「音声の使い方とスクリプト」について Part 2 では、問いかけ文を聞いて即座に内容を理解し、それに対する適切な応答を選ばなくてはなりません。 英語の知識に加えて瞬発力が試されるパートでもあります。問題の中には、質問に直接的な答えを返さず、ひ ねりを効かせて答えた選択肢が正解になるものも多く出てきます。また、質問の形をしていない平叙文のつぶや きに対し、何かを提案したり質問したり、さまざまな反応を返すことで正答となる場合もあります。 このような一問一答の正解のパターンを数多くインプットすると、みなさんの頭の中には英語の自然なやりとりの データが蓄積されていくことになります。そして、テスト本番では、聞こえた選択肢にすぐに反応する感度を養う ことができるのです。 このようなスキルを上げる練習素材として、本書の Part 2 に登場したすべての問題の「問いかけ文」と「正解 選択肢」のみを収録した音声をご用意しました。音声をダウンロードし、いつでも練習できる環境を作りましょ う。復習のための素材なので、必ず本書の問題を解いてから、この音声を利用してください。 STEP 1 下準備 通常通り問題を解いたら解説を読み、正解の根拠を調べ、意味を確認する 意味がわからない音をひたすら耳に入れても、理解したことにはなりません。どんな問いかけをされて、相手は どう応答しているのか、大まかな意味でいいので把握しておきましょう。 さあ、トレーニング開始です。ダウンロードした音声をご用意ください。 STEP 2 音をチェック 音声を再生しながら、スクリプトを黙読 意味がわかっても、文字と発音がずれていては、聞き取りに支障が出てしまいます。どの文字がどんな発音をさ れているのか、文のアクセントはどこにあるのか、どの部分で声が高くなったり、リズムがゆっくりになったりす るのか、しっかり確認しましょう。 STEP 3 リピート練習 音声を再生し、文ごとに止めて声に出してまねをする 聞いた音声を口に出してまねし、できるだけ忠実に再現してみましょう。再現するには、リズムや発音を注意深く 聞き取らなければいけません。こうしてリピートすることを前提に音声を聞くと、ただ流しっぱなしにしたときよ りも音をよく聞くようになります。はじめはスクリプトを見ながら、慣れたらスクリプトを見ずにリピートしてみま しょう。 STEP 4 応答の練習 問いかけ文が終わったところで音声を止め、自分で応答を言う 音声と自分が会話をしているつもりで、意味を意識しながら練習しましょう。応答をあらかじめ読んでおき、音 声を止めて自分が応答するときには、スクリプトを見ずに言ってみてください。少し難しいですが、何度か練習 をするうちに、スムーズに出てくるようになります。答えを言ったあとは、音声を続きから流して、それをリピー トしましょう。 ★応答練習のバリエーション 問いかけ文が終わったところで音声を止め、問いかけ文を 1 回リピートし、続けて応答文を自分で言ってくだ さい。その後再び音声を流して応答文を聞き、またそれをリピートします。そうすることによって、1問1答の やりとりを自力で再生することになります。 練習のパートナーがいる場合は、役割分担をしてセリフを読み合って練習すると臨場感が増します。意味を 考えながら、相手の目を見て (直前までスクリプトを見ていたとしても) 、擬似的に会話をしてください。 STEP 5 シャドーイング 音声を再生し、聞いた音を自分の口から出す ここまでくると、英語を聞いた瞬間に意味が浮かび、それに対する応答もすぐに口をついて出てくるようになって きているはずです。ここで今一度、次の点を確認しましょう。発音がナレーターの音から離れていませんか。リ ズムが崩れていませんか。スピードが落ちていませんか。それらをチェックするために、音声を再生しっぱなし にして、耳から聞いた音をまねして口に出していきます。この練習方法は影のように音にくっついて音を再現して いくので、 「シャドーイング」と呼ばれます。スクリプトを見ずに再現するのが理想ですが、それだと沈黙の時間 が多くなってしまうという場合は、最初の2∼3語が見える状態にしておくか、あるいは慣れるまでスクリプトを 読みながら練習してもよいでしょう。言えるようになってきたら、スクリプトを隠して練習してください。 STEP 6 仕上げに聞き取りチェック 練習した音声をじっくり聞く 自分で言おうとして何度も練習した英語の音声は、漠然と聞きっぱなしにした音声よりもかなり聞きやすくなっ ているはずです。その成果を確認するために、スクリプトを見ず、かつ、声を出さずに音声をじっくり聞いてくだ さい。ひとつひとつの問いかけと応答の意味が瞬時に理解できますか。1 週間ほど経ったころに、今度は CD の音声を再生して、もともとの Part 2 問題を解いてみてください。初めて解いたときにさっぱりわからない音が あったとしたら、その部分はだいぶ聞こえ方が違ってきているはずです。英語の音データがあなたの脳に追加さ れ、瞬発力がワンランク上がったのです。 ステップごとに分けましたが、STEP 1 と STEP 2 の後は、自分が一番取り組みやすいところを選んで練習して いただいてもかまいません。英語の音データが定着するには、一度練習しただけではなかなか足りません。一 回やって終わりなのではなく、継続して練習をすると効果的です。 スクリプト [Track 1] Part 2 Category 1 1. Who's teaching the photography course? ―Mr. Silva is. 2. When is the earliest you could see Mr. Gonzales? ―Three o'clock would be safe. [Track 2] 3. Where's the staff meeting taking place? ―At the cafeteria. 4. How long have you been waiting for the decision? ―Since this morning. [Track 3] 5. Why did Angela reschedule the appointment? ―Mr. Powell asked her to. 6. How are we going to the convention center? ―Either by bus or taxi. [Track 4] 7. Which sofa did you choose for the waiting room? ―The brown one. 8. What kind of music is the band performing at the fundraiser? ―Jazz, if I'm not wrong. [Track 5] Category 2 1. Who's going to unlock the back door? ―James has the key. 2. How much longer will it take to repair the photocopier? ―I'll ask the technician right away. [Track 6] 3. How often do I need to water the plants? ―It depends on the temperature. 4. Which company has won the bid for the construction? ―We don't know yet. [Track 7] 5. How is the new committee chair selected? ―We'll discuss that today. 6. When is Ms. Jenkins moving to Queensland? ―Is she really leaving town? [Track 8] 7. How many people have signed up for the company picnic? ―Not as many as last year. 8. What problem is being discussed in the meeting? ―You should ask Laura. [Track 9] Category 3 1. Have the musicians arrived at the auditorium? ―I saw them backstage. 2. Do you have any recommendations for seafood restaurants? ―Any place at Whitby Market is superb. [Track 10] 3. Is there a copy machine I can use on this floor? ―There're two near the supply room. 4. Do you know who's leading the writing workshop? ―I heard Max was assigned to it. [Track 11] 5. You didn't meet Ms. Reeves yesterday, did you? ―I didn't know she was there. 6. You worked in a payroll department, didn't you? ―Yes, with Jasmin Industries. [Track 12] 7. Isn't this room ideal for our annual staff meeting? ―Let's make a booking now. 8. Haven't you submitted your expense report yet? ―I've been so busy. [Track 13] Category 4 1. Would you like me to ask the conference committee about the registration fee? ―That would be helpful. 2. Why don't you ask the local restaurants to display your flyers at the register? ―That's a great idea. [Track 14] 3. How about having a short break now? ―Let's finish the document first. 4. Why don't we replace the carpet in the studio? ―How much would that cost? [Track 15] 5. Could you make me a hundred brochures by the end of the day? ―How many pages does each one have? 6. Would it be possible to change to another meeting room? ―Is there a problem? [Track 16] 7. Would you mind checking the sales figures? ―Not at all. Which file should I open? 8. Could I take some pictures during your workshop? ―Sure. Go ahead. [Track 17] Category 5 1. I can't open the attachment file. ―Neither can I. 2. Our coffee maker has been selling well. ―Why is it so popular? [Track 18] 3. The sushi catering is a little costly. ―Yes, but we get what we pay for. 4. Mr. Chen from marketing will appear on TV tonight. ―That's why the camera crew was here last week. [Track 19] 5. The Internet is not working again. ―Restarting the computer might work. 6. We're running low on printer paper. ―It'll arrive this afternoon. [Track 20] 7. Our department purchased a videoconference system. ―Could I take a look at it? 8. We’ ve received complaints about the changes in operating hours. ―We should bring that up at the meeting. [Track 21] Category 6 1. Are you looking for an apartment or a house? ―Anything with three bedrooms. 2. Is this your mobile phone or Tony's? ―Mine has a scratch on it. [Track 22] 3. When is the new travel magazine going to be released, this week or next? ―I heard it's next week. 4. Who's coming to pick us up, Nick or Fernando? ―Actually, we're taking a taxi. [Track 23] 5. How about going out for lunch, or would you like to order something in? ―I brought my lunch today. 6. Has the shipment arrived, or are you still waiting for it? ―It came an hour ago. [Track 24] 7. Do you still have your résumé with you or did you already post it? ―It's in my bag. 8. Do you have to go home today or are you staying over the weekend? ―I've booked a hotel. [Track 25] Mock Test No. 1 Part 2 11. What time will the product demonstration start? ―At 3 PM. 12. Who booked Mr. Cane's flight tickets? ―His secretary did. [Track 26] 13. Could I take a look at the menu? ―Here you are. 14. How many staff members came to the musical event? ―Almost everyone. [Track 27] 15. Did you receive a list of references from Ms. Lane? ―Yes, a minute ago. 16. When can I get the survey results? ―In two days, at the latest. [Track 28] 17. How long have you been with GS Corporation? ―This is my third year. 18. Where would you like to sit, the front row or in the middle? ―Let's go to the front row. [Track 29] 19. How did your audition go? ―Pretty good, I think. 20. Where did you get the data from? ―A travel journal. [Track 30] 21. Hasn't the newsletter been sent out yet? ―No, some pictures need to be replaced. 22. The furniture will arrive on Monday. ―That's sooner than expected, isn't it? [Track 31] 23. Which hotel did you stay at in Madrid? ―Citrus Inn, in the downtown area. 24. Have you reserved a table on the patio outside? ―Yes, as you requested. [Track 32] 25. How many chairs do we need to bring from the warehouse? ―Enough for two tables. 26. Where would you like to put this new cabinet? ―It should go upstairs. [Track 33] 27. When should we play the video clip? ―Right after I distribute the documents. 28. Didn't you drive to the office today? ―I'm having my car checked. [Track 34] 29. Why was the health program at the gym canceled? ―Due to low attendance. 30. Do you know where I can get cartons to carry the documents? ―Sean has some extra. [Track 35] 31. Would you like more potatoes? ―No thanks, I had enough. 32. Excuse me, drinks are not allowed in the exhibition rooms. ―Oh sorry, I didn't see the sign. [Track 36] 33. Did you make it to the training last night? ―I got there about 10 minutes early. 34. Do I need to fill in the survey form now? ―You can do it online later. [Track 37] 35. What did your supervisor say about the advertising plan? ―He's concerned about the costs. 36. Where will the retirement party be held? ―Jane's still looking for a place. [Track 38] 37. You already gave the handouts to the participants, didn't you? ―Except the questionnaire, yes. 38. Dr. Coimbra's new book was published last week. ―Would you like me to get a copy? [Track 39] 39. I'll send you some fabric samples tomorrow. ―Could you possibly send them overnight? 40. Does Mr. Shin live in Tokyo or has he returned to New York? ―He now lives in Seoul. [Track 40] Mock Test No. 2 Part 2 11. How many suitcases are you bringing to Brisbane? ―Only this one. 12. Whose watch is this? ―It's not mine. [Track 41] 13. Which presentation are you most interested in? ―The one by Professor Han. 14. Who runs this restaurant? ―Ms. Wilson is the owner. [Track 42] 15. Where's the science museum? ―Not very far from here. 16. When are we moving to the new office? ―After the sales team has relocated. [Track 43] 17. Why don't we go out for dinner when you visit us next month? ―I'd love to. 18. Bruce, do you have time to review my proposal? ―Sure. Anytime today. [Track 44] 19. The submission for the article is already due, isn't it? ―No, the deadline is tomorrow. 20. How large is the event hall? ―It can hold 200 people. [Track 45] 21. Did the manager say what time she'd arrive at the airport? ―No, I'm waiting for her phone call. 22. Why are you visiting Morris Company tomorrow? ―To see the new vice president. [Track 46] 23. Who was appointed as Mr. Edwards' replacement? ―They haven't reached an agreement. 24. Are you taking a day off on Thursday or Friday? ―Thursday, if I finish the work. [Track 47] 25. I can work this weekend if it's necessary. ―Oh, I'd really appreciate it if you could. 26. Which ice cream flavor would you like? ―I'll try the most popular one. [Track 48] 27. Would it matter if I moved the tables? ―No, go ahead. 28. Why is the lobby so crowded today? ―Because there's a career seminar at five. [Track 49] 29. How much time do we have before the guests arrive? ―We still have an hour. 30. Can you check my laptop now, or should I make an appointment? ―We can take a look now. [Track 50] 31. Did you like the book I lent you? ―I haven't had time to read it. 32. This projector is making strange noises. ―I'll go and see if I can get another one. [Track 51] 33. Our flight is delayed for two hours. ―Shall we have some lunch, then? 34. Does this jacket come in another color? ―We have grey and brown, too. [Track 52] 35. Pamela's book review is in the newspaper. ―What did she write about? 36. How many greeting cards do we currently have in stock? ―I'll check the inventory. [Track 53] 37. Aren't you supposed to be at the client dinner tonight? ―Jessy's covering for me. 38. I'll put up some signs outside the store to promote the discount sale. ―Let me know if you need help. [Track 54] 39. What type of car are you going to rent during the vacation? ―I'll use my own car. 40. We need to schedule more staff for next weekend's sports event. ―I think we should hurry up.
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