Exhibitor Registration Form 参展申请表(代合同) Fax/传真: 86-21-61956099 24-26.03.2015 by DOMOTEX asia / CHINAFLOOR Shanghai New International Expo Centre www.domotexasiachinafloor.com ■ EXHIBITOR DETAILS 展商详情 2015亚洲地材技术展览会 2015年3月24日-26日 上海新国际博览中心 ■ PARTICIPATION COSTS 参展费用 ** * * Corner fee: RMB 3,000 / corner 转角加收: RMB 3,000 / 个 Early bird deadline: July 4, 2014 (Discount only for booth rental fee) 2014年7月4日为优惠截止期(优惠仅适用于展位租赁费,不包括搭建费及转角费等) Two Level Display Booth: 50% Sqm fees of the 1st level will be charged as per sqm for the 2nd level / 展台双层搭建,需按上层面积额外加收50%展位费 All Participation fee includes VAT (value added tax) 报价均含增值税 Choose the right category 请选择合适的选项 (Required 必填项) Company Name 公司名称(English): Raw space (12-120m2): RMB1,870 x __________ m2 = RMB ___________ 光地展位 Raw space (Space more than 120m2) RMB1,500 x _____ m2 = RMB _____ 光地展位 (超过120平米部分): Company Name 公司名称 (中文): Booth rental fee (5% discount if booked before July 4, 2014) 展位租赁费总计 (2014年7月4日前申请优惠5%): RMB Booth rental fee (when booked after July 4, 2014) 展位租赁费总计 (2014年7月4日后申请): Address & Code 公司地址及邮编: RMB Choose the right category 请选择合适的选项 (Optional 选填项) Shell scheme construction fee 标准展位搭建费: RMB120 x ______________ m2 = RMB --------------------------------------------------Corner fee 转角费加收: RMB3,000 x _____________ corner = RMB --------------------------------------------------- Invoicing Address 发票邮寄地址: Two Levels Display Booth fee 双层搭建展位费: RMB1,870 x _________ x 50% = RMB Contact Person 展会负责人: Total participation fee 参展费用总计: RMB Position 职位: Early bird规则说明/Rules Mobile Phone 移动电话: Phone 电话: Fax 传真: E-mail 电子邮件: * * * * Get 5% discount if return the application form to the organizer before July 4, 2014 2014年7月4日前报名且回传参展申请表,可获得光地展位费5%优惠 Pay the 50% deposit within a week from the invoice receipt 展商在确认展位并收到主办方开据的付款通知书后须于一周之内付清预付款,预付款为 总展位费的50% The balance fee must be paid before December 10, 2014. 2014年12月10日前须付清所有展位租赁款项 If not paid on time, all discounts will be cancelled. 如未在规定日期前付清款项,所得优惠将被取消 ■ CONFIRMED BY EXHIBITOR 展商确认 Website 公司网址: ■ EXHIBITS 参展展品 The main product category that will be presented is / 我们最主要的展品是: Choose 1 category from the main category list on the other side of the page. 请从下一页的产品大类列表中选择一项填入(单选) For example / 例如: 16. We would like to participate in FLOORTECH asia 2015 and fully agree with the terms and conditions for participation. 我公司确定参展,对该申请表的所有内容予以确认,并遵守相关的“参 展商条款及条件”。 Name of Authorized Signature: 参展公司名称 Company Stamp/Chop: 公司印章 Signature: 负责人签名 Date: 日期 ■ CONFIRMED BY ORGANIZER 主办单位确认 Detailed product categories that will be presented are / 我们详细的展品包括: Please choose from the lists (main categories and/or detailed categories) on the other side of the page. 请从下一页的产品详细列表中选择您的产品(多选) For example / 例如: 18.1; 18.3 Company Stamp/Chop: 公司印章 Date: 日期 The contract is hereby made between the organizers, VNU Exhibitions Asia, and the exhibitor, as named above, for this exhibition. 本合同由主办者上海万耀企龙展览有限公司和参展商共同签定确认。 请仔细填写参展申请表,并传真或邮寄至上海万耀企龙展览有限公司: 上海市南京西路1333号, 上海展览中心商务楼2楼 邮编: 200040 Please return this form to VNU Exhibitions Asia: 2F, Business Mansion, Shanghai Exhibition Center, No.1333 Nanjing Road (W), Shanghai 200040 Tel/电话: +86 21 6195 6088 Fax/传真: +86 21 6195 6099 Main Category / 产品大类 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Floor Technology - Solid Wood Flooring 实木地板生产技术 Floor Technology - Engineered Wood Flooring 实木复合地板生产技术 Floor Technology - Laminated Flooring 强化地板生产技术 Floor Technology - Cork Flooring 软木地板生产技术 Floor Technology - Bamboo Flooring 竹地板生产技术 Floor Technology - Timber Material 木材原料生产技术 Floor Technology - Resilient Flooring 弹性地材生产技术 Floor Technology - Special Floor Coverings 特殊地材生产技术 Wood Supply 地板原料及辅料 Laying Skills 地板安装技术 Cleaning And Maintenance Technologies 地板清洁及保养技术 Floor Technology - Floor Testing and Certification 地板检测与认证 Floor Technology 地面材料生产及安装技术 15. Floor Technology - Solid Wood Flooring 实木地板生产技术 15.1 Machinery 生产机械 15.2 Machinery Parts 生产机械配件 15.3 Tools 工具 15.4 Paints & Coatings 涂料 15.5 Others 其他 16. Floor Technology - Engineered Wood Flooring 实木复合地板生产技术 16.1 Machinery 生产机械 16.2 Machinery Parts 生产机械配件 16.3 Tools 工具 16.4 Paints & Coatings 涂料 16.5 Adhesive 粘合剂 16.6 Others 其他 17. Floor Technology - Laminated Flooring 强化地板生产技术 17.1 Machinery 生产机械 17.2 Machinery Parts 生产机械配件 17.3 Tools 工具 17.4 Paper 装饰纸 17.5 Pulp 纸浆 17.6 Paints & Coatings 涂料 17.7 Press Plate 模板 17.8 Adhesive 粘合剂 17.9 Others 其他 18. Floor Technology - Cork Flooring 软木地板生产技术 18.1 Machinery 生产机械 18.2 Machinery Parts 生产机械配件 18.3 Tools 工具 18.4 Others 其他 19. Floor Technology - Bamboo Flooring 竹地板生产技术 19.1 Machinery 生产机械 19.2 Machinery Parts 生产机械配件 19.3 Tools 工具 19.4 Others 其他 20. Floor Technology - Timber Material 木材原料生产技术 20.1 Machinery 生产机械 20.2 Machinery parts 生产机械配件 20.3 Tools 工具 20.4 Paints & coatings 涂料 20.5 Others 其他 21. Floor Technology - Resilient Flooring 弹性地材生产技术 21.1 Machinery 生产机械 21.2 Machinery parts 生产机械配件 21.3 Tools 工具 21.4 Others 其他 22. Floor Technology - Special Floor Coverings 特殊地材生产技术 22.1 Machinery 生产机械 22.2 Machinery parts 生产机械配件 22.3 Tools 工具 22.4 Others 其他 23. Wood Supply 地板原料及辅料 23.1 Logs 原木 23.2 Timber/Lumber 木材 23.3 Backing material 基材 23.4 Veneer 薄木单板 23.5 Plywood 胶合板 23.6 Others 其他 24. Laying Skills 地板安装技术 24.1 Equipment and tools 安装工具及机械 24.2 Underlay 地板衬垫 24.3 Adhesives 地板胶 24.4 Skirtings 踢脚线 24.5 Mouldings 木线条 24.6 Flooring locking system 地板锁扣专利技术 24.7 Underfloor Heating System 地暖系统 24.8 Equipment for flooring displays 地板展示器材 24.9 Others 其他 25. Cleaning And Maintenance Technologies 地板清洁及保养技术 25.1 Equipment and tools 清洗维护工具设备 25.2 Cleaning Chemicals 清洁化学剂 25.3 Oils 木质油精 25.4 Waxes 地板蜡 25.5 Indoor Environment Purifiers 室内环境净化技术及产品 25.6 Others 其他 26. Floor Technology - Floor Testing and Certification 地板检测与认证 26.1 Floor Testing Instrument and Technology 地板检测器材与技术 26.2 Floor Certification 地板认证 DOMOTEX asia/CHINAFLOOR 2015 TERMS & CONDITIONS FOR PARTICIPATION 1. Definition "Exhibition" shall mean the event, FLOORTECH asia, which will take place 24-26 March 2015, at the Shanghai New International Expo Center, China. "Organizer" shall mean VNU Exhibitions Asia in cooperation with Hannover Milano Fairs (Shanghai) Ltd. and Build Your Dream Group. "Exhibitor" shall mean any person, firm or organization allocated a space by the Organizers in the above-said exhibition, and exhibiting its own products or services at such space. "Co-exhibitor" shall mean any person, firm or organization exhibiting its own products or services at the stand space of an Exhibitor. The Organizer and the Exhibitor may be respectively referred to as a “Party” and collectively referred to as the “Parties” under this Terms & Conditions for Participation. 2. Application of participation & acceptance All applications for participation shall be made on the Application form overleaf. Each company, association, person intending to participate in the exhibition, should apply by presenting signed Registration form to the Organizer within January 24, 2015. Exceptions to the application deadline will be taken by the organizer according to its own discretion. With the application, exhibitors express to the organizer their contractual offer in taking part in the event as exhibitor. All exhibits must belong to one of the products categories of the Exhibition. Exhibits not belonging to the products categories are not admitted. The submission of the application form shall be deemed to be confirmation of participation and full acceptance of the ‘Terms & Conditions for Participation’ as stated herein. This Terms & Conditions for Participation shall become a valid contract binding to both Parties upon the Organizer accepting the application. The application and confirmation of its receipt do not constitute grounds for any claim to approval, or to any specific location or site of stand. Upon both Parties’ consent, the Organizer is entitled to implement reductions in the number of square meters applied for if the exhibition area available is oversubscribed. The required deposit equivalent to 50% of the total booth rental charges shall be paid within the deadline indicated in the organizer invoice sent to the exhibitor soon after the location and size of the booth are confirmed. The exhibitor may not move, exchange or share his/her stand, nor surrender it either in part or in full to such third parties as are neither co-exhibitors admitted by the organizer nor additionally represented companies admitted without the organizer written approval. Exhibitors shall not occupy any space (including aisles and possible empty booths) other than the booth specifically assigned to the exhibitor and rented under this Terms & Conditions for Participation. The distribution of printed matter and usage of advertising media is only admissible on the exhibitor’s own stand. 3. Co-exhibitors Stand areas are in principle made available solely as whole entries and only to one contracting party, the ‘main Exhibitor’. The use of the stand area by additional party exhibiting its own exhibition goods (co-exhibitor) shall require a special application and written approval from the Organizer. Approval of co-exhibitors is likewise based on the criteria listed under paragraph 2 above, apart from this. Such companies shall also be subjected to the “Terms & Conditions for participation”, which are to be acknowledged by those companies in writing. The Main Exhibitor shall be liable for any fault, in the same manner as his own faults and for the faults of his own agents, and rental service on the part of his co-exhibitor or indirectly represented company and their agents. The Main Exhibitor will be charged RMB 2,000 for each of its co-exhibitor’s participation. 4. Terms of payment a) The required deposit equivalent to 50% of the total booth rental charges shall be paid within the deadline indicated in the organizer invoice sent to the exhibitor soon after the location and size of the booth are confirmed. b) The outstanding balance shall be paid before December 10, 2014. If the location and size of the booth are confirmed after such date, the Exhibitor shall pay all booth rental charges in one installment after receipt of the invoice from Organizer. c) For other additional services, payments must be made in full, in advance, when placing orders for services. d) Full payment by the stipulated date is a prerequisite condition for the Exhibitor’s participation in the exhibition and use of the stand. In the event of default of payment by the stipulated date (a), the Terms & Conditions for Participation between the Parties may be immediately terminated by the Organizer; and the 50% of total booth rental paid by the Exhibitor shall be forfeited; and (b), the Organizer shall reserve the right to claim all payment due from the defaulting Exhibitor. The Exhibitor shall not be entitled to any form of compensation whatsoever, whether for loss of profits or otherwise. 5. Withdrawal The participation fees are calculated in accordance with the rates specified in the first page of this Registration form. The Exhibitor will not be permitted to withdraw from, cancel, alter or reduce in any way their booking of the exhibition. However, the Organizer may consider special cases and in their sole discretion grant partial refunds according to how many months/weeks prior to the start of the exhibition that the proposed withdrawal or charge is made known to the Organizer in writing. Months prior to start of exhibition a) More than 3 months b) Within 3 month Cancellation fee 50% of total booth rental amount 100% of total booth rental amount Besides the above fees, the Exhibitor shall also be liable for any expenses incurred to the Organizer for its cancellation of participation. 6. Volume Control Exhibitors should control the volume inside the exhibition hall under 70 db to maintain a good environment(except within hall machinery area under 90 decibels).The organizer reserves the right to take any necessary action against an exhibitor refusing to comply with this rule. 7. Stand fitting and design The individual design of the stand, if in excess of the services indicated in the offer, is the concern of each individual Exhibitor who shall apply with the official contractor for furniture, fittings, fixtures and utilities. The nature of the design and construction of the stand shall, however, be subjected to the construction guidelines set by the Organizer. In the event any part of the exhibition venue is damaged due to construction of the stand, the Exhibitor shall be liable for all losses incurred to the Organizer. 8. Movement of exhibits a) The Exhibitor shall bear the responsibility and expenses for transport of exhibits to the exhibition venue. b) The Exhibitor shall make their own arrangements for the storage and warehousing of the exhibits. c) The Exhibitor shall submit a list of exhibits to the Organizer at least ten days prior to the start of the exhibition. d) No exhibits or other goods will be permitted to leave the exhibition venue before the end of the exhibition. e) The Exhibitor shall indemnify the Organizer against any losses or damages due to delay or damage to the exhibition venue. f) The on-site freight forwarding must be done by the official freight forwarder appointed by the Organizer 9. Set-up, staffing and dismantling of stand The dates for stand set-up and dismantling as specified by the Organizer must be strictly observed. Stands not occupied by the last day of the set-up period may be disposed of as the Organizer sees fit. Exhibitors admitted to the fair undertake to participate in the event. The stand must be properly equipped and staffed by qualified personnel throughout the trade fair during the prescribed opening hours. Particular attention should be paid to ensuring that the stand is already fully staffed when the trade fair opens. Exhibitors are not permitted to remove trade fair goods or dismantle their stands before the trade fair closes. If exhibitors break this rule, the Organizer is entitled to demand a penalty of 5,000RMB. The Organizer is entitled to exclude from future trade fairs any exhibitor whose stand is staffed by insufficiently qualified personnel during the trade fair’s opening hours, who exhibits an incomplete range of goods or goods not admitted to the trade fair, who vacates or clears his stand before the end of the trade fair. All exhibition areas must be handed over to the Organizer in their original condition by the stipulated date for completion of dismantling. At the end of the exhibition, exhibitors must remove from the stand all materials for fitting the stand and for exhibition without damaging any original property or equipments in the exhibition venue. 10. Management fee and overtime fee The management of the expo-center charges a management fee for stand constructions within the expo-center. This management fee shall be paid by the contracted stand constructors. In case exhibitors wish to use the leased area beyond basic daily hour, exhibitors must inform the expo-center in advance and pay overtime fee. The above management fee and overtime fee may be charged by the expo-center in accordance with the price list of the center. 11. Exhibits’ security & insurance To reduce the contractor and exhibitors’ liability risk and ensure the construction site security, every raw space booth exhibitor must purchase the exhibition liability insurance before applying for booth drawing inspection, electricity power service and so on. After the exhibitor purchased the insurance and this is been approved by the Shanghai Renxin Insurance Broker Co., Ltd., then the exhibitor could apply for booth drawing inspection, electricity power service and so on. Exhibitors must have adequate insurance coverage against any and all eventuality throughout the entire exhibition for their personnel, equipment, third party liability claims, and movement of equipment in and out of exhibition halls. For further details on the insurance coverage exhibitors shall get in contact with the organizers. 12. Exhibitors, organizers, venue’s security duties and responsibilities The Exhibitor shall indemnify and hold the Organizer, its directors, trustees, officers, employees, agents and representatives, harmless with respect to all costs, claims, liabilities, losses, demands, proceedings and expenses to which the Organizer, its directors, trustees, officers, employees, agents and representations may in any way be subjected caused as a result of any act of omission of the Exhibitor, co-exhibitor, representatives, employees, agents, contractors or invitees. If the Organizer so demands, the Exhibitor shall provide proof to the Organizer that the Exhibitor has adequate insurance coverage. The Organizer shall not in any event be held responsible for any loss or damages whatsoever (including loss of profits suffered by the exhibitor) as a result of any restrictions or conditions which prevent construction, erection, completion, alteration or dismantling, or for the failure of any service normally provided at the listed exhibition ground, for the cancellation or part-time opening of the exhibition either as a whole or in part, or for amendments or alterations to all or any of the ‘Terms & Conditions for Participation’ caused by any circumstance not within the Organizer control. Exhibitors shall comply with all the rules and regulations imposed or laid down by the exhibition venue for all purpose concerned with operation and usage. Exhibitors shall be in deference to the inspection by the staffs of the exhibition venue during the construction period. Exhibitors, their agents or contractors shall comply with all the rules and regulations in terms of security and fire controlling of the exhibition venue. The exhibitors shall bear the responsibility and consequence resulted from his violation. During the period of this Terms & Conditions for Participation, security of exhibits, stands and furniture is wholly the responsibility of the Exhibitor, while the Organizer, its directors, trustees, officers, employees, agents and representatives shall not be responsible for any losses and damages to properties or injuries to person incurred. 13. Damage to venue The exhibitor shall take good care of and shall not cause any damage or permit or suffer any damage to be done to the exhibition venue or to any part or parts thereof or to any fittings, equipment or other property therein, and shall make good and pay for damages thereto (including accident damage and damage by fire) caused by act or omission of himself, employees, co-exhibitors, agents, representatives, contractors or persons by reason of the use of the exhibition venue by the Exhibitor. If the Organizer so demands, the Exhibitor shall insure the venue for any damage and send the insurance documents to the Organizer. 14. Indemnity of the Organizer/ show manager Under no circumstances shall the Organizer make good or accept any responsibility or liability however arising with respect to damage, theft or loss of any property, goods, articles or things however placed, deposited, brought into or left upon the premise either by the Exhibitor for his use or purpose or by any other person, and the Exhibitor must indemnify the Organizer, its employees, agents and officers in respect thereof. 15. Compliance with laws The Terms & Conditions for Participation shall be construed and governed by laws of the People’s Republic of China. Exhibitors shall comply with all the rules, regulations and laws imposed or laid down or prescribed in the future by the government, public authorities and owners or managers of the exhibition venue for all purposes concerned with the implementation of these terms and conditions, of the regulations and stipulations laid down or prescribed in the future by the Organizer by virtue thereof, and of all other contracts relating to the exhibition Any dispute arising from or in connection with the Terms & Conditions for Participation shall be submitted to Shanghai Arbitration Commission for arbitration which shall be conducted in accordance with the Commission’s arbitration rules. The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties. Once the exhibitor signs this contract he pledges himself to follow the expression that all his exhibits, wrappings, etc. has not encroached upon other intellectual property rights. In case where it is proved to exhibitors in a proper and orderly way that their exhibition or offering of products or services and/or their promotional presentation or some other activities infringes the property rights to which a third party is entitled, the exhibitor undertakes in advance to remove the items concerned from the stand. 16. Supplementary clauses Whenever necessary to ensure the smooth management of the exhibition, the Organizer shall have the right to issue supplementary regulations and instructions in addition to those in the ‘Terms & Conditions for Participation’. All such additional written instructions form a part of the ‘Terms & Conditions for Participation’ and are binding on all Exhibitors after being accepted and executed by the Exhibitors. Should the Exhibitors fail to accept and execute any supplementary regulations in a timely manner, the Organizer may immediately terminate the Terms & Conditions for Participation and exclude the Exhibitor from the event. 17. Breach of ‘Terms & Conditions for Participation’ The breach of the above-mentioned ‘Terms & Conditions for Participation’, and any other supplementary rules and regulations determined by the Organizer, will result in the exclusion of the Exhibitor from the event, and the Exhibitor shall have no right to claim compensation for any losses or expenses, or to demand refund on any payments already processed, nor shall the Exhibitor be released from his contractual obligation to pay. 18. Force majeure If the Organizer is compelled, as a result of force majeure or other circumstances beyond its control (eg, failure of the power supply), to postpone the event, the exhibitors do not thereby acquire the right to withdraw or cancel participation of the event, nor do they have any other claims against the Organizer, in particular claims for damages. If the Organizer cancels the event because it cannot hold the event as a result of force majeure or other circumstances beyond its control, the Organizer is not liable for damages to exhibitors arising from the cancellation of the event. 19. Severability Clause Should the provisions set out in these Terms & Conditions for Participation be or become legally invalid or incomplete, the validity of the other provisions or the contract concerned remains unaffected. In such a case, the contracting parties undertake to replace the invalid provision and/or fill the gap with a provision with which the contracting parties are most likely to achieve the economic purpose they pursue. In the event of any inconsistency between the English and Chinese version of the Terms & Conditions for Participation, the English version shall prevail. DOMOTEX asia/CHINAFLOOR 2015 参 展 条 款 1. 定义 “展会”是指将于2015年3月24日至26日在上海新国际博览中心举行的亚洲地材技术展览会。 “主办单位”是由上海万耀企龙展览有限公司、汉诺威米兰展览(上海)有限公司及Build Your Dream Group联合组成。 “参展商”是指所有在本届展会中,获得主办单位所分配的一定空间并展出其产品或服务的个人、公司或 其他组织。 “联合参展商”是指在特定参展商的展位展出自己产品或服务的个人、公司或其他组织。 主办单位或参展商在本参展条款中均可单独被称为“一方”,合称为“双方” 2. 参展申请及接受 所有参展申请都应通过提交申请表提出。除非由主办方另行更改期限,所有有意参展的公司、组织或个 人应在2015年1月24日之前向主办单位提交经签署的申请表。参展商一旦提交参展申请表,即视为其向主办 单位发出的参展要约。 参展商的所有展品必须至少属于展会的展品目录中的一项,否则不得在展会中公开展出。 参展商提交申请表即表示其已提出参展请求并且完全接受本参展条款中的规定。 一旦主办单位同意参展商的申请,本参展条款即生效成为对参展商及主办单位具有约束力的合同。 申请表的提交及主办单位确认收到该申请并不构成主办单位批准申请或同意展位的位置。若参展商申请 的展位面积过多,经双方同意,主办方有权减少参展商所申请的参展面积。 展位的位置及面积经确认后,主办单位可以立即向参展商开具相当于总展位费50%的预付款发票,参展 商应在该发票所述期限内向主办单位支付相应款项。 未经主办单位事先书面同意,参展商不得移动、与任何第三方交换或共享其展位,也不得将其展位部分 或全部转让给第三方(经主办方批准的联合参展商和参展商所代理的公司除外)。除主办单位分配给参展商 且参展商在本参展条款项下租赁的特定展位面积,参展商不得占用展馆内任何其他空间(包括通道和其他空 闲展位)。参展商只能只能在其展位范围内分发印刷物和使用广告媒体。 3. 联合参展商 原则上,展会的每一个展位只能由与主办单位签订参展条款的一个参展商使用(下称“主参展商”)。 任何主参展商以外的个人或单位在展位展出其产品必须向主办单位提出特别申请,并取得主办单位的书面批 准。联合参展商的批准同样基于上述第2条的标准。联合参展商应当签署相关书面承诺,以保证其遵守本参 展条款的规定。主参展商应为其联合参展商和由其代表的其它公司的债务和过错承担责任,如同承担其自身 责任一样,主参展商还应向其提供展位租赁及相关服务。主参展商应就其展位内每一个联合参展商的参展向 主办单位支付人民币2,000元。 4. 付款 a) 展位的位置及面积经确认后,主办单位可以立即向参展商开具相当于总展位费50%的预付款发票 b) 余款务必在2014年12月10日前付清。如展位的位置及面积在该日期之后才由双方确认,参展商应 在收到主办单位发票后一次性付清全部展位费。 c) 对于主办单位提供的其他服务,参展商应当在提出服务要求的同时事先向主办单位支付全部服务费。 d) 按照上述约定全额支付款项是参展商参加展会并使用展位的前提条件。如果参展商延迟支付任何费 用,则(a), 主办单位有权立即终止本参展条款,并且没收参展商已支付的50%展位费; (b), 主办单位保留向 参展商追讨所有应付费用的权利,并且参展商无权向主办方要求任何形式的赔偿,不论其是否已遭受任何 利益或其他损失。 5. 取消展览场地 展位费是根据申请表第一页所述的费率计算所得。参展商不得任意撤回、取消、变更或减少已定展位。 但主办单位可考虑参展商的特殊情况,根据参展商书面提出相关要求的时间,按以下标准自行决定是否向 参展商退还部分已支付费用。 离展会时间 a) 展会前3个月以上 b) 展会前3个月及以内 主办单位不予退还的费用 50%的展位总费用 100%的展位总费用 除此以外,参展商还将负担主办单位为其所花费的任何具体费用。 6. 音量噪音控制 参展商在展馆内播放或产生的任何音量不得超过70分贝(机械展区控制在90分贝以下),以确保展览会在 专业、不受干扰的气氛中顺利进行。如果参展商拒绝遵守本条约定,主办单位将保留采取相应措施的权利。 7. 展台搭建和设计 自行设计、搭建展台的展商,如有额外对设计、搭建展台的服务需求,可与大会指定承建商联系以要求 提供展台家具、装修、维修及基础设施等服务。展台的设计和施工应符合由主办单位制定的展台搭建指南中 的规定。展台搭建不得有破坏展馆任何一处之情况发生;如有类似破坏,由展商负责向主办单位赔偿。 参展商及其搭建商等人员严格按照展馆各项操作和使用规定作业,自觉服从展馆有关工作人员对装修过 程的检查和监督。施工期间严格遵守展馆的各项安全、防火管理制度,如有违反将承担及因此产生后果的全 部责任。 8. 展品运输 a) 参展商应对其展品至展馆的运输及费用负责。 b) 在将展品运至展馆前,参展商需自行安排展品的储藏室或货仓。 c) 参展商应在展会开幕前至少十天向主办单位提交展品名称及数量清单。 d) 在展会闭幕之前,参展商不得将任何展品移出展馆外。 e) 因展品运输或移动导致展馆任何部分损坏,参展商应负责向主办单位赔偿。 f) 展品在展馆内的运输和移动必须由主办单位指定的供应商完成。 9. 布展、人员配备以及撤展 参展商必须遵守主办单位指定的布展和撤展时间。在规定搭建时间最后一天之前还没有使用的展览场地 将由主办方任意处置。得到许可参加展览会的参展商有参加本次展览会的义务。在展会规定开放时间内,展 台必须始终配备合适的人员。参展商应特别重视保证在展览开放期间,展台已经配备充足人员。在展会结束 之前参展商无权移走展品或者拆除展台。如果参展商违反此规定,主办方将有权要求其支付5,000元人民币 的赔偿金。 在展会开幕期间,如果任何参展商配备了不合格的人员,或者展出了不完整或没有得到许可的展品,或 者在展会结束前撤出或者清除展台,或者违反了其它参展条款规定,主办方将有权禁止其参加以后由主办方 举办的展览会。 所有展览场地在指定时间内完成撤馆以后,必须保证完好地移交给主办单位。在展览结束的时候,展台 搭建商必须在规定的时间,将所有参展商为搭建展台或展出所使用的材料从展台清除,并不得破坏展馆内原 有的财产或设备。 10. 管理费和超时费 对于在上海新国际博览中心内进行展台施工,上海新国际博览中心将收取一定的管理费。该费用将由展 台施工方支付。若参展商希望在正常工作时间以外使用上海新国际博览中心,应当提前通知上海新国际博览 中心,并支付超时费。管理费和超时费的标准应当以上海新国际博览中心的收费价目表为准。 11. 安全与保险 为增加参展商与搭建商使用或搭建光地展位的抗风险能力以及确保现场施工人员的安全保障,每个特装 展位必须事前购买展览会责任保险后,方可办理有关审图、缴押金、报电、订水、及通讯设备租赁等入场手 续。 另建议各展商事先为展品和其它贵重物品(参照上海市展(博)览会场馆安全防范管理规定)以及雇员 购买保险。在使用租借物品时,请注意归还时保证物品无损。主办单位将尽力做好安全保卫工作,但对展品 遗失或损坏一概不负责任。 更多关于保险对象事宜请洽主办方。 12. 参展商、主办单位及展馆的安全责任 若因参展商自身或其联合参展商、代表人、工作人员、代理机构、承包商和参展观众的行为或疏忽导致 任何后果,参展商应保证主办单位及其负责人、授权代表、管理人员、公司员工、代理商及其他代理人不因 此遭受任何损失,若前述人员因此而承担任何费用、责任、损失或遭到起诉或索赔,参展商应承担全部赔偿 责任。如主办单位提出要求,参展商应向主办单位提供参展商已进行充分投保的证明。主办单位在任何情况 下均不应对其无法控制的因素而导致的损失(包括参展商由此而遭受的利润损失)承担任何赔偿责任,即使 由于该等因素已导致在展会场地无法正常施工、搭建、完工、改造或撤展;展会被全部或部分取消、变更; 或本参展条款被全部或部分变更。 参展商及其搭建商等人员严格按照展馆关于展厅内外的各项操作和使用规定作业,自觉服从展馆有关工 作人员对装修过程的检查和监督。施工期间严格遵守展馆的各项安全、防火管理制度,如有违反将承担及因 此产生后果的全部责任。 在本参展条款有效期间,参展商应对其展品、展台及家具设备的安全性负全部责任,主办单位及其负责 人、授权代表、管理人员、公司员工、代理商及其他代理人不应对由此导致的人身或财产损失承担任何 责任。 13. 展馆损害 参展商应对展馆或展馆内的一切装修、设备或其他财产的完好尽最大注意义务,并保证不对该等财产造 成任何损害。若由于参展商自身或其联合参展商、代表人、工作人员、代理机构、承包商和其他由于参展商 原因而使用展馆的人的行为或疏忽导致展馆或其财产遭受任何损害,参展商应负责恢复原样并赔偿损失。如 果主办单位要求,参展商应为展馆内的相关财产办理保险,并将相关保单交付给主办单位。 14. 对主办单位/管理方的赔偿 在任何情况下,主办单位都不应对由参展商或与参展商相关的人员导致的财产、物品、展品的损害、失 窃、损失承担任何责任。参展商应就主办方或其员工、代理机构和管理人员由此遭受的损失承担全部赔偿责 任。 15. 法制与法规 参展条款及条件应受中华人民共和国法律解释并管辖。参展商必须无条件遵守现行及将来实施的与本条 款及条件履行有关的、由主办单位制定发布的或与展会举办相关的合同有关的所有法律法规以及当地政府机 关或展馆负责人制订的规章制度。凡因本合同引起的或与本合同有关的任何争议,均应提交上海仲裁委员会 按照该会仲裁规则进行仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方当事人均有约束力。 参展商一经签定本合同即表示承诺其所有展品、展品外包装等没有侵犯他人知识产权。一旦参展商展出 或提供的任何商品或服务、或者其促销活动等任何行为被证明侵犯了任何第三方的知识产权,参展商承诺将 立即从展台撤除相关物品。 16. 补充条款 为了保证展会的顺利进行,主办单位有权在必要的时候签发本条款及条件的补充规定。该等补充规定一 旦由参展商同意并签署,即对主办单位和参展商产生约束力。 如果参展商未及时同意并签署任何主办发发出的补充规定,主办方有权立即终止本参展条款及条件,并 取消参展商参加展会的资格。 17. 违反“参展条款” 参展商如有违反 “参展条款” 或将制订的辅助条款中的任何内容,视情节轻重,主办单位将有权取消 参展商参展资格。参展商将无权要求主办单位赔偿任何损失、开支,或退还已支付的款项,并且参展商仍应 支付本参展条款及条件项下的全部费用。 18. 不可抗力 如果主办单位由于不可抗力或其他无法克服的因素(如停电)而被迫推迟展会举办时间,参展商无权取 消参展或向主办单位主张任何违约责任,尤其是赔偿责任。如果主办单位由于不可抗力或其他无法克服的因 素而取消举办展会,主办单位不因此而向参展商赔偿任何损失。 19. 条款独立性 如果参展条款中或者技术指南中规定的条款在法律上无效或者不完整,其它条款或相关合同的有效性将 不受影响. 在这种情况下,合同双方有义务更换失效的条款和/或补足相关条款,最大可能地使得合同双方实 现其追求的经济目的。 如本条款及条件的中英文文本有任何不一致之处,应以英文文本为准。 Contact us: 联系信息: VNU Exhibitions Asia 上海万耀企龙展览有限公司 地址: 上海市南京西路1333号, 上海展览中心商务楼2楼 (200040) Address: 2F, Business Mansion, Shanghai Exhibition Center No.1333 Nanjing Road (W), Shanghai 200040 Floor Technology Contact: Ms. Sunny Pan Tel: +86 21 61956088-923 Email: [email protected] 地材技术展区 联系人: 陈铭 先生 电话: +86 21 61956088-551 邮箱: [email protected] 联系人: 江朝辉 先生 电话: +86 21 61956088-728 邮箱: [email protected] 广州办事处 联系人: 唐金鹏 先生 电话: +86 20 2208 2281 邮箱: [email protected] FAX TO/传真: +86 21 6195 6099 北京分公司 联系人: 高秋波 先生 电话: +86 10 65102188-819 邮箱: [email protected]
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