Hoshi University 氏 名 所 属 学 位 最終学歴 教育活動 (担当授業科目) 研究活動 (研究テーマ) 葛巻 直子 薬理学教室 職 位 講師 博士 (薬学) 星薬科大学大学院薬学研究科博士課程修了 治療薬学特別講義、薬学英語 IIA 疾患特異的 iPS 細胞を用いた神経変性疾患/精神疾患病態メカニズムの解析 胚性幹細胞からの神経分化機構ならびに神経再生機構の解明 オピオイドの幹細胞分化/リプログラミングに及ぼす影響 成体神経新生の脳高次機能に及ぼす影響 抗がん剤耐性によるがん増悪化獲得機序の解明 所属学会 Society for Neuroscience (SFN)、 International Narcotics Research Conference (INRC)、International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR)、日本薬理学会、 日本神経科学会、日本緩和医療薬学会、日本炎症再生医学会 学内活動 研究科委員会委員、設計定例委員会委員 (役職・委員等) 学外活動 (委員会委員等) 慶應義塾大学医学部 訪問講師 日本薬理学会評議員、日本緩和医療薬学会評議員 、 日本緩和医療薬学会試験委員会 委員、日本緩和医療薬学会研究推進委員会 委員 研究業績等 ( 受賞歴) 2006 2007 2007 2009 年 年 年 年 ニコチン・薬物依存研究フォーラム学術奨励賞受賞 NIDA (米国国立薬物乱用研究所 ) Travel Award 受賞 緩和医療薬学会優秀ポスター賞受賞 International nalcotic research conference (INRC) Travel Award (主な著書・論文) 1. Yamashita A, Hamada A, Suhara Y, Kawabe R, Yanase M, Kuzumaki N, Narita M, Matsui R, Okano H, Narita M.: Astrocytic activation in the anterior cingulate cortex is critical for sleep disorder under neuropathic pain. Synapse, 68, 235-247 (2014) 2. Yamamizu K, Furuta S, Hamada Y, Yamashita A, Kuzumaki N, Narita M, Doi K, Katayama S, Nagase H, Yamashita JK, Narita M.: к-Opioids inhibit tumor angio genesis b y suppressing VEGF signaling. Sci. Rep., 3 (3213), 1-8 (2013). 3. Imai S, Ikegami D, Yamashita A, Shimizu T, Narita M, Niikura K, Furuya M, Kobayashi Y, Miyashita K, Okutsu D, Kato A, Nakamura A, Araki A, Omi K, Nakamura M, James Okano H, Okano H, Ando T, Takeshima H, Ushijima T, Kuzumaki N, Suzuki T, Narita M. Epigenetic transcriptional activatio n of monocyte chemotactic protein 3 contributes to long -lasting neuropathic pain. Brain, 136, 828-843 (2013) 4. Kuzumaki N, Suzuki A, Narita M, Hosoya T, Nagasawa A, Imai S, Yamamizu K, Morita H, Suzuki T, Okada Y, Okano HJ, Yamashita JK, Okano H, Narita M. Multiple analyses of G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) expression in the development of gefitinib -resistance in transforming non-small-cell lung cancer. PLoS One, 7, e44368 (2012) 5. Imaizumi Y, Okada Y, Akamatsu W, Koike M, Kuzumaki N, Hayakawa H, Nihira T, Kobayashi T, Ohyama M, Sato S, Takanashi M, Funayama M, Hirayama A, Soga T, Hishiki T, Suematsu M, Yagi T, Ito D, Kosakai A, Hayashi K, Shouji M, Nakanishi A, Suzuki N, Mizuno Y, Mizushima N, Amagai M, Uchiyama Y, Mochizuki H, Hattori N, Okano H. Mitochondrial dysfunction associated with increased oxidative stress and α-synuclein accumulation in PARK2 iPSC-derived neurons and postmortem brain tissue. Mol Brain, 5, 35 (2012) 6. Kuzumaki N, Suzuki A, Narita M, Hosoya T, Nagasawa A, Imai S, Yamamizu K, Morita H, Nagase H, Okada Y, Okano HJ, Yamashita JK, Okano H, Suzuki T and Narita M. Effect of kappa-opioid receptor agonist on the growth of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cells. Br. J. Cancer., 106, 1148-52 (2012) 7. Kuzumaki N, Ikegami D, Tamura R, Hareyama N, Imai S, Narita M, Torigoe K, Niikura K, Takeshima H, Ando T, Igarashi K, Kanno J, Ushijima T, Suzuki T, Narita M. Hippocampal epigenetic modification at the brain-derived neurotrophic factor gene induced by an enriched environment. Hippocampus. 21, 127-132 (2011) 8. Imai S, Saeki M, Yanase M, Horiuchi H, Abe M, Narita M, Kuzumaki N, Suzuki T, Narita M. Change in microRNAs associated with neuronal adaptive responses in the nucleus accumbens under neuropathic pain. J Neurosci, 31, 15294-15299 (2011) 9. Yamamizu K, Furuta S, Katayama S, Narita M, Kuzumaki N, Imai S, Nagase H, Suzuki T, Narita M, Yamashita JK. The kappa opioid system regulates endothelial cell differentiation and pathfinding in vascular development. Blood, 118, 775-785. (2011) 10. Kuzumaki N, Ikegami D, Tamura R, Sasaki T, Niikura K, Narita M, Miyashita K, Imai S, Takeshima H, Ando T, Igarashi K, Kanno J, Ushijima T, Suzuki T, Narita M. Hippocampal epigenetic modification at the doublecortin gene is involved in the impairment of neurogenesis with aging. Synapse, 64, 611-616 (2010) 11. Kuzumaki N, Ikegami D, Imai S, Narita M, Tamura R, Yajima M, Suzuki A, Miyashita K, Niikura K, Takeshima H, Ando T, Ushijima T, Suzuki T, Narita M., Enhanced IL-1beta production in response to the activation of hipp ocampal glial cells impairs neurogenesis in aged mice. Synapse, 64, 721-728 (2010) 12. Kuzumaki N, Narita M, Narita M, Hareyama N, Niikura K, Nagumo Y, Nozaki H, Amano T, Suzuki T. Chronic pain-induced astrocyte activation in the cingulate cortex with no chan ge in neural or glial differentiation from neural stem cells in mice. Neurosci Lett, 415, 22-27 (2007) 13. Narita M, Kuzumaki N, Miyatake M, Sato F, Wachi H, Seyama Y, Suzuki T. Role of delta -opioid receptor function in neurogenesis and neuroprotection. J Neurochem, 97, 1494-1505 (2006) 14. Narita M, Kuzumaki N, Narita M, Kaneko C, Hareyama N, Miyatake M, Shindo K, Miyoshi K, Nakajima M, Nagumo Y, Sato F, Wachi H, Seyama Y, Suzuki T. Chronic pain -induced emotional dysfunction is associated with astrogliosis due to cortical delta-opioid receptor dysfunction. J Neurochem, 97, 1369-1378 (2006) 戻る→→ →
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