FROM WHERE DO WE COME FROM? WHAT ARE WE? TO WHERE ARE WE GOING? By Gauguin Till your death What can we leave in this Huge giant monstrous society? 我々は、巨大に完成された近代資本主義社会という 日本経済システム のなかに生きている。この秩序機構の「タテマエ」 と「ホンネ」という 二元分離モンスター機構の確執のなかで、何ができ るのでしょうか? ここには、Battles(闘争)が起こるのだろうか? JAPANESE SUPIRITUARUTY AND PATTERN LANGUAGE 日本的霊性とパタンランゲージ Hiroshi Nakano 2015・3・6 Japanese Spirituality By Taisetsu Suzuki, Buddhism philosopher Every object either organic or Non-organic, has its own life in itself. Some are clearly visible, others are hidden it only show up when some indicator effects upon it. Famous Zen teaching or essence of Buddhism : A is not A, therefore A is A. Which sounds ridiculous, but think it over and deeper When firstly A is denied, you can’t help considering form the other side of paradigm to check A, then you may find another correct, different way of seeing A, indeed, at such stage you may get to a right side of Reaching to A. I have been seeking for the answer To What is beauty? What is good? AND WHAT CAUSES BEAUTY? Prof.Alexander,at his home in London, In 2013 (77yeas old) WHAT HE FOUND FIRST WAS PATTERNS He found it purely through mathematic logical process. through hierarchical decompositions. Later he added semi-lattice network of real world, he changed to illustrate as “A Pattern Language” Each pattern in itself has a almost completely presently shared patterns. Each pattern shows you different way of seeing world. Patterns are so simple structure that 「パタン」の構造とその記述方法 everyone can use and learn them. Context CONTEXT FORM 状況 Solu on かたち 空間配置 ど う of するgeometry 。 By what kind of 図解化 Relations D e -Sig n ( 形にす る) スト レ スを 解消し 、 ⼒ 力 力 の平衡状態を ⽣生 み出す関係を 描く 。 FORCES HIDDEN IN THE related FIELD CONFLICTProblem BETWEEN FORCES ⼒ 力 力 ( *) のシ ス テ ム 対⽴ 立 立 する HOW TO SET FORCES EQUILIBRIUM 何故?ど んな問 題? パタンは、上図の3つのポイントを。 明記しなければならない。しかし、ど の順番で表記してもかまわない。下の ように状況によって、パタンの書き⽅⽅ は変わる。 (状況)→(⼒ ⼒ ⼒ の対⽴ ⽴ ⽴ )→(図解):状況に合う「パタン」をさがす時 (⼒ ⼒ ⼒ の対⽴ ⽴ ⽴ )→(図解)→(状況):問題がはっきりしている時(原⼨⼨設計の時など) (図解)→(⼒ ⼒ ⼒ の対⽴ ⽴ ⽴ )→(状況):何かに感動したとき、原因をかたちから始める。 (状況)→(図解)→(⼒ ⼒ ⼒ の対⽴ ⽴ ⽴ ):ある状況で、よい「パタン」を発⾒ ⾒ ⾒ できたとき。 *上記の「ちから」とは、「⼀⼀ 定の要求」「⼀⼀ 定の必要性」と⾔⾔ So each pattern is combined or fused byい換えられる。世界に the⼀aid of ⼒⼒」 確実にくりかえし、しかも不可避的に起こる「傾向」でもよい。それを⼀ 括で、「⼒ と呼ぶことで、それらの内部的、外部的衝突として視覚的に考えうる。 forces context indicates. Here patterns function are Integrated together and make a visual configurations . #197 Thick Walls Pattern#197 [Thick Walls」 Picture below is my office. Walls are full of books and they are partition and storage. In the back of these thick walls is my private desk and beds. You change your way of definition of walls. 「アルコーブ」のパタンの作成方法 1 2 3 4 5 8 ・整頓されて いて人が,集 まれる部屋 必要 ホンネとタテマエの一致した「アル コーブ」パタンの作られ方 みんなといたい ・十分なひろ さが欲しい。 ・一緒に居た い、討論した い。 小さなへっこみ部屋 を居間のまわりにつ ける。 タテマエ ホンネ 妥協案:自由 に行き来で きるドアで2 分割 ホンネ 個人 プライバシー ・個人でいたい、じっくり、考 えたい ・散らかしぱなしで、置いて おきたい。 ・邪魔されたくない Pattern language means making a narrative story Out of using patterns. To make a language from a set of patterns Is also not so difficult, but a good, beautiful, Heart moving story is another thing. It is exactly like a movie making. This final result must provides people who read and use it and saw it with a strong, message or intensions and motivations, otherwise you may not be able to realize its ideas. This final language is a failure. Languages Language has a grammar rules of course, and generates a story consisting of several episodes. Each episode must have Its own reason of existence toward the whole story. Many key words will be correlated each other to the endings as in one message. This combination is all done through forces. But how will it be possible? How every one must be such Good writers? Making a story means a solving a broken system. It is an act of repairing, fixing the system into a healthy conditions. 「パタンランゲージ」の著者 アレグザンダーは、その著作「オレゴン大学の実験」1975の 中で、環境・建物を、ひとつの生物になぞらえて「診断・修復プロセス」を提案していま す。この著作の中で彼は、「診断」「修復』というプロセスを定義し、生物体を例にして、 つぎのようにまとめています。 「生物体は、どうやって幾百万の全体細胞と、それを作り上げる小さな部分細胞が病気や 傷付いた時、それぞれに完結した秩序をもちつつ、元通りに再生することができるので しょうか?(もちろん駄目なときも有りますが)」 その答えは In the book "Oregon experiment”, he explains a injury healing system as an example. 生物体は、システムとして脳は全身を監視しており、少しでも、例えば傷のような、非正 常状態を発⾒すると、事故状況を探索します。その傷に応じて、全体的健康状態と比較し て、その「ずれ」を本部(脳)に発信報告する。 ここまでが、診断プロセスです。 この、「診断」できることが、パタンランゲージの機能の大きな特徴なのです。パタンラ ンゲージは、人間の脳のなかで全体の健康基準正常状態(健康)を、管理基準にしている 神経細胞と同じ役割を果たしていると考えてよいのです。 The injury repairing process The body monitoring system diagnoses the degree of injury and notify the main center brain so that asking for the advice how to deal with it. As soon as the brain order a proper treatment to the local system, and local area itself quickly functions to fix by itself before getting orders. この不健康な状態や傷とは、その部位に「パタン」が機能していないということ、機能不全 になっている事をいいます。(パタンが存在しないこと)それを「傷」と診断します。 「パタン」が機能するように配置して、修復再生をすることが、『パタンランゲージによる 修復』です。それは、どんなものでしょうか? This process is exactly the same process as making a language-story。However we must be puzzled how we can prescribe a right process without knowing a whole healthy body? 1911.3.11の悲劇に どう⽴ち向かうのか ふるさとは失われてしまったのだろう か?こころの中のふるさとは流されて いない!私たちは、こころの中のふるさ との復旧は、すぐできる! こころの中のパタンランゲージはすぐ復 旧できる! 最も、面接で印象に残った言葉のひとつ 「私たちは、でも、ふるさとの近くに居た い。」 志田宅、永浜を、 権現岬を超えた 津波がおそった 直後の写真。まだ まだ、心の痛みは 取れない。 飛沼氏撮影 4 years has passed since 3/11,2011 Almost nothing has changed, yet problems are the same as it happened, used to be already dead end villages At the direct hearing from disaster victims, we heard from a young mother’s story, who has thrown away her newly born baby up over hillside while she ran away from the Tsunami chasing right after her. leaving her grand mom and pap behind in the car. This is almost the same situation as one of Jewish mother threw away her new baby for the hope to be survived. Our life is at ,any moment, risky faced with. パタンの発見は、まず、個人面接 によって、始まる Patterns are found through direct People’s communications Next is through its local culture, traditions, History, Daily lives and sometimes through logics Real good ones are extracted from strong visions. Real strong vision emerges from the People’s life and death experiences. As a first step! Disaster victims Direct interviews with the victims I am 68, do not want have a funeral ceremony at this Temporary shelters. 2 years for Civil work, Another 2 for Paper works, Rebuilding's For2more years Lost everything。No more cash. Will build a shack on my land again Your land is Disastrous area Inhabiting is not Permitted. Borrow a loan from bank I am a large land owner on hillside. Ready to offer them free to the my village victims To recover our town, I want to live with surviving neighbors, where we can see my country and oceans. Our village was washed away. But in our heart community is Surviving, We can cultivate our land ourselves. We can serve our Crops and food. Please let us Freely recover our village with Your least help. Office bureaucrats That’s impossible! Roads and infra Structures are to be constructed by offices and A lot of procedures We also wish to realize your request. But available land Is limited, and many of such people compete each other. Please do it yourself And make a request with others In written forms。 We are too busy. このとき、タテマエとホンネの不一致は個人の問題ではない Victim villagers and we together Worked out hard and finally made it as below We made a big model too! Only after 3 month later than disaster. We all ran to the office to show it ! Their reply was in a word NO! Next day , unofficially their plan was shown us privately. It is a normal housing complex by cutting down a big hilly mountains and no community consideration and natural adaptations. It is a typical destruction of nature and beloved mountains. In addition it is so costly expensive and time consuming way of easy conventional public housing project. This relations of human network has a visual form, configuration. Sub-Symmetry 土地使用料(地代) ¥ ! 被災土地売却 ¥ 中 間 支 援 組 Intermediate 織 Aid Organization 土 地 契 約 所 会 有 な 者 Landowners Land ど owners Contract 土地生涯使用 許可 (売却もあり) 被 災 者 Disaster Victims Contract 造成後の高台 土地生涯利用権 They lack a VISION. They lack a WHOLE. They lack to get back A life. VISION Every one has his own beautiful vision he wants to achieve in his life. Japanese spirituality clearly insists how to see this vision. Only through this spirituality we may well be able to grip this Vision, why not? Because you all tend to see the world based on dualism, in another word, Cartesian way of looking ,recognize a world which was presented by famous philosopher Descartes, which is also contemporary people’s world view. 「 セ ン タ ー ズ 」 C-4 C-3 C-5 C-2 C-1~C-6 「センター」とは? C-6 C-1 手ー全体に 対して「センター」 としての実体が 6つある。 「サブシンメトリー」 =局所的シンメトリー 例えば、人間の「手」を取り上げま しょう。 「手」という全体は、誰でも。5つの 指と手のひらの6つの実体で、でき ている事は、わかります。この6つ の実体がひとつ、ひとつ「センター」 と呼び、手の全体が構成されてい ます。手の「全体性」から、その構 成部品としての「センター」が決まり ます。しかし、手という全体の存在 と同時に各指の「センター」の存在 も相互に決まっています。このよう に、「センター」は、「全体」と同時に 把握されなければなりません。しか も、この指(=センター)と手のひら は4つ以上の形の関係性で、一体 化されています。 「 手 」 全 体 性 ー 生 命 「正」の空間 Center is An entity which You can identify by 15 properties And it is at the same time one center Itself as a whole. 段階的変容 As below gripped fist as a center as well. Open hand and its fist are the one same center. This way of part and whole are not separated just as recognized as one entity. This way of looking a world is called and understood as “Japanese spirituality” Every part and whole have its life simultaneously. This is the way of synthesizing parts and all together as a whole. Project Language Here I would like to make a proposal. Use Project Language instead of pattern language when it comes to the local specific project. For project language we use “contextual patterns” which means specific patterns collected for concrete project in the range of special field. The Nature of Order clarified the existence of life in The field like a cosmic vapor in the universe. So the book he wrote 253 patterns are all derived from the one popular ,traditionally accepted, or newly technology development so called centers. Each center is also manifesting so to speak as forces. centers If we know to know how to identify this hidden vapor like life in every object and collect so oriented patterns (contextual patterns) and how to compose them correctly Each leaf is a pattern Each one is Pushed by external forces. Forces=some Kind of power To give out a Strong motive to Each pattern. A group of patterns related context. Context is a outside forces which push each Pattern toward certain Direction. So accidentally and surely each pattern related are gathered together toward a certain field. This is the accidental causal effect Upon patterns and patterns for a project language are getting together to form a whole. Centering Process Centering process is the one practical answer to the question of how to generate a LIFE in the object or anything you try hard to create. Its procedures are so simple. But practice is difficult. It is the same story of modern Frankenstein Creation story. A manual for a Centering Process 1. As below is , for example, 5 episodes( 5 project stories)are on hands. Question is how to put them together to make a such story as others who listened have a hope or motives to act accordingly. 2. Second episode is well connected with the first one and it also enhances the first one together . In addition, two episodes are in a way united and one condensed story in itself. It is possible to end it at that point. 3. Third episode is continuous to the first one of two episodes and again it becomes one body. Of course third one enhances the first chunk. And here is one big heap occurred. Still each member of episode has its own independency. 4. Now, here comes fourth one. The same attitude is supposed to be taken. Which gives a strength to the previous chunk which is consisting 3 episodes and outcome looks as one. Long continuous cluster is in front of your nose. This sequence must be so sophisticated and after many shuffling would be tried. 5. Fifth one comes in. Again check it alright if it gets in that position. Consider deeply and think of a lot of possible alternatives to fit to that point. Wonder if it really give a power to the previous one. 6 For the rest, It continues on and on in the same manner. 1 2 3 4 5 Patterns selected for a certain vision, are aiming At repair the existing world to a world with life Pattern selected for generating and healing for a healthy whole Work as a project language will help each other project languages chosen for other life in the world. People are different and their individual values are separate, But as long as they are on the way of healing the injury in the world are same, in other word, the whole will emerge definitely. And their vision, purpose is the same not on the level of individualistic commentary attitude. Just because patterns are to give out such motives to the people. Vision Forces プロジェクト・ ランゲージ い ) パ タ ン ・リ ス ト (大 (仮 設 で よ 中 小 に 、 並 べ る ) パタン・ランゲージ(全体像) リ ス ト 別 予 算 総予算 戦略プログラム プロジェクト・ランゲー ジの並び順のこと 「闘争」ー地球上の生命と美を守るための 規範転換 =Paradigm shift ニュートンからアインシュタインへ Do we 天動説から地動説へ always have 封建的中世から近代資本主義へ to中世建築から近代建築へ battle in order to 分子から量子へ change paradigm? パラダイム革命の特徴 ・理論的勝利ではない。 ・多数決で決まる(集団の意思がある。) ・古いパラダイムも役立つ(消えない) ・新しいパラダイムは予測できない。 ・新しいパラダイムは、新語でしか説明でき ない。 ・新しいパラダイムは。生き生きしている。 This is an imaginary letter From a cousin who left Shirahama 10 years ago moving in Tokyo, And returned his native town and sent a letter back to his family in Tokyo about the impression he has got From the changes happened in his home town. This letter was written for the explanation for the rebirth Of Shirahama after the development through Pattern language (Project Language) in 1991. The letter from newly developed Shirahama I finally came back to Sirahama after 10 years. Surprised how it was changed! Right after getting off the bus. Bus terminal itself is a big gate hot steam covering and full smell of hot springs around. The street is lined up with beautiful pine trees, and lined up with stores of which roofs are stepping down like a cascade that full of sun catches a street. Above me is deep blue sky spreading completely different from Tokyo sky. This is my home. I have got a free small guidebook at the gate. How amazing cars in the street are driving so slowly because pedestrian crossings are all raised and hampered even though the width of the street is wider than before. I suddenly wanted to see the beach. Many beautiful gates to the beach are inviting me. From that gate on is a quiet back walkways are leading me. This winding walkways lead me to a nice open café and small nice road stands along it. And at the end of it was large widely open beach with shimmering white sand. Deep in the pine trees a one Japanese inn like bath house was there. It was like an European court hotel surrounded by big pine trees, in a guidebook explained for no trees are cut down when this bathhouse was built. I decided to take a bath. Big bath tub was on the second floor facing ocean, and I found that was intended that people in the tub can really enjoy the beautiful sunset , it was just right twilight time that I was all showered by the red orange setting sun. I really felt that whole world is mine , my home is here shirahama. This imaginary letter is continues more to the whole Shirahama area is explained. This story in letter form was so easy for every one to imagine how whole language depicts the new world. Additionally it was successful in giving a strong motivation to the shop owners. Center1 =Ocean and Sun Ceter2 = Gate and Street Center3 =Bathhous e and shops Center4 =Walkways システムBからシステムAへの転換は 日常性の中での変革である。 ーパラダイムシフトー 近代資本主義の到達点は、Bシステムという生産⽅式 であった。 ある時、日常のなかで、あるシステムのほうが、より 良い結果を生み出す事を知る事件がおこる。 さらに、同じ流れの中で、全く違う分野でもその発⾒ システムと基本的によく似かよった分流システムが 産まれてくる。 その基本システムは互いに影響し合って、さらに 強化されAシステムとしてBシステムから分岐 した成長を展開する。 この時、最大権威であったBシステムは、Aシステム を認めないし、反論も加える。しかし、お互いの 共通対話基盤が成り⽴たず、理論的優劣はこの時点 では決定できない。 しかし、現実的、実践的に有用なAシステムの利用 者は自然増加し,全く日常的に変化が起こる。 人と外世界は、一体化している。(全体性)
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