. 0試験問題(英語の音声は2回流れます。) これからりスニングテストを始めます。 この試験では,聞き取る英語は2回流します。質問文と選択肢は音声ではなく,すべて問題冊 子に印刷されています。 では,始めます。 4ページを開いてください。 第1問第1問は問1から問6までの6問です。それぞれの問いについて対話を聞き,答えと して最も適切なものを,四つの選択肢(① ④)のうちからーつずつ選びなさい。 UestionNO.1 ^: Have you seenthe new schoolaag? M: The one withthe name ar0醐dthe logo? ^: Yes, butthe na111e is under itinstead ofabove 辻. M: Yeah,it's geat! Uestion NO.2 M: Howmanynew students havejoinedthe dub? ^: seven the first day, and three since then. M: How matly more do you thinkwiluoin? W:1expect伽ree more. UestionNO.3 M: How are your classes going? W: we11,110ve math, and music is als06.1n. M:^ataboutscience? ^:1 don't rea11y care for bi010gy, but physics is great. QuestionNO.4 W: Huny up! The reportis due soon. M:1壮10U部lt you said 圦le stiⅡ had 50 minutes le丑. W: That was halfa11hour ago! M:1 didn't realize it'd been thatlong Uestion NO.5 W: Excuse me. whatareyou doing? M:1'm checking my email. ^: S加dentS 釘e supposed to leave their phones in the lockers. M: oh, sorry. where are they? Uestion NO.6 M: please 丘110ut 壮lis fonn a11d si即 atthe bottom ri帥t. 訊1: OK. M: And 壮le date atthetop. ohづ also putyourtelephone number above yoursigna加re. W: A11ri帥t. これで第1問は終わりです。次の問題に進みます。 -2- ( = ^ 吾リ 央 ニンク 陪鶴[ヨ・[Ξ) 第 1 問 晒e点 12) 第1問は問1から問6までの6問です。それぞれの問いについて対話を聞き,答 えとして最も適切なものを,四っの選択肢(① ④)のうちからーつずっ選びなさ い。 問 I whichisthe new schoolflag? 1111^] ② ① Hi11Side scho01 、、 イ'J 晦・ ゛ 'ノノ 0、 Hi11Side scho01 ④ ③ 号1、de sc 4 (2120-4) 問 2 How many new students does the woman expectin total? Ea ①3 ②7 ③ 10 ④ 13 問 3 Which class does NOT interestthe woman? 区ヨ ① Bi010gy. ② Math. ③ Music. ④ Physics. 問 4 How much time do they have leftto finish the report? 1÷1^] ① 10minutes. ② 20minutes. ③ 30minutes. ④ 50minutes. 5 (2120-5) 問 5 What does the student wantto know? [ヨ ①② ③ ④ Where he can go to send an email. Where he can talk on his phone. Where the lockers are located. Where the pay phones are located. 6 (2120-6) 問 6 Whereshould the woman write hertelephone number?[1^ APPUCATION FORM ① Address(Home) Address(work) ②④ ③ これで第1問は終わりです。 7 (2120-フ) . 第2問第2問は問7から問Bまでの7問です。それぞれの問いについて対話を聞き,最後の 発言に対する相手の応答として最も適切なものを,四つの選択肢(① ④)のうちからーつずっ 選びなさい。 では,始めます。 Uestion NO.フ W: what doesthe word "xenophobia" mean? M:1h11m, why don't you look it up in the dictionary? W: cat11bonow yours? 1for容ot mine today. Uestion NO.8 M: He110,1'd like to make a dinnerreseNation for 70'clock tonight. W: OK,forhowmanypeople? M: Let's see, there wi11 be eight ofus. Uestion NO.9 M: Guess what? 1ratlinto Emily yesterday a11d she told me that you._ 訊1: uh._ excuse me, but which Emily was it? M: The one from Toronto. Uestion NO.10 W: You don'tlike this kind ofmusic, do you? M: Notrea11y How didyou klow? W:1t wasjust a guesS 丘'om your facialexpression. Uestion NO.11 W: wouldyou Hkesome beer? M: But,1'm only 20 years old. W:1fyou're 20, you C即 drink alcoholin Japa11. Uestion NO.12 W:杁小at else should we get for壮le parw? M:1hiS 介ied chicken looks delicious,卸d it'S 30% off. W: But if杁le waitti117:00,壮ley'11 discount itto halfprice. Uestion NO. B M: summervacation wi11be oversoon. 訊1: Have you been enjoyingyourself? M: Yea11, Gra11dma, butlwon't be able to sleep much this week. これで第2問は終わりです。次の問題に進みます。 -3- 第2問 価a点 14) 第2問は問7から問13までの7問です。それぞれの問いにっいて対話を聞き, 最後の発言に対する相手の応答として最も適切なものを,四っの選択肢(① ④)の うちからーつずつ選びなさい。 問7[^ ① I prefer t010ok it up in the dictionary. ② Sure, but can you wait a minute? ③ Why don't you use yours? ④ Yes,1forgotto bring mine today, too. 問8 Ea ① 1'm afraid we have no big tables untⅡ 9 P.m. ② OK, we'Ⅱ expect you at 8 P.m. tonight. ③ Sorry, we don'ttake reseNations. ④ We are open at 5:30 P.m. on weekdays. 問9 区ヨ ① AⅡ right. why were you Nnning? ② Didn't you recognize her? ③ oh, right. so what did she say? ④ Why didn't you meet her yesterday? 8 (2120-8) , 問、0 [11!三Σ] ① Actua11y,1 Preferjazz. ② ln fact,1'm not always right. ③ lt makes me fee11ike dancing. ④ WeⅡ,it's my favorite Mnd. 問11 [1Ξ1] ① 1'm not 20 years old yet. ② 1'm not 21 years old yet. ③ lthought it waS 18,1ike my country. ④ lthoughtit waS 21,1ike my country. 問12 E三 ①②③④ But the party starts at 6:30. But the store closes at 7:30. Yes, so let's buy it right away. Yes, so let's wait unti1 6:00. 問13 [Σ1Ξ1] ① SowiⅡ 1. ② SO WⅡlyou. ③ Whywon'tl? ④ Whywon't you? これで第2問は終わりです。 9 (2120-9) ' 第3問第3問はAとBの二つの部分に分かれています。 第3問A 第3問Aは問14から問16までの3問です。それぞれの問いについて対話を聞き,答 えとして最も適切なものを,四つの選択肢(① ④)のうちからーつずつ選びなさい。 では,始めます。 Uestion NO.14 M:1don't hlow whatto get for my mother's birthday. 訊1: Flowers are always nice. M: W'e11,1don't wa11tto give them again this year. ^:1Surprised my mother with lunch at a nice French restaura11t, and she loved it. M: That's whatl'Ⅱ do! she enjoys good food 飢d wine. Uestion NO.15 M: Guess w'hatl bought myselftoday. W: Anothershirt? M: W: M: W: M: W: Yes,they had a big sale! Let me see. Are you kidding me?! W'hat's wrong with it? You bought one with the S飢le pattem last month. Butthis one has long sleeves. Anyway,1thinkyou should take it back. Uestion NO.16 W: Angel's new song's great! M:1Sthe cD already out? 1thoughtitwas coming out next week. W: Yeah, but 壮le song's available online. M: Rea11y? Maybelshould download itnow. W: Butifyou do that, you won't get血e booklet. M: oh,1definitely want 廿lat! 1'd better wait. これで第3問Aは終わりです。次の問題に進みます。 -4- 第3問 価三点 12) 第3問はAとBの二つの部分に分かれています。 囚 第3問Aは問14から問16までの3問です。それぞれの問いについて対話を 聞き,答えとして最も適切なものを,四っの選択肢(① ④)のうちからーつず つ選びなさい。 問14 Whatis the man 客oin套 to do for his mother's birthday?[1111^1 ① ② ③ ④ Cook her French dishes. Give her a bottle of wine Give her some nice flowers Take her outto a restaurant 問15 Why is the woman unhappy with the man's new shirt? [玉ヨ ①②③④ It's too expensive for him It's too large for him. R's too much like one he already has. It's too similar to one of her shirts. 問16 晒111atisthe man most Hkely to do?{に三1] ① ② ③ ④ Buy the cD at a shop immediately. Buy the cD at a shop next week Download the song immediately Download the song next week これで第3問Aは終わりです。 10 (2120-1の (下書き用ホ助 リスニングの試験問題は次に続く。 Ⅱ (2120-1D ゛ ゛ 第3問B 第3問Bは問17から問19までの3問です。長めの対話をーつ聞き,問17から問19の 答えとして最も適切なものを,四つの選択肢(① ④)のうちからーつずつ選びなさい。 対話の場面が問題冊子に書かれているので,今,読みなさい。 では,始めます。 Uestions NO.17 t019 M:1fee11ike havin8 Pizza tonight. 訊1: Here's aayer 丘'om the new shop. M:1'd like one with sausage. ^: Howaboutthe sausage Deluxe? M: Let me see. Butit has onions. 訊1: oh, you hlow lcan'tstand them. M:1t says on the otherside thatthese No are on sale. The seafood looks delicious. 訊1: rm notin the mood forseafood. rd preferthe other one, spicy chicken. 八4:1mlm., butthis one looks even better. oh,it's regular price. W: Meat Lovers? OK. The kids wiⅡ be happy with that. But forthe second pizza,1'd like one with 10ts ofvegetables like asparagus or eg即lant. M: They have Gri11ed vegetable 即d seasonalvegetable. They're kind ofsimilar, butthe seasonal has asparagus, mushrooms and garlic. The Gri11ed has eggpla11t, zucchiniand... onions. 亀 W: oh no. M: SO,ifyou don't mind garlic, sha11We go with seasonal vegetable? 訊1: sure. should l ca11? これで第3問Bは終わりです。次の問題に進みます。 -5- 回靴郎胴伽師峠⑩殉吋。匙吋推一0眺,町 から問19の答えとして最も適切なものを,四っの選択肢(① ④)のうちから ーつずつ選びなさい。 対話の場面 夫婦が宅配ピザのちらし(flyer)を見ながら注文の相談をしています。 無 、J \ / Antonio's pizzeria ' 「ーー Meat Lovers Sausage Deluxe Spiw chick肌 Sausage Bacon Sausaee Peppers Chlcken Basil Mushrooms Tomatoes Onions 丁omatoes GarⅡC Tomatoes Seafood Gr辺ed vegetable Seasonalvegetable Shrimp Squid Ee8Plant Peppers Aspara容US Peppers Tuna Tomatoes Zucchini Tomatoes Mushrooms Tomatoes E三 GarⅡC 松 (2120-12) 問17 Which pizzas are available at a discount? Ea ①② ③ ④ Sausage Deluxe and Meat Lovers Sausage Deluxe and spicy chicken Seafood and Meat Lovers Seafood and spicy chicken 問18 訊出atshould be in [1^ in the flyer?[1三三に1 ① Asparagus ② Garlic ③ Mushrooms ④ onions 問19 Which pizzas are they 曹oing to order? 区亘ヨ ① Meat Lovers and Gri11ed vegetable ② Meat Lovers and seasonalvegetable ③ Spicy chicken and Gri11ed vegetable ④ Spicy chicken and seasonalvegetable これで第3問Bは終わりです。 13 (2120-13) ' ' 第4問第4問もAとBの二つの部分に分かれています。どちらも長めの英文を聞き,三つの 問いに答えなさい。 第4問A 第4問Aは問20から問22までの3問です。長めの英文をーつ聞き,問20から問22の 答えとして最も適切なものを,四つの選択肢(① ④)のうちからーつずつ選びなさい。 では,始めます。 Uestions NO.20 t022 Now let me te11you a story. W'hen w'e lived in Japa11matly years ago, my American 丘'iend Ja11e calne to visit Us with herJaparlese boss, who wanted to meet my husba11d. A丘er he le丑, we decidedto openthe si丘 that he had brought. surprisingly,it was a neatly packed live lobster.1Started laughing and shouting," 1tウS alive! 1t'S alive!" But Jane, who'djust gone to the bat11room,thoughtlwas ye11ing,"1t's a lie! 1t's a lie!" she thought We were having a11argument,so she was a丑'aidto come back into the livingroom. when she fina11y re加med, she realized that we were notfighting, butlaughing atsuch a11Unexpected gi丑. ^e had never cooked a lobster before,SO W'e didn't hlow whatto do.1n those daysthere was no lntemetto getinformation, so we went a11d asked a neighbor. Me釘Iwhile, we had putthe lobster in a sink 命.1110fwater. ^en we calne home the lobster had become so lively that we n010nger had the heartto cook it. W'e ma11aged to getit back into the box,飢d we gave itto the neighbor 血Stead とれで第4問Aは終わりです。次の問題に進みます。 -6- 第4問(配点 12) 三 第4問もAとBの二っの部分に分かれています。どちらも長めの英文を聞き, つの問いに答えなさい。 囚 第4問Aは問20から問22までの3問です。長めの英文をーつ聞き,問20 から問22の答えとして最も適切なものを,四っの選択肢(① ④)のうちから ーつずつ選びなさい。 問20 when Jane was out ofthe room, what did she think the speaker and her husband were doin今?[1^ ① ② ③ ④ 問21 Cheering COOMng. Fighting Laughing How did the speaker find out how to cook a lobster? [ヨ ① By asMng her husband ② By checking the lnternet ③ By looMng at a cookbook ④ By talMng to a neighbor. 問22 訊砥at happened to the lobster atthe end ofthe story?[1^ ① ② ③ ④ lt wascooked lt was given away lt was setfree by the husband lt was taken home by the boss これで第4問Aは終わりです。 N (2120-14) ' . 第4問B 第4問Bは問23から問25までの3問です。長めの会話をーつ聞き,問23から問25の 答えとして最も適切なものを,四つの選択肢(① ④)のうちからーつずつ選びなさい。 会話の場面が問題冊子に書かれているので,今,読みなさい。 では,始めます。 Uestions NO.23 t025 Ichiro: SO, Reina, what訊10uld you do ifwe had five mi11ionyento improve ourscho01? Reina: Ihnm.1Can think ofso many things,1Chiro. one idea would be to put a roofoverthe bicycle Park加g area. Don't you hate 虻 When itrains and your bike gets wet?訊11e could also put some Picnic tables on the grassy area over by the bike stands. That would 今ive students a place to have lunch or harlg out a丑erscho01. And we could make the entrance look a lot nicer. W'hat about painting it a brig11t c010r and buying some plants and aowers? Ichiro: ^e11,those are a11 greatideas, Reina.1especia11y Hke putting a roofoverthe bicycles. Butto te11the 註'uth,ifwe had that much money to spend,1think it'd be betterto spend it on one big thing ratherthan a lot ofli廿le thin部. Reina: Oh, yea11. Good point,1Chiro. Ichiro: Ithink it'd be better if訊le had free 杁11i-Fi everywhere in the scho01.1ntemet access would help us study more. W'e could get a lot ofinfbnnation that would help us with ourhomework, and there are so many educationalwebsitesthat are usua11y 負'ee. Best ofaⅡ,訊le could chat 圦lith the students at oursisterschoolin Australia. Don't you agee, Mayuko? Mayuko: we11,that's a pretw good idea,1Chiro, but 壮le libr釘y haslntemet access, a11d most S加dents already have sm釘中hones ortablet pcs.1think it'd be betterto buy solar P幼els instead. That elech'iciぢ, could be used aⅡ Over壮le scho01^訊le could have hot water in 廿le winter 田ld air conditioning in 廿le summer. oh,1hlow! we could make a roofforthe bicycles out of壮le S01釘 Pa11els. That would ki11two birdS 杁li血 one stone! これで,問題を聞く部分はすべて終わりです。 との後は,監督者の陥羣答やめ」の指示があるまで,解答を続けることができます。 これからイヤホンを外してもらいます。その時に,イヤホンが机に当たって音を立てないよう 注意してください。 では,イヤホンを耳から外し,静かに机の上に置いてください。 ^フ^ 團 第4問Bは問 23から問 25 までの 3 問です。長めの会話をーつ聞き,問23 から問25の答えとして最も適切なものを,四っの選択肢(① ④)のうちから ーつずつ選びなさい。 会話の場面 英語の授業で,500万円の予算があればどのように学校を改善できるの か Ichiro, Reina, Mayuk0 力靖寸論しています。 問23 Which ofthe f0110wing was proposed in the discussion?[1^ ① Buying tablet pcs. ② lnstaⅡing solar panels. ③ Painting the picnic tables. ④ Sending students abroad 訊111atimprovement do a11the speakers Hke?[11^ニ] 問24 ①②③ A bicyde parMng roof. Flowers near the entrance Grass in the school yard. ④ New Picnic tables 問25 Which of the f0110wing do lchiro and Mayuko have different Opinionsabout? 25 ①②③④ Buying more Hbrary books Insta11ing air conditioning. The need for scho01・wide wi・Fi The value of educational websites これで第4問Bは終わりです。 15 (2120-15)
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