E.E.年間計画一覧表(特別支援:別表〈カリキュラム〉) 1 年 2 年 4月 ハロー みんななかよし① あいさつ・じゃんけん Hello. Thank you. I'm~. 5月 Rock scissors paper go. こんにちは げんき① あいさつ Hello. I'm~. My name is ~. How are you? I'm fine. 3 年 外国の人とあいさつをしよ う④ あいさつ Hello I'm~ Nice to meet you. I'm from~. Hi! ~さん Excuse me, ~? Yes, ~. How are you? I'm fine, and you?. Fine, thank you, Do you have a pet? Yes, I do. No, I don’t. How old are you? I'm ~ years old. Me, too. 4 年 5 年 仲よくなろう ② あいさつ Welcome to our school. Clap your hands. Do you have~? How many cards do you have? 好きなスポーツは何です か?③ スポーツ,用具 What sports do you like? Can you play ~? 病気になったら④ 病気・体 I have a headache. I feel sick. What's the matter? Take care. hospital, surgery, dentist レッツ スポーツ④ スポーツ名・選手・用具 Who is he? He is a baseball player. Do you know him(her)? Let's play 3 on 3! Yes! Nice shot! The score is 6 to 9. 大村校区を紹介しよう④ 大村紹介・方位・建物 Where is C's house? Here is my home. Which is longer? Please let me know about ~. How do you say~in English? レストランにて④ 食事・代金 Menu,please. What do you want? Please pass me the salt. How much is the total? Please,wait a moment. Check,please. かぞえられるよ① 数字1~12 やさい大すき(マップ)① 野菜 What's this? It's~. Please~. It's ~. 数字で遊ぼう③ 数字21,22、・・・60 たし算・かけ算 Let's play the game? I win. I lose. higher lower plus times How many~? クイズ5ヒント④ 色・形・動物等 Do you like~? Are you big? In English. In Japanese. いろであそぼう① 色 いろいろなかたち見つけ たよ① 形・数・色 わたしの1日④ 時刻・曜日・教科 What time is it? It's ~o'clock. What day is today? What subjects do you like? 友達の好きなもの④ 全校イングリシュ集会② 食べ物・教科・趣味 (集会の企画) What food do you like? What's your favorite ~ ? 6月 全校イングリシュ集会② 全校イングリシュ集会① 7月 6 年 いつですか?④ 月・序数(1~31) When is your birthday? It's in January 3rd. 全校イングリシュ 集会① 全校イングリシュ 集会① 将来の夢③ 職業 What do you do? What do you want to be? I want to be a ~. 修学旅行で話しかけよう ④ 国名・食事 Excuse me. Can I ask some questions? Where are you going? 全校イングリシュ集会① 8月 どうぶつだいすき① 動物 9月 どうぶつえんへ行こう① 動物 What animal is this? It's ~ 学校たんけん④ 教室・学用品・備品 This is ~ room. I win. I lose. 育てた野菜でクッキング ④ 野菜・料理 Do you like~ ? キャンプに行こう④ キャンプ用品 What do you need? I need ~. Do you have a ~? Check the list. Let's go camping. 下地小、津田小の子と 友達になろう② (3校交流集会) やさい大すき① 野菜 Please~. It's ~. 好きなスポーツ③ スポーツ,用語 What sports do you like? I like ~. Do you like ~?Me, too. 電話でやくそく③ 電話 This is ~ calling. My telephone number is ~. Where ~? What time ~? スーパーで買い物をしよう ④ 数字 145~1000 What do you want? I want~. How much is this? It's ~dollars. 大村の野菜④ 野菜の部分 What vegetables has this flower? What part do you eat? We chop,boil・・・. きれいな色だね① 色 What color is this? It's ~. かいじゅうをさがせ④ 体 What's the two? It's a ~. That's right. みんなの豊川④ 気持ち・豊川で見つけたも の I'm happy. surprised nervous なべパーティをしよう④ 食事 What food do you need? I need onions and tomatos. What do you like to eat? I like to eat ~. Which do you like A or B ? アジアの国を知ろう④ 国名・食べ物・民族衣装 What's this country? What's its national costume? What is its special food? Which is larger, ~ or ~? Which has more fiber, 漢字クイズをつくろう② What is this kanji? It lives in the sea. Moon inside. 10月 くだものたべちゃうよ① 果物 ~,please. Here you are. 11月 Thank you. おかし大好き③ おかし、お金 May I help you? ~ ,please. How much? It's ~ yen. Here you are. Thank you. 12月 なに つくろう① 形 ~,please. 1月 Here you are. Thank you. 全校イングリシュ集会② 2月 3月 大すきな家ぞく① 家族・年齢 数字13~20 30,40.・・・100 This is my mother. My mother is ~years old. 料理をしよう④ 材料・調味料・料理 I use~. I cut~. 全校イングリシュ集会① 全校イングリシュ集会① スーパーマーケットはどこ かな④ 道案内 Where do you live? 家ぞくのすきな食べもの I live in ~ . Where is the ① supermarket? 食べ物 Over there. Go straight. ~,please. Here you are. Thank you. Turn right (left). tohu or gobou ? It's gobou . What do you need for nabe? I need a carrots. Why? Because I like ~. 世界旅行に出かけよう④ 国名・時刻,外国語 What country is there? What time is it now? 全校イングリシュ 集会① マイスケジュール③ 時刻・遊び What time do you study ~? We start classes at ~. What's your favorite~? 日本の紹介③ お正月 What doyou do on New Year's Day? I go to a shrine. I eat zouni. キックベースをしよう③ スポーツ・応援 How many peaple do you play ~? Run run. Go go. Good job! どっちがいいかな③ Which do you like school lunch or homemade lunch? 全校イングリシュ 集会① 全校イングリシュ 集会① 日本の遊び・外国の遊び 韓国料理に挑戦しよう④ (集会の企画) ③ 料理 日本の遊び What do you need~? Let's play. I need ~. This is ~. How do you cook? I cut ~.
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