2014 年第1回 東京大学 奨学金付き夏季短期留学 (2014.1.31 更新) プレ GEfIL プロジェクト プログラム一覧 ※対象:学部学生(プログラムごとに若干名、10 プログラム全体で 20 名程度を採択予定。) ※Target Audience は、プログラム実施大学が想定している参加学生(UG = undergrad・学部学生/ G = graduate student・大学院学生)です。ただし、本募集で奨学金を支給するのは学部学生のみです。 ※各プログラムが定める English Language Requirement が TOEFL iBT100・IELTS 7.0 を上回る場合はその点数を、下回る場合・特に定めのない場合は TOEFL iBT100・IELTS 7.0 以上を本募集での条件とします。 No Program University [Country] 49 LSE-PKU London School of Summer School Economics and in Beijing Political Sciences (LSE) and Peking University (PKU) URL Duration/ Dates Target English Estimated Program Fees (exclude Estimated Audienc Language airfare) Scholarship e Requirement From UTokyo http://www.lse.ac. 2 weeks: UG・G uk/study/summer 11 Aug (Mon) – Schools/LSEPKU 22 Aug (Fri) Programme/Hom e.aspx Required: TOEFLI iBT 100 IELTS 6.5 Tuition(early applicants) and Application fee: GBP 1,090 Accommodation: GBP 450 Meals and other fees: GBP 300 JPY 180,000 (Program) 8 weeks: http://summer.sta 21 Jun (Sat) – nford.edu/progra 17 Aug (Sun) ms/summersession-forvisitingstudents/specialprograms/ Required: TOEFL iBT 100 Total fee for undergraduate students JPY 400,000 (including Tuition, Accommodation, Meals, Health Insurance etc.): USD 12,575 Remarks Additional Documents Required for Internal Selection Application Deadline to the Host University after Internal Selection 学内選考により派遣候 補となった場合、派遣 先に行う手続きの締切 Intensive! Students take ONE course. 31 March (for discount rate) SSIHP students must enroll in minimum of 8 units. 17 March: As you will have only 1 or 2 days after receiving the internal selection result, please be ready to immediately complete the application process on their website: http://summer.stanford .edu/programs/summe r-session-for-visitingstudents/how-toapply/ [China] 50 Stanford Summer International Honors Program (SSIHP) Stanford University [US] UG・G ☆ Students take courses within the Intensive Studies program. (Courses) http://summer.sta nford.edu/progra ms/summersession-forvisitingstudents/intensive -studies/ 51 Harvard Harvard Summer School University http://www.summ 7 weeks: UG・G er.harvard.edu/ 21 Jun (Sat) - 9 Aug (Sun) (2013) Required: TOEFL iBT 100 IELTS 7 (2013) JPY 400,000 Tuition: USD 5,590 Accommodation & Meals: USD 4,950 Insurance: USD 200 Liberal arts courses especially in Arts, Social Sciences, and Economics TBA Required: UG(2nd year or TOEFL iBT higher) 107 IELTS 7.0 ☆ Tuition & Application fee: GBP 2,478 JPY 400,000 Accommodation & Meal: GBP 1,428~2,214 (varies with housing option) Students choose 3 courses; plus weekly plenary lectures; plus possibly supervision option. Approx. 4 April [US] 52 PembrokePembroke King’s Summer College, Programme Cambridge [UK] 53 King’s College King’s College London London Summer School [UK] Accepted UTokyo students may receive USD 1,000 scholarship (deduct from the total fee). http://www.pem.c 8 weeks: am.ac.uk/internati 29 Jun (Sun) – onal23 Aug (Sat) programmes/sum merprogrammes/pem broke-kingsprogramme/ http://www.kcl.ac. Two sessions UG(2nd uk/study/summers (3 weeks each) year or chool/index.aspx higher) Session I: 7 Jul (Mon) - 25 Jul (Fri) Session II: Required: GPA 3.2 or above *5 Required: TOEFL iBT 93 IELTS 6.5 1 Session Tuition (After Discount):GBP 1,287 Housing: GBP 1,050 --------------------------2 Sessions Tuition (After Discount): GBP 2,187 Housing GBP 2,100 --------------------------- (-31days) JPY 300,000 Intensive! Students take ONE course per session. (32 days-) JPY 500,000 Large range of courses, and pre-session intensive English courses (1 week) available 15 May 1 28 Jul (Mon) 15 Aug (Fri) Pre-session English Tuition (After Discount): GBP 446 Housing GBP 410 Students from UTokyo get 10 % tuition discount Required: GPA(USA) 3.3 or above *5 54 LSE Summer School London School of Economics and Political Sciences (LSE) [UK] http://www.lse.ac. Two sessions UG・G uk/study/summer (3 weeks each) Schools/summerS chool/Home.aspx Session I: 7 Jul (Mon) - 25 Jul (Fri) Required: TOEFL iBT 107 IELTS 7.0 Session II: 28 Jul (Mon) 15 Aug (Fri) 55 56 57 Summer Programme on International Affairs and Multilateral Governance Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies Munich Summer Curriculum (MSC) “Electronic Media” Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich Global Entrepreneurshi p Summer School Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich [Switzerland] 1 Session Tuition: GBP 1,510 Accommodation: GBP 720~1500 (2013/varies with housing option) --------------------------2 Sessions Tuition: GBP 2,530 Accommodation: GBP 1,476~2,870 (2013/varies with housing option) (-31days) JPY 300,000 Intensive! Students take ONE course per session. (32 days-) JPY 500,000 Courses from 6 subject areas, and pre-session intensive English courses (1 week) available (fee GBP 500) TBA Expected: GPA 3.3 or above *5 http://graduateinst 3 weeks: itute.ch/home/stu 24 Jun (Tue) dy/programmes/s 11 Jul (Fri) ummer_winter/su mmerprogramme-oninternationa.html UG(4th Required: year)・ TOEFL iBT Master’s 100 IELTS 7.0 Tuition: CHF 3,800 JPY 300,000 Estimated cost of living: Approx. CHF 2,400 Intensive! 27 hours per week in class (lectures, seminars, workshops/) One topic per week 1 April http://www.msc- 10 weeks: misu.de/content/E 20 Jun (Fri) – N/MSC_Home 22 Aug (Fri) UG(2nd or 3rd year) None specified Total fee for LMU partner university: EUR 3,100 plus meals JPY 560,000 The curriculum combines theory and applied electronic media subject matter with a 4 week internship at a German TV station or media organization. 31 March: First Payment 1 May: Application http://www.globals 10 days: UG・G ummerschool.org/ 16 Sep (Tue) – ?page_id=33 26 Sep (Fri) 35 students in total (2013) Required: TOEFL iBT 100 IELTS 6.5 (2013) Tuition fee: EUR 120 plus meals Accommodation will be provided JPY 240,000 Intensive workshop (2013) End of May http://www.ice.ca m.ac.uk/courses/s ummerschools/summerschoolprogrammes/inter disciplinary Required: TOEFL IBT 100 (25 each element)/ PBT 600 Full program fees (tuition, accommodation, breakfast and evening meals) for ONE Term (2 weeks): (-31 days) JPY 240,000 18 students in total [Germany] Travel scholarships for 10 students available. [Germany] 58 Cambridge Cambridge Interdisciplinary University [UK] Summer School Term I: 6 Jul (Sun) – 19 Jul (Sat) UG・ G Term II: 20 Jul (Sun) – 2 Aug (Sat) Cambridge Cambridge Science University [UK] Summer School http://www.ice.ca m.ac.uk/courses/s ummerschools/summerschoolprogrammes/scie nce Term I: 6 Jul (Sun) – 19 Jul (Sat) Term II: 20 Jul (Sun) – 2 Aug (Sat) GBP 1,895 or 2,080 (depending on type of accommodation) IELTS 6.5 (6.5 each element) Term III: 3 Aug (Sun) – 16 Aug (Sat) 59 (32 days-) JPY 400,000 UG・ G Required: TOEFL IBT 100 (25 each element)/ PBT 600 Full program fees (tuition, accommodation, breakfast and evening meals) for ONE Term (2 weeks): JPY 240,000 Students can take one or more terms. Students take 2-3 courses per term. Term I: 23 June Recommended: International Politics in a Global Age I or II (3 courses per term) History of Science courses Climate Change [B15] Global Energy Security [A23] Term III: Students can take one or two terms. Students take 1 course per week (2 courses per term). Term I: 23 June Term II: 7 July 21 July Term II: 7 July GBP 1,600〜2,325 (depending on type of accommodation) IELTS 6.5 (6.5 each element) 本学からの推薦が必要なプログラム(☆印)以外は、本募集の選考に落選した場合は、奨学金なしで個人で応募することができます。 2
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