/ 平成碑軸歌山市醐会看護専臣猷学試鯛題 英 語 【目つきの(i) ∼ (4)について.下線部の発音が他の3つの場合と異なる ものを. (イ) ∼ (ニ)の中から選び.記号で答えなさい。 【iVIつきの(I) ∼ (4)の各組の英文がほぼ同じ意味になるように. ( )内に適当な韓をl結締いなさい。 (1) (イ)be唯旦Ih (ロ)cr並te (ハ) IIeBCe (ニ)W塑Ve (1)He Said lo his son. "Don`I swim in lhe river. (2) (イ) al辿ough (ロ) sou辿ern (ハ)止rough (ニ) wea辿er (3) (イ) abr哩d (ロ) appr哩Ch(ハ) C哩St (ニ) thr哩t (4) (イ)clo;ely (ロ) p一easure(ハ) re旦ist (ニ) He to一d resolve ( ) (3) She is She 【IIiつきの(1) ∼ (4)の( )内に. (イ)∼(ニ)からもっとも適 当な詣または句を選んで入れなさい。答えは記号で記しなさい。 (I) Belly's friends were ( ) ol her his son not ( ) swim in the river. (2) Lel′S p一ay tennis after schoo一. Ve play not is tennis only clever alter beau白Iul as ( ) school? bul as also clever. beau白fuI. (4) I have been in Japan for lhree years. Three years have ( ) since I cane lo Japan. marriage. (イ)冊able (ロ) unaware (ハ) unbelievable (ニ) un一ikely (2) When I niSsed the train. I had no ( ) but to take a taxi. (イ) chance (ロ) choice (ハ) meはod (ニ) possibility (3) Don'I lislen lo him ( ) he complains. (1) how (I) hoveyer (A) so (I) vhateyer (4) I can`I ( ) that 【∨】つきの対話文を読んで・設問に答えなさい.場面は.アメリカへ向かう機 内で.ヒロが隣の女性に話しかけているところです。 noise. ll's driving me Hiro: Nippon no kaia deSuka? (日本の方ですか。 ) Jane: Pardon me? crazy. Hiro: Are you Japanese? (イ) keep (ロ) pul up (ハ) sland (ニ) stay away Jane: No. !'m not Japanese. l'O Singaporean. Hiro: I lhoughl you were Japanese・ You ( A ) Japanese. Sorry. 日周 つきの(1)∼(4)の日本文の意味を表すように. [ ]内の語句 (文頭の語も小文字で始めている。 )を並べかえ、文頭から教えて5番目に にくる譜の番号を記しなさい。 Jane: OI YeS・ l〟m Jane: l'D Jane・ (I)私たちは.その知らせを聞いて悲しかった。 islhe (2)昨日会った男性はベトナム人だったのですか。 3.I 4.1he 5.was 6.whom 7.yesterdayI Japan・ Nice to My nest name you. weather inJapan Hiro: Sorry. (3) a Vietnamese? (3)なぜ彼がそんなことをしたのかわかりません。 l工did 2.don1 3.he 4.I 5.know 6.such 7.a 川ing 8.whyL (4)彼は、あなたはいつからご病気ですかと、私に尋ねました。 Il.asked 2.been 3.had 4.he 5.how 6.I Iron is Hiro・ Hiro・ Nice lo neel you. (2'庄_L_2.1'D 3.Japan 4・_or 5・takin8 6.thinking 7.to 8.tri_A_I next super. What Il.felt 2.hear 3.news 4.sad 5日he 6.10 7.wel. 【1.man 2.met Are you JapaneSe? Hiro: 7.long 8.me 9,sick上 ( B ) al両日ime of year? Could you speak more slow一y? Jane: Sure. Hov's the Weather in Japan in super? Hiro: lrs very hot and‥‥ Jane: Dry? Humid? Hiro: I一′s very hunid. loo. .., Jane: We廿in Singapore. many peop一e speak English or Singlish every day. Hiro: Whal is Singlish? !′Ve never ( C ) of iL 【V目つきの英文を読んで.設問に答えなさい。 before. Jane: Singlish is a yariety of English ve SingaPOreanS SPeak in The c一imate has always changed. For exa叩Ie.川ero was a L白日e everyday lile. I a一so speak Chinese・ Hire: Wow. lhars cooI! lce Age in Europe belween the years 1300 and the nidT1800S. when il was Very Cold. Hul il usually ( 1 ) millions ol years for a significant [間lI対話文がうまくつながるよう.下線部(1) . (3) . (4)に. (イ) ∼ (ハ)から適当な英語表現を選んで入れなさい。答えは記 号で記しなさい。 Normal Change climate lo Change ( A ). 一oo happens s一owly because of for anyone the lo ear川's notice. natural proc- esses. such as … changes in how nuch heat the sun produce_S_・ vo10anic eruptions and 川e mOVenenls of 一and. Global warming is now happening very quickly. When people ta一k (イ) I didn当 りndersland you. (ロ) You speak English fluenlly・ about clinate change loday they usually mean man一皿ade changes. Clob- (ハ) Oh. no problem. al [間2]文中の( A ) 、 ( B ) 、 ( C )に、 (イ) ∼ (ハ) warming our use and はe of greenhouse lhingslike oil and effect are ( 2 ) coa一. the ( D ) by we human use ac白vity. theland. からもっとも適当な語を選んで入れなさい。答えは記号で記しなさ aninal い。 are (2'SOne Of the things that add lo the rISlng level of carl_QE (A) (イ) are (B) (イ) be (ロ) (ロ) look like (ハ) (ハ) farming. the produc白on of cement and forest deslruclion dioxide. which 一eads lo global騨arDing. see Mosl look governments agree lhal we have lo do some川ing・ For example. they agree we ( C ) reduce emissions from factories and cars. but (C) (イ) heard (ロ) 一earned (ハ) mought [問3]下線部(2)のl l内の語を並べ替えて. 「日本へ旅行に for some. Ihe cuts are too ex白eme. ln countries which are develop- 行こうかと考えている」という意味の英語表現にしたい。そのとき、 ing faSl and 白ying lo make noney. reducing things 一ike energy pro- 文頭から教えて5番目にくる語は何か。番号で答えなさい。 duction. industry.圧ansp0日 and agricu1日re. which al一 produce [問4]つきの英文の中から.本文(対話文)の内容と一致しないものを lつ選び、番号で答えなさい。 The weather in Japan is hot and hⅢid in Summer・ (3) Singlish is a kind of English spoken in Singapore・ (4) ln Singapore. qu白e a few people speak Eng一ish 1n the conyersa白on. is signs something of ( D ) lhey are aren'l clear: ready ( 3 ) lo do・ Sea levels. "eoor me1日ng ice. and (.,_take lhe s白uation as seriously as lbey take economlC SuCCeSS・ We nⅢsl find a ba一ance. 【注】 volcanic eru0日ons r火山の噴火J global warming 「地球温暖化」 Singlish. (5) The unuSual seasona一 paしterns. disappearing wild一ife. Governments should (I) Jane comes from Singapore. (2) 的issions, neans 〝very good・" greenhouSe effect 「温室効果j carbon dioxide 「ニ強化炭素J reduce 「減少させる」 emissions 「排気ガス」 幅11文中の空所(I). (2). (3)に. (イ)-(ハ)から適当な 語形を選んで入れなさい。答えは記号で記しなさい。 (1) (イ) is iaking (ロ) lakes (ハ) 一ook (イ) risen (ロ) rising(ハ) 旧2】文中の空所(A). (B). to (C) 余分な語が含まれています。 rise 、 \ (D)に、 (イ)∼(ハ)か ら適当な語または句を選んで入れなさい。答えは記号で記しなさい。 (A) (イ)come ab0両(ロ)go (B) (イ)purpose (口) off(ハ) take out reason(ハ)way (C) (イ) could (ロ) shou一d (ハ) wou一d (D) (イ) global warming (ロ) ( 5 )に.下の語群の(a)∼(I)から.適当なものを選んで 入れなさい。答えは記号で記入しなさい。ただし.語群には. lつ (2) (イ) produce (ロ) produced (ハ) producing (3) 旧51本文の内容を要約するとして.次の英文の空所( I )ら na川ral processes (ハ) unbalanced develo叩enI 旧31下線部(1) 、 (2) 、 (3)はどういう意味か。それぞれ. (イ) ∼ (ハ)からもっとも適当なものを選び.記号で答えなさい。 The climate millions oi has years for a been ( i changing. ) change lo buI白…ally take p一ace. 一一things like川e mOVenenls of land・ Climale change (ハ)太陽熱の畳的な変化 (ロ)二酸化炭素レベルの上昇を深刻化する要因 (ハ)二酸化炭素レベルの上昇を加速する環境汚染 (3) (イ)その状況と経済的成功を.等しく受け入れる (ロ)その状況を、経済的成功以上に.深刻に受け止める (ハ)その状況を、経済的成功と同様に.重く受け止める [問4]この英文にもっともふさわしい表題を(イ) ∼ (ハ)から選び.請 号で答えなさい。 (イ) Climale Change (ロ) Natural Balance (ハ) Unusual Seasons Normal is now happening fasler than we can 〈 2 ) it. These days. clinale change usu=1y happens because of man-made ac両用es. Things like ( 3 ) Of forests and very large anounIS of emissions fron factories lead lo globa一 wa血ng and川e greenhouse should lake mean this ( Warmer 5 ) ( 4 ) situa白on and melting ice. Governnents seriously. (ロ)太陽熱の温度の変化 (2) (イ)二酸化炭素レベルを上昇させる日常生活の変化 requires climale change occurs because of lhe earlh′s nalural processes effec上 皿ich (1) (イ)太陽熱の影響の変化 always [語群] (a) control (b) destruction (C) difficu一t (a) receive (e) §ignificanI (∫) lemralures
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