CENGAGE Keywords for Japan Today 2 Low Birth Rate (Supporting text for "English Expression II" 英語表現Ⅱ) Supporting Material for Reflective Learning ― 内容理解の感覚を研ぎ澄ますためのプリント ― These materials were made with the permission of CENGAGE Learning. 〔● ここからの太字部分はテキスト本文からの抜粋 = Selections from the text are highlighted in bold: © Cengage Learning K.K.〕 Line 10. The fact that women are working also gives them more independence, which is another change in society that has caused a lower birth rate. (The fact that women are working) also gives (them)(more independence.) s v o o ・the fact that S ~(v) S が~する(である)ということ。 S が~する(である)という事実。 〔同格の接続詞 that〕 ・the proof that S ~(v) S が~する(である)という証明 (例)The fact that only humans can cry tears is the proof that we are born to be compassionate to others. (人間だけが涙を流して泣くということは、私たちが人に対してやさしくするよう生まれて来た証なのだ。) (The fact that only humans can cry tears) is (the proof that we are born to be compassionate to others.) s v c 「主語(主部)= S」が長い文に慣れよう! 〔同格の接続詞 that が主部に含まれる場合〕 (例)(The notion that men have better reflexes than women) is (groundless.) s v c (男性の方が女性より運動神経が良いという考えは、何の根拠もない。) (例)(The proposal that trees be planted in that vacant lot) would invite (objections from the neighborhood children.) s v o (その空き地に木を植えるという提案は、近所の子供たちに反対されるだろう。) (例)(The rumor that he is going out with a former AKB member) is (hard to believe.) * go out with 人 人とつきあう s v c (彼が元 AKB のメンバーとつきあっているといううわさは、信じられない。) (例)(The fact that women are working) also gives (them)(more independence.) s v o o (女性が働くことがまた彼女たちの自立心を高めている。= 女性が働いているという事実がまた、彼女たちに更なる自立心 を与えている。) Line 14. Linked to this reason is the increasingly late marriage of women. 〔Linked to this reason〕is (the increasingly late marriage of women.) s = (The increasingly late marriage of women) is〔linked to this reason.〕 s ・be linked to ~(名詞) ~と関連している。 ~とリンクしている。 (例)The population of crows is linked to the amount of food we throw away. (カラスの数は、私たちが捨てる食べ物の量と関連している。) 〔倒置構文〕 be 動詞を中心としてその前後を 入れ替えた「倒置文」 Line 21. Such a late marriage means that there are fewer years in which to have a baby. Line 29. Such an enormous expense means that some couples decide to stop after having one child. (Such a late marriage) means (that there are fewer years in which to have a baby.) s v o (Such an enormous expense) means (that some couples decide to stop after having one child.) s v o ・A mean B A は B を意味する (例)ASAP means "as soon as possible." (ASAP は「できるだけ早く」という意味です。) (例)Having a pet means taking responsibility for its happiness till the end. (ペットを飼うということは、その生き物の幸せに最後まで責任を持つということです。) (例)Such an enormous expense means that some couples decide to stop after having one child. (それ程までお金がかかるということで、夫婦の中には一人子供ができたら二人目は作らないと思う人たちもいる。) -1- Line 57. With fewer people driving cars and using energy, there may be less pollution and the cities will be less crowded. *「条件」を表す with ● with ~ ~があれば。 ~がいたら。 (例)With a little love, we could have saved the girl from that situation. = If we'd shown a little love, (少しの愛が私たちにあったなら、その子をあの状況から救うことができただろう。) (例)With a little push, children can take the first step into a new world. = If we give a little push, (ちょっと背中を押してやれば、子供たちは新しい世界へ踏み出すことができる。) (例)With a smaller class size, there might be more interaction between students and a teacher. = If a class size was smaller, (クラスの生徒数が今より少なかったら、生徒と先生との会話が増えるかも。) (例)With someone to lean on, we will feel secure in times of difficulties. = If we have someone to lean on, (頼れる人がいれば、困難に直面した時も安心するものだ。) (例)With fewer factories emitting smoke from their chimneys, the air would be cleaner and the sky would be bluer. = If fewer factories emitted smoke from their chimneys, (煙突から煙を出す工場が少なくなれば、空気はきれいになり、空はもっと青くなるだろう。) (例)With fewer people driving cars and using energy, there may be less pollution and the cities will be less crowded. = If fewer people drive cars and use energy, (車を運転し燃料を消費する人が減れば、大気汚染も減り、都会の人混みも解消されるだろう。) -2-
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