faithbook faithbook - Living Faith Church

Living Faith Church, Cape Coral, FL
f aithbo ok
Dear friends in Christ,
In that brief salutation are two words that give us great
comfort, “in Christ”. As Christians, we are hidden in
Him. As Christians, we are not defined by what we do but
by Jesus and what He has done. Paul said it this way: "
“He saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy". In our fast paced and driven
world, we so easily find our value in what we accomplish, what work we
do, what we accumulate, what plans we have, etc. But as Christians,
whenever we hear those two little words, “in Christ”, we remember and
are encouraged to know that He is our identity, our comfort, our security,
our future and more.
In Christ,
Pastor Pat
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For the third year, many of us from LFC
attended the Liberate conference at Coral
Ridge Presbyterian Church in Ft. Lauderdale.
It was a time of powerful reminders of God’s
awesome ONE WAY LOVE for us!
“What though the
vile accuser roar of
sins that I have done;
I know them well, and
thousands more,
My God He
knoweth none.”
LFC comes to LIBERATE!
‘You are called what Jesus
really is: the righteousness of
God, pure, perfect, holy,
blameless, child of God, apple
of His eye...Jesus is seated by
God, on His throne, saying
these things about us.”
-Justin Holcomb
(and there were more!)
‘We suffer from identity amnesia.
We forget whose, who and what
we are, by God’s grace.”
-Paul David Tripp
LFC welcomes the CLB!
“God is sovereign over every area of our
lives. There is no perspiration on the
upper lip of our sovereign God.”
-Steve Brown
“Our brain takes
in the Law very
well...but it leaks
the Gospel.”
-Elyse Fitzpatrick
"The Gospel
doesn't just
free me from
what people
think of me,
but also from
what I think
of me."
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As of JANUARY 31, 2014
Target 2014 Weekly offering:
YTD average Weekly offering:
Weekly shortfall:
The Property and Finance Committee had a busy fall/winter. The highlights are:
 Worked with other churches to attain an Institutional Exemption for the City of Cape Coral SW 6 & &
Utilities Expansion program. LFC’s annual UEP payment will be $4,447.
 Established a credit and debit card system to accept gifts. We can now automatically process your
gift monthly, weekly, etc., and you can earn credit card incentive points. (Contact Terrie Hall).
 Established a task force to seek solutions to the repeated damages to the projection and sound
system. Progress is being made and we should have a proposal to the Elders by the first of March.
The Fall Drive contributions totaled $15,835 (!) which allowed us to make up two missed mortgage
payments and pay our support to our Synod and local charities.
Thank you to our LFC congregation for your faithfulness and generosity!!!
-Terrie Hall & Brett McAtee
City of Cape Coral Utilities Extension Expense
The Good News is that we will be getting city
water and sewer at the church!
The not-as-Good News is that it’s not free!
Annual expenses will begin in November 2014 on the
Ad Valorem (property tax) bill.
The Extension program is separated into two charges:
1. Line Extension: $3,078/year, 20 year amortization.
2. Capital Facilities Expansion: $1,368.97/year, 6 year amortization.
The non-amortized cost of the Capital Facilities Expansion charge is $6,750. If we can pay it in full
by July 31, 2014, it will be reduced to $5,400.
Savings by prepaying would be: Total payments over 6 years x $1,368.97 = $8,177.82
Prepayment amount = $5,400.00
Prepayment savings = $2,777.82
Prepaying the Capital Facilities Expansion assessment would also reduce our annual expense by $1,368.97
for the initial 6 years of the 20 year program.
Please help us raise the $5,400 prepayment by giving a gift to Living Faith Church
and designating it for Utilities Extension. Thank you!
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On March 16th the Fellowship Team is
planning an All-Church Picnic right
after our service. Enjoy an afternoon
visiting with friends, meeting new
people, and of course eating!! The team
will provide the meat and beverages
and everyone
is asked to bring a side dish. But, the fun
part is that we will have Olympic games for
the kids, and those young at heart! We also
will put our Pastor Pat and his wife, Karla, in a
jail cell, and we will see who can raise more
money to get out of jail, with the funds going
to our water utilities project. We are inviting
the Spanish congregation to join us. Make
sure to put this date on your calendar today!
Can you sing, dance, tell jokes, or have
another talent?? Then, you need to sign up
for the annual LFC Talent Show! This funfilled event will be held on April 12. Come
and share your special gift with all of us!!
Even if you
just want to watch (and laugh), plan to
be there!! We will have pizza at
5:00pm, Talent show at 6:00, and
dessert and awards following! We
want all of you to share your hidden
This is a great time of fellowship!
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Have you noticed the left screen in the
sanctuary hasn't been working? I'm
sure you have! We were, yet again, hit
by lightning this fall. It fried our
hanging stage lights, a monitor in the
booth, the video recording system, the
projectors and a few other things. So
please bear with us as we find the best way to get it all fixed. We want to do
our best to find the source of the strikes,
and have a team assembled to do just
that. If you have expertise in any of these
areas, please see Kari Turner. We would
love to get up and running by Easter, but
this equipment is very expensive. Pray the
correct decisions are made.
Praise God that He doesn't need
projectors or equipment to go forth in power and truth! :) -Kari Turner
Friday, March 28, 2014
Proceeds to benefit the LFC Equipment Fund –More details to follow
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Soup Suppers and
our Lenten Series will
begin on Ash
Wednesday, March
5th, and will continue
for 6 weeks.
There will be a sign-up sheet if you
are able to help out by bringing
soup, dessert or bread.
The Fellowship team is also
planning a Breakfast for April 20th,
Easter Sunday, before the Worship
Service. You will be able to sign up
soon for what you would like to
The Prayer Team meets after the
Service on the North Side of the
Sanctuary. What a blessing it is
to pray with you and hear how God
has answered. It is a privilege to
stand with you and call on our
Lord Jesus to hear and bless us
with his answers.
“Cease not to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers…”
Be glad in heart, I'm telling my Father about you! :)
Ephesians 1:16
—Tery Dugan
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April 13-20
9:30 am
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I was going through a file and came across this talk on marriage
that Garry had written. I don't know when or if He ever had the
opportunity to give the sermon. In the light of Valentine's Day; I
think all will enjoy it..
What the Bible says about Marriage . . . by Garry Dugan
Gen 2:18-24 Marriage is God's idea
Gen 24:58-60 Commitment is essential for successful marriage
Song of Songs 4:9,10 Romance is important
Jer 23:10,11 Marriage holds times of great joy
Mal 2:14,15 Marriage creates the best environment for raising children
Mat 5:32
Unfaithfulness breaks the bond of trust, the foundation of all relationships
Mat 19:6
Marriage is permanent
Rom 7:2,3
Ideally, only death should dissolve Marriage
Eph 5:21:33 Marriage is based on the practice of love, not on feelings
Eph 5:21:32 Marriage is a living symbol of Christ and the Church
Heb 13:4
Marriage is good and honorable
Now let's go back to Marriage is based on the practice of love, not on feelings.
There are a lot of people around the world today asking what happens to love after marriage?
The desire for romantic love in marriage is in our psychological makeup, books, magazines, TV, radio and talk shows
deal with keeping love alive in our marriages; it's pretty serious business. How is it that we can read a magazine article on
"101 Ways to Express Love to your Spouse", select two or three ways that seem good to us. Try them and our Spouse
doesn't even acknowledge our effort? We give up on the other 98 ways and go back to life as usual.
We must be willing to learn our Spouse's primary love language if we are to be effective communicators of Love.
In the area of Linguistics, there are major language groups; Japanese, Chinese, Spanish, English, German, French and so
on. In the area of love it is similar your emotional love language and the language of your spouse may be as different as
Chinese is from English.
According to the Author Gary Chapman, there are basically 5 emotional Love Languages; five ways that people speak and
understand emotional love. As with linguistics, a language may have numerous dialects or variations.
The number of ways to express love within a love language is limited only by ones' imagination. The important thing is to
speak the love language of your spouse. Once you identify and learn to speak your spouse's primary love language, you
have discovered a key to a long lasting loving marriage.
The Five Love Languages are:
Words of Affirmation; Quality Time; Receiving Gifts; Acts of Service; and Physical Touch.
How can we speak each other's love language when we are full of hurt, anger, resentment and our
past failures. The answer to that question is the nature of our humanity. We are creatures of choice.
The "in-love" experience simply happens in the normal context of male-female relationships. It can
not be planned and it does not arrive by choice. It is short lived (usually about two years or less).
Meeting your spouse's need for love is a choice that needs to be met everyday. If you know your spouse's primary love
language and choose to speak it, their deepest emotional need will be met and they will feel secure in your love.
Love is a choice and either partner can start today!
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Rev. Joel Egge,
President of the
Church of the
Lutheran Brethren
since 2001, was
our guest, along
with his wife
Barbara, at LFC on
February 12. He
shared with us the
vision of “Lifting
Our Eyes” to
extend the
ministry of the CLB
in three areas over
the next five years.
These slides give
an overview of the
CLB distinctives,
the vision for new
ministry, and
information on how
we can be
Watch for more
information on this
exciting plan!
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If you don’t know what is
wrong with this cartoon, you
need to come to this
Friday, March 14 at 7 pm
This Seminar is presented by
Roy Heggland (Attorney at Law),
free of charge, as a service to you
from the CHURCH OF THE
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Welcome to our newest members!
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Solomon’s Castle
“Fun trip! House looked a bit
a coke can lol—but SO CREATIVE!”
Eric & Gianna Reese
“Live...from Bethlehem!”
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1st Saturday
of every month
8 am at LFC
Followed by 9
holes of Golf!
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Which Season
Do You Prefer?