①学校を案内する Here is our classroom (gym). We study from

⑥ Useful Expressions 〜場面ごとに使えるフレーズを紹介します〜
Here is our classroom (gym).
We study from textbooks like these everyday.
What’s your favorite subject ?
(What’s your least favorite subject ?)
My favorite subject is 〜 .
What do you want to be when you grow up ?
What’s popular at your school now ?
I’m happy to be friends with you.
Please call me 〜 .
Are you having fun ?
What is it called in your language ?
I’d like to know more about your country and people.
What is a well-known ( traditional ) game in your country ?
Please keep in touch.
Please email me at this address.
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This is a historic temple ( shrine, bridge ).
This is a temple ( shrine, bridge ) with a long history.
It has a story like this. / The story goes like this. / There is a story that
goes like this.
〜 is an important person. / 〜 is a historical figure.
The entrance fee is 〜 yen.
I’ll show you the way.
What are you looking for ?
What kind of events would you like to see ?
The event should start at 〜 .
Please go straight this way.
Please take a right ( left ) at the end of the path.
What’s your budget ?
What kind of things are you looking for ?
I recommend this.
This is a popular mascot.
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Are you alright ?
I’ll take you to a first-aid office.
Can you walk ?
■気分はいかがですか ?
How are you feeling ?
Where does it hurt ?
Let me take your temperature.
Are you feeling sick ?
Would you like some cold water ?
腹痛 stomachache
吐き気 nausea
怪我 injury
めまい dizziness
脱水症状 dehydration
熱射病 heatstroke
車酔い car sickness ( motion sickness )
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