Form 1 APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION(入学願書) First Name (名前) Middle Year Date of birth (生年月日) Month / Nationality (国籍) Last Day Sex (性別) / Photo (写真) 4cm × 3cm □ Male □ Female Occupation (職業) Marital Status (配偶者の有無) □ Single □ Married Name of Spouse (配偶者名) Place of birth (出生地) Home Address (本国の住所) Phone Number (電話番号): Passport Info. (パスポート情報) Number (番号) Date of issue (発行日) / Post graduation plans (卒業後の希望) □ Apply for school (進学) □ Return to home country (帰国) / / / □ Find work (就職) □ Other (その他) Total period of education (修学年数) Latest Educational Background (最終学歴) Location of visa application (査証申請予定地) Intended length of study (学習予定期間) Educational history of applicant (学歴) Name of school expiration date (有効期限) Address of school years □ 2 years □ 1 year □ 1 year & 6 months Elementary level to latest academic level Years Entrance (yy/mm) Graduation (yy/mm) / / / / / / / / / / Applicant’s history of employment (職歴) Name of employer Address of employer Occupation Starting (yy/mm) Leaving (yy/mm) / / / / / / Form 1 (2) Family Information (家族) Name Relationship Date of birth / / / / / / / / / / Address Phone number Applicant’s history of entry to Japan (出入国履歴) Date of entry Date of departure / / / / / / / / / / / / Type of visa Purpose of visiting Japan Fill out the following section if a visa application has ever been denied. History of past application (過去の申請歴) □ Yes □ No Immigration Bureau (入国管理局) □ Tokyo □ Fukuoka Embassy of Japan (日本大使館) Place of visa application Name (申請時の名前) □Others Reason for denial (不交付理由) In the case that you didn’t enter Japan upon eligibility approval Reason for not entering Japan (来日しなかった理由) Date: / / Signature: Form 2 PURPOSE TO STUDY JAPANESE(学習理由書) Date: Signature: / / Form 3 (1) AFFIDAVIT SUPPORT FORM(経費支弁書) To the Minister of Justice of Japan 日本国法務大臣 殿 Name of student (学生氏名) Nationality (国籍) Date of birth (生年月日) / / Sex (性別) □ Male □ Female I hereby accept responsibility for financial support of expenses incurred by the person named above during his/ her stay in Japan. I will explain my reason for the aforementioned financial support in the following section of this document. 私はこの度、上記の者が日本国に入国した場合(在留中)の経費支弁者になりましたので、下記の通り、経費支弁引き受 け経緯を説明するととともに、経費支弁について誓約します。 1. Reason for financial support of the applicant. *Please explain why you accept the responsibility for financial support of the applicant. *What is your relationship to the applicant? 経費支弁引き受け経緯 *申請者の経費支弁を引き受けた経緯および申請者との関係について具体的に記載してください。 I, , hereby accept responsibility for the financial support of expenses incurred by the applicant during his/her stay in Japan. I also agree to provide any and all required legal documents to prove payment of the expenses incurred by the applicant. Moreover, at which time the applicant applies for a visa extension, I will submit any remittance certificates and/or copies of bank transactions. The bankbooks will be in the name of the applicant and will show any remittance and/or payment that I make on behalf of the applicant. 私、 は、上記の者の日本国滞在について、下記の通り、経費支弁することを誓約しま す。また、上記の者が在留期間更新許可申請を行う際には、送金証明書または本人名義の預金通帳(送金事実、経費 支弁事実が記載されたもの)の写し等で生活費等の支弁事実を明らかにする書類を提出します。 Form 3 (2) Method of Payment Transfer to the account the applicant opens in Japan. □ Remittance from overseas 外国からの送金 yen / month 本人が日本で作った口座に毎月振込します。 □ Other その他 Financial Sponsor(s) Name (名前) Date of birth (生年月日) Home Address (住所) 1 Nationality (国籍) / / Relation to the applicant (学生との関係) Phone number (電話番号): Name of employer (勤務先) Address of employer (勤務先住所) Phone number (電話番号): Occupation (職業) Annual Income (年収) Signature (署名) Name (名前) Date of birth (生年月日) Home Address (住所) 1 Nationality (国籍) / / Relation to the applicant (学生との関係) Phone number (電話番号): Name of employer (勤務先) Address of employer (勤務先住所) Occupation (職業) Phone number (電話番号): Annual Income (年収) Signature (署名) Date: / / Form 4 DECLARATION(誓約書) To the Principal of NILS Applicant □ Male Signature (署名) □ Female Date of birth (生年月日) Name (氏名) Nationality (国籍) Home Address (住所) / / / / Phone number (電話番号): Financial sponsor □ Male □ Female Name (氏名) Nationality (国籍) Home Address (住所) Employer (勤務先) Signature (署名) Date of birth (生年月日) Phone number (電話番号): Name (名前) Address (住所) Phone number (電話番号): We hereby declare that we will fully abide by the rules and regulations as stated below. In the case of a breach of this contract, we will solely take responsibility and not hold NILS responsible in any way. 私たちは以下の事項を遵守し、貴校(NILS)に対していかなる迷惑もかけないことを約束します。万が一、違約行為があった場合、一切 の責任は私たちが負います。 1. The student must abide by Japanese law and all regulations that NILS sets out. the instructions and rules of the school. 学生は日本の法律と NILS の学則、生活ルールを順守し、NILS の指導に従います。 The student must also obey 2. All expenses such as tuition will be paid by the due dates set out without delay. 学生は学費等の費用を遅延することなく支払期限内に支払います。 3. As per this contract, the financial supporter will pay any and all expenses including tuition and living expenses. 経費支弁者は支弁書の内容通りに、定期的に学費と生活費を送金します。 4. In the case that the student violates Japanese law, or any rule and/or regulation of the school, the financial supporter will assume full responsibility. 学生が日本の法律や NILS の規則に違反した場合は、経費支弁者がすべての責任を負います。 5. The financial supporter will cooperate fully with the school in any explanation related to the appropriate manners, behavior, and attitude, for daily life during the student’s stay in Japan. 経費支弁者は学生が日本に滞在している間、学校に協力し、学生の生活および勉学について学生の本分をわきまえる よう指導します。 Date of declaration: / (year) / (month) (day)
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