整形外科手術前の心エコー図検査で偶然に発見された左房内血栓の 1 例

DOI: 10.3179/jjmu. JJMU.A.31
◇ CASE REPORT ◇ 整形外科手術前の心エコー図検査で偶然に発見された左房内血栓の 1 例
原田 昌彦1
原 文彦2
煙草 敏1
寶田 雄一1
林 京子1
抄 録
房内血栓と診断できた 1 例を経験したので報告する.症例は 74 歳,女性.変形性膝関節症手術目的のため当院整
瘤の存在が疑われ, 経食道心エコー図検査(transesophageal echocardiography : TEE)を施行した.左房内にはもや
もやエコーが充満しており,大動脈から上大静脈に近接した左房前壁側に径 24 × 18 mm の球状腫瘤性病変を認めた.
否定できなかった.ワルファリンは 3 mg/ 日より開始し,治療経過中のプロトロンビン時間の国際標準比は 1. 6 - 2. 0
を推移した.抗凝固療法開始 5 ヵ月後の TEE で,血栓が完全に消失したことを確認できた.左房内血栓は左心耳
のように左房前壁側にも血栓を生じる可能性がある.腫瘤の鑑別診断に付着部位が重要であり,その評価に TEE
A case of left atrial thrombus accidentally found by preoperative evaluation for
orthopedic surgery using echocardiography
Masahiko HARADA, SJSUM1, Yuichirou FUJII2, Satoshi TABAKO, RMS1, Yuichi TAKARADA, RMS1,
Kyoko HAYASHI1, Fumihiko HARA2
We describe the case of a 74-year-old woman who had a left atrial mass that was accidentally found by preoperative
transthoracic echocardiography. We performed transesophageal echocardiography(TEE)for evaluation of the left atrial
mass. TEE revealed that the tumor, 24 × 18 mm in diameter, was attached to the left atrial wall near the superior vena
cava and the aorta. The left atrial cavity was filled with spontaneous echo contrast. We suspected that the diagnosis of the
left atrial mass was thrombus because the patient was in chronic atrial fibrillation; however, we could not rule out the
possibility of a tumor such as a myxoma because the mass was partially attached to the atrial septum. Warfarin was
started at a dose of 3 mg a day, with the international normalized ratio of prothrombin time being adjusted to a range of
1. 6 to 2. 0. We ultimately diagnosed the mass as a left atrial thrombus because the mass completely disappeared with
continuation of anticoagulation therapy for 5 months without any embolic events. TEE is useful for the differential
diagnosis of left atrial masses.
cardiac mass, left atrial thrombus, warfarin therapy, transesophageal echocardiography
1.は じ め に
Department of Clinical Functional Physiology, 2Cardiovascular Medicine, Toho University Omori Medical Center, 6︲11︲1 Omorinishi, Ota,
Tokyo 143︲8541, Japan
Received on December 3, 2014; Revision accepted on December 5, 2014 J-STAGE. Advanced published. date: February 10, 2015
Jpn J Med Ultrasonics