Hoshi University 氏 名 池田 所 属 薬物治療学教室 学 位 博士(歯学) 最終学歴 教育活動 (担当授業科目) 弘子 職 位 准教授 星薬科大学大学院薬学研究科博士前期課程 疾患と薬物治療ⅡB テーラーメイド薬物治療 薬物治療演習Ⅰ 薬学英語ⅡA 研究活動 (研究テーマ) 中枢による摂食調節機構の解明 肥満に伴う中枢および末梢神経系機能の変化とその発現機構の 解明 中枢神経系―ドパミン神経の神経化学的・行動薬理学的研究 所属学会 日本薬理学会 日本薬学会 日本神経科学会 日本神経精神薬理学会 日本肥満学会 Society for Neuroscience American Diabetes Association 学内活動 (役職・委員等) 学生部委員会委員 学寮委員会委員 ハラスメント防止・対策委員会委員 実習委員会委員 スーパーローテーション実行委員会 委員 大学院昼夜開講運営委員会 委員 学外活動 (委員会委員等) 日本薬理学会学術評議員 研究業績等 (主な著書・論文) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. IKEDA, H., SAIGUSA, T., KAMEI, J., KOSHIKAWA, N., COOLS, A.R.: Spiraling dopaminergic circuitry from the ventral striatum to dorsal striatum is an effective feed-forward loop. Neuroscience, 241, 126-134 (2013) IKEDA, H., IKEGAMI, M., KAI, M., OHSAWA, M., KAMEI, J.: Activation of spinal cannabinoid CB 2 receptors inhibits neuropathic pain in streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice. Neuroscience, 250, 446-454 (2013) IKEDA, H., KOSHIKAWA, N., COOLS, A.R: Accumbal core: Essential link in feed-forward spiraling striato-nigro-striatal in series connected loop. Neuroscience 252, 60-67 (2013) IKEGAMI, M., IKEDA, H., ISHIKAWA, Y., OHSAWA, M., OHASHI, T., KAI, M., KAMEI, A., KMEI, J.: Olanzapine induces glucose intolerance through the activation of AMPK in the mouse hypothalamus. Eur. J. Pharmacol., 718, 376-382 (2013) IKEGAMI, M., IKEDA, H., OHASHI, T., OHSAWA, M., ISHIKAWA, Y., KAI, M., KAMEI, A., KAMEI, J.: Olanzapine increases hepatic glucose production through the activation of hypothalamic AMPK. Diabetes Obes. Metab., 15, 1158-1135 (2013) IKEGAMI, M., IKEDA, H., OHASHI, T., KAI, M., OSADA, M., KAMEI, A., KAMEI, J.: Olanzapine-induced hyperglycemia: Possible involvement of histaminergic, dopaminergic and adrenergic functions in the central nervous system. Neuroendocrinology, 98, 224-232 (2013) IKEDA, H., KAMEI, J., KOSHIKAWA, N., COOLS, A.R.: Nucleus accumbens and dopamine-mediated turning behavior of the rat: role of accumbal non -dopaminergic receptors. J. Pharmacol. Sci., 120, 152-164 (2012) IKEDA H., MIYATAKE, M., KOSHIKAWA, N., OCHIAI, K., YAMADA, K ., KISS, A., DONLIN, M.J., PANNETON, W.M., CHURCHILL, J.D., GREEN, M., SIDDIQUI, A.M., LEINWEBER, A.L., CREWS, N.R., EZERSKIY, L.A., RENDELL, V.R., BELCHEVA, M.M., COSCIA, C.J.: Morphine modulation of thrombospondin levels in astrocytes and its implications for neurite outgrowth and synapse formation. J. Biol. Chem., 285, 38415-38427 (2010) IKEDA, H., KOTANI, A., KOSHIKAWA, N., COOLS, A.R.: Differential role of GABA A and GABA B receptors in two distinct output stations of the rat striatum: Studies on the substantia nigra pars reticulate and the globus pallidus. Neuroscience, 167, 31 -39 (2010) IKEDA, H., KOTANI, A., LEE, J., KOSHIKAWA, N., COOLS, A.R.: GABA A receptors in the mediodorsal thalamus play a crucial role in rat shell -specific acetylcholine-mediated, but not dopamine-mediated, turning behaviour. Neuroscience, 159, 1200-1207 (2009) IKEDA, H., KOTANI, A., KOSHIKAWA, N., COOLS, A.R.: Somatostatin receptors in the nucleus accumbens modulate dopamine-dependent but not acetylcholine-dependent turning behaviour of rats. Neuroscience, 159, 974-981 (2009) KOTANI, A., IKEDA, H., KOSHIKAWA, N., COOLS, A.R.: Role of orexin receptors in the nucleus accumbens in dopamine-dependent turning behaviour of rats. Neuropharmacology, 54, 613-619 (2008) IKEDA, H., KOTANI, A., KOSHIKAWA, N., COOLS, A.R.: A vehicle injection into the right core of the nucleus accumbens both reverses the region -specificity and alters the type of contralateral turning elicited by unilateral stimulation of dopamine D 2 /D 3 and D 1 receptors in the left core of the nucleus accumbens. Eur. J. Pharmacol., 577, 64-70 (2007) IKEDA, H., MORIBE, S., SATO, M., KOTANI, A., KOSHIKAWA, N., COOLS, A.R.: Adrenergic receptors in the nucleus accumbens shell differentially modulate dopamine and acetylcholine receptor-mediated turning behaviour. Eur. J. Pharmacol., 554, 175-182 (2007)
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