
特別講演会 原発のない世界を求めて
3月8日 日曜日
The Church of St. James the Less, 10 Church Lane, Scarsdale, NY 10583
池住圭氏 (日本聖公会 原発と放射能に関する特別問題事務局長)
記念礼拝 午後2時 東北大地震,津波、福島第一原発事故の犠牲者を覚えて
司式/説教 笹森田鶴司祭 (日本聖公会東京教区聖アンデレ牧師)
Join us for the Special Program sponsored by the Metropolitan Japanese Ministry
“Seeking a World Without Nuclear Power Plants”
-what is happening in Fukushima now?Sunday, March 8, 2015
3:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Parish Hall of the Church of St. James the Less
10 Church Lane, Scarsdale, NY 10583
Speaker: Ms. Kay Ikezumi -Director of NSKK Nuke Project
Although 4 years have passed since the accident, there are still 125,000 evacuees, and
a large number of people are living in a fear of harmful radioactive contamination in
Fukushima. Plants and animals are also affected. We would like to share with you what
is currently happening in Fukushima. We invite you to exchange your thoughts and
ideas how we should take responsibility for this grim reality which will effect generations
to come.
Prior to the program we will celebrate the Holy Eucharist in remembrance of the 4th
anniversary of Tohoku earthquake, Tsunami and Fukushima Dai Ichi Power Plant
All are welcome!
Holy Eucharist at 2:00 PM at the Chapel of the Church of St. James the Less
The Celebrant and the Preacher: The Rev. Tazu Sasamori,
Rector of St. Andrewʼs Church in the Diocese of Tokyo