To Readers of HIRO CLUB NEWS, Thank you very much for your patronage of HIRO CLUB NEWS, the monthly English magazine on life and culture in Hiroshima. We would like to inform you of corrections to our translation of the City Office Notice in the October issue of HIRO CLUB NEWS. The corrections can be seen below. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience this matter has caused you. We will do our best to see that such errors do not recur. Thank you for your understanding. October 2014 Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation International Relations & Cooperation Division HIRO CLUB NEWS ご利用者のみなさまへ 当センター事業の実施にあたりましては、平素から格別のご理解、ご協力を賜り厚くお礼申し上げます。 このたび、毎月発行しています英文生活・文化情報誌「HIRO CLUB NEWS」の 10 月号に掲載しました「City Office Notice」に下記のとおり、修正箇所がございました。 ご迷惑をおかけしましたことを深くお詫び申し上げます。今後このような事が起こらぬよう、最善の努力を いたす所存でございます。 ご理解とご協力に感謝いたします。 平成 26 年 10 月 (公財)広島平和文化センター国際交流・協力課 ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ 【Corrections / 修正】 HIRO CLUB NEWS October: City Office Notice 2014.10.1(「市民と市政」10 月 1 日号) Chickenpox Vaccination 乳幼児の水痘ワクチン(水ぼうそう)が定期予防接種になります(P2) From October 1, 2014 the chickenpox vaccination for infants will become compulsory by the law ⇒ be classified as a routine vaccination under the law. The City Hall will send a notice to families with children who should take the vaccination. If you receive this notice, please go to a clinic with the necessary items and have your child vaccinated. PERIOD: From Wed., October 1, 2014 FEE: Free HOW TO TAKE THE VACCINATION: Consult with your primary care doctor. ぼしけんこうてちょう Please bring your 母子健康手帳 (Maternal & Child Health Handbook) to the clinic and materials for the clinic to confirm the age and birth date of your child and your child’s residential address. Who Number of shots Appropriate Interval Infants age 1 to 2 Two More than three months Children age 3 to 4 Once (Until March 2015) - ❖Those who have already contracted chickenpox in the past will not be subject to ⇒not be eligible for the vaccination. ❖For details, please read the notice sent by the City Hall. INQUIRIES: Hoken Iryo Ka (Public Health & Medical Service Division) Tel. 504-2622 Fax. 504-2258
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