Friedel Kloke-Eibl Dance Group

Friedel Kloke-Eibl Dance Group
Cultural Tour in Japan - Cherry Blossoms
Theatres, Dance and the finest part of its
Mythology and History
Staying in Japan from 24th of March to 4th of April (11 nights)
#1 23rd (Mon) Dept. from Brazil (Emirates Air via Dubai to Osaka)
Dept. from Europe (Lufthansa/All Nippon Airways to Osaka)
*please check the flight schedule of yours
#2 24
25th (Wed)
Arrival at Osaka. Airport Limousine bus to Kyoto, sleep in Kyoto
Kyoto Shijo Minami-za Theatre “March Top Actors
Kabuki” 京都 Kyoto, the capital from A.D. 8c to A.D. 12c. and from 14c. to whole
16c., is known for its culture of the nobles.
[left] Program is not published
yet (Poster from previous year).
Kabuki is the style of theatre
established in A.D. 17c, Edo era.
[right] Kyoto Shijo Minami-za
Kabuki Theatre: is the only
Kabuki theatre still located in the
original place, after various
reconstruction and reforms.
Present one was built in 19c.
Statue of Orchestra of Angels
Ho-O Fenix on rooftop with Goblin
#4 26th (Thur) 奈良 Nara, the first capital of Japan
from A.D.4c. to A.D. 8C.
●KOFUKU-JI Temple 興福寺
Statue of ASURA (A.D.8c.)
●YAKUSHI-JI Temple 薬師寺
●HORYU-JI Temple 法隆寺
Yakushi Nyorai statue:Bhaisajyaguru The oldest wooden structure exists
A.D.7-8c. (↓Buddha of healing and medicine)
in the world, A.D. 607
↑Yume-dono (Pavilion of
Dream) octagonal shape
↑Kudara Kannon zou: statue, A.D. 7c.
●CHUGU-JI Temple 中宮寺
Bosatsu Hanka zou: statue, A.D.7c.
Maitreya (bodhisattva), sitting and
thinking in the half-lotus position
Best known for its archaic smile.
Interesting comparison can be taken
to the same style statue at Kofuku-ji
in Kyoto which will be visited on 30th.
●FUJINOKI KOFUN Tumulus 藤ノ木古墳: Round shape tumulus with
diameter 50m. Supposed to be of two
princes who were assassinated in A.D. 6c.
#5 27th (Fri)
Excavated materials from the tumulus in
(B.C. 600)Japan’s
Region from A.D. 5c. to 7c.
Myth tells that he is
the great grandchild
of Godess Amaterasu.
●OMIWA-JINJA Shrine 大神神社
Japan’s first shrine with the sacred Mt.
Miwa which is the sacred body of the
●MT. YOSHINO(Cherry blossoms)
shrine, in its earliest form of Shintoism
One of the best
known place to see
cherry blossoms
●KO-YA-SAN (Mt. Koya) The center of Esoteric
Buddhism (Shingon) in the mountain site. Sleep at temple’s
inn: No western bed, sleep on futon on the Tatami mat
cushion floor. Common bathrooms for the house guests.
Possibly more than two people share a bigger room. Please
permit flexibility in this highest travel season in this region.
Temple’s vegetarian dishes will be served for dinner. No optional food provided.
#6 28th (Sat) 高野山
●KO-YA-SAN (Sacred Mountains Koya)
Headquarter of Shingon-shu Buddhism
(Esoteric Buddhism) Experience esoteric style
Aji-kan Meditation session which is different from
Zen style meditation.
↑Founder Kukai’s Tumulus,
where he entered into an
eternal Samadhi and still
is alive in there meditating.
by Shinkansen (Bullet Train)
MIYAJIMA IRLAND 宮島 (Highest tide 15:31)
Sleep in Hiroshima
#7 29th (Sun)
●Peace Memorial Museum
p.m. Circle Dancing
●Atomic Bomb
Memorial 原爆ドーム
In the end of the afternoon, travel to sleep in Kyoto
#8 30th (Tue)
●KORYU-JI Temple 広隆寺
A.D. 7c.
Bosatsu Hanka zou:
statue of Maitreya (bodhisattva)
Interesting to compare to the other one
previously seen at Chugu-ji Temple in Nara
(for me, this is Friedel…)
●KINKAKU-Ji Temple 金閣寺 A.D.14-15c.
●RYOAN-Ji Temple, 龍安寺
Best known Zen style Dry Garden,15c.
●Lunch at Izusen Restaurant, well known
restaurant in Daitoku-ji temple. Vegetarian
meal served in Zen monk’s nesting bowls
made of lacquered wood.
●MYOSHIN-Ji Temple, Taizo-in 妙心寺 退蔵院
Rinzai Zen Sect. A.D. 14c.
Drape Sakura in the
Zen style
Karesansui (Dry
Zen Culture Activities: Vice chief monk of the temple will offer Zen Meditation
practice with Q&A session, the main pavilion and the garden tour
and explanation about Tea Ceremony, all in English for our private
group. Come in a comfortable clothes, trousers or long skirt.
#9 31st (Tue) Kyoto
●Kyoto Imperial Palace (former Imperial palace) 御所 (actual one
is in Tokyo, will be visited on 1st of April): Participate in the Official English Tour
for Foreigners for 1 hour on foot inside the Palace. Please come in comfortable shoes
and clothes. See the photo below)
Temple 三十三間堂 A.D. 12c.
(“33 Intercolumnar Temple”)
Spectacular scenery of 1001
statues of Thousand Armed
Kannon, 28 Attendants of
them, and a pair of Wind God
and Thunder God on the front
●Fushimi Inari Taisha 伏見稲荷大社 A.D. 8c.
Shinto Shrine of
Kami (god) of Foxes
●Kiyomizu-dera A.D. 8c.
清水寺 Temple of a very
Particular architecture of high
platform construction. Cherry
blossoms, legend of Kannon,
Jizo-Bosatsu and Bishamon-Ten
#10 April 1st (Wed) to TOKYO 東京 Capital of Japan since 17c.
The Imperial Palace 皇居 In 1869, Emperor moved from Kyoto to Tokyo.
(Cherry Blossoms) Stroll along
the biggest concentration of Cherry
Blossoms in the heart of Tokyo onto the outer moat around the Royal Palace.
●Yasukini Yozakura Noh 靖国夜桜能
(Special Noh Theatre under the
cherry blossoms at night at Yasukuni Shrine, next to Chidori-ga-fuchi)
Held only three nights each year.
Noh program
[right]”Maki-Ginu”: A shrine
maiden possessed by God recites a
Shinto prayer, dancing in a trance.
#11 2nd (Thurs) TOKYO
●ASAKUSA 浅草 Traditional area from Edo era - Samurai period, 17c. to 19c.
[left] Gate of Senso-ji Temple
[right] Famous Nakamise
shopping street going to the
main pavilion of the temple. Full
of lovely Japanese stuff to buy!
●Circle Dancing & Japanese Dancing ●Mt. Fuji from the midst of Tokyo: 富士山
If we’re lucky
enough, we’ll
be able to see
Mt. Fuji from
the top of a
building near
Tokyo station. Let us cross our fingers!
#12 3rd (Fri) KAMAKURA 鎌倉
by train, local bus, on foot
First Samurai government after Kyoto of the nobles from A.D. 12c. to 14c.
●HOKOKU-JI Temple 報国寺
●DAIBUTSU (Great Buddha)大仏
[left] Tranquility in the
garden at Bamboo
[right] Me, Yoshiko, with
Focalizer Lucia Cordeiro
from Rio de Janeiro in
2014 (My home town!)
●ENGAKU-JI Temple 円覚寺, Rinzai-Zen sect.
Last Zazen session
(Zen Meditation
practice) to gain
more insight and
reflect upon our
journey to finalize.
4th (Sat)
Last day!
According to the departure time of each group from Europe and Brazil, together or
separately, will be accompanied to Haneda Airport, Tokyo. Shopping, if time allows.
Arrival at home on 4th or 5th of April, with direct flights. Please check your flights!
Danke & Obrigada & Thanks & Arigato!
*** Please permit that schedule and activities are subject to change***
I’ll do my very best for this special journey for you all! Yoshiko ♡