Feedback in EFL Writing: Issues, Challenges, and

名古屋市立大学 公開講演会
Feedback in EFL Writing:
Issues, Challenges, and Future Directions
第 二言 語ラ イティ ン グの フィー ド バック 研究 :課 題 と展望
日時:2015 年1月 24 日(土)
(15:30-16:30 同会場にて講師を囲んでの懇親会を予定)
場 所:名古屋市立大学 桜山キャンパスさくら講堂
定 員:150 名程度(当日先着順)
Dr. Icy Lee
終わるのか。フィードバック研究の第一人者である香港中文大学の Icy Lee 教授が、最
In EFL contexts, it is common to find writing teachers adopting conventional
feedback practices, where they collect single drafts from students, mark writing
laboriously with little student involvement, and suffer from burnout as a consequence.
Despite teachers’ efforts in responding to student writing, there is a tacit awareness that
such conventional feedback approaches are not achieving desired outcomes. Drawing on
my own research conducted in Hong Kong secondary classrooms that address issues
ranging from teachers’ beliefs and practices regarding feedback to teachers’ attempts at
feedback innovation, I examine the problems and challenges teachers face, discuss
implications for practice and research, and conclude with future directions for teacher
education on feedback in EFL writing.
講師紹介: Professor Icy Lee
香港中文大学 教育学部教科教育学科教授
専門は第二言語ライティング教育、Journal of Second
Language Writing(JSLW)、 Language Teaching、 ELT
Journal、Canadian Modern Language Review などに多
2008 年度 JSLW 誌最優秀論文賞受賞。
アクセス: 地下鉄桜通線・桜山駅
3 番出口より徒歩 5 分
佐々木 みゆき E-mail : [email protected]