春期 高3AD Text Sample [1] 次の英文を読み,設問に答えなさい。[設問変更] Should people buy a gun to protect themselves? More and more people are answering "Yes." In the United States, as many as 216 million firearms are in private hands, more than double the total in 1970. A new poll* reveals that, (1)ask why they have guns, 45 percent of gun owners reply that self-protection is one of the main reasons. While the violent-crime rate has declined a bit over the past couple of years, it remains at historically high levels. However, what has in reality shaken people is the randomness of crimes. For example, carjackings and drive-by shootings in even the quietest suburbs have created the impression that everyone can be a victim and that police cannot protect us. The arguments for and against buying a gun for self-defense are confusing. Gun control advocates say having a gun at home means a real danger and a false hope of safety while the National Rifle Association says a gun at home may be one's last line of self-protection. Each side has horror stories to support its claims. Those who are against having guns refer to the case of Sonya Barnes, whose ex-husband had bought her a gun for self-defense. Early last year, her 2-year-old son found the gun and accidentally fired it into the back of his 14-month-old brother, leaving him handicapped for life. The other side brings up the case of Suzanna Gratia, who was eating lunch with her parents at a cafeteria in Texas when a mad man drove a truck through the front window and began shooting people. Gratia reached into her purse for her gun ― then remembered she'd decided to stop carrying it. Before the incident was over, 23 people were dead, including Gratia's parents. "If I'd had my weapon, (2)l could have made a difference," she says. However, if people stop the horror stories, the disputes over guns for self-defense fall into a few arguments by specialists in the subject. A criminology professor says his evidence shows that millions of times each year, people use guns successfully to defend themselves. Another expert says his studies show guns in the home are 43 times more likely to kill a family -1- member or friend than an intruder. The two men are quoted endlessly in the press and congressional testimony. Understanding their studies is essential to trying to make the right choice about (3)a very severe matter. (Adapted.) (注) poll: 世論調査 advocate: 支持者,提唱者 the National Rifle Association: 全米ライフル協会 the press: 報道機関 congressional testimony: 議会の証言 1. 下線部(1)の ask を最も適切な形に書き換えなさい。 2. 下線部(2)の意味に最も近いものを,(a)-(d)の中から1つ選びなさい。 (a) I could have prevented my parents and others from being killed. (b) I could have changed my mind again about guns. (c) I could have decided not to stop carrying it. (d) I could have distinguished the criminal from the victims. 3. 下線部(3)の具体的内容を本文に則して20字以内の日本語で説明しなさい。句読 点を含む。 4. 本文全体の論旨と一致するものを,(a)ー(d)の中から1つ選びなさい。 (a) It is no wonder that, for many Americans, the idea that guns for selfprotection are a "must" is convincing. For more and more brutal crimes threaten them, and yet the police do not seem to be able to do almost anything about it. (b) One should not let horror stories frighten oneself into supporting either side in the dispute about guns for self-defense, but follow logic and reason and, finally, the opinion of specialists in the field. (c) Whether or not people in the United States should buy a gun for selfprotection is a severe issue for them. Both sides have many facts and statistics to support their claims. One should carefully examine the claims of both sides before one come to a conclusion. (d) More and more people have guns nowadays. Statistics shows that 216 million guns are in private hands. In addition, the arguments for and against buying a gun for self-defense are so confusing that people finds it difficult to decide what to do. That makes them pessimistic about America changing into a gunless society. -2- [2] 次の英文の ( ) 内に入れる語として最も適当なものを,1-4 の中から1 つずつ選びなさい。 (1) The young doctor devoted himself ( 1. for 2, by ) helping the poor and sick. 3. with (2) You can't go along this road. It is ( 1. in 2. at (3) It is rude to speak ( 1. of (5) The ( 1. instance )repair. 3. for 4. under ) your mouth full. 2. in 3. with (4) Try these shoes on and see if they ( l. match 4. to 2. go with 4. on ) you. 3. fit 4. attract ) we sat down, we were told it was time to go. 2. moment 3. time [ ] 日本語の意味を表す英文になるように,( 4. place )内に与えられた語句を並べ替えな さい。ただし文頭に来る語も小文字になっている。 1. どちらの方法を選んだらよいか,私には決断がつかなかった。 I (which, could, choose, to, decide, not, way). 2. 信心深い人が善人だとは限らない。 (not, religious, good, people, people, are, necessarily). 3. 彼女は読書をし,その傍らで夫がうたた寝をしていた。 He sat reading, (husband, her, her, beside, napping, with). 4. 多くの伝説が,20世紀になってかなり時間が経っても生き続けた。 Many (alive, well, kept, legends, the twentieth century, into). -3-
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