About APU Alumni Association - our visionAPU Alumni Association Board Members -Introduction page 2 The board Who am I and what is my background? Seitaka Yoshida My background Studied at APM from 2003-2006 (Accelerated program) Hometown: Hokkaido (the notherst part of Japan) 2013- Recruit Holdings Co.,Ltd (Human Ressource Maneger) 2012- PIKT Co.,Ltd 2006- Nomura Securities Co., Ltd. My role Chairperson Planning and enforcement what crossing chapters. Mediation between Alumni and APU Private life Volunteer (for orphanage) Traveling Cooking page 3 The board Who am I and what is my background? Huang, Michelle Michelle Huang (Taiwan) My background Studied at APM from 2002-2006 International Background: 1 quarter in CUHK (HK) as Exchange student Human Ressource Manager in a Japanese Chemicals Company, now currently work in Germany as an expats My role Vice chairperson Support the chairrman in all the needs and events. Private life Play Piano Fitness Museum Traveling page 4 The board Who am I and what is my background? Guo, Jia (Koka) My background Studied at APM from 2008-2012 Hometown: China- Tianjin (Famous for chestnut) Working for Rakuten.Inc (Japanese E-commerce Company) as planning staff My role Vice Chairperson Supporting chairperson occationally Preparing to become a candidate of the next generation Private life Volunteer (for orphanage) APU entrepreneurship network Drawing page 5 The board Who am I and what is my background? Xenia Chen My background Studied at APM from 2004-2008 (Accerlated Program) Hometown: Taiwan – Taipei 2006 Spring semester exchange student to Ritsumeikan University City Univeristy of New York Baruch College EMsc in Finance Associate at the Compliance Division of Goldman Sachs in HK after working at JPMorgan and Citigroup in Tokyo / Singapore My role CFO / Director CFO - review to approve expenditures for alumni association Private life Learning Travelling Fitness Networking CFO - work wiith Secretariat to prepare and review annual budget Director – attend board meetings and vote for board resolutons page 6 What is APU Alumni Association? Keeping the APU Community connected “The Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University Student & Alumni Association aims to promote the development of the Association and Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (hereinafter, “APU”) and to foster friendly relations amongst its members.” page 7 Structure Following is the structure of APU Alumni Association. Chapters Board Team and Secretariat are here to help Chapters, Groups and all the members. BOARD Groups TEAM Secretariat 事務局 page 8 The Vision “At home” and “Self-Accomplish” are the visions what Board team thinking. At home -The world is your home!アットホーム SelfAccomplish 自己実現 page 9 At Home -the world is your home-! 目指す姿(The Aim) 世界中にチャプターを作り、世界中が居場所(自宅)と思える環境を作る。 ・転勤や引越しで初めて行く国に、APU校友がいると安心できる。 ・チャプター(各国の窓口)を世界中に作ることで、 校友同士が世界各国でコンタクトを取れる状態を目指す。 Establish chapters and create an environment that feels like home all around the world. ・No matter where we go, there are APU members that make us feel secure in the unfamiliar country. ・By establishing chapters (contacting point for each countries) , alumni are able to contact other members all around the world. page 10 At Home -the world is your home-! 現状 現状は26チャプターであり、校友を多く輩出している国・地域にもチャプ ターがない場合もある。 Currently there are 26 chapters, although there are still some countries and regions without any chapter. page 11 At Home -the world is your home-! Worldwide African Resource Centre Beijing Europe Hanoi Ho Chi Minh India Indonesia Korea Latin America Malaysia Mongolia Myanmar Philippines Samoa Shanghai Singapore Sri Lanka Taiwan Chapters/ Groups Thailand Tonga APU page 12 At Home -the world is your home-! Inside Japan Hokkaido Kanto 関東 Chubu 中部 Honsyu Kansai 関西 Chu/Shikoku 中四国 Fukuoka 福岡 Kyusyu Oita 大分 Shikoku Chapters / Groups APU page 13 At Home -the world is your home-! 目標 10年後には50チャプターにまで増やしたい。 ・校友会創立依頼、10年間で25チャプターができた。 10年後の2025年には、倍にまで増やしたい。 Out aim is to have 50 chapters within 10 years. ・Since Alumni Association was founded, 25 chapters were established. In 10 years time which is 2025, let’s aim to double the number. page 14 At Home -the world is your home-! 取り組むべき課題 新設チャプター設立の際の、要件の見直し(必要に応じて)。 校友の所在地の適切な把握 既存チャプターの活性化の仕組みづくりも同時に行う Reconsider the requirement for establishing new chapters (If necessary). Grasp the location of each alumni member. Create mechanisms to activate and motivate existing chapters. page 15 At Home -the world is your home-! アクションプラン (1)マイルストーン 2015年度末・・・30チャプター 2020年度末・・・40チャプター 2025年度末・・・50チャプター (2)対象地域 ①卒業生の出身国 ②所在地をランキング化し、上位国から設立 (3)設立方法 ①現地校友の自主的な発足 ②ボードメンバーからの働きかけ (1)Mile stone End of year 2015 ・ ・・30 Chapters End of year 2020・・・40 Chapters End of year 2025・・・50 Chapters (2)Target location ①Graduates’ Nationality ②Ranking the location of graduates and establish new chapters from the top (3)Establish method page 16 ①Initiating by local alumni ②Supporting from board members Self-Accomplish 目指す姿(The Aim) 校友が校友会のネットワーク・制度を使い、自己実現・自己成長できる仕 組みづくりを行う。 Alumni members can reach self-achievement and self-growth by making fully use of network and resources of Alumni Association. page 17 Self-Accomplish 現状 本業に時間をとられ、校友は本当にやりたいことを実現できていない環境 にある。 校友会のネットワーク・制度を活かしきれていない現状にある。 Due to main job taking up most of the time, members are not able to do what he or she really wants to do. The network and resources of Alumni Association is not being fully used at the moment. page 18 Self-Accomplish 目標 校友が校友会のネットーワークや予算を使い、自己実現できている状態。 ①予算の観点 年間予算の1割を校友の自己実現のために割いている状態。 ②申請件数の観点 2015年度末・・・10件 (2015年以降は、それまでの予算実績を鑑みながら再考したい) Alumni members can use the network as well as budget to aim selfachievement. ①Budget 10% of annual budget will be used for alumni members’ self achievement. ②Number of application End of year 2015・・・10 applications (After 2015, new budget will be reconsidered based on the pevious performance) page 19 Self-Accomplish 取り組むべき課題 ・多くの校友が、Group制度、Project制度を知らない。 ・知っていたとしても、実際に使用している校友が少ない ・Most of the Alumni members don’t know about Group system and Project system. ・Even have the knowledge, few members are actually using/ participating in the system. page 20 Self-Accomplish 具体的なアクション 継続的な広報に加え、 ・校友に対して、具体例の明示をする。 →ボードメンバー自身が「自己実現」のために年3本以上の企画を実施。 ・自己実現をしている校友の情報をメディアでシェアする。 ・Group制度、Project制度を利用した校友の中から、Achievement Award で表彰する。また「TED×APU」イベントにプレゼンターとして推薦する。 In addition to the ongoing PR activities, ・Setting examples and demonstrations for Alumni members. →Board members themselves conducting at least 3 events for selfachievement. ・Sharing information about other alumni members with self-achievement experience. ・Giving out Achievement Award to alumni members to make fully use of Group system and Project system. Also recommend he/she as a presenter in page 21 「TED×APU」Event. -Discussion Time- page 22 -The End - page 23
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