Multiple Assessments in English Language Teaching

Multiple Assessments in
English Language Teaching
Hsue-ling Hsu
Kin-Sa Junior High School
What Happened?
Who’s the Leading Character?
Tell me, I will forget.
Show me, I may remember.
But involve me, I will understand.
~~ An old Chinese proverb ~~
No Child Left Behind.
 學校本位 (vs.國家課程)
 課程統整 (vs. 分科知識)
 創新教學
 多元評量 (vs. 紙筆測驗)
1. 以溝通式教學法為原則,
2. 強調溝通能力的培養 , 非文法知識的學習。
3. Accuracy(語言形式的正確) vs. fluency(表達的流暢)
4. 由培養興趣出發, 逐漸進入語言能力的訓
5. 國小以聽說為主, 讀寫為輔;
6. 發音教學由字母拼讀法入門,
7. 擅用各種教具及教學媒體
8. 多元化的評量方式
The traditional teacher directed classroom
 a more active learning, student based classroom
Reasons for Assessment
To find out about progress
To encourage students
To find out about learning difficulties
To find out about proficiency
To find out about achievement
To place students
To select students
To be fair
To give teachers/parents/schools feedbacks
To let students know about life
1. Students are evaluated on what they integrate
and produce rather than what they are able to recall.
(Huerta-Macias, 1995)
2. Emphasis is on students’ strength (what they know),
rather than weaknesses (what they don’t know).
 時間的多元
 評量形式的多元
 評量內容的多元
 評量工具的多元
 評量者的多元
 評量結果呈現方式的多元
Elements of Language to Be Tested
 Language forms
--- alphabets
--- vocabulary
--- patterns
 Language skills
--- listening
--- speaking
--- reading
--- writing
Two Beliefs
1. Assessment should be closely related to
2. To teach students a lot does not mean
“We can/should test them a lot.”
Three Goals
 To obtain basic communicative skills
 To have interests and correct study habits
 To know more about eastern and western
Testing Listening Skills
 Listen and circle
 Listen and draw
 Listen and check
 Listen and do
 Listen and choose
 Listen and say
 Listen and mark “O”
 Listen and number
or “X”
 Listen and match
 Listen and color
 Listen and trace
 Listen and write
 Listening log
Testing Speaking Skills
 Read aloud
 Oral interview 1 2
 Look and say
 Pair work 1 2
 Sentence completion
 Group discussion
 Chain work
 Show & tell
 Describe pictures
 Role play
 Compare pictures
 Speaking log 1 2 3
 Tell stories
 Oral test
 Retelling
Testing Reading Skills
 Look and count
 Read and do
 Read and check
 Read and say
 Read and choose
 Read and sing
 Read and mark “O” or
 Read and number
 Read and match
 Read and color
 Read and draw
 Read and trace
 Read and write
 Reading log
Testing Writing Skills
 Listen and write
 Match and write
 Ordering /
 Read and write
 Translation
 Controlled writing 1 2
 Free writing
 Writing log
 Reports
 Cards
 Letters
 Small books
 Chant books
 Journals
 Diaries
Other Types of Assessment
 Work sheets 1 2 3 4
 Activity sheets 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
 Teacher observation
 Checklists for progress / attitude /
 Others (big books , reading circle, etc)
Portfolio Assessment
 Portfolios are used to collect samples of
student work over time to track student
 It can be served as a record of growth and
 It can also serve to motivate students and
promote student self-assessment and selfunderstanding. (Frazier & Paulson, 1992)
 Assessment should be determined by a long
period of learning process.
What types of materials can be
put in a portfolio?
 Activity sheets / work sheets
 Listening log, speaking log,
reading log, and writing log
 Others (role play, art work, writing assignments,
audio tapes, small books, etc)
 Checklists (by teachers, peers, parents and
students themselves)
 Tests and quizzes
How to design a portfolio?
A typical portfolio contains 4 sections.
 An introductory section
 An academic work section
 A personal section
 An assessment section
Restraints of Multiple Assessment
1. 評分之公平性與客觀性
2. 家長學生配合度夠不夠
3. 家長對學習成果的期望與壓力
4. 同儕的配合與壓力
5. 學校行政的支援與配合
6. 配合課程設計進行費時
Final Remarks
 Be realistic.
 Be patient.
 Be creative.
 Be a good model.
發揮孩子的特性 協助其自我實現
與其說教他什麼 不如說養成他什麼
與其說讓他做什麼 不如說他希望做什麼
與其說他學會了什麼 不如說他想學會什麼
與其說他目前像什麼 不如說他將來會像什麼
“No rain, no rainbows.”