanan 18 TEERALADANON AMAIYAK∪ Uradsaya L BUNNAG BANNAKARN KOOKASEMKU SI丁 TI⊂ HO丁 Mingkhwan WANGSAI TEERACHAROEN⊂ HAI 9,45 Hr. 4.1,.1, 9 45 Hr 4.t.1 9.45 Hr. 4.1.1 9 45 Hr 4.1.1 9 45 Hr 4.t.r 9.45 Hr. 4.1.1 9 45 Hr. 4.1.1 9.45 Hr 4.L|,4.2.1 4,2.2 Panassaya 1621023 Miss 23 1621024 Mr. 24 1621025 Mr. 25 1621026 Miss 26 1621027 Miss Nattada 1621028 Mr. う乙 22 28 1621029 WAENKAEW 9.45 Hr 4.1,,1 Kriangkrai NOKUNCHON 9 45 Hr. 4.1,.1, Nattaphat ANUWATTRAKUL 9 45 Hr. 4.1.1. ALI 10 30 Hr Kwanphon Nopchanok 4iss Neeranara SPANttH∪ WONG 10 30 Hr. 4.1.1, 10 30 Hr 4.t.1 10 30 Hr 4.1.1, CHAIYANOPAKUL 10 30 Hr 4.1,.1 KAMONKORNPANNAttA丁 10.30 Hr 4.1.2,4.2.6 CHAWARNWONGWUT R∪ NGSAK∪ L 'ν Supanat 29 1621031 Mr. 30 1621032 Miss Pattarakorn Remaek Dress Code: App[icant shatl wear student uniform or formai attire. Jeans and sandats are strongty prohibited. Appticants must present the appiication lD card and the receipt before taking an exam 2. Examination Schedute Time Date 09.00 Subject Test Center Sil.pa Bhirasri Hatt (Lounge 1) - 12.00 hrs. Saturday (Ptease arrive 15 minutes 30th january 2016 before the interview 8tn Ftoor Office of the President Buitding lnterview Exam Tating Chan, Bangkok appointment) Thursday 18.00 hrs. 4th February 2016 3, onward Remark Remark No parking space Announcement of The interview wit[ be conducted as a fr*cpne-first served basis. Announced on Successful www.suic.org Candidates Appticants who are etigibl.e for the interview exam must arrive at the test center by the indicated time and must submit "lmportant issues for appticants and their parents towards SUIC Bachetor's degree programs" with signatures on the day of interview examination. This document can be downtoaded at www.suic.org and is considered as a partial of interview scores. 4. Additional Documents 4.t. Type 1 The document(s) must be submitted on New Student Registration Day, which wi[[ be informed later 4.1.1 Copies of high school [eve[ education transcript and diptoma. 4.1,.2 High School, Equivatency Certificate issued by the Ministry of Education, Royat Thai Government for appticant who compteted a high school [eve[ (or equivatent) from an academic institute abroad. 4.2. Type 2 The document(s) must be submitted on Saturday 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 4.2.5 4.2.6 A copy of Government lD Card A copy of House Registration - - ParenVGuardian Parent/Guardian A copy of Government lD Card - A copy of House Registration Appticant - 30th January 2015 Appl.icant CD Portfol.io 4 Photos (facing foruuard and no sungtasses) in 1-inch size Announced on )lfr tunuary 2ot6 fr% (Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gaysorn Chansiri) Director A''^nt Sitpakorn University lnternationaI Cottege 6
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