SUMMER REGISTRATION FORM 2014 Student Information Mr. (男性) Ms. Nationality: _________________________________________ Mother Tongue: ___________________________________ Passport#: ________________________________________________ (母国語) (パスポート番号) (国籍) Last Name: ___________________________________________________ First Name: __________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth: ____________________________ YYYY / MM / DD School Campus (名) (生年月日) (姓) Home Address: ________________________________________________________________ City: _____________________________________ Province: : _______________________________________________________ Toronto (市) (都道府県) (住所) トロント校 Country: _________________________________________________ Email: __________________________________________________________ Telephone: ______________________________________________________ (メールアドレス) (電話番号) (国) Vancouver Agent Information バンクーバー校 Agency: _________________________________________________ Contact Person: ______________________________________________________ Email: ____________________________________________________ (担当者名) (メールアドレス) (エージェント名) (女性) Arrival Date / Flight Information: ___________________ / ___________________________________ Departure Date / Flight Information: ___________________ / ___________________________________ YYYY / MM / DD YYYY / MM / DD (出発日/ フライト情報) (到着日/ フライト情報) Choose Your Program Summer English Camps Start Date: ________________ YYYY / MM / DD (入校日): Package Platinum プラチナ Accommodation Homestay ホームステイ Platinum プラチナ Residence (Toronto only) レジデンス(トロントのみ) Teenager English Program Tuition (20 lessons/week) 授業料 (週20レッスン) Tuition (25 lessons/week) 授業料 (週25レッスン) Registration 入学金 Single homestay All fees are in Canadian dolars 表示金額は全てカナダドルです。 $ # of weeks $ # of weeks All fees are in Canadian dolars 表示金額は全てカナダドルです。 Parents/Guardians Information* Parent/Guardian 1 (保護者1) $ # of weeks Full Name (氏名) Twin Homestay $ # of weeks Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy) Homestay placement $ シングルルームホームステイ ツインルームホームステイ 宿泊手配料 Return Airport Transfer $ Health Insurance $ Custodianship Letter $ Residence $ Total $ 後見人申請書 レジデンス(トロントのみ) 3 weeks 2 weeks (if appicable) (Preferably from both parents/guardians) Parent/Guardian 2 (保護者2) (生年月日) Home Address & Telephone (住所ならびに電話番号) 空港出迎え&見送りサービス 医療保険 4 weeks 保護者情報 (後見人申請書の手配が必要な場合のみ記入要) $ Start Date: ________________ YYYY / MM / DD (入校日): # of weeks Letter (if applicable) $100 Extra Fees•• Custodian Courier Fee (if applicable) $50 • Residence Security Deposit $250 (refunded after check-out if no damages occur) 別料金(該当する場合のみ): 後見人手配書$100 / 後見人手配書の郵送費$50 / レジデンス・セキュリティーデポジット$250 *Textbooks not included **Includes Unaccompanied Minor Service (UMS) ***2.50 daily **** Please request a quote to [email protected] *テキスト代は含まれません。**UMS代が含まれます。手配をご希望の方はお申し付けください。***$2.50/日 Medical Information Please note – it is mandatory for ILAC students to have Medical Insurance during their stay in Canada (注: ILACでの就学中は保険加入が必須です。) Do you have Medical Insurance? YES NO Policy No.: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ (保険の有無) (無) (有) (保険番号) If NO, will you buy it from ILAC? YES NO (要) (不要) (ILACでの保険手配) List Allergies: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Do you have any allergies? YES NO (詳細) (有) (無) (アレルギーの有無) Do you have any medical problems? YES NO List Medical Issues: __________________________________________________________________________________________ (有) (無) (疾患の有無) (詳細) Do you have any food restrictions? YES NO List Food Restrictions: _______________________________________________________________________________________ (有) (無) (食事制限の有無) (詳細) Withdrawals, Transfers and Refunds プログラムの取り消し、変更および返金について:ハンドブックP12 (3.10) をご参照ください。 IF YOU ARE DENIED A VISA You are entitled to receive a FULL REFUND (less program registration fee and all bank transfer charges) if you are unable to obtain lawful entry to Canada for the purpose of studying at ILAC. You must provide the letter from the Canadian Embassy stating that your Visa to enter Canada was denied. Students who have applied through an agent must contact the agent for a refund. ONCE YOU RECEIVE AN ENTRY VISA OR IF AN ENTRY VISA IS NOT REQUIRED Students who have obtained their visa with the help of a letter of acceptance from ILAC and a conditional letter of acceptance and/or supporting letter to a Pathway Program institution will be expected to complete their English language training at ILAC and not be eligible for a refund. Once you have started studying, the first 4 weeks of your tuition and homestay are non-refundable. Refunds are calculated based on the unused portion of your tuition (regular brochure prices will be charged for the used portion) according to the refund policy below. For the accommodation portion, ILAC requires at minimum, a 2-week written notice for any changes, cancellations, or postponements. Otherwise a 2 week accommodation fee will be applicable and the homestay placement fee is not refundable. To withdraw from a program at ILAC, you must first provide a written letter outlining the reason for withdrawing. If you chose to withdraw from ILAC, you must demonstrate that your stay in Canada is lawful or that you will be leaving the country. ILAC will require proof that your Visa status is lawful. ILAC may require proof that you are leaving the country early by showing a photocopied plane ticket. If you are attending another school you will need to provide evidence that you meet the visa requirement; you will have to re-apply for a new Visa. Students who have applied through an agent must contact the agent for a refund. ILAC may be required to submit attendance and/or advancement data for all international students to the federal government. Poor attendance, lack of progression and unlawful stays in the country may result in visa removals and a student may be asked to return to their home country. Refund Policy – Language Programs From 2 weeks prior to start date up to 10% of course completed ................60% refund | Up to 30% of course completed.................................................................................40% refund | After 30% of course completed....................................................................................NO refund Agreement and Medical Authorization 医療保険の加入について:ハンドブックP8 (3.4) をご参照ください。 ILAC students must understand that medical insurance is mandatory while attending ILAC. ILAC has offered to each student the option to purchase medical insurance during the registration/application process. If a student declined to purchase ILAC's medical insurance they are required to purchase their own insurance from a different provider. The student must provide evidence of medical insurance. Student disclaimer: 生徒の免責事項について:ハンドブックP8 (3.4) をご参照ください。 I do waive and release all claims against ILAC for any injury, loss, damage, accident, delay and expenses from my participation in the program. I release and agree to indemnify ILAC with regard to any financial obligations or liabilities that I may personally incur or any damage or injury to the person or property of others that I may cause while participating in the program. I also understand that ILAC is not responsible for any injury or loss suffered or caused by me while away from the school for any reason. If I become ill, injured or incapacitated, ILAC, the host family, or the local coordinator may take such actions as any of them considers necessary, including medical treatment for me and transporting me back to my country, at my own expense. I understand that my participation at ILAC and in the accommodation program may be terminated at the sole discretion of ILAC without a refund of fees and that I may be sent home at my expense if I do not adhere to these rules, standards and instructions. I agree that Canadian law shall apply to this agreement and I agree to submit to the jurisdiction of Canadian law. I agree to pay promptly all telephone bills charged by me to the host family phone in case I did not use a pre-paid phone card. I have read and agree to the Policies and Procedures as outlined in the Student Handbook and understand my Student Rights and Responsibilities while attending at ILAC. I understand that any false or incomplete information submitted in support of my registration may invalidate my registration. If the applicant is less than 18 years old, please have a parent co-sign below. To review the current student handbook visit Applicant signature: (出願者署名) Parent Signature: (保護者署名) Date: ( 日付) YYYY / MM / DD I, hereby certify that the above information is true and complete. I have read and understand all of ILAC policies, including Code of Conduct. I understand that any false or incomplete information submitted in support of my registration may invalidate my registration. I agree to speak only English on School property. プログラム申込書の記載内容が事実と相違ないことを認め、ILAC Student HandbookならびにCode of Conductを読み規定を理解した上で、生徒としての権利と義務を守りクラスを受講します。 記載内容が事実と相違することが判明した場合、除籍となる可能性があることを理解します。また、ILACの英語オンリーの方針に従うことに同意します。
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