第 33 回勉強会「英語の教え方教室」 簡易報告 報告:中井 2014(平成 26)年 11 月 22 日(土) 弘一 14:00 17:00 ̶エクセター大学での研修で学んだことー 奈良県立高取国際高等学校 松川 慈 教諭 今回は、奈良県立高取国際高等学校の松川先生に英国南西部のエクセター大学(The University of Exeter) での研修で学ばれたことを、現地での資料を基に報告していただいた。時間に限りがあるので、かなり制限し てお願いしたのだが、発表のスライドは、なんと 100 枚!これに現地で得られた生の別点資料が 80 ページ 以上となった。松川先生は、向こうで得たものすべてを皆さんと共有したいという思いが強く、キャリーバ ックにいっぱいの資料を携えてきていただいていた。勉強会では、現地で実際に教わったやり方をコンパク トに実施していただいたりして、授業体験させていただいた。予想したとおり、資料の量が膨大であったの で半分くらいしか紹介説明していただくことができなかったが、参加者は十分満足の様子で、続きをまたい つか聞きたいと第二部の報告を願われたほどであった。参加者は本学短大の教職科目履修者が授業の一環と しての参加していたのか、発表者を含め 20 名であった。学園祭を行っていたので、一名保護者も迷い込んで 入られてきた。 実際、当初の内容は、 1.研修の概要 2.エクセター大学における研修の報告 ① Reading ② Integrated Skills ③ Inductive Grammar Teaching ④ Task Based Learning ⑤ Class Observation 3.学校訪問で学んだこと であったが、③Inductive Grammar Teaching の簡易紹介までで時間が来てしまった。 研修の概要と Reflective Teaching 現地での研修では、 ■ Keeping Audio Diary l I found...interesting/surprising/thought provoking/frustrating l It made me think about how/why I.../trying out/changing... l It confirmed my beliefs about... ■ ELT Research Portfolio You are expected to keep a reflective journal each week, reflecting on how your reading and the 1 course input has helped you develop your ideas around your chosen area of research. You should also collect copies of useful resources in the portfolio. と、自分の研修を記録し、フィードバックすることを通して、研修の成果を高める手法がとられていたとのこ とであった。 A teaching journal is an ongoing account of observations, reflections and other thoughts about teaching, usually in the form of a notebook, audio recordings , word-processed documents, webpages or emails. Keeping a teaching journal may be an entirely private process or part of a collegial process with colleagues having access to the entries and possibly responding to entries or participating collaboratively by writing a journal together or constructing a dialogic journal. It can even be a public process with the journal (probably in en edited version) being used in a presentation or publication for an unknown audience. また、Peer Coaching として、 In peer coaching, two teachers collaborate to help one or both of them improve some aspect of their teaching. One adopts the role of coach or "critical friend". Together they collaboratively plan a series of opportunities to explore the teacher's teaching and both during and after the process the coach provides feedback and suggestions to the teacher. However, it is the teacher that makes his or her own decisions about what, if anything to change as a result of the peer-coaching relationship. Peer coaching should be performed on a system of request, with a teacher requesting the assistance of a peer, no intervention of an "expert" or "elite" team and no reporting to administrators. Teaching Portfolios A portfolio is a collection of documents and other items that provides information about different aspects of a teacher's work. There are two types of portfolios a working portfolio and a showcase portfolio. A working portfolio contains items such as documents and artifacts to provide evidence of how far a teacher has progressed towards a particular goal, for example promoting a m ore learner-centered approach. A showcase portfolio is designed to show the teacher at his her best, by containing a collection of items to show the range and depth of skills the teacher possesses, usually for purpose of appraisal or promotion. であり、教員も自分の授業をフィードバックしてこそ、授業改善へ繋がる。そのための資料を整理し、 reflective に進めることは肝要である。同時に、教員評価が導入されている現在、評価に際し、自分の努力を 目に見える形で資料化し理解してもらうだけでなく、効果がある指導に関してなど管理職に伝え、学校全体 の取り組みを考えてもらうことも必要であろう。 2 エクセター大学における研修の報告 ①Reading 最初に、reading と何であるか、日常生活においても読むということはどのようなことであろうか、以下 の観点が大切で考えてみることが大切であると学んだということであった。 n What do you read? n Why? n How? n Attitude to reading ‒ in Japanese / in English For you / your students‒ why? (different types of texts read - last 24 hours) (reading skills employed) つまり、いつも何を読むかというと、ジャンルを問わず様々な内容のものを読んでいる。なぜそれを読むの か(読みたいから・知りたいからなど)、どのように読むのか(流し読み、熟読など)、どんな気持ちで読んで いるか、などである。こうした読むという行為の原理は英語学習の reading にもあてはまることと考えられ る。この意識なくして、効果的な reading 指導は望めないだろう。 故に大切なことは何のために reading をさせるか、その目的を明確にすることである。現地で紹介された目 的例は、①engaging students、②providing opts for practice concentrate / focus sts 、③ guiding sts to meaning、④seeing what sts already know、⑤testing、 ⑥revision/recycling、⑦checking understanding、⑧motivation/confidence building further learning direct => /extend leaning ということであった。 次に、 Put your student s hat on !! ということで、参加者が生徒役になり、少し簡略されたが松川先生 が現地で受けた講習どおりに模擬授業をされた。 ①チェロの演奏を聴く ②三枚の写真を見てどのような話なのかを連想する ③ボキャブラリーとして、play the cello / cellist、 (in) the audience、(on) the stage、the atmosphere was tense、to fade away、dark、in an embrace / to embrace each other を与え、What do you think happened at this concert?尋ね、推測させる。次に、 There was only one chair on the stage of the concert hall in northern England. There was no piano, no music stand and no conductor. Just that solitary chair. The atmosphere in the hall was tense. People were nervous and excited. Everyone in the audience of 600 people knew that they were going to hear a very special kind of music. Finally it was time to start Yo-Yo Ma, one of the world's most famous cellist came on me on to the stage,bowed to the audience and sat down quietly on the chair. He made himself comfortable, thought for some minutes until there was complete silence, and then he started to play music that 3 was at first empty. and dangerous, but that soon became loud and painful, like the worst thing you've ever heard. It was almost unbearable but then finally it faded away to nothing. Yo-Yo Ma did not move. He stayed with his head bowed over his instrument. Everyone in the hall held their breath. For what seemed like hours, nobody moved. It was as if they had all experienced something terrible and dark. But then Yo-Yo Ma stood up. He put down his cello. He stretched out his hand to someone in the audience, asking them to come and join him. An electric shock ran through the audience when they realised what was going to happen. A man got up from his seat and walked towards the stage. He was dressed in dirty motorcycle leathers, but Ma did not seem to mind. He rushed down from the stage, and when the two men met they flung their arms around each other in an emotional embrace. The audience went crazy; suddenly everyone was cheering and shouting, like people do when they've just heard great music. But this was more than music. (From Just Right Intermediate by J Harmer, Marshall Cavendish Ltd) と、本文を読ませてこれだけの本文から、 n Why does the text say but this was more than music ? n Who was the man Yo-Yo Ma embraced? n What s the story behind this piece of music? と尋ねて、その内容を更に推測させる。次に、Jigsaw reading として A, B, C 三種類の追加 reading を三人 一組で分担してそれぞれ読ませる。 Sheet A a Why was there a queue of people in the street? b What happened at four o clock? c How many people died? d When exactly did they die? e Who were they? f Who is or was Veldran Smailovic? In the early 1990s, there was a terrible war in Yugoslavia. Many people died, both soldiers and civilians. The city of Sarajevo was for many months one of the most dangerous place in the world. It was constantly under attack and its civilian inhabitants had to live with no electricity and little water. Only a few shops stayed open to sell food. On May 27, 1992, one of the shops,a bakery, opened in the afternoon and a long line of men, women and children queued to buy fresh bread. But it was not be. At four o'clock a mortar shell exploded in the street and twenty-two innocent people were killed. A man called Veldran Smailovic lived near the scene of this terrible tragedy. He was 35 at the time, 4 and when he heard the news he decided to do something about it. Sheet B a. What was Veldran Smailovic s job before the war? b. What did Veldran Smailovic do when he heard the news? c. What piece of music did he play? d. Why did he play his cello? e. Was he ever hurt? Before the war, Veldran Smailovic had been a cellist with Sarajevo Opera. When he heard about the explosion that had killed men, women and children in a bread queue in Sarajevo, he decided to do something about it. And so he did what he did best. He played his cell. For the next twenty-two days at exactly four o clock in the afternoon he put on his concert clothes, took his cello and a plastic chair into the empty streets and played a piece of music by the composer Albinoni ‒ his Adagio in G minor, one of the saddest pieces of music ever. Around him there was fighting and death. Shells fell and bullets flew while he played, but he was never hurt. With the world collapsing around him he played for compassion and peace, to ease the pain of loss and to preserve the dignity of the human race. Sheet C a Who is David Wude? b Whatd id he read about? c Whatd id he do then? d Where was the first UK performance of his new music? e Who played it? f Who was in the audience? David Wilde,an English composer, read a story in his newspaper which moved him deeply. It was about a man called Vedran Smailovic, who played his cello in the street in the middle of a war to honor the dead. His courage was extraordinary because he sat in the street and played while shells and bullets flew around him. David Wilde was so inspired by the story that he wrote a special piece for solo cello which he called The Cellist of Sarajevo. It was performed by the cellist Yo-Yo Ma at the Manchester Cello Fcstival in April 1994. Incredibly, Veldran Smailovic had survived the war and was in the audience that night to hear it. When Yo-Yo Ma finished playing, the two men embraced in front of a cheering audience. これらのパッセージを踏まえ、お互いに 5 n Why this was more than music ? n What is the story of the man Yo-Yo Ma embraced? n What is the story behind the piece of music? と尋ね合って、最初の本文の内容を確認する。このようにして、reading の関心を高めるものであった。更 にこの内容に興味があるものに、書籍を紹介する。The Cellist of Sarajevo by Steven Galloway するとの ことであった。 中井がこの件に関して調べたところ、https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5908s5E7Ink で The Cellist of Sarajevo, by Steven Galloway, read by Gareth Armstrong という内容での朗読 YouTube がある。以 下が説明であるが、授業で使えるであろう。Alvinoni の Adagio がバックに流れている。上記のタイプ打ち した本文と合わせて活用できるであろう。 Sarajevo, in the 1990s, is a hellish place. The ongoing war devours human life, tears families apart and transforms even banal routines, such as acquiring water, into life-threatening expeditions. Day after day, a cellist stations himself in the midst of the devastation, defying the ever-present snipers to play tributes to victims of a massacre. A true story of a cellists resistance helps to form this pivotal event in Steven Galloways extraordinary novel. Against this, the author touchingly describes three ordinary townspeople and their efforts to retain their humanity, sanity and autonomy as war takes hold of their lives. This bestselling novel is immediate, vivid and deeply affecting on audiobook, fully immersing the listener in the havoc of war. 松川先生によるデモンストレーションのあと、以下のことについてフロアーで話し合ってもらった。 n How enjoyable was the reading class? n What do you notice about the staging of the lesson? n What was the purpose of the various tasks? n What have you gained from this experience? enjoyable には、答えが分からない、先が想像できない、どうなるのだろうと好奇心をかき立てるものではな いかという意見があった。また、リーディングに段階を付ける staging やそれぞれの段階で推測させることが 大切であろうと意見が出た。 1. Encourage sts => read as much as possible 2. Sts need to be engaged with text 3. Encourage sts to respond to content 4. Prediction is major factor in reading 5. Match task to topic when using intensive texts 6. Good teachers fully exploit reading texts と、 Think about l Stages ‒pre/while/post reading 6 Harmer, J (2007) l Links between stages l Task types - purpose l Vocabulary ‒ what? why? when? how? l Integration of skills l Use of authentic materials? l Encouragement of learner independence ということに気をつけることと話された。 また、Questioning for deeper understanding として、 l Questions for contextualizing l Questions for speculation l Questions for personalization と最終段階で、Giving chances to express what sts think or how they feel about the content の personalization の重要性を現地で学んだと話された。 発問は生徒に理解させることを促したり、考えさせたり、判断させたりする引き金、触媒になるものであ る。思考のプロセスから言っても、理解分析̶応用総合化̶評価の順があるので、段階を踏まえた発問は 大切である。 次に、How to Teach Vocabulary について報告された。 n Vocabulary should be treated with the content n After reading the text we treat vocabulary n We sometimes can ask sts to guess the meaning or the image (positive image or negative image ?) と紹介された。いかに単語を知るかでは、 Form and meaning n Form: grammatical function ‒ noun, verb, adjective, adverb etc n Meaning: definition, collocation, connotation ‒ register, cultural meaning Receptive vs productive knowledge n We understand more after listening or using the vocabulary more n Receptive usually precedes productive knowledge Most vocabulary learning is INCIDENTAL:through exposure to language ↓ We have to facilitate the incidental learning と報告を受けた。またフロアーで話し合ってもらった。形と意味ということで、どのように語彙指導してい るかでは、単語帳をまとめさせるより本文での理解を多くするのが良いのではないか、学習単語を使った例 7 文を考えさせる事を次の段階でさせたりすればいいのではないか、英英辞典で定義をマッチングさせる小テ ストを行うなど意見が出た。語彙学習は偶発的で多読によって行われるべきものであるという原理をどう理 解し実践するかであろう。扱う英文量が少ないと英単語の慣れも少ない。recycle という指導も行いにくい。 何度も出てくる単語、何度も確認する単語が定着へつながるのだろう。 休憩を挟んで、体験的な授業紹介を再度、日本の教科書を使って行ってもらった。オバマ大統領を扱った課 であった。最初に写真を見て、自由に発言させる。 次に section 2 を読ませ、本文の内容に関する穴埋めをさせるワークシートをペアで内容を分けて 5 問程度 作成し配布する。自分の穴埋めをするために相手にその答えを尋ねる質問をお互いにさせるペアワークをさ せる。語彙として、 l To study (law) at university l To go into (politics) l To run for president l To be elected l Minority W hat do you understand by: l l The speech touched many people There s not a black America and white America and Latino America and Asian America; there s the United States of America を与える。その後、スピーチのビデオを見せる。スピーチの特徴などを話し合う。それから section1 に戻り、 Pre- reading: l What do you understand by The Power of Words ? W hile reading: l Where did he give his speech? l What did he say America would attempt to do? l Why did he feel America should do this? l Why did some people feel Obama should not win the Nobel peace prize? Post-reading: l What do you think? l Do you think it was a good idea for Obama to win the prize? (why/why not?) l Do you agree that words can give us hope ? l Do you think that words can influence human minds and sometimes can even change the world ? Examples? の活動を行う。次に、キング牧師の演説を聴かせスピーチの特徴などを話し合った後、生徒に自分のスピー チを行わせる発表活動へとつなげるというものであった。 Brainstorm 8 - Issues in your town/city/area / Japan Select one: *What do you want to change? *How will you do this? *How will you persuade others to join your pressure group / party? として、 l Choose a name for your group l Design a logo l Plan a 2 minute speech for TV のっこりの時間が極めて少なくなり、文法指導については inductive, deductive の二つの方法について簡単 な説明をしていただいた。 n In a deductive approach, students are given explanations or grammar rules, then, based on these explanations or rules, they make phrases and sentences using the new language. inductive approach では, n …instead of going from the rules to the examples, students see examples of language and try to work out the rules. n This boomerang-type lesson (where the elements occur in the sequence engage → activate →study) is especially appropriate where language study arises out of skills work on reading and listening texts. n Such discovery activities ask students to do the work rather than having everything handed to them on a plate by the teacher or a grammar/vocabulary book. n The boomerang sequence is often more appropriate with students who already have a certain amount of language available to them for the first activation stage than it is with students who can say very little. Harmer, J (2007) 3 時間では到底足りない量の準備をしていただいた。フロアーからは続きを是非お願いしたいという声をい ただいて、閉会した。松川先生の報告に一同感謝の思いであった。 9 10
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