Freiberger Siliziumtage / Freiberg Silicon Days part of the 66. Freiberg Research Forum BHT 2015 June 18-19, 2015, Freiberg see for full program Die Freiberger Siliziumtage finden im zweijährigen Rhythmus im Rahmen des Freiberger Forschungsforums (Berg- und Hüttenmännische Tage - BHT) statt. Seit Beginn der Tagungsreihe vor zwei Jahrzehnten stehen neueste Entwicklungen in der Photovoltaik, Photonik, Mikroelektronik und der chemisch-physikalischen Silizium-Prozessierung im Fokus der zweitägigen Vortragsveranstaltungen. Die Freiberger Siliziumtage 2015 im Rahmen des 66. BHT konzentrieren sich auf Degradationseigenschaften der Si-Solarzellen, integrierte Si-Photonik sowie Prozesse zur Siliziumabscheidung und -reinigung. Erstmalig wird es auch eine Sitzung zum Themenbereich Silizium-Elektroden für die Batterietechnik geben. Teil der Freiberger Siliziumtage ist das Freiberger Sägesymposium in dem aktuelle Trends im Bereich des Waferings, der Prozesstechnologie, der Wafercharakterisierung und des Recyclings behandelt werden. The Freiberg Silicon Days take place every second year within Freiberg Research Forum (Berg- und Hüttenmännische Tage – BHT). Since the start of the conference series two decades ago recent developments in photovoltaics, photonics, microelectronics and chemical-physical silicon processing are in the focus of the two-day conferences. As part of the 66. BHT, the Freiberg Silicon Days 2015 are dedicated to degradation properties of Si solar cells within the area of photovoltaics, to integrated Si photonics as well as to Si deposition and purification. For the first time, also a colloquium on Si electrodes for battery technology is announced. The Freiberg Sawing Symposium is a part of the Freiberg Silicon Days where current trends in the areas of wafering, process technology, wafer characterization and recycling will be discussed. Event Location: TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Winkler building, Leipziger Str. 29, D-09599 Freiberg, Germany Contact Person: Dr. Jan Beyer Tel. +49 3731 39 2162 [email protected] Freiberg Silicon Days 2015 (TU Bergakademie Freiberg Research Forum, 66. BHT) | June 18-19, 2015 | Program Silicon Chemistry, Photovoltaics and Photonics June 18, 2015 Si Photovoltaics 09:00 Introduction J. Heitmann / E. Kroke (TU Bergakademie Freiberg) 09:05 Technologietrends in der Silicium Photovoltaik Dr. Dirk-Holger Neuhaus (SolarWorld Innovations GmbH) 9:25 tbd Dr. Jörg Müller (QCells GmbH) 9:45 Aspects of the Potential Induced Degradation (PID) of Silicon Solar Modules Dr. Thomas Kaden (THM Freiberg) 10:00 A new Degradation effect of mc-Si Solar Cells Friederike Kersten (Hanwha QCells, TU Bergakademie Freiberg) 10:15 2D Characterization of Silicon Surface Passivation Layers Paul Jordan (NaMLab gGmbH Dresden) 10:30 Coffee Break Si Deposition 11:00 Monosilan: Eigenschaften und CVD-Abscheidung Dr. U. Kerat / Dr. G. Fester (SiTec GmbH, Burghausen) 11:20 Key triggers in further development of silicon production Dr. Friedrich Schaaff (Silicon Products Bitterfeld GmbH & Co.KG) 11:40 Solution processing of silicon thin films from nanoparticles and molecular precursors Prof. Dr. Lothar Frey / Dr. Michael Jank (Fraunhofer IISB, Erlangen-Nürnberg) 12:00 The electrochemistry of SiX4 and GeX4 in ionic liquids Prof. Dr. Frank Endres (TU Clausthal) 12:20 Lunch Break Freiberg Silicon Days 2015 (TU Bergakademie Freiberg Research Forum, 66. BHT) | June 18-19, 2015 | Si Photonics 14:00 Towards Active Silicon Photonics – strain engineering and hybrid approaches Prof. Dr. Joerg Schilling (ZIK „SiLi-nano“, MLU Halle-Wittenberg) 14:20 Luminescence- and Coupling-Effects of Silicon Quantum Dot Ensembles Dr. Daniel Hiller (IMTEK, Universität Freiburg) 14:40 More with Less? - Silicon Nanowire Arrays for Enhanced Optical Absorption Prof. Dr. Steffen Strehle (Universität Ulm) 15:00 Strong electroluminescence from Tb-doped metal-insulator-semiconductor structures Dr. Lars Rebohle (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf) 15:15 Erbium-doped slot waveguides containing size-controlled Silicon nanocrystals Dr. Jan Beyer (TU BA Freiberg) 15:30 Coffee Break Si Crystallization 16:00 Role of melt flow and mass transport in industrial photovoltaics Paul Bönisch, L. Sylla, T. Richter, SolarWorld Innovations GmbH, Freiberg 16:20 Understanding the performance of fine grained vs. conventional mc-Si, based on grain size, orientation and - boundary type distribution Toni Lehmann, Fraunhofer THM Freiberg 16:35 Cost effective Czochralski crystal production for PV application Eivind Johannes Øvrelid, Sintef, Trondheim, Norway 16:55 Microdefect formation in heavily doped silicon crystals Maria Porrini, Sun Edison, Merano, Italy 17:15 Formation of dislocations in heavily doped silicon crystals Ludwig Stockmeier, Fraunhofer THM, Freiberg Freiberg Silicon Days 2015 (TU Bergakademie Freiberg Research Forum, 66. BHT) | June 18-19, 2015 | June 19, 2015 Wet Etching and Cleaning of Si (together with Freiberg Sawing Symposium) 09:00 Einfluss von Medienströmung und Gasgehalt auf die Megaschall-Reinigung von Silizium Wafern Dr. Gregor Reeske (Siltronic AG) 09:15 Kostengünstige Organik Inline Reinigung für alle Si-Wafer Sägeverfahren Ilker Sen (Gebr. SCHMID GmbH) 09:30 Pyramidal texturing of monocrystalline Si-wafers with acidic solutions Andre Stapf (TUBAF, Freiberg) 09:45 Wafer sawing as the first step for a successful texturization. Prof. Dr. Jörg Acker (FH Lausitz / BTU Cottbus) 10:00 Cold split - A new technology for kerf-less wafering of Silicon Dr. Christian Beyer (Siltectra GmbH, Dresden) 10:15 Aktuelle Si-Themen aus Sicht eines Anlagenbauers für naßchemische PV-Prozesse Dr. Juergen Schweckendiek (RENA Technologies GmbH, Berg) 10:30 Coffee Break Si Electrodes 11:00 Synthesis of Silicon Nanowires Using Neopentasilane Prof. Dr. Andreas Terfort (Universität Frankfurt) 11:20 Silicon Nanowire Anodes for Optimized Cycling Stability in Future Li-S Batteries, Dr. Andreas Krause (NaMLab gGmbH, Dresden) 11:40 Si/C nanocomposites through economical chemistry as advanced anode in Li-ion and Li-S batteries, Tony Jaumann (IFW Dresden) 12:00 Thermodynamic characterisation of lithium silicides Prof. Dr. Florian Mertens (TUBAF, Freiberg) 12:20 final remarks, end of Symposium Freiberg Silicon Days 2015 (TU Bergakademie Freiberg Research Forum, 66. BHT) | June 18-19, 2015 | Program Freiberg Sawing Symposium (FSS 2015) June 18, 2015 New developments in wire sawing of solar silicon 08:30 Industrial sawing of multicrystalline silicon, Naumann, O. (SolarWorld AG, Freiberg, Germany) 09:00 Diamond wire sawing of monocrystalline silicon, Retsch, S., Bye, J.-I. (NorSun, Oslo, Norway) 09:30 Industrial sawing with structured wires, Sunder, K., Anspach, O. (asked, PV Crystalox Solar, Erfurt, Germany) 10:00 A macroscopic model of the sawing of silicon by a diamond electroplated wire, Ly, M. (Thermocompact, Pringy, France) 10:30 Coffee break 11:00 Surface finish and mechanical strength of diamond wire sawn wafers, Penot J. D., Rousseau S., Faujour A., Lignier H. (CEA-INES, Le Bourget-du-Lac, France) 11:30 Impurities impact on diamond wire sawing, Grillet N., Rousseau S., Coustier F., Penot J. D. (CEA-INES, Le Bourget-du-Lac, France) 12:00 Extending the slurry based process window for PV wafer slicing, Schmid, A. et al. (asked, Applied Materials HCT, Cheseaux, Switzerland) 12:30 Lunch break Wafer characterization, fundamentals, modeling and other materials 14:00 Sawing and characterizing hard and brittle materials, from the concept to the competitive solution Assi, F. (Meyer Burger, Thun, Switzerland) 14:30 Investigation of wafer saw damage, Wasmer, K. (EMPA, Thun, Switzerland) 15:00 Mechanical properties of solar silicon wafers Schönfelder, S. (FhG CSP, Halle, Germany) 15:30 Coffee break Freiberg Silicon Days 2015 (TU Bergakademie Freiberg Research Forum, 66. BHT) | June 18-19, 2015 | 16:00 Impact of sawing parameters on the wafer surface quality, Falke, A. , Buchwald, R. (FhG THM, Freiberg, Germany) 16:30 Investigation of the scratching mechanism, Würzner, S. (FhG THM, Freiberg, Germany) 17:00 SIREX – A new method to investigate surface damage of sawn wafers, Herms, M. (PVA Tepla, Jena, Germany) 17:30 3D Simulation of SiC transport in wire sawing, Liedke, Th. (TUBAF, Freiberg, Germany) June 19, 2015 Wet chemical etching and cleaning of silicon (together with Freiberg Silicon Days) 09:00 – 10:30 see program Freiberg Silicon Days 10:30 Coffee break Recycling of silicon from wafering fluids and new usage 11:00 Silicon recovery from wafer sawing process: challenges, solutions, and outlook, Yun Luo (PlusMat AG, Schüpfen, Switzerland) 11:30 Recycling of silicon kerf loss, Fillon, B. (CEA-INES, Bourget-du-Lac, France) 12:00 Modern slurry recycling processes and cost reduction, Mayer-Uhma, T. (SiC processing, Bautzen, Germany) 12:30 Applications of hot pressed silicon powders ingots, Ulyashin, A. (Sintef, Oslo, Norway) 13:00 Final remarks, end of Symposium Freiberg Silicon Days 2015 (TU Bergakademie Freiberg Research Forum, 66. BHT) | June 18-19, 2015 |
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