ەὠἼ ᩥ 2 Coast guard releases March 11 footage The Japan Coast Guard released Thursday 6-1/2 hours of video footage of the March 11 tsunami, taken at the second Regional Coast Guard headquarters and its Kesennuma Coast Guard Station in Miyagi Prefecture. ࣄࣥࢺ㸸ぢฟࡋ㸦ኴᏐ㸧ࡢືモࡣ⌧ᅾᙧ࡛ࡍࠋぢฟࡋࡢ≉ᚩࢆᛮ࠸ࡔࡋ࡚ࡃࡔ ࣄࣥࢺ㸸 ࡉ࠸ࠋ࣮ࣜࢻᩥ࠶ࡿ࣐࢝ࣥࡢᚋࡢ taken ࡽࡣ๓ࡢ video footage … tsunami ࢆ ㄝ᫂ࡍࡿ㐣ཤศモ࡛ࡍࠋtaken ࡢ๓ (that was) ࢆ⿵࠺ࡼࡃศࡾࡲࡍࠋ ㄒ࠸㸸The Japan Coast Guard ᾏୖಖᏳᗇࠊreleased Ⓨ⾲ࡋࡓࠊvideo footage ࣅࢹ ㄒ࠸㸸 ࢜ᫎീࠊtsunami ὠἼࠊtaken ᙳࡉࢀࡓࠊheadquarters ᮏ㒊 ๓ࡽ㡰ヂࡍ㸸 ๓ࡽ㡰ヂࡍ㸸ࠕᾏୖಖᏳᗇࡣ 3 ᭶ 11 ᪥ࡢᫎീࢆᨺᫎ㸦ぢฟࡋ㸧ࠖᾏୖಖᏳ ᗇࡣࠊᮌ᭙᪥ࠊ6 㛫༙ࡢ 3 ᭶ 11 ᪥ࡢὠἼࡢࣅࢹ࢜ᫎീࢆⓎ⾲ࡋࡓࠋ㸦ࡑࢀࡣ㸧 ᐑᇛ┴ᾏୖಖᏳᗇ➨⟶༊ᮏ㒊ẼᾏୖಖᏳᆅᇦᮏ㒊࡛ᙳࡉࢀࡓࠋ ەཎⓎᨾ ᩥ 3 Tokyo Electric Power said that it is considering dispersing boric acid, a fire retardant, over the Fukushima Daiichi plant's No. 4 reactor from a helicopter. ࣄࣥࢺ㸸dispersing ࡣศモ࡛ࠊྡモ㸦┠ⓗㄒ㸧ࡢാࡁࢆࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ࣄࣥࢺ ㄒ࠸㸸considering ᳨ウ୰ࠊdispersing ᩓᕸࡍࡿࡇࠊboric acid ࣍࢘㓟ࠊfire ㄒ࠸㸸 retardant ᾘࠊreactor ཎᏊ⅔ ๓ࡽ㡰ヂࡍ㸸 ๓ࡽ㡰ヂࡍ㸸ᮾி㟁ຊࡣⓎ⾲ࡋࡓࠊྠ♫ࡣ࣍࢘㓟ᾘⅆࢆᩓᕸࡍࡿࡇ ࢆ᳨ウ୰ࠊ⚟ᓥ➨୍ཎᏊຊⓎ㟁ᡤࡢ 4 ྕᶵࠊ࣊ࣜࢥࣉࢱ࣮ࡽ ᩥ 4 Leakage of highly radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean from the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant has halted. ㄒ࠸㸸leakage ₃ࢀࠊradioactive water ᨺᑕ⬟ởᰁỈࠊthe Pacific Ocean ኴᖹὒࠊ ㄒ࠸㸸 halted Ṇࡲࡗࡓ ๓ࡽ㡰ヂࡍ㸸 ๓ࡽ㡰ヂࡍ㸸ኴᖹὒ₃ࢀ࡚࠸ࡓ㧗⃰ᗘᨺᑕ⬟ởᰁỈࡀṆࡲࡗࡓࠊ✌ື ⬟࡞ࡗࡓ⚟ᓥ➨ 1 ཎᏊຊⓎ㟁ᡤࡽ ᩥ 5 The radiation level at the quake-hit Fukushima nuclear plant was at a level where it posed a threat to human health. ࣄࣥࢺ㸸quake-hit ࡣࣁࣇ࡛ࣥ 2 ㄒࢆࡘ࡞ࡂᙧᐜモࡢാࡁࢆࡍࡿ㐀ㄒ࡛ࠊ⩌ᙧ ࣄࣥࢺ ᐜモࡤࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ㄒ࠸㸸radiation level ᨺᑕ⥺㔞ࠊquake-hit ⿕⅏ࡋࡓࠊnuclear plant ཎᏊຊⓎ㟁ᡤࠊ ㄒ࠸㸸 at a level Ỉ‽ࠊposed a threat ⬣ጾ㸦ᙳ㡪㸧ࢆ࠼ࡓ ๓ࡽ㡰ヂࡍ㸸 ๓ࡽ㡰ヂࡍ㸸ᨺᑕ⥺㔞ࡀࠊᆅ㟈くࢃࢀࡓ⚟ᓥࡢཎᏊຊⓎ㟁ᡤ࡛ࡢࠊே 㛫ࡢᗣᙳ㡪ࢆཬࡰࡍỈ‽࡞ࡗࡓ ᩥ 6 Nuclear fuel rods may have mostly melted Fuel rods in the No. 1 reactor at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant may have mostly melted and dropped to the bottom of the pressure vessel as the water level in the vessel has been found to be significantly lower than thought, Tokyo Electric Power Co. said Thursday. ࣄࣥࢺ㸸ㄒࡣෑ㢌ࡢ fuel rods ࡛ࡍࡀࠊືモࡢ may have melted and dropped ࡢ ࣄࣥࢺ ๓ࡲ࡛ࡀㄒࡘ࠸ࡓㄝ࡛᫂ࡍࠋ ㄒ࠸㸸nuclear fuel rods ᰾⇞ᩱᲬࠊmelted ⁐⼥ࡋࡓࠊreactor ཎᏊ⅔ࠊdropped ⴠ ㄒ࠸㸸 ࡕࡓࠊthe bottom of 㹼ࡢᗏࠊthe pressure vessel ᅽຊᐜჾࠊthe water level Ỉࠊ significantly lower than thought ᛮࡗࡓࡼࡾ࡞ࡾప࠸ ๓ࡽ㡰ヂࡍ㸸 ࠕ᰾⇞ᩱᲬࠊࡰ⁐⼥ࡋ࡚࠸ࡓྍ⬟ᛶ㸦ぢฟࡋ㸧ࠖ⇞ᩱᲬࡣࠊ ๓ࡽ㡰ヂࡍ㸸 ⚟ᓥ➨୍ཎᏊຊⓎ㟁ᡤࡢ➨ 1 ྕᶵࡢࠊࡍ࡛ࡰ⁐⼥ࡋⴠࡕ࡚࠸ࡓࡶࡋࢀ࡞ ࠸ࠊᅽຊᐜჾࡢᗏࠊࡑࡢᐜჾࡢỈࡀᛮࡗࡓࡼࡾ࡞ࡾప࠸ࡇࡀศࡗࡓ ࡢ࡛ࠊᮾி㟁ຊࡀⓎ⾲ࡋࡓࠊᮌ᭙᪥ ᩥ 7 N-reactor cooling failed before tsunami An emergency cooling system of the No. 1 reactor at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant malfunctioned after the March 11 earthquake and before the tsunami hit, data released by plant operator Tokyo Electric Power Co. have revealed. ㄒ࠸㸸N-reactor cooling ᰾ཎᏊ⅔෭༷ࠊfailed ᶵ⬟࡞ࡗࡓࠊemergency ㄒ࠸㸸 cooling system 㠀ᖖ⏝෭༷ࢩࢫࢸ࣒ࠊmalfunctioned ᶵ⬟ࡔࡗࡓࠊhit くࡗࡓࠊ released Ⓨ⾲ࡉࢀࡓࠊplant operator Ⓨ㟁ᡤ㐠Ⴀ⪅ࠊrevealed ᫂ࡽࡋࡓ ๓ࡽ㡰ヂࡍ㸸 ๓ࡽ㡰ヂࡍ㸸ࠕཎᏊ⅔෭༷ࠊὠἼ௨๓ᶵ⬟㸦ぢฟࡋ㸧ࠖ⚟ᓥ➨୍ཎ ᏊຊⓎ㟁ᡤࡢ➨ 1 ྕᶵ㸦ཎᏊ⅔㸧ࡢ㠀ᖖ⏝෭༷ࢩࢫࢸ࣒ࡣࠊ3 ᭶ 11 ᪥ࡢᆅ㟈ࡢ ᚋࡲࡓὠἼࡀく࠺௨๓ࠊᶵ⬟ࡔࡗࡓࠊⓎ㟁ᡤࢆ㐠Ⴀࡍࡿᮾி㟁ຊࡼࡾⓎ ⾲ࡉࢀࡓࢹ࣮ࢱࡀ᫂ࡽ࡞ࡗࡓࠋ ᩥ 8 TEPCO failed to report possible hydrogen explosion Tokyo Electric Power Co. knew there could be an explosion at the No. 3 reactor at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant the day before it happened, but didn't report the possibility to authorities. ㄒ࠸㸸TEPCO ᮾ㟁ࠊfailed to report ሗ࿌ࢆᛰࡗࡓࠊpossible ㉳ࡇࡾ࠺ࡿࠊhydrogen ㄒ࠸㸸 explosion Ỉ⣲⇿Ⓨࠊthe possibility ྍ⬟ᛶࠊauthorities ᙜᒁ ๓ࡽ㡰ヂࡍ㸸 ๓ࡽ㡰ヂࡍ㸸ࠕᮾ㟁ࠊ㉳ࡇࡾ࠺ࡿỈ⣲⇿Ⓨࡢሗ࿌ᛰࡿ㸦ぢฟࡋ㸧ࠖᮾி㟁 ຊࡣ▱ࡗ࡚࠸ࡓࠊ➨୍ཎᏊຊⓎ㟁ᡤࡢ➨ 3 ྕᶵ࡛⇿Ⓨࡀ࠶ࡿࡶࡋࢀ࡞࠸ࡇ ࢆࠊࡑࢀࡀ㉳ࡇࡿ୍᪥๓ࠊࡋࡋࡑࡢྍ⬟ᛶࢆᙜᒁሗ࿌ࡋ࡞ࡗࡓࠋ ࢸࣥࣛ࣎ە ࣎ࣛࣥࢸ ᩥ 9 Tokyo doctor to open clinic in Ishinomaki ISHINOMAKI, Miyagi--At first, her intention was to volunteer. But after helping people in the Tohoku region following the Great East Japan Earthquake, doctor Naoko Ishii decided to relocate to the area to give consultations. ࣄࣥࢺ㸸ぢฟࡋࡢ to open ࡣᮍ᮶ᙧࢆ⌧ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ࣮ࣜࢻࡢᩥ㢌࠶ࡿᆅྡࡣࠊ ࣄࣥࢺ㸸 グࡢⓎಙᆅࢆ♧ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡇࡇࡢ㒊ศࢆ dateline ࡧࡲࡍࠋࡘࡲࡾ᪥ࡢ ⾜࠸࠺ࡇ࡛ࡍࡀࠊ࡛ࡣࡇࡇ᪥ࢆධࢀࡎࠊᩥ୰᭙᪥࡛♧ࡋࡲࡍࠋ ࡧྡࡔࡅࡀṧࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ㄒ࠸㸸clinic デ⒪ᡤࠊintention ពᅗࠊvolunteer ዊάືࠊfollowing 㹼ࡢᚋࠊdecided Ỵࡵࡓࠊto relocate ⛣㌿ࡍࡿࡇࠊto give consultations デ⒪ࡍࡿࡓࡵ ๓ࡽ㡰ヂࡍ㸸 ๓ࡽ㡰ヂࡍ㸸㸦ぢฟࡋ㸧ࠕᮾிࡢ་ᖌࠊ▼ᕳデ⒪ᡤࢆ㛤ࡃணᐃࠖ▼ᕳⓎ ̿ึࡵᙼዪࡢពᅗࡣ࣎ࣛࣥࢸࡔࡗࡓࠋࡋࡋᮾᆅᇦࡢேࠎࢆຓࡅࡓᚋࠊ ᮾ᪥ᮏ㟈⅏ᚋࠊ▼┤Ꮚ་ᖌࡣデ⒪ࡍࡿࡓࡵࠊࡑࡢᆅ⛣㌿ࡍࡿࡇࡋࡓࠋ ⩏ ە㔠 ᩥ 10 Total relief donations received by the Japanese Red Cross Society and the Central Community Chest of Japan for people afflicted by the March 11 earthquake and tsunami stood at 115.4 billion yen. ࣄࣥࢺ㸸ㄒࡣࠊtotal relief ࡽ tsunami ࡲ࡛࡛ࠊᮏືモࡣ stood ࡛ࡍࠋㄒࡢ ࣄࣥࢺ㸸 ୰࠶ࡿ received ࡸ afflicted ࡣືモ࡛ࡍࡀࠊࡍ࡚㐣ཤศモ࡛ࡑࢀࡒࢀ๓࠶ ࡿㄒࢆಟ㣭ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ㄒ࠸㸸total 㢠ࠊrelief donations ⩏㔠ࠊreceived by 㹼ཷࡅྲྀࡽࢀࡓࠊJapanese ㄒ࠸㸸 Red Cross Society ᪥ᮏ㉥༑Ꮠ♫ࠊCentral Community Chest of Japan ୰ኸඹྠເ㔠 ࠊafflicted ⿕⅏ࡋࡓࠊstood at 㹼㐩ࡋࡓࠊbillion yen ༑൨ ๓ࡽ㡰ヂࡍ㸸 ๓ࡽ㡰ヂࡍ㸸⩏㔠ࡢྜィࡣࠊ᪥ᮏ㉥༑Ꮠ♫୰ኸඹྠເ㔠ཷࡅྲྀ ࡽࢀࡓࠊ3 ᭶ 11 ᪥ࡢᆅ㟈ὠἼࡢ⿕⅏⪅ྥࡅࠊ1154 ൨㐩ࡋࡓࠋ ᩥ 11 Orphans, other quake victims to get cash The Miyagi prefectural government will give 500,000 yen to each child whose parents died in the Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami, using donations it has received in the wake of the disaster, prefectural officials said. ࣄࣥࢺ㸸ぢฟࡋࡢ㸦ኴᏐ㸧to get ࡣᮍ᮶ᙧࢆ⌧ࡋࡲࡍࠋusing ࡽࡣ࠾㔠ࡘ࠸ ࣥࢺ㸸 ࡚ࡢㄝ᫂ࢆࡍࡿศモᵓᩥ࡛ࡍࠋ ㄒ࠸㸸orphans Ꮩඣࡓࡕࠊquake victims 㟈⅏⿕ᐖ⪅ࠊdonations ⊩㔠ࠊin the wake ㄒ࠸㸸 of 㹼ࡢᚋ࡛ࠊprefectural officials ┴ࡢᢸᙜ⪅ ๓ࡽ㡰ヂࡍ㸸 ๓ࡽ㡰ヂࡍ㸸㸦ぢฟࡋ㸧ࠕᏙඣࠊࡑࡢ⿕⅏⪅ࡓࡕࠊ⌧㔠ࢆཷࡅྲྀࡾࠖ ᐑᇛ┴ᗇࡣࠊ50 ࢆ࠼ࡿணᐃࠊᏊ౪୍ேᙜࡓࡾࠊࡑࡢ୧ぶࡀᮾ᪥ᮏ㟈⅏ ὠἼ࡛Ṛஸࡋࡓࠊ⿕⅏ᚋ┴ࡀཷࡅྲྀࡗࡓ⊩㔠ࢆࡗ࡚ࠊ┴ࡢᢸᙜ⪅ࡀⓎ ⾲ࡋࡓࠋ ە⯆ ᩥ 12 Reconstruction bill passed; hurdles remain The basic law on reconstruction from the Great East Japan Earthquake was finally enacted Monday, more than three months after the March 11 disaster. Problems remain, however, before the government can get its rebuilding efforts into high gear. ࣄࣥࢺ㸸ぢฟࡋࡢࢭ࣑ࢥࣟࣥ㸦;㸧ࡣ༊ษࡾ࡛ but ࢆពࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ࣄࣥࢺ㸸 ㄒ࠸㸸reconstruction ⯆ࠊbill ἲࠊpassed ྍỴࡉࢀࡓࠊhurdles 㞀ᐖࠊremain ㄒ࠸㸸 ṧࡿࠊthe basic law on reconstruction ⯆ᇶᮏἲࠊenacted ᡂ❧ࡋࡓࠊproblems ㅖ ၥ㢟ࠊefforts ྲྀࡾ⤌ࡳࠊhigh gear ᛴࣆࢵࢳ ๓ࡽ㡰ヂࡍ㸸 ๓ࡽ㡰ヂࡍ㸸㸦ぢฟࡋ㸧ࠕ⯆ἲࠊྍỴࠊ㞀ᐖṧࡍࠖᮾ᪥ᮏ㟈⅏ࡽ ࡢ⯆ᇶᮏἲࡣࡸࡗᡂ❧ࡋࡓࠊ᭶᭙᪥ࠊ3 ᭶ 11 ᪥ࡢ⅏ᐖࡽ 3 ࣧ᭶௨ୖࡔࠋ ࡋࡋࠊㅖၥ㢟ࡣṧࡿࠊᨻᗓࡀࡑࡢ⯆ࡍࡿྲྀࡾ⤌ࡳࢆᛴࣆࢵࢳ࡛ࡁࡿࠋ
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