Café d´Europe Régional Sarajevo „BiH`s rocky way to

Café d´Europe Régional Sarajevo
Friday, 15th April 2016, 14:00 - 16:00 hrs
Location: University of Sarajevo
Faculty of Philosophy, Franje Račkog 1
71000 Sarajevo, BOSNIA and HERZEGOVINA
„BiH’s rocky way to the EU“
Discussion with students of the University of Sarajevo
in English language
Vesna Andree Zaimović, Journalist, Radio Sarajevo,
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Dr. Brigitte Heuel-Rolf, Director, Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) BiH, Sarajevo
Elvis Kondžić, Advisor to the Chairman of Council of Ministers BiH, long-time partner and former
associate of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Mag. Martin Pammer, Ambassador of the Republic of Austria, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Dr. Alexander Picker, Chief Executive Officer, Komercijalna banka a.d. Beograd
Prof. Dr. Franz Schausberger, Member of the Committee of the Regions and Chairman of the
Working Group Western Balkans, President of the Institute of the Regions of Europe (IRE), Salzburg,
Ing. Mag. Sigmund Nemeti, Commercial Attaché of Austrian Embassy to BiH
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