C01-3 「プラズマ燃焼のための先進プラズマ計測」シンポジウム 2005/2/2 電場と回転の能動的制御 < 小型ヘリアック装置でのバイアス実験から > 東北大学大学院工学研究科 北島純男 Introduction 背景 ! H モード遷移理論によると、L-H 遷移においてポロイダルマッハ数 -Mp = 1 - 3 近 傍でのイオン粘性の極大値が重要な役割を担っている。 ! ポロイダルマッハ数 -Mp = 1 近傍での電場と回転の詳細を調べることによって、 L-H 遷移におけるトカマクおよびステラレータ共通の性質を研究することがで きる。 目的 ! 東北大学ヘリアック装置での電極バイアスプラズマの特徴の調査 ! 電極電流制御によるポロイダル回転速度の能動的制御の可能性 ! ポロイダル回転のための J x B 駆動力より、イオン粘性を見積もる ! 実験により見積もられたイオン粘性と理論値(新古典輸送理論)との比較 Tohoku University Heliac (TU-Heliac) Machine and Plasma Parameters Number of field periods 4 Major radius 48 cm Average radius of the last closed flux surface rLCFS 7 cm 0.3 T Magnetic field on axis B0 Rotational transform 1.54 - 1.71 Well depth 3% 18.8 kHz RF frequency fRF 35 kW RF output power PRF Residual gas pressure ~ 5 x 10-6 Pa Bird's-eye view of the Tohoku University Heliac Experimental set-up Working gas He (1.2×10-2 Pa) Electron density on axis Ne0 6×1011 cm-3 Electron Temperature on axis Te0 ~ 25eV RF frequency fRF 18.8 kHz The hot cathode is inserted horizontally from the low field side. Negative bias voltage is applied against to the vacuum vessel. 0 E (a) -0.2 0 (b) -3 E Typical time evolution of the plasma parameters with a constant voltage biasing I (A) V (kV) Characteristics of biased plasma with Constant Voltage (1) E (kV/m) r cm ) 0.39 3 (d) 2 1 0 30 20 (e) 10 0 0.4 0.2 (f) -2 e n l (10 s s (a.u.) H0 n The biased plasma shows the same characteristics as the H-mode in large tokamaks and stellarators. _ ~ I /I f _ ~ eV /T e ! Normalized impurity light emission (Hα) decreased. 0.65 13 ! Fluctuation level of floating potential eVf / Te Fluctuation level of saturation current Is / Is Suppressed. 0.75 -2 e ! Line density increased by a factor of 2 ~ 3. ρ = 0.85 -1 (c) T (eV) ! Strong negative Er and Er shear were formed. 0 0 0.2 (g) 0.1 0 2 (h) 1 0 0 2 ρ = 0.39 ρ = 0.39 ρ = 0.39 4 6 Time (m s) 8 10 Characteristics of biased plasma with Constant Voltage (2) ! The linear gradient after the transition was about twice larger than that before the transition. This suggests the energy confinement time increases by a factor of 2. -2 Before Transition After Transition eV cm 5 4 14 e e # The electrode voltage actively changed. # The stored energy: the product of the density and the electron temperature. # The input power: the product of the electrode voltage and electrode current. # The input power of the low frequency joule heating was kept constant. n L T ( 10 The stored energy was plotted against the hot cathode input power. ) Dependence of the stored energy on the input power through the hot cathode 3 2 0 500 1000 1500 V I (W ) E E PInput = PJoule heating + PHot Cathode PJoule heating = constant This observation also indicates the same characteristics as the H-mode in large tokamaks and stellarators. Characteristics of biased plasma with Current Sweep Typical time evolution of the plasma parameters with current sweep -2.5 -120 -110 -100 VE (V) -90 (b) H I (A) E E (kV/m ) 0.67 -2 -2 cm ) r 0.28 3 13 f B A ρ = 0.87 0.80 0 e (d) (10 n l L Transition E V (V) H-mode (c) e H-mode L-mode -200 s s I /I -2 ~ A ramp down -2 -100 eV /T B ~ - I E (A) -1.5 (a) -4 0 e ! The electric fields in outer region decreased gradually according to the electrode current IE. ! The improved mode continued until ~7 msec # The line density was sustained high level. # The floating potential fluctuation level The saturation current fluctuation level suppressed. ! Plasma shows negative resistance between A and B. ! The electrode current IE bifurcates to an electrode voltage VE. -1 L-mode 0 T (eV) The electrode current IE was kept constant at ~ 4 ampere from 0 to 5 msec and then ramped down from 5 to 10 msec 0 20 10 0 0.4 0.2 0 0.2 0.1 0 (e) (f) ρ = 0.54 (g) ρ = 0.54 0 2 4 6 Time (ms) 8 10 Feasibility study of active control of driving force with current sweep (1) Dependence of radial electric field Er on the electrode current IE Negative resistance region -2 -1 H mode L mode r This indicates the capability of active control of the driving force for the poloidal rotation. -3 E (kV/m) ! Radial electric field Er (except around the magnetic axis) was almost linearly proportion to the electrode current IE in both the current ramp up and ramp down cases. L-H transition H-L transition ρ = 0.56 0 0 -1 -2 I (A) E -3 Feasibility study of active control of driving force with current sweep (2) Measurements of the fluctuation level of ion saturation currents by a multi-Langmuir probe Demonstration of active control of the J × B driving force for the poloidal rotation by externally controlled electron injection ! The frequency range spread from 80 kHz to 130 kHz. ! All signals were kept a similar time evolution and had a phase shift according to the poloidal locations. ! The estimation of the poloidal rotation velocities from the phase shift The rotation velocities were widely changed by the actively controlled electrode current sweep and agreed with the E × B drift velocities. (km/s) 15 10 V ph This also indicates the capability of active control of the driving force for the poloidal rotation. probe 2 5 s probe 3 I probe 4 0 probe 5 0 10 20 30 Time ( µ s) 40 50 0 5 10 15 -E /B (km/s) r This discrepancy can be eliminated by the ion diamagnetic drift velocity. Estimation of ion viscous damping force (1) ! Momentum Balance Equation in steady state (1) J x B (2) viscosity (3) friction IE (1) < J ρ > B0 ⇒ B0 I E pi −1ε −2 , < J ρ >= 2π < r > L π 2πL r t π < B ⋅ ∇ ⋅ i > (2) ⇒ M p ( M p + 2 M p2 + 2M p4 ) exp( − M p2 ) ; ΘB0 Rozhansky model(1) 2 ν in R0 q q 2 1 + 2 (3) (1 + 2q )ni miν inVθ ⇒ M p; 2 π q vth 2 Dam ping force r t < B ⋅ ∇ ⋅π i > < J ρ > B0 = − − (1 + 2q 2 ) ni miν inVθ ΘB0 6 4 Ion viscosity + Friction 2 Friction Ion viscosity 0 0 -2 -4 M -6 -8 p local maximum exists for Mp proportional to Mp t < Jρ > ; surface averaged radial current density, B0 ; magnetic field on axis, π i ; ion viscosity stress tensor, Θ = Bθ / Bφ, q ; safety factor, νin = < σcxui > nn, Vθ ; surface averaged poloidal flow velocity, L ; length of the magnetic axis, ε ; toroidal ripple, Mp = Vθ / Θvth, vth = (2Ti / mi)1/2, R0 ; major radius (1) V. Rozhansky and M. Tendler: Phys. Fluids B 2 (1992) 1877. Estimation of ion viscous damping force (2) The ion viscous damping force opposing to the poloidal rotation was estimated from the externally controlled driving force for the J x B poloidal rotation, and compared with the neoclassical predictions. ! The measured damping force had a local maximum at the poloidal Mach number Mp ~ - 1.5 and agreed well with the neoclassical predictions. (We assumed that the ion temperature Ti = 0.2Te.) ! The plasma showed the negative resistance characteristics (closed symbol ) in the region where the ion viscous damping force had a local maximum. T = 1 eV i 6 Driving force at the negative resistance region 20 eV 4 Experim ent 2 r (m m) T (eV) i 100 3.71 -1.5 -2 -2.5 -120 0 0 -2 -4 M L-mode -1 1/2 2π L e π B 0 E -1 I p ε t -2 i 4 eV I E (A) T = 0.2T -6 p -8 -10 H-mode -110 -100 VE (V) -90 Estimation of ion viscous damping force (3) Effect of collisionality to the damping force In the high Mp region (-Mp > 3), the dominant damping force to the poloidal rotation is the friction to neutral particles. ! The negative resistance region can be seen at all filling gas pressure cases. ! The measured viscous damping forces had a local maximum at -Mp ~ 1.5 at all cases and agreed well with the neoclassical predictions at low pressures, i.e., in case of lower collisionality. ! Regions of the negative resistance (1< -Mp< 2) are independent on collisionality, although the electrode parameters were quite different. T = 0.2T i 8 -1 -2 -2 Pa) 0.7 1.2 2.7 5.4 -3 (b) 1.2 p=0.7x10 -2 2π L E 6 4 1/2 B 0 p (10 2.7 -2 p (10 Pa) T (eV) π E I (A) -2 5.4 I p ε -1 (a) e i 0.7 1.2 2.7 5.4 2 negative resistance ρ = 0.54 -4 -140 -120 -100 -80 V (V) E -60 0 0 -2 -4 M p -6 3.7 3.7 3.1 2.8 -8 ま と め ! 東北大学ヘリアック装置において、定電圧、電流走引、両バイアスモードで 閉じ込め改善モードへの遷移に成功した。 ! 電極電流走引バイアスによりポロイダル回転のための J × B 駆動力を制御 することができた。 $ 電極電流電圧特性曲線に負性抵抗領域が観測された。 ! ポロイダル回転のための J x B 駆動力より、イオン粘性を見積もった。 $ イオン粘性(実験値)はポロイダルマッハ数 - Mp ~ 1.5 で極大値を持ち (衝突周波数に依存しない)、理論値(Rozhansky model)と一致する $ イオン粘性(実験値)の極大値近傍でプラズマは負性抵抗性を示す。 以上より、L-H 遷移はイオン粘性の極大値付近で起きていることが示唆されて いる。 Dependence of the measured ion viscous damping force on the poloidal Mach number Estimation of ion viscous damping force Subtraction of the friction from the measured driving force ! The solid line: the ion viscous damping force of the ! ! ! 4 T = 0.2T i e experiments negative resistance Rozhansky Shaing ρ = 0.5 3 Viscosity ! Rozhansky1) model without the friction term The broken line: the ion viscous damping force of the Shaing2) model which includes a gradient of ion temperature and that of pressure and helical ripples These viscosities had a local maximum in the region 1 < -Mp < 3. The measured viscous damping forces had a local maximum at -Mp ~ 1.5 and agreed well with the neoclassical predictions. The plasma showed negative resistance characteristics (closed symbols) in the region where the ion viscous damping force had a local maximum in 1 < -Mp < 3. 2 1 0 0 -2 -4 M -6 p This suggested that the L-H transition occurred near the local maximum in ion viscosity which originates from a toroidal ripple and the local maxima which originate from helical ripples may not affect the L-H transition. [1] V. Rozhansky and M. Tendler, Phys. Fluids B 4, 1877 (1992). [2] K. C. Shaing, Phys Fluids B 5, 3841 (1993). -8 Effect of the Fourier components on the ion viscosity (1) εmn (r / R0 = 0.05) Well rax (cm) a 10 Z (cm ) Magnetic configurations in Heliac can be changed widely by selection of coil current ratio. ! Magnetic Fourier components (0,1) (%) (1,0) (1,1) -0.99 -0.09 -0.051 -0.060 7.5 6.6 -0.11 -0.11 -0.049 -0.056 7.9 6.8 2.3 -0.13 -0.040 -0.051 8.4 6.2 4.1 -0.16 -0.039 -0.050 1 axis 7.7 cm o (c-1) Standard (c-1) Outw ard 8 8.5 Magnetic axis position (cm) (c-2) O utward 5 0 -5 -15 -15 -10 -5 7.5 (b-2) Standard axis 7.9 cm Hot C athode axis 8.4 cm 0 5 r (cm ) 0 o -5 -10 0.5 θ = 90 0 10 Z (cm ) -2 Viscosity peak (10 ) axis position 1.5 θ = 180 15 -15 ! Dependence of viscosity peak on the magnetic o 5 -10 These Configurations have similar profile for rotational transform. θ = 270 -5 15 -15 Z (cm ) 6.3 θ =0 Inw ard o 0 10 7.3 (a-1) Inw ard 5 -10 depth (cm) Center Conductor C oil (a-2) 15 10 -15 15 -10 -5 0 5 r (cm ) 10 15 Effect of the Fourier components on the ion viscosity (2) Estimation of poloidal ion viscosity 1.5 0.5 F F 0 CAL 1 EXP Rax Rax Rax Rax (b) -2 (10 ) 2 F -2 Viscosity peak (10 ) F EXP -2 (10 ) Rax = 7.7 cm Subtraction of the friction term from the poloidal driving force Rax = 7.9 cm 5 Rax = 8.4 cm ! The theoretical ion viscosities and the (a) Inward measured ion viscosities had local maxima 4 negative ρ = 0.53 resistance on all configurations. Standard 3 region 0.54 ! Negative resistance characteristics (closed 2 symbols) around the ion viscosity Outward 0.52 peaks.The estimated peak values of 1 viscosity agreed well with theoretical 0 predictions. 1.5 7.3cm 7.5cm 7.9cm 8.4cm 1 0.5 M = 2.4 CAL 7.5 = = = = 8 8.5 Magnetic axis position (cm) 0 p 0 -2 -4 M -6 p -8 -10
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