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5 大学研究者による問題提起とパネルディスカッション
Speeches from Professors of Japan's five Major Universities
モデレーター Moderator
谷内 正太郎 日本国政府代表、早稲田大学日米研究機構日米研究所教授、
Shotaro Yachi
Special Envoy of the Government of Japan
Professor, Institute of Japan-US Studies, Organization for Japan-US Studies, Waseda University
Guest Professor, Graduate School of System Design and Management, Keio University
講演者およびパネリスト Speakers and panelists
待鳥 聡史 京都大学大学院法学研究科教授
Satoshi Machidori Professor, Graduate School of Law, Kyoto University
“The U.S. Presidential Power and the Obama Administration”
阿川 尚之 慶應義塾大学総合政策学部長・教授
Naoyuki Agawa Professor, Keio University
“President Obama's Place in American History”
田中 明彦 東京大学大学院情報学環・東洋文化研究所教授
Akihiko Tanaka Professor, the University of Tokyo
“Foreign Policy of the Obama Administration and Japan-U.S. Relations”
中逵 啓示 立命館大学国際関係学部教授
Keiji Nakatsuji Professor, Ritsumeikan University
“US and Diplomacy of East Asian Financial Cooperation”
弦間 正彦 早稲田大学社会科学総合学術院教授・日米研究所所長
Masahiko Gemma Professor, Waseda University
“The US environmental Policy and its Global Impacts”
Closing Speech
西村 周三 京都大学副学長
Shuzo Nishimura Executive Vice President, Kyoto University
Commemorative Symposium for the Establishment of the US-Japan Research Institute
待鳥 聡史
1 比較の中のアメリカ大統領制
ことだが、20 世紀以降のアメリカは、社会経済問題が非常に複雑化あるいは深刻化し、国内の政策課題も複雑になった。また、覇権国と
2 オバマ政権の場合
US-Japan Research Institute
これらを前提としてオバマ政権の場合を考えると、前のブッシュ政権の時代には、9.11 テロのあと、非常に大がかりな大統領への集
2006 年の中間選挙以降、民主党が多数となり、大統領と議会との関係というのはさらに悪化した。こうした状態で今回の政権交代が起
自動車のビッグ 3 の救済や金融安定化の問題に代表されるように、民主党の支持基盤が求める政策と、政権が推進しようとする救済策
3 長期的視点の重要性
1 期 4 年の間に何を達成できるかということと並んで、あるいはそれ以上に大切なことであるという認識を持つことである。日米関係に
Commemorative Symposium for the Establishment of the US-Japan Research Institute
Speeches from Professors of Japan's five Major Universities
“The U.S. Presidential Power and the Obama Administration”
Satoshi Machidori
Professor, Graduate School of Law, Kyoto University
1. The American presidential system from the standpoint of comparative politics
For my presentation, I would like to touch on the relationship between the political issues that the Obama Administration is currently
facing and the American presidential system from the standpoint of comparative politics.
The fact that the United States is a nation that has adopted the presidential system is surely a matter of common knowledge.
However, there are many countries other than the United States that employ a presidential system. For example, South Korea has a
presidential system, and Taiwan also has a political system that might be described as presidential. The fact that there are wide variations in
presidential systems around the world is increasingly important from the perspective of common understanding in comparative politics
The positioning of the United States among these various presidential systems is as follows. First, with regard to the historical
development that led to the establishment of the presidential system, we should pay attention to the fact that the United States adopted
a system in which the parliament takes a leading role in policy making, with the monarch and the parliament standing face to face,
which was a result of the influence of the United Kingdom at the time when the United State gained its independence. In fact, each
administrative unit corresponding to the modern American states created its own state constitution that succeeded to the political system
centering on the British parliament.
But, through practical experience, each state became aware soon after independence that it was extremely difficult to control a
parliament when there was no monarch present. The fundamental mechanism of the Constitution of the United States is to rise above
this institutional weakness. However, the United States had no desire to institute a monarchy, and instead it was decided to appoint a
president who would be able to exert control over Congress. This was the origin of the American presidential system.
This means that a basic constitutional feature of the American presidential system is that Congress takes the initiative with regard to
the policy process, while the president holds sway over Congress. This was the way the system was designed.
This system differs considerably from the presidential system employed in many other countries, and it might be described as the
"classical" presidential system. In terms of the defining features of this US-style presidential system, it is the opposite of other forms of
the "modern" presidential system in which the president takes the initiative in the policy process. In other words, the basic structure of the
standard presidential system as it exists today generally involves the national assembly reining in the policy initiatives of the president,
but the structure is the other way round in the United States.
Of course, it is improper to assume that Congress today is effectively in charge of the whole policy decision process. As is well known,
from the 20 th century onward, the situation in the United States has been that socioeconomic problems have been growing ever more
complex and profound, and policy issues on the domestic level are also becoming complex. As the world’s dominant nation, the United
States is in the position of having to play an extremely active role in the formation of international politico-economic order. As the main
agents capable of responding to this change of situation, the role of president and his staff has become significantly strengthened. At
the very least, the role of agenda formulation has been transferred to the president.
In other words, the United States has applied its ingenuity to modernizing its presidential system in its own distinctive manner.
However, this does not mean that the limitations imposed by the classical presidential system have disappeared.
In that sense, the statement by Richard Neustadt that all the president has in terms of political resources is persuasiveness remains
essentially true to this day. The question of how the president relates to Congress and how he gains cooperation from Congress is a
central focus of American politics.
2. The case of the Obama Administration
Looking at the Obama Administration in this light, the limitation caused by the classical presidential system is seems to become wider
than ever in the case of the Obama Administration due to circumstantial factors applying to the administration.
In a word, what the circumstantial factors is having to deal with a raft of urgent problems such as sorting out the economic crisis and,
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in terms of international diplomacy, dealing with problems in Iraq, the Middle East and Afghanistan and rebuilding relations with America’s
There is a political tradition in the United States whereby whenever a difficult policy issue occurs, be it a crisis or a war, powers
become temporarily concentrated wholly with the president. In other words, in order to overcome the difficulties presented by a crisis the
classical presidential system is suspended. The most extreme example of this tendency is the wartime presidency.
However, in contrast to the presidential system adopted in many Latin American countries, this concentration of powers in the
president or this wartime presidential system does not continue in existence for extended periods. One of the main features of the system
in the United States is that once the war or crisis is over, things revert back to normal.
Looking at the Obama Administration in this light, in the era of the previous Bush Administration, there was an extremely pronounced
concentration of powers in the president following the Iraq War and 9.11, amounting effectively to the establishment of a wartime
However, once the United States had become bogged down in Iraq with no clear exit strategy, the distance between Congress and
the Administration slowly increased until eventually the two sides drifted miles apart. Following the mid-term elections in 2006, the
Democrats gained a majority and relations between the president and Congress deteriorated yet further. It was to this background that
the change of administration took place.
In other words, after the peak of centralization of powers had occurred under the wartime presidency, the Obama Administration found
itself in the position of having to deal with some extremely difficult policy issues. This is a point we need to bear in mind.
In addition, even if the Democratic Party is the ruling party and holds a majority in Congress, it does not mean that this will necessarily
be to the benefit of the Obama Administration, for the following reasons.
For one thing, political parties in the United States Congress have no need to cooperate with the administration, particularly in the case
of policy formulation during peacetime, and indeed they have never done so in the past. Since Congress is an organization of individuals
whose remit is to represent the interests of their constituencies and their support bodies, simply because the Obama Administration is
largely made up of members of the Democratic Party offers no guarantees that Congress is necessarily going to cooperate with the
One more point that needs to be made is that the Democratic Party has not in the past always had a record of cooperating with the
president when the president has been a member of the party. One thinks for example of the poor relations between the Democratdominated Congress and the president during the Carter Administration and toward the end of the Johnson Administration.
Bearing in mind the issues that the Obama Administration is currently having to face, it should be pointed out that this is by no means
an agenda in which the Democratic Party is likely to excel. As typified by the rescue of the Big Three auto manufacturers and the issue
of financial stabilization, a situation may well arise in which there is a lack of concordance between the policies that are demanded by
the Democratic Party’s support base and the rescue policies that the administration is attempting to put into practice. Furthermore, in
the medium- and long-term, although the Democratic Party is likely to support the general gist of the Obama Administration’s policies,
for example in connection with attempts to reform the medical insurance system, it seems quite possible that this support may come
unstuck when we get down to the details.
3. Importance of a long-term perspective
It is clear that the expectations of the Obama Administration are very great, but at the same time, the structural limitations placed on
the Obama Administration also are very great. However, this does not mean to say that we should simply assume that there is really very
little that the Obama Administration can actually do.
The important thing is how the Obama Administration should be positioned within the overall context of American politics and such
questions are just as if not more important than that of what the administration may be able to achieve in its first four-year term. The
importance of the change in the American administration for US-Japan relations should be positioned within a very large and long
In this sense, I think that the establishment of the US-Japan Research Institute and study of changes in American politics from a
long-term perspective have great significance, because in Japan the study of American politics often places more emphasis on close
observation; who will be the president, which party will have a Congressional majority, or who will hold eminent positions.
Commemorative Symposium for the Establishment of the US-Japan Research Institute
阿川 尚之
アメリカ憲法の規定により、大統領は 4 年、あるいは最長でも 8 年で交代する。平和裏に政権が交代するというのは、一種の無血革命
しかもアメリカではそれが 200 数十年、綿々と続いている。一度もクーデターが起きていない。
オバマ氏をアメリカ史のなかに置いて考える際、2 つの視点があると思う。一つは、選挙戦の最中からオバマ候補が繰り返した、
つまり「継続」を重んじるという側面。その 2 つである。
大統領候補の 1 人として名乗りを上げて以来、さらに大統領に就任してからも、オバマ氏はアメリカの歴史を強く意識する発言を繰
る。例えば、もうあまり語られることもなくなった 8 年前のブッシュ大統領の就任演説を読むと、同じように歴史を非常に意識した言葉
“We have a place, all of us, in a long story - a story we continue, but whose end we will not see.”(「我々はみな、歴史と
いう物語の中で占めるべき場を持っている。結末は誰にもわからないが、それでもこの物語を続けるのだ」。8 年後、そのブッシュ大統
アメリカ史、それもかなり古いことを意識しているのは、意外なほどである。たとえばこんな 1 節がある。
“Our challenges may be new. The instruments with which we meet them may be new. But those values upon which our success
depends - honesty and hard work, courage and fair play, tolerance and curiosity, loyalty and patriotism - these things are old. These
things are true.”
US-Japan Research Institute
「もし私の父が 60 年前南部にいたら、レス
今のアメリカ合衆国はない。だからこそ、我々もまた“In the face of our common dangers, in this winter of our hardship”、
“let us remember these timeless words. With hope and virtue, let us brave once more the icy
currents, and endure what storms may come.”(時代を超えた貴重なワシントンの言葉を思い起こそう。希望と豪気を持って、我らもま
Commemorative Symposium for the Establishment of the US-Japan Research Institute
Speeches from Professors of Japan's five Major Universities
“President Obama's Place in American History”
Naoyuki Agawa
Professor, Dean, Faculty of Policy Management, Keio University
I would like now to take a look at the same issue from the standpoints of history and the Constitution of the United States.
On the day of the inauguration, I was at a town of Greensboro in North Carolina. I was planning to give a lecture, but on the day of the
inauguration there was a heavy snowfall and all classes were cancelled. Therefore, I watched the whole of the inauguration ceremony
and the related events from morning till night at the hotel.
According to the Constitution of United States, one administration is replaced by another once every four or eight years. This peaceful
replacement is a kind of bloodless revolution. The TV cameras broadcast President Obama’s limousine entering the White House. The
person who will oust the current President is about to enter the strictly guarded White House, despite this, no one tries to prevent him
from doing so nor shoot him. This is something that we take for granted, but in many countries, it is not such a natural occurrence. In
addition, this has been continuing for more than 200 years in the United States. Indeed, the US has not had a coup in its history.
When considering President Obama’s place in American history, there are two aspects. One is the word “change” that was repeated
by President Obama since the presidential election campaign, which underlines the departure from past history and President Obama
as a bringer of change. Another is “continuity,” whereby President Obama respects past precedents and works to maintain continuity.
In Japan, most people tend to take a comparatively short-term view, including what economic policies President Obama will
implement, and how US-Japan relations will change under his presidency. But it is important for us to understand President Obama’s
historical awareness in order to observe the broad directionality of the policies which will be adopted by him only then will be thoroughly
understand the characteristics of the Obama Administration.
Since he launched his bid to be a presidential nominee and after assuming the presidency, President Obama has repeatedly issued
statements hinting at a very strong sense of history. To greater or lesser degrees, previous presidents of the United States have also
addressed the American people on the basis of the nation’s history to date, in a similar manner to President Obama. These tendencies
are thought to be related to the way the United States has fashioned itself as a nation, in other words, the fact that the people set their
own targets and established their nation by themselves. For example, although most of us have probably forgotten about it by now,
the inaugural speech delivered eight years ago by President Bush contained the following passage that indicated the same strong
awareness of history: “We have a place, all of us, in a long story—a story we continue, but whose end we will not see.”
President Obama emphasized “change” repeatedly and won the presidential race by advocating a break from the policies of the Bush
Administration. On the other hand, he surprisingly is keenly aware of American history, dating back to the earliest times of nationhood.
Take the following phrase from his inaugural address for example:
“Our challenges may be new. The instruments with which we meet them may be new. But those values upon which our success
depends—honesty and hard work, courage and fair play, tolerance and curiosity, loyalty and patriotism—these things are old. These
things are true.”
Here, President Obama, who seeks change, emphasized the word “old.”
There are some additional notable features in President Obama’s view of history. One of these is his awareness about the historical
position of the black people. He seems to have a particular liking for President Abraham Lincoln. He has quoted Lincoln frequently in his
speeches and referred to Lincoln in his candidacy declaration as well as in his declaration on being elected president.
There are some similarities between President Obama and President Lincoln. Both are from Illinois, both have physical similarities in
being slim and tall, and they both were relative newcomers on the political stage. But a more important thing is the fact that it is Lincoln
who was the president to achieve the abolition of slavery. Since the foundation of the country, most African-Americans were enslaved,
but after the Emancipation Proclamation by President Lincoln they gained their freedom. Even after that, however, open racism still
existed, especially in the Southern States. A long struggle including the civil-rights movement and countless lawsuits opened the way to
the eventual appearance of an African-American president. From the perspective of a black person who has such an historical legacy,
Lincoln must figure very prominently. President Obama is the conclusion to the long story begun by Lincoln.
Moreover, through victory in the Civil War, Lincoln also succeeded in uniting America, a nation that had divided itself into northern and
southern parts, split by differences over issues such as slavery and tariffs and customs practices. President Obama himself advocates
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uniting America, not an America for whites and an America for blacks. His reference to Lincoln includes a strong message: the unification
of America. In addition, President Obama identified himself with Lincoln and transposed himself into the past, projecting the inevitability
of his future as president effectively to the people. This is a highly sophisticated election strategy.
People throughout the United States, especially African-Americans, were excited at the inauguration ceremony. As far as they are
concerned, there was an indescribable sense of excitement based on a disbelief that they would ever experience such an event during
their lifetimes, while Caucasians and people from other ethnic groups felt no small measure of pride in the fact that, despite the various
problems that have beset them, they had the strength to transcend these problems and select an African-American, proof that America’s
ideals of freedom and equality never die. Against this background President Obama achieved the largest-ever “change” in the history of
America by winning the presidential vote.
His victory, however, does not only mean victory for African-Americans, it has a much greater significance.
Firstly, he is the first president to have no memory of the Vietnam War. In those days, there were more severe domestic divisions over
political and social philosophy, the Vietnam War and race issues than in the present day. He belongs to a generation who did not
experience struggle with these issues. Also, he is not himself descended from slaves. He was born of a Kenyan father and a Caucasian
mother. In his inaugural speech he said that his father would not have been allowed to enter a restaurant if he had been in the southern
states sixty years ago, but he was not stating a real-life experience. This is the reason why he is able to overcome significant divisions
existing between African-Americans and Caucasians.
As a matter of fact, President Obama quoted George Washington in his inaugural address, not Lincoln. During the War of American
Independence, Washington was pushed over the precipice, but he bore down on the British troops successfully and recovered his
troops. The words that President Obama quoted are the words of Washington at that time. In the middle of the bitterly cold winter,
George Washington led his soldiers who were barefoot and charged forward during the snowstorm. They crossed the Delaware River,
which was thick with floating ice. He offered hope to his people by breaking through the British line and turning the tables in the War of
Independence. There would have been no United States today had this event not taken place. Therefore, we should “remember these
timeless words,” “in the face of our common dangers, in this winter of our hardship.” And “with hope and virtue, let us brave once more
the icy currents, and endure what storms may come.”
The message that we should overcome the severe economic conditions is one that transcends the distinction between black
and white. In order to convey his message, President Obama referred to the historical event of the slave-owner George Washington
intentionally. He indicated that common ideals dated back to state’s founding. His speech was a masterful one that was well thought out.
As stated above, President Obama is very conscious of the significance of history and what qualities are requisite for a President
based on such history. In the midst of a great crisis like predecessors such as Lincoln, Wilson or Roosevelt, it is likely that Obama will
refer to the history and the constitution of the United States in deciding what policies he will implement and how he will address the
people of the United States. We will watch the situation closely.
Commemorative Symposium for the Establishment of the US-Japan Research Institute
田中 明彦
戦の間の世界の動向を決定づけたのもアメリカであった。引き続く冷戦後の 20 年、1989 年から 2009 年に至る世界の動向を決定づけた
のもアメリカであった。そして、2009 年以降の世界の動向を決定づけるのもアメリカであろう。これが私の見解である。
している面があることは間違いない。ただし、世界の動向に決定的な影響を与えるというような面でいうと、20 世紀はやはりアメリカ
の世紀であったし、21 世紀に入っても相当しばらくの間は、アメリカが決定的だと私は思っている。たとえば、冷戦後 20 年、ブッシュ
政権の終わりに至るまでの世界をみると、この 20 年の世界は、私はアメリカの指導者のある部分の人たちが抱いた二つの幻想によって
ニューエコノミーの状態においては、経済停滞などということはもはやありえないと。こういうことが、20 世紀後半から 21 世紀前半の
とって行われたさまざまな現象が破綻したのは、一昨年のサブプライムローン、さらに昨年 9 月のリーマンショックである。
US-Japan Research Institute
性がとても大きい。現在の経済危機が 1929 年以来のものだとすれば、不況がかなり長期化するということは考えられる。この中で、中
したがってオバマ政権の成否には、日本のみならず多くの国々の命運がかかっているということだと思う。ただし 21 世紀の現在にお
いて、私はやはり 20 世紀とは異なる部分があると思う。それは、アメリカが決定的であると同時に、アメリカ以外にも相当決定的にな
Commemorative Symposium for the Establishment of the US-Japan Research Institute
Speeches from Professors of Japan's five Major Universities
“Foreign Policy of the Obama Administration and Japan-U.S. Relations”
Akihiko Tanaka
Professor, International Politics Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies
and Institute of Oriental Culture, the University of Tokyo
Now it’s the turn of the University of Tokyo. Previous speakers have discussed our topic from the historical and constitutional angles,
but I would now like to offer my personal thoughts on where the Obama Administration is positioned with regard to the changes
occurring in global institutions, and what repercussions this is likely to have on US-Japan relations.
Expressing my viewpoint succinctly, I would like to point out that it was the United States that proved to be decisive in the Second
World War. And it was the United States that determined the passage of world history during the Cold War era. Similarly, it has been the
United States that has determined global developments during the period of 20 years from 1989 to 2009 following on from the Cold War.
It would seem to me that it is the United States that will also determine how the world develops from 2009 onwards.
It is often said that America’s influence is on the wane. It certainly seems true that various indicators appear to show that American
influence is declining in relative terms.
But in terms of decisive influence on global events, the 20th century was clearly the American century, and American influence it
seems to me will continue to be decisive for some time during the 21st century too.
I’d like to take a look at the post-Cold War situation in more detail now. Looking at the world during the 20 years that passed from the
end of the Cold War until the end of the Bush Administration, it seems to me that the world during these two decades was shaped by two
illusions held by some people among the leaders of the United States.
The first illusion, most typically represented in Charles Krauthammer s essay published immediately after the end of the Cold War, was
that of the unipolar moment. The Cold War was the scene of bipolar opposition between the United States and Soviet Union in which
the United States emerged as the victor. Accordingly, the United States is now the single pole and has no military rivals.
There are many people who think therefore that if the United States uses its military power wisely in accordance with its ideals, good
results will come about even if other countries in the world are unwilling to approve. These are the people generally referred to as neoconservatives.
But this is no more than an illusion. Mr. Zumwalt quoted President Obama and ex-President Clinton earlier, and it is clear that there are
many things that cannot be achieved no matter how strong one’s military resources. This is indicated by the difficulties that have arisen
in governance in Iraq following the Iraq war, and it is also reflected in the decline in the trust placed in the United States by its allies.
Another illusion is, put simply, that of market fundamentalism. The Cold War represented the conflict between Marxism-Leninism and
liberal capitalism.
Liberal capitalism proved victorious in the Cold War, and this has led people to assume that the economy would develop smoothly if
everything was left up to the market. State involvement is no more than a sub-current of Marxism-Leninism. So if all barriers to the free
operation of markets are abolished, the world will achieve a new economic state.
A feature of this new economic state is supposedly that economic stagnation will no longer be able to occur. This theory was
advocated by some people from the end of the 20th century through to the 21st century. This concept of market fundamentalism has
also been shown to be illusory.
The illusory nature of market fundamentalism was laid bare by the sub-prime loan crisis that came to the fore the year before last,
followed by shock resulting from the collapse of Lehman Brothers in September last year.
To say that the influence of the United States has been decisive is not to say that everything that the United States does is good. If the
United States follows a particular course, this may have a devastating influence on the rest of the world.
Looking at how one should view the birth of the Obama Administration on the basis of this interpretation, it seems to me that the
approach to the world adopted by the Obama Administration entails doing away with these two illusions and making basic changes.
In other words, no matter how strong the United States may be militarily, there are many things that it cannot achieve by force of arms
alone. This realization results in an approach importance is placed on cooperation with allied nations, on multinational cooperation, on
international organizations, and on dialogue.
In economic terms, although market is of course important, it may sometimes fail dramatically, in which case the role to be played by
the government becomes extremely important.
In historical terms such an approach is not particularly new. The victory of the United States in the Cold War was not attributable only
to its military supremacy.
America won the Cold War because it strengthened its cooperation with its allies and continued to protect a wide range of standards
and principles in international organizations. The economic supremacy of America and the West over the Eastern bloc can also not be
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explained solely on the level of market fundamentalism, but was rather the consequence of the realization of effective societies and
welfare systems.
In this sense, it seems to me that the basis for the foreign policy of President Obama involves transcending the period of illusions that
emerged once the Cold War was over and returning to the lessons learnt through America’s victory in the Cold War.
It seems to me therefore highly likely that the world subsequent to the birth of the Obama Administration will be decisively affected by
whether or not the policies of the Obama Administration succeed.
Assuming that the present economic crisis is the worst since 1929, we can expect the current recession to go on for a considerable
length of time. The future prospects for the economies of China, Japan and other Asian countries are thus dependent to large extent on
developments in the economy of the United States.
This means that the success or failure of the Obama Administration will determine the fortunes of many countries including Japan. But
the situation in the 21st century is in many respects not likely to be the same as that during the 20th century.
This is because although the United States is of decisive importance, a number of other countries that may well come to be of decisive
importance are also emerging. One of these is of course China. In the current economic recession, as things stand at present China is
not experiencing enormous difficulties, nor does it appear that disaster lies around the corner.
But if the global recession goes on for too long, it seems to me likely that China would be severely affected, especially if the situation
were to get worse than it is at present.
If America fails the whole world will be sorely inconvenienced, and the same will apply if China fails. In this sense, as Secretary of State
Clinton pointed out in an article submitted to Foreign Affairs, the relationship between China and the United States is of great importance,
and the current global situation is such that the consequences will be dire if either China or the United States fails.
I’d like to go on now to look at US-Japan relations at the present time. The approach to US-Japan relations being adopted by the
Obama Administration is a very wise one, as was pointed out just now by Charge d’Affaires Zumwalt.
I feel that relations between Japan and the United States are on the whole good at the present time. But, at the same time, there is a
certain degree of latent fragility in today’s favorable US-Japan relations as I shall mention again in my summing-up.
The major factor here is the instability and uncertainty of Japanese domestic politics. There are two aspects to this instability and
uncertainty. Within the extremely great changes currently occurring the global system, it is very difficult for Japan to cooperate with the
United States in creating solid programs relating to matters such as security and economic matters in the medium and long term.
I imagine that in the present political climate there are bureaucrats and politicians intent on establishing medium-term and long-term
planning, but such considerations seem to have no place in the minds of the politicians who are currently most influential in determining
Secondly, this instability and uncertainty are occurring at a time when there is a very strong possibility of a change of government. As
was alluded to in the question in the first half, the approach of the Democratic Party of Japan, the leading opposition party, to security
policy remains somewhat opaque.
Needless to say, since Japan is a democratic country, it goes without saying that politicians often need to give priority to shortterm political gains in domestic politics. but we should not forget that domestic politics itself exists within the international security
But the international security environment, although not necessarily in a state of crisis, seems to be becoming increasingly unstable.
Professor Joseph Nye once said that security is like oxygen: you may not notice it when it is abundant, but once it begins to disappear it
becomes all-important.
The current security situation is not so dire at this moment. But in the area around Japan, China continues to possess nuclear
weapons, as does Russia too. North Korea is in the process of acquiring nuclear weapons and is building up a stock of ballistic missiles.
Under these conditions, the most fundamental mechanism for assuring Japan’s security is the Japan-US Security Treaty. A very
important function of the Japan-US Security Treaty is to ensure that nations that are currently friendly do not become unfriendly and that
countries that are currently somewhat antagonistic do not engage in overtly hostile activities.
This is what deterrence is all about. Deterrence involves ensuring that the other party is discouraged from engaging in negative
activities. This involves doing all kinds of things and is a question of the attitudes on the other side. The other side should feel certain that
it is not in its interest to engage in any activities that may be inimical to Japan and the United States.
The major political parties in Japan currently give far too little consideration to the various factors involved the system of deterrence.
Failing to take a more positive approach to efforts to maintain this system has the effect of seriously destabilizing the international
situation as a whole.
I believe fervently that creating a bi-partisan security policy consensus as soon as possible is of the utmost importance for stabilizing
Japan-US relations under the Obama Administration. That’s all I have to say at the moment.
Commemorative Symposium for the Establishment of the US-Japan Research Institute
中逵 啓示
た時に IMF 単独だけではその救済が不可能である、のいずれも真実であるならば自立のための東アジア諸国間の金融協力が必要となる。
東アジアがそうしたことを強く実感することになったのが 1997-1998 年のアジア経済危機の時であった。タイ・バーツの下落に端を
確保するため国際的な公的資金による支援が必要であった。IMF 単独では十分な対応が期待できないため日本に期待が集まった。当時
大蔵省財務官であった榊原英資を中心に日本政府はすぐさまアジア通貨基金構想(AMF) を打ち出した。中国を除く東アジア諸国の期待
IMF は否定的であった。IMF との役割の重複が発生し借り手にモラールハザードが発生するというのがその理由であった。
しかし基金規模の限界から IMF は一旦 AMF 承諾に転じかけたが米国が待ったをかけた。根回しにワシントンを訪れた榊原は米国の反対
に直面することになった。AMF は米国主導の IMF 体制に挑戦し、少なくとも東アジアに日本の優位を確立させることになるというのが
結局 AMF 構想は頓挫したが、その後危機が東アジアに留まらずロシア、ブラジルにも広がり、ロシアに投資していた米国ファンド会
社の倒産にまで及んだ。ことここにいたり米国も東アジアにおける日本の主導的役割を容認せざるを得ず、300 億ドルに及ぶ新宮澤イ
ニシャティブ実施を黙認した。しかし新宮澤イニシャティブは一度限りの支援策に過ぎず、米国が AMF のような恒常的な基金設立を認
2000 年 5 月のタイ・チェンマイでの会合における合意をきっかけに二国間スワップ協定のネットワークが構築されたことからチェンマ
イ・イニシャティブ(CMI) と呼ばれるようになった。CMI が、アジア経済危機の経験を背景としていたこと、恒常的な多国間組織では
800 億ドルという CMI の規模の小ささが現在、問題となっており、規模の拡大や CMI を多国間枠組みに変えるための議論が続いている。
ある。東アジア諸国間の経済取引の決済をアジア通貨のバスケットである ACU を通じて行おうというものである。激しい対ドル変動か
US-Japan Research Institute
Commemorative Symposium for the Establishment of the US-Japan Research Institute
Speeches from Professors of Japan's five Major Universities
“US and Diplomacy of East Asian Financial Cooperation”
Keiji Nakatsuji
Professor, College of International Relations, Ritsumeikan University
The simultaneous worldwide recession that has been growingly serious since the collapse of Lehman Brothers is continuing to
gather momentum. There can be no doubt that a cause of this situation lies in the financial techniques employed in recent years, and in
particular in securitization involving unascertainable attendant risks. However, the structural background to this situation is the large-scale
global imbalance whereby, on the one hand, the United States comes up with an enormous current account deficit while, on the other
hand, the oil-producing countries, the newly industrialized countries, and Japan come up with cumulative surpluses. Through excessive
saving in China, for example, these surpluses have been financing the United States and fuelling its vast appetite for consumption.
Extravagant consumption in the United States has resulted in exports to the United States by Japan and the newly industrialized
countries attaining vast sums and has brought about a change in the structure of the real economies of these nations whereby they have
become reliant on exports to the United States market. Some of the funds that have gone towards financing of the United States by the
newly industrialized countries and the oil-producing nations have flowed back into their countries of origin having been transformed by
American financial institutions into dollar investments in Asia. Funds which at least partially originated in Asia have flowed back, and
borrowers in Asia are paying interest and the balance on exchange rates in addition to switch commissions on such funds. A structure
has thus arisen under which Asian countries are becoming partially dependent on American financial institutions on the financial level as
With the emergence of the financial crisis in the United States, American financial institutions withdrew funds from all over the world in
order to rescue themselves, while American consumers, having experienced falls in income and unemployment, have lost an extensive
proportion of their purchasing power. The consequence of this has been for many Asian currencies with the exception of the yen to
experience a fall in value, and the real economies of East Asian countries including Japan have fallen into recession due to a slump in
their exports.
It is clear that the main cause of the serious recession that is spreading through East Asia is connected with this global imbalance. For
so long as this serious imbalance remains, it is quite possible that East Asia may have to face a similar crisis once again in the future.
Assuming that it is true that settlements should not be excessively reliant on the dollar and also that the IMF alone would not be able to
come to the rescue of expanded East Asian economies that have plunged into crisis, in either of the above cases financial cooperation
among the countries of East Asia is essential in order to ensure their independence.
It was at the time of the 1997-1998 Asian financial crisis that East Asia became strongly aware of this at first hand. The financial crisis
that was initially sparked off by the fall in the value of the Thai baht soon spread to other countries in Eastern Asia such as South Korea
and Indonesia. These countries needed support through international public funds in order to stop further falls in their currencies and
to ensure a minimum level of imports. Since the IMF could not be expected to respond sufficiently on its own, high hopes were held out
especially of Japan in this regard. Centering on Eisuke Sakakibara, who was then Vice Minister of Finance for International Affairs, the
Japanese government immediately proposed the establishment of an Asian Monetary Fund (AMF). Expectations were high among East
Asian nations with the exception of China, but the IMF adopted a negative attitude on the grounds that duplication with the roles of the
IMF was likely to occur and borrowers might cause moral hazard. However, due to the limitations placed on the scale of the fund, the IMF
began to move towards cautious approval of the AMF concept, a development that, however, was stopped in its tracks by the United
States. Mr. Sakakibara visited Washington to take soundings in this regard and was confronted by American opposition to the concept.
The reason for this opposition was that the AMF would be likely to challenge the IMF system led by the United States and would allow
Japan to attain a position of supremacy at least in East Asia.
The AMF concept thus was derailed, but the crisis subsequently spread to include Russia and Brazil in addition to East Asia and even
brought about the collapse of a US fund company that had invested in Russia. It was at this stage that the United States found it itself
with no alternative but to recognize the leading role to be played by Japan and gave its tacit approval to implementation of the New
Miyazawa Initiative worth some 30 billion dollars. But the New Miyazawa Initiative was no more than a one-off support policy and this did
not mean in any way that the United States was prepared to recognize the establishment of a permanent fund such as the AMF.
Having experienced the financial crisis and in preparedness for the next storm, the countries of East Asia moved towards the
conclusion of a swap agreement that would involve them working together to acquire foreign currencies when faced by a currency crisis.
A network of bilateral swap agreements was established on the occasion provided by the agreement reached in Chiang Mai in Thailand
in May 2000 that became known as the Chiang Mai Initiative (CMI). The United States did not object to the CMI due to the fact that its
background was formed by the Asian economic crisis and because it was not intended to be a permanent multinational institution. But it
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is precisely because the CMI does not have its own centralized policy-making mechanism and because of its small scale—amounting to
80 billion dollars after the experience of the present simultaneous worldwide recession—that the CMI is now being called into question,
and a debate is currently under way with a view to expanding its scale and changing the CMI into a multinational association.
Moves are currently under way towards setting up an Asian Currency Unit (ACU) as a policy aimed at remedying exclusive reliance
on the US dollar as the international settlement currency in order to break away from excessive dependency on the dollar. The idea is
for the settlement of economic transactions between the countries of East Asia to be made using the ACU, which will comprise a basket
of Asian currencies, the aim of this being to protect Asian currencies from drastic fluctuations in the value of their currencies in respect
to the dollar. However, although this concept that has been pioneered by people such as Haruhiko Kuroda, President of the Asian
Development Bank, met with approval from the countries of Southeast Asia and India, the upshot is that it has now become bogged
down. The United States Department of the Treasury has expressed its opposition on the grounds that it is beyond the remit of the
Asian Development Bank to engage in currency cooperation since the bank’s main purpose is to encourage development. But whatever
reasons the United States may nominally give for its opposition to this idea, its real motivation is clearly to undermine any attempt to
dislodge the dollar from its position of prominence in East Asia. China also expressed opposition to the Taiwanese and Hong Kong
dollars being included in the basket of currencies. The intertwining of these different approaches to their respective interests by Japan,
the United States and China has made it impossible to move forward with this concept.
As the relative decline in the economic power of the United States continues, it is clear that it is going to be difficult to maintain the
structures that have made it possible for the dollar to retain its absolute predominance ever since the end of the Second World War. If
this is indeed the case, it will surely be wiser to explore the possibilities for new and stable structures rather than sitting through constant
repeats of the chaos that is likely to ensue as a consequence of continuing to maintain impractical structures. Such an approach is not
intended to deny the status of the United States as the leading nation or of the dollar as the leading currency. Indeed elimination of the
global imbalance is the most important agenda which Japan and the United States should tackle.
Commemorative Symposium for the Establishment of the US-Japan Research Institute
弦間 正彦
現在は、COP15 や 16 などを継続していき、京都議定書後の 2013 年以降からの世界の今後の取り組みを議論し、決めつつあるところ
の GDP の 35 パーセントほどを占める二国が協調して気候変動問題に取り組んでいくことは重要であるが、世界規模での対策をとるた
めには、EU との協力、さらに中国やインドなどの急速に経済成長を遂げる新興国や、途上国との協力が不可避で、日米が協力してこれ
アメリカがバイオエタノールの生産を推奨するような政策を 2000 年代にブッシュ政権になって導入した。それが全世界的な 2006 年
から 2008 年の夏頃までに観察された農産物価格、食料品価格の高騰、これはエネルギー価格の高騰ということの背景にあるのだが、こ
US-Japan Research Institute
貧困層の生活の質を低下させているという内容でフォーリンアフェアーズに 2007 年に書いて警告をしている。しかし、米国におけるバ
イオエタノールの生産を推奨する政策に関しては、今のところ 2008 年の新しい農業法においてもその方針を変えていない。
昨年 6 月にイタリアで国際機関が主催して開かれた食料の安全保障に関する国際会議においても、食用穀物なり農産物をエネルギー
ただし、今のところバイオ燃料の生産費が通常の原油を使う場合と比べると、最低でもまだ 2 倍、3 倍とかかってしまう現実があるの
指していかなければならない。実際、日本では、そういう取り組みで 300 ほどの町村において、パイロット的に地産地消的なプロジェク
Commemorative Symposium for the Establishment of the US-Japan Research Institute
Speeches from Professors of Japan's five Major Universities
“The US environmental Policy and its Global Impacts”
Masahiko Gemma
Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, Waseda University
Director, Institute of Japan-US Studies,
Waseda Organization for Japan-US Studies, Waseda University
I would like to talk today about environmental policy and particularly about the issue of climate change. However, that is not to say that
there is no linkage with the topics we have been discussing so far. The Obama Administration in the United States and Japan actively
need to take the initiative in connection with the issue of climate change, which is of no less importance than the other policy issues that
have been presented and discussed so far.
In this institute s activities, we have to consider the following matters; how the two countries will tackle problems involving
environmental policy and climate change on the global level and how they will reduce greenhouse gas emissions internationally by
coming up with proposals more specifically. Therefore, I would like to present some cases of bio-fuels, particularly bio-ethanol, and from
that basis discuss the content of activities engaged in by this institute.
The important issue which both Japan and the United States need to tackle in the future is climate change. It is common knowledge
that a global-level crisis of enormous proportions will occur in the future unless active efforts are made to reduce the emission of
greenhouse gases, in particular carbon dioxide. We have an understanding of how climate change is likely to affect our lives and the
nature of the planet, but we still do not have an adequate understanding of the speed at which the changes are likely to occur. There is a
general consensus, however, that unless measures are taken urgently, the process is going to advance fast and become irreversible.
At present discussions are continuing in various fora, including the upcoming COP15 and future COP16, on future global efforts in
a post-Kyoto Protocol era after 2013, with various policy decisions gradually being made. As to the question of why Japan and the
United States should take the initiative in considering a framework for dealing with this issue, from a cost-benefit perspective, Japan and
the United States would gain an important position by taking the leadership, and Japan-US engagement would also encourage other
countries and regions to participate. Additionally, such efforts would also have mid- to long-term benefits, whereby greenhouse gases
could be reduced while costs of such efforts are minimized. It is important for the two countries, which together account for around
35% of global GDP, to coordinate actions on the issue of climate change. However, in order to make any efforts truly global in scale it
is essential that the cooperation of the EU is attained, and also that of the newly emerging economies, such as India and China, where
economic growth is proceeding rapidly, and developing countries. Japan and the United States therefore need to cooperate with each
other to ensure that these global partners can be included in efforts to tackle climate change.
What this institute should do on the practical level is now discussed. Between Japan and the United States, there are various forms
of exchange, including at the academic level, and through personal research/educational activities. However, it is the case that such
activities often occur only on a short-term or temporal basis. Therefore, it is necessary to create mid- to long-term cooperative relations.
However, to achieve this aim, we need to share common analytical tools and methods, and we should consider what options are
available based on common perceptions. This is precisely what is needed between the two nations at present.
In the ideal case, such mid- to long-term interaction would exist in the context of the activities of academic societies, but in reality
this all too seldom occurs. Although Japanese proposals and American proposals may appear on the same table in international
negotiations, they all too infrequently get taken up for discussion because the criteria assumed as preconditions are so different.
What is most difficult is ultimately to translate a common perception of issues into a common agreement or understanding. Institutes
have their own quiet role to play in this regard, but it is nonetheless an important one and there is a pervasive need in this field to create
a forum and platform for exchange.
As my own background is economics, I would like to raise a few concrete examples of what we can do. I will provide an explanation
citing the case of bio-ethanol. Thinking about both energy and food security, it is extremely difficult to balance these two simultaneously.
The United States made a start with policies aimed at promoting the production of bio-ethanol after the advent of the Bush
Administration during the first decade of the new century. The background to this was the steep rise in the prices of agricultural produce,
food products and energy that occurred all over the world between 2006 and the summer of 2008. Academics debated whether these
policies had not themselves been partially responsible for these price rises. On the other hand, in the newly emerging countries such
as China and India, rise in the prices of food products resulted in increased demand for land to produce food products, since rising
incomes bring about increased demand for meat and vegetables, and it has been argued that this is what brought about the price
rise in agricultural products. Fodder such as cereals is needed to produce meat. Therefore, the demand for land also increased. But
what happens as a result of all this is that increased demand does not actually result in a significant degree of increased supply due
to limitations on the amount of land available. Prices may thus rise of their own accord. Even among experts opinion is still divided on
whether it was the United States policy on alternative energy or the rapid rise in food demand in emerging economies that caused the
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surge in food prices.
Another point is that steep rises in energy prices are accompanied by the inflow of speculative funds into the grain futures market and
the spot market. Dealings with a strongly speculative element thus take place and force up prices.
There are thus various factors involved in this regard. However, in the United States, promoting the production of bio-ethanol has
resulted in an increase in the number of farmers engaged in corn production with the consequence that land that was previously used to
produce wheat and other crops is now being used to produce corn. This results in price rises not only for corn, but also for other crops
that are competing with corn for arable land. This is how the price of agricultural produce skyrockets. Since the United States is the
leading exporter of important cereal crops, demand for other agricultural produce in exporting nations has had a significant impact. In
other words, we have witnessed a situation in which demand for crops as a source of energy other than food has threatened global food
Reports in the newspapers last spring and summer suggested that the situation may arise in the future where Japan is no longer able
to obtain food products from abroad even if it has the money to pay for them. It was reported that trading companies were buying and
renting land overseas as part of investment projects, as a means of ensuring sites for grain production. Even if Japan did not purchase
grain from these locations they could easily be exported to other countries. This example shows the current reality whereby even
Japanese companies are having to secure land for food production overseas as a means of ensuring Japan’s food security.
In the case of Japan, it is possible to assure food security through overseas investment and for average household finance to
respond to high agricultural production costs, but this causes problems for developing countries where the proportion of living expenses
accounted for by agricultural produce displays a very high Engel coefficient. This means that any steep rise in the price of agricultural or
food produce has an extremely severe effect on the lives of the poorest sectors of society. In effect, with no increase in nominal income,
any steep increase in the nominal prices of agricultural produce is going to have the effect of lowering people’s actual living standards.
Accordingly, changes to the agricultural produce market are an issue not only for importers of agricultural produce like Japan, but are
becoming a global scale issue that also affects developing countries.
Several policy-oriented papers that appeared in Foreign Affairs have been referred to in this connection today. American researchers
who are working together with us at the Waseda Organization for Japan-US Studies at Waseda University issued a warning about this
matter in Foreign Affairs in 2007. However, policies aimed at encouraging the production of bio-ethanol in the United States have not
changed and are still being pursued in the Farm Bill of 2008.
At a high level international conference on food security organized by international bodies in Italy in June last year a declaration was
issued calling for the use of agricultural produce as sources of energy to be held back.
There is, however, a way in which food and energy security can be balanced. The way this can be achieved is still by using the same
kind of crops, but instead using the fibrous parts of plants such as stems, roots and leaves as an energy source. In other words, the
development of second-generation bio-fuel production technology would enable food and energy security to be balanced.
However, the situation at present is that production costs of bio-fuels using the second-generation technology are at least two or three
times greater than those involved in the production of ordinary bio-fuels made from corn and sugarcane. Accordingly, this involves a
considerable degree of technological development, establishment of a production system on a correspondingly large scale, and, in the
case of bio-fuels, the fact that they are not suited to transportation over long distances. This means that we need to look into utilization
system in which such energy sources can be consumed close to their place of production.
People frequently talk about the local consumption of agricultural produce in Japan, and it is precisely this kind of local consumption
that we need to achieve in the case of bio-fuels. Pilot projects along these lines are currently being implemented in 300 municipalities in
Japan. There are communities making similar efforts in the United States too.
It is up to institutes to analyze the short, medium and long-term effects of future policy on economies and societies including those
of Japan and the United States on a macro level using jointly shared tools based on economic models. The results of these analyses
should then be published and debated. At the same time, people in the United States should be able to study how Japan is coping with
such efforts on the local community level and Japan should also be able to refer to efforts in the United States. In the United States there
are cases where clusters of related organizations have been formed with some success, and these successful cases would be useful for
Japan to learn about and adopt.
This institute can also get involved in joint research in fields including not just my own field of social sciences but also science and
technology, for example in the form of the partnership between Hokkaido University and Harvard University that the ambassador
mentioned in the field of climate change today. It would be good to see this institute engaging in these activities by providing the facilities
for such activities and setting up networks.
I was intending to give a detailed explanation of bio-technology, but time did not allow me to do. Therefore, I would ask you to refer to
the hand-outs, in which you will find a simple description of the benefits of the use of bio-fuels and the issues involved in promoting their
Commemorative Symposium for the Establishment of the US-Japan Research Institute
質問 1:「オバマ大統領が戦時大統領制であるかどうかについて待鳥先生と阿川先生で意見が分かれましたが、どうお考えでしょ
質問 2:「アメリカの大統領の権限が「小さい」と言われたが、憲法上に具体的にどのように制限内容が述べられているのでしょ
実は、20 世紀以降の大統領制はほとんどそのあたりについて大統領側に権限を与えておりまして、それが最もよく反映されているの
が、例えば日本の地方自治体ですね。これは 20 世紀の大統領制の設計を非常によく反映したものとなっておりまして、知事とか市町村
長だけが予算を出すことができるという仕組みになっているわけです。このような違いは、18 世紀の末と 20 世紀の真ん中では大統領
US-Japan Research Institute
待鳥さんのお答えで十分だと思います。私はオバマさんが危機の時代の大統領だという認識を依然として持っておりますが、9.11 の
起こって、その 2 つを同時にやらなければいけなかった。オバマの場合、先に国家安全保障上の危機が訪れ、そのまま戦争状態にあると
ころに経済危機が到来した。そういう意味で順番が逆だと思います。そのうえ、これら 2 つの問題は、オバマさんの大統領就任以前に、
統領ほどの権限はもてないと思います。ただし、オバマ政権がブッシュ以上に強権を発動しなければならないとすれば、それは 9.11 の
私も谷内さんからいろいろ質問を振られましたけれども、私には回答できないような難しいご質問ばかりです。1 分ずつベストを尽
質問 3:「日米関係をグローバルな視点で考え、戦略的に活用するためには、具体的にはどのように推進すべきでしょうか。グロー
具体的な例で言うと、日米安全保障条約の下で米海軍第 7 艦隊と海上自衛隊の艦艇は共同訓練を重ねてきました。最初のうちはあま
高度なインターオペラビリティーなど、共有すべき能力が生まれてきた。その積み重ねがあったからこそ、80 年代のソ連封じ込めのた
めの日米防衛協力が可能になり、2000 年代には 9.11 の後のインド洋の海自艦艇による給油活動のような具体的成果が出てきた。グロー
質問 4:「この NPO が日米双方の研究者に具体的にどのような問題解決機能を与えるのでしょうか」
これまた難しいご質問であります。答えられたら私は今回の NPO のことを全部答えられることになってしまうかもしれませんが、一
つだけ申し上げますと、私は日本の NPO でもアメリカの NPO でも成功するところは幾つか特徴があると思います。一つは、当たり前の
ことですけれども人がいる、人材がそろっていると。しかも、強力なリーダーシップがある。NPO というのはあまり民主的でもうまく
いかない、核になる人が責任を持ってやる、という憲法の大統領権限みたいなところがあって、それが必要かなと思います。日本の NPO
Commemorative Symposium for the Establishment of the US-Japan Research Institute
とポリシーがあると、うまくいくと。その場合アメリカと日本と今でも違うと思うのは、税制の問題です。私はアメリカの NPO があれ
質問 5:「オバマ政権でアメリカの国連外交はどう変わるでしょうか」
質問 6:「日米同盟の重要性が再認識される一方で、世界は多極化への道を辿りつつあると。日米は何を提唱し、日本は世界・ア
たら 5 月までくれないのだそうで、待ち遠しいですけれども、というようなお答えで失礼します。
質問 7:「小沢代表の発言についてどのように評価するか、現在のように日本国内にアメリカ軍の基地がこんなにいっぱいあっ
こまで引かないとしても、第 7 艦隊だけだという風にした時に、抑止力として十分か。抑止というのはこちらに対して悪いことを誰かが
によってそういうことをしないようにさせることです。そうすると、いかに第 7 艦隊の空母が非常に有力であったとしても、空母部隊だ
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今の点に関連して私は 20 世紀後半において主権国家のあり方と言うのは様々なあり方が生まれてきていると思います。19 世紀から
20 世紀の初めであれば、主権国家と言った時の典型例として、どこの国にも頼らず、自らのことは自らの軍事力で守り、いざとなれば戦
争をし、というような国家像が一般的だったと思います。ただ、20 世紀後半、北大西洋条約であってももう 50 年、60 年、同盟条約は 50
年、60 年続くと言う世界は、同盟とかそういうものは極めて異例であった主権国家体制とはだいぶ違う世界です。よその国に軍隊がい
質問 8:「金融危機が落ち着いたあと、巨額の経常収支赤字を解消し消費大国から脱却すると仮定して、例えば 2011 年の米国の
GDP はどのくらいに縮小すると予想しますか」
これはどうでしょう、経済学者も誰も答えられないと思うのです。これだけ激しい変動の中で、2 年 3 年先を読むということが、非常
いと思います。それができないと、いつ金融危機から脱却できるのかよくわかりませんし、今でも大体 2 兆ドルくらいかかるのではない
かと言われていますが、オバマ政権は大体 8000 億ドルから 1 兆ドルくらいの公的資金の投入を考えていますが、日本の 90 年代のように
のでしょうが、あまり激しいバンピングはどの国にとってもよくないので、今は速やかに G20 が協力して、日米が協力して、今の状況か
質問 9:「日米で EPA 等を通じてリーダーシップを取ることはどうか。そしてアメリカで広がっている保護主義の中で日本はど
た通り、民主党の中で―具体的にはおっしゃらなかったのですが―例えば労組系従業員のリストラとか例えば GM でこれから起こって
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質問 10:「アメリカの国債の 90% は海外からの投資で賄われている。今後日本はずっと買い続けることは健全ではないのでは
質問 11:「日米安保条約をアメリカが一方的にやめたとしても経済界の結びつきを考えると日米が再び戦争をするとは考えられ
もうほとんど田中さんがお答えになったと思うのですが、私なりに 2、3 点だけ意見を言わせていただきますと、グローバルインバラ
良好な日米関係が日米経済摩擦くらいからだいぶ変わってしまったのではないでしょうか。60 年代に、ハーバードで客員研究員をさせ
国際政治学会のシンポジウムを開催した際アメリカの若い研究者が―日本は 80 年代当時トヨタとかいろいろな自動車販売会社がアメ
れども本当は 500 台しか売っていない、と言ったのです。残念ながら当時日本の多くの人がアメリカの一般的な乗用車を買いたいと思っ
質問 12:「中国より、親日のロシアと日露和平条約を結ぶことが日本の国益に適っているのではないかと思いますが、いかがで
質問 13:「アメリカのバイオ燃料熱はすっかり冷めてしまったと聞くが、実情はどうなっているのでしょうか」
アメリカの場合にはバイオ燃料の生産にあたり、とうもろこしをエタノールにする工場に対しては、一ガロン当たり当初は 51 セント、
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現在でも 45 セントほどの補助金を出す生産推奨策がとられてきています。これを受け、バイオエタノールを加工生産する工場が雨後の
筍のようにどんどんここ 2 ∼ 3 年の間に建てられてきたわけです。
下がりましたが、かといって 2003 年の水準に下がったかと言うとそこまで下がっていませんので、高止まったところで主要穀物の価格
るのと同じように下がっています。ガソリン価格にしても下がっていますので、原油価格が 1 バレル当たり 60 ドルくらいであればバイ
アメリカの場合には粉にして加工しておくと、1 年間の中でかなり長い間操業できるような体制を整えることができたそうです。しかし、
ルに対してアメリカは課していますが、それが WTO のドーハラウンドの交渉で下げるような形になりましたら、どんどんブラジルから
質問 14:「日米の共有できるアジェンダとして、UN や米国で提唱されているグリーン・ニューディールプログラムがあるよう
くという試みがなされています。そうとはいえ 2、3 週間前の New York Times には、米国においてソーラーパネルを作っている会社が倒
NPO でできることは、この分野では限られているかもしれません。日米の民間なり、国レベルでの協力関係などいろいろなことがで
きますが、NPO のレベルでできる協力は、日米の大学が積極的に情報の共有・公開、政策議論などを行うための場を設定することにあ
違ってくると思うのですが、このような政策の議論は NPO を通じてできると思います。さらに短期的な政策、中長期的な政策、日米間
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地球温暖化と食料生産との関係ですが、温室効果ガスが、どこから出てくるかというと、アメリカの場合では 65% がエネルギーの消
費によって出ていることが知られています。さらに、生産から流通まで含めると、農業分野が 20% くらいの温室効果ガスの排出源になっ
ていることが分かっています。温室効果ガスを唯一積極的に削減できるのが農業分野です。大気中の CO2 を取り込み、固定化すること
質問 15:「アメリカの土地を他の国の企業が買い漁って食料生産ベースを作っているのだけれども日本もやるべきでしょうか」
質問 16:「ブッシュ政権下での日本のイラクへの自衛隊派遣は現時点でどう評価しますか」「オバマ政権のアフガン・パキスタ
に推移したということです。ですから、全般的に言えば私は現段階で見ても日本が 9.11 以降のやや異様な時期に、アメリカに対して支
るような活動がまったく絶無ではないだろうと私は思っております。やはりアフガニスタン自体にも実際には ODA、それからパキスタ
ンに関してみるとパキスタンの政権安定のための ODA というのは十分可能なわけですから、そちらを進めていく一方、やや中期・長期
それからもう一つ、先ほど小沢発言の件で、6 者協議への影響というようなご質問があったと思うのですが、やはり 6 者協議へも影響
はあり得るわけです。6 者協議というのは何も必ず北朝鮮を周りの 5 ヵ国がよってたかって首を絞めて言うことを聞かせようという形
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になっているわけではありませんが、北朝鮮の望ましくない行動に関してはできる限り残りの 5 ヵ国が一致協力した体制を取ることに
鮮の側から見ればこれは 6 者協議の中でとりわけ一致するところの多い日本とアメリカとの間で意見の相違、政策の相違が根本的に生
質問 17:「クリントン国務長官は、先のアジア外交で、東南アジア平和条約にサ
います。それははっきり言えば、6 者協議、北朝鮮の核の問題、これに非常に大きくウェイトがあって、日米関係、日中関係、あるいは
ASEAN との関係、それぞれの国にとってアメリカがどう考えているのかは必ずしもよくわからない、そういう状況があったと思います。
ているのではないかと思います。一つは金融の問題でして、これは言うまでもなく、外貨準備高では中国と日本が世界 1 位と 2 位、しか
だ、失われた 10 年(1990 年代)日本は 7 人の首相が登場したわけですけれども、これについて外国の方からは首相が変わると日本の外交
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今民主党サイドからいろいろと第 7 艦隊で十分だというようなこと等の意見が出ていますが、これが新しい新政権における外交政策
に、陸、海、空の 3 軍ともに大事であり、海兵隊も大事である。勿論第 7 艦隊、海兵隊も含めたこういう構成の下で日米同盟が維持されて
6 者協議の見通しなのですが、正直なところ、今はどのようになってくるかはわからないのです。6 者協議については今ボスワースと
いう特使が日本に来ていますけれども、おそらくアメリカはこれから米朝との対話をやると同時に、6 者協議も始める。それでアメリカ
はこれまでのクリストファー・ヒル次官補が進めてきたこの 6 者協議に対するアメリカの態度、これからどうするかというのは北朝鮮
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A panel discussion among Professors from Japan's five Major Universities
Question 1:“Do Professor Agawa and Professor Machidori have different opinions on whether President
Obama is a wartime president or not?”
Satoshi Machidori :
What I would like to say about whether he is a wartime president or not is although President Obama is confronting a situation which
requires a wartime presidency or similar centralization of power to the President, it is unlikely that Congress will allow him the carte
blanche that the previous administration enjoyed.
This is based on the understanding that following the Bush Administration, during which temporary centralization of power reached
a peak due to the fact that the country was on an actual war footing, it is unlikely that such a situation could be maintained for an
extended period. Therefore President Obama may experience a situation where he actually needs, but find it very difficult to attain,
centralization of power akin to a wartime presidency.
Question 2:“Can you explain in concrete terms why you think the US President has limited authority?”
Satoshi Machidori :
Since this is a constitutional question, I think that Professor Agawa is in a better place to answer the question than I. However, to put
it quite simply, if we look at the clauses of the American Constitution, the powers of Congress are stipulated in Article 1, and the powers
of the President are stipulated in Article 2. The text of Article 1 is much longer than that of Article 2. This is because it is Congress that
decides on the policies pertaining to most domestic political matters.
In terms of powers that the President can exercise to counter Congress, there is a veto power, which is well known. In terms of other
powers to implement policy initiatives proactively, that is, what you call the constitutionally-allowed reports to Congress, which include
the State of the Union address. These are basically all the powers the President possesses. In contrast, today, usually in countries
where great authority is vested in the President, powers are granted for the President to propose a budget exclusively and other bills.
The fact that the US President has almost no power over the budget represents the limitations of the US President’
s powers.
Actually, in presidential governments in the 20th century and thereafter, powers over most matters are vested in the President. This
is best reflected in the situation in the municipalities of Japan. The municipalities of Japan well reflect the design of the presidential
system in the 20th century. In these municipalities only the governor or the mayor of the city, town or village is authorized to submit
a budget. These differences could be said as a direct manifestation that shows the positioning of the President has changed very
significantly during the period from the end of the 18th century to the middle of the 20th century.
Naoyuki Agawa :
I think Professor Machidori’
s answer covered everything, I recognize President Obama as a President in a time of crisis, I still think
the sense of urgency has lessened compared to that of President Bush at the time of 9.11. Instead, the economic crisis weighs just as
heavily on the Administration. This is in fact exactly the opposite of what happened at the time of Franklin Roosevelt. At that time the
economy plunged into crisis first, and then a large-scale war occurred, and the President had to deal with these two. In the case of
President Obama, National Secutiry crisis has occurred first, then economic crisis has arrived in a state of war directly. In this situation,
its order has been reversed. Beside that, these two problems already came about before assumption of the presidency.
Though it is needless to say that current finance and economic crisis have a global characteristics, handling those crisis have
more domestic policy process. In that sense, it would not go like he can exercises temporary but unlimited authority of the president.
Therefore, his hands are tied.
As a practical matter, President Truman ordered to stop the strike at iron works all over the country and tried to nationalize, be
based on war authority at the time of the Korean Way. There was a well-known Supreme Court decision that Truman’
s order exceed
s authority and against the constitution.
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Then, what can President Obama do, and to what extent, for the economy that basically the internal affairs? I agree with Professor
s opinion, and I also believe the status of the administration as a wartime presidential government should decline. However,
the Obama Administration may have to rule the nation with an iron fist, maybe more than Bush did, if terrorists' attacks which aim the
United States mainland like 9.11 occur again, or, a similar crisis, or another large-scale war break out. If he face a great menace for
the security under the constitution, quite a degree of potential power is invested in the President and it cannot be stated conclusively
that President Obama will not face a situation in which he needs to exercise such power, which may not be directly detailed in the
constitution. I think there are a number of possible causes for such powers to become necessary, such as the problem of Iran,
considering the current state of global affairs.
Question 3:“How should we promote the Japan-US relations to consider from global perspective and
practice in a strategic way concretely? On some global issues, I don’
t think Japan and the
United States share the policy. What kind of point could we cooperate on?”
Naoyuki Agawa :
I cannot answer this question, but, consider the history of Japan-US relations, I think that we will gain common profit by doing
something together besides we grope to gain common profit.
Let me explain with some concrete descriptions. For example, the Seventh Fleet of U.S. navy and the Maritime Self-Defense
Force made repeated joint exercises under the Japan-US Security Treaty. We first thought it would bring few results. However, as
we accumulated experience, the two fleets gained common ability, such as interoperability and functions which would have been
impossible in a relationship with the navy of any other country. Such accumulation of experience thereby enabled Japan-US defense
cooperation to contain the Soviet Union in the 1980’
s and to achieve specifically like refuelling mission by the Fleets ship in the Indian
Ocean after 9.11 in the 2000’
s. In international terms although Japan is sometimes criticized for being slow in participating in military
operations and not making much of a contribution, from the US point of view Japan is a country with which it can work together well
even in minor operations. Of course, Japan cannot do everything. In global issues, it would be out of character for Americans to doubt,
“can we do it?”whereas this doubt is something that rather characterizes Japan. However, I think that if we were to try similar moves in
Africa or other locations in a cooperative manner, some compatibility and synergy would arise.
Question 4:“In concrete terms, what kind of problem solving functions will an NPO offer for researchers
in both Japan and the United States?”
Naoyuki Agawa :
This also is a difficult question. If I could answer this question, I should be able to answer any question about this NPOs. My opinion
is that whether it is in Japan or in the United States, successful NPOs should have some characteristics in common. One thing is, as a
matter of course, they have able human resources.
They also require strong leadership. An NPO organization may not operate too well if it is too democratic. There must be a person
who serves as the core and who takes responsibility for operations. It is something like the presidential authority under the constitution.
This is what I think is necessary. I don’
t think we had NPO and a think tank that have strong leadership or clear directionality in Japan.
The only exception is the Nippon Foundation. I have the impression that this organization has done well because it was led by the
founder who had emphatic leadership and independent spirit.
Then, there is the issue of money. If we had ample funds, of course we could do a lot of things. In the current environment we need
proper leadership and a policy. However, even in such cases, there is still a great difference between the United States and Japan.
It is the tax system. I think it is because there are those very rich people who dislike paying taxes that nobody knows how they will
be used to the government and prefer contribution to gain honour or taking tax deductions. This is why NPOs are so successful in
the United States. I, as a professor of a private university, hope to see a similar system and culture established in Japan as soon as
possible so that we don’
t need to rely on the government for funding, which would give us more freedom of action.
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Question 5:“How will the US’United Nations diplomacy change under the Obama Administration?”
Naoyuki Agawa :
I am afraid United Nations diplomacy is outside the realm of my specialty, I am not sure. But, in short, I have an impression that
President Obama will take a positive and engaging approach to the United Nations as policy process and a part of publication to the
world same as successive presidents did.
Question 6:“While the importance of the Japan-US alliance is reaffirmed, the world is moving on a path
to multi-polarity. What should the United States and Japan advocate, and what should Japan
advocate and practice in Asia and the wider world? Please explain high priority policies with
Naoyuki Agawa :
If I could answer this question, it would make me the Minister of Foreign Affairs. And I am not able to respond in a single phrase.
As you pointed out, there are many problems that Japan and the United States should be struggling together and those problems
should be prioritized. I think that what Japan should do now is deal with matter of Japan-US interests with the United States voluntarily,
using the strengths we accumulated. We should do this with a shared sense of crisis that if one economy fails, then your own will fail,
and vice versa. Japan is likely to not doing things when we try to do something. They state reasons such as it is useless, powerless or
there are problems to do. However, I want prepare myself to do anything possible like distribution of Fixed Cash Handout. I was ready
to spend it right away, but then I was told that it wouldn’
t be paid until May. I can hardly wait. Well, this is what I can answer to the
question, thank you.
s comment? Don’
t you think it is quite
Question 7:“What do you think of Party President Ozawa’
abnormal that we have so many United States bases in Japan and Japan has to bear huge
costs? Is the general understanding that the Japan-US relations are important is really
Akihiko Tanaka :
This is a fundamental issue and the question of how we evaluate the Japan-US alliance in light of Japan’
s security policy and the
lives of Japanese citizens is quite difficult to answer briefly and promptly here. I don’
t think it is sufficient to say merely that the JapanUS Security Arrangements are important and leave it at that - that is out of question when it comes to the security policy. Naturally,
Japan-US Security Arrangements do exist because they are necessary. Then, the question is how we perceive the necessity. I think
what Party President Ozawa did was one approach. If we engage in a negative sum exercise we would deduct the items of the USJapan alliance one by one. And what would that leave us with?
s thinik about the current security environment in East Asia. In China they have a lot of medium-range missiles that can reach any
part of Japan. They also have a lot of nuclear weapons. North Korea also has a lot of ballistic missiles with a range capable of hitting
Japan. They also have nuclear weapons. The same is true with Russia. Well, North Korea also has so-called suspicious ships, and the
Chinese Navy also has moved ahead with arms buildup. And the number of fourth generation fighter aircraft is increasing rapidly in
China while the number remains unchanged in Japan.
Under such circumstances, if we were to subtract a number of things from the Japan-US alliance to an extreme extent, what would
happen? Ultimately, there won’
t be any US bases in Japan.. Then, since the US forces could no longer deploy troops in Japan the
frontline bases of the US forces would have to be located in Guam or Hawaii. If that were the case we would have to consider fully
whether what is written in the Japan-US Security Treaty could be exactly implemented. Even if we didn’
t subtract so much, the question
is if it is enough to have only the Seventh Fleet as the deterrence. Deterrence means to discourage someone from doing us harm by
making him believe that we definitely have the capacity to fight back or to counterattack.
Then, no matter how strong the aircraft carrier of the Seventh Fleet is, can such deterrence be maintained only by the aircraft carrier
battle group? I think it is quite questionable.
In any case, the evaluation of the Japan-US alliance hinges on how helpful it may be to Japan in its most important functions, and
how much it would cost for Japan to fulfill the same function. Suppose the Japanese people had to cover themselves what would be
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lost after departure of the US forces, we need to calculate how much it would cost. Is the price higher, or lower than the price we pay
to maintain the Japan-US alliance today? And, what is more, it is not only financial cost, we also have to consider what the neighboring
countries would think, as a matter of fact, if Japan tried to build up armaments independently. What kind of military actions would
neighboring nations take in response to such a situation? All taken together, we should consider very well before stating that we would
be fine if we subtracted from the arrangements we currently have in place, or stating that we would be able to do without them at all.
In such context, I believe that since the latter half of the 20th century, a wide variety of formats have arisen for sovereign nations. In
the 19th century or the beginning of the 20th century, when I think of a typical example of a sovereign nation, in general, a nation had
its own military forces to defend itself without depending on any other country. However, in the latter half of the 20th century, we had
NATO and the Japan-US Security alliance that had been perpetuated for 50 years. It is quite different from a sovereign nation system,
in which an alliance or similar relationship was quite unusual. I don’
t think it is adequate to judge whether the country is independent
or not merely on the basis of its military forces. The point is, each country makes arrangements to maintain its stability and security in a
variety of formats, combining a variety of factors. This should be one of the characteristics of the modern world.
This is not only about military affairs. I think this kind of thing happens in most of the fields. I once wrote a book entitled“New
Medieval Ages,”and what I told you now, it is what I wanted to say in the book.
Furthermore, I believe it is important to emphasize this relationship for wider global issues as a framework for closer cooperation
between Japan and the United States, while strengthening the Japan-US alliance and protecting Japan's security in a narrow sense,
and in a sense to protect stability and peace in East Asia.
However, with regard to close cooperation between Japan and the United States on such global issues, as Mr. Zumwalt told us
earlier, as a prerequisite, the Japanese and American people should be able to share opinions and views on relatively many things as
friends, not because we have the Security Treaty.
If we cannot be friends, we might as well make friends with Chinese people. At the moment, China is the third largest economy in the
world even in nominal terms. Therefore, just only these three countries, Japan, the United States and China have a great influence on
the world. So, I don’
t think, in solving the climate change issue or other various global issues, it will be less meaningful for Japan, the
United States and China to cooperate with each other. On the contrary, it should be increasingly more important. I think in this regard,
Japanese and American people will be involved in many fields as friends.
Question 8:“If the financial crisis is settled, suppose in 2011, how much will the United States GDP shrink,
assuming that it dissolves a large amount of current deficit and departs from its role as a
consumer nation as in the past?”
Keiji Nakatsuji :
Well, I don’
t think any economist can answer this question completely. It is quite difficult to predict the coming two or three years, in
the midst of such upheaval.
One factor is that it is not easy to determine the exact amount of loss suffered by financial institutions that brought about this
systemic failure. If we cannot appraise the losses we cannot be sure when we can get out of this financial crisis. Even now, the cost is
estimated to be approximately 2 trillion dollars. The Obama Administration is considering spending public funds from approximately
800 billion dollars to 1 trillion dollars. If the US government were not swift and bold enough like Japan in the 1990’
s, then it would take
time. Basically, I think the effort to reduce the current account deficit of the United States is enviatble in the long run, but too drastic an
adjustment would not benefit any country. Now it is time for G20 countries, including Japan and the United States, to cooperate with
each other promptly in the short run to get out of the situation - this is the first priority. About the issue of the current account deficit, I
t think adjustment will be completed during the current crisis.. It will take time.
Question 9:“What if Japan and the United States take leadership, for example, through an Economic
Partnership Agreement (EPA)? And, what will Japan do against the protectionism spreading
in the United States?”
Keiji Nakatsuji :
I think these questions are related to the question earlier. Of course, at the time of the Great Depression, everybody ran toward the
protectionism triggered mainly by the Smoot-Hawley Act. This is one of the causes which prolonged the crisis.
As Professor Machidori mentioned earlier, though not in specific terms, a strong resistance is expected to rise within the Democratic
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Party on the issue of General Mortors’restructuring bid affecting labor union employees. This sort of confrontation will happen all
around the world and not only in the United States. Therefore, it is easy to say to prevent protectionism. It will be very difficult to do it in
I believe Professor Tanaka mentioned it primarily in terms of security, that the former Prime Minister Hayato Ikeda once liberalized
imports of oranges despite the fact that he was born in Hiroshima where farmers produced mandarin oranges. The decision was said
to have been made for Japan and the Japan-US relations from a medium- and long-term perspective. Without a leadership with such
determination, it would be very difficult to get through a crisis. It goes without saying that Japan and the United States cooperate with
each other to prevent protectionism in international trade.
Question 10:“I heard 90% of the US Treasury bonds are purchased by overseas investors. Does Japan
need to continue purchasing for years to come? I don’
t think it is sound. Don’
t you think
China is considering this issue too?”
Keiji Nakatsuji :
As I suggested in my presentation, nobody wants bad bumping and free-fall. What absolutely counts is a soft landing. Such
adjustment is likely to take long time. However, it’
s important for us not to take the wrong direction. Even in difficult times, we should not
think of relying our recovery only on excessive export to the United States economy and exports, I don’
t think we can survive this way
over the medium-and long-term.
Question 11:“Even if the United States revokes the Japan US Security Treaty unilaterally, given their ties in
the economic world, I don’
t think Japan and the United States will go to war again. What do
you think?”
Keiji Nakatsuji :
I think Professor Tanaka answered most of this question, but let me comment on a couple of points. I mentioned global imbalance
earlier. Even this alone is quite a big issue. Suppose, if we were to try to resolve the issue of global imbalance without the JapanUS Security Treaty or a community of opinion leaders ̶ like the one we are trying to build up ̶ then it would be extremely difficult.
It should be solved in the framework of multilayered and complementary Japan-US relations. So, we should not only look at positive
aspect of mutual dependence between Japan and the United States, because there also are problems brought by deepening of the
economic integration. It has been considered successful that that we disolved a Japan-UK alliance and developed the Washington
Convention in 1920’
s, but in a way, Japan has been adrift since then. Therefore, I don’
t think we should expect from political leaders to
constantly reach a right conclusion.
One more thing, I think this is one of the major objectives of the Institute, as I mentioned earlier, I think it is very important to organize
a community for Japanese and American opinion leaders, as a forum for dialogue. I suppose good Japan-US relation built after
Second Word War has changed a lot since the time of Japan-US economic and trade friction. When I went to Harvard as a guest
researcher a few years ago, I was lucky enough to stay at the former residence of Ambassador Reischauer. In the 1960’
s, he was
stabbed by a mentally unstable Japanese man and received Japanese blood in a transfusion. This prompted him to say“At last, I
am half Japanese.”However, when a large-scale symposium of the Japan Association of International Relations was held in Tsukuba
at the time of the economic trade friction, a young American researcher told us that, in Japan, in the 1980’
s, Toyota and many other
companies tried to sell American cars in Japan, even Prime Minister Nakasone played a central role auto sales in the effort – but at that
time. The US researcher complained only 500 cars were sold. Unfortunately and frankly, many of Japanese people were not longing to
purchase an ordinary American car at that time. These two episodes tell how Japan-US relations changed over time. Therefore I belive
it is important to reconstruct a friendly community for Japanese and American opinion leaders.
Question 12:“How about entering into peaceful and amicable working relations rather with Russia, which
is friendlier to Japan than China? Don’
t you think it is in line with Japan’
s national interest?”
Keiji Nakatsuji :
As I say, I don’
t think it is a question of Japan-US, Japan-China, or Japan-Russia, perhaps, because today we engage in global
Commemorative Symposium for the Establishment of the US-Japan Research Institute
relationships. I think diplomatically, and also from a perspective of human relations, it is common sense that we should not get into a
fight with a major country. From such a viewpoint, since we cannot be said to have made sufficient effort in our relations with Russia, I
think we should start making efforts. This may sound copybook, but that is what I think.
Question 13:“I heard that enthusiasm for bio-fuel has gone down completely in the United States, what is
the actual situation?”
Masahiko Gemma :
In the United States, in the case of production of bio-fuel a production incentive policy was adopted which initially paid 51 cents per
gallon in subsidies to plants which produced ethanol from corn, and even now pays a 45 cent subsidy. As a result, the number of bioethanol processing plants has increased dramatically over the last few years.
With regard to the current situation, most of bio-ethanol plants are in danger of bankruptcy and many have stopped production. This
is because the prices of the material crops, corn in particular, while having declined for some time from the highs of last summer, still
t gone down to the levels of 2003. As for the selling price of bio-ethanol, just like crude oil prices it has declined. It has been
generally said that if crude oil price were to return to about 60 dollars per barrel, bio-ethanol would become profitable again within the
current policy framework. At present, however, since crude oil prices are below the break-even 60 dollar-level, ethanol producers are
now facing financial woes. Under the optimistic assumption that crude oil prices would remain high, banks accepted easy investment
plans and provided investment funds for the construction of bio-fuel plants. This caused the current situation and led both borrower
and lender into trouble.
In addition, in the case of bio-ethanol, the period of operation is limited because there is seasonality in production of corn.
Nonetheless, the reason why ethanol production plants increased so broadly in the United States is because bio-ethanol can be made
by utilizing a part of the production lines which are used for processing other agricultural products. It is a high risk strategy to build a
plant exclusively for bio-ethanol production. However, in the United States it is possible to establish a system in which the plant can
be operated for an extended period during the year if the crops are ground into powder. However, since this operation cannot be
continued throughout the year, consideration must be given to the issues of how to utilize labor power for the rest of the time and how
to utilize the facilities when not being used for bio-ethanol production. This is what we can learn from the example of bio-ethanol.
It is for this reason that, when it comes to introducing a policy to promote alternative energy in the future, it is not desirable to simply
adopt unchanged the United States’model of incentive policies for bio-ethanol production. Other countries should engage in due
consideration before adopting a similar policy.
Since production was first initiated in the United States, as production costs for bio-ethanol are much higher compared to Brazilian
bio-ethanol the United States imposes a high rate of customs duties on bio-ethanol. However, for example, if through negotiations in the
Doha Round of the WTO the tariff rate on bio-ethanol falls, it will start flowing in from Brazil. It can therefore be seen that in the United
States circumstances are no longer favorable for the continued unfettered growth of bio-ethanol production.
Question 14:“As a common agenda between Japan and the United States, I think there is a Green New
Deal program advocated by the United Nations and the United States. What is Japan’
policy for building a cooperative relationship/alliance with the United States? Also, do you
not consider that there is an important relationship between effective utilization of water
resources and food security?”
Masahiko Gemma :
About the Green New Deal, both countries are moving in the direction of making investments proactively in the field of the
environment and climate change measures as part of the economy boosting measures. Various attempts have been made in the
area of alternative energy, which does not only mean bio-ethanol but also includes solar panels and wind-generated electricity.
Nonetheless, two or three weeks ago, The New York Times and other papers reported that solar panel manufacturers are falling into
bankruptcy in the United States. Under such economic conditions, it is not possible for manufacturers to sell products, even with the
benefit of subsidies. These companies face the dilemma that while their business prospects in the mid- to long-term are good, they
are having difficulty in maintaining healthy profitability in the short-term. So employers have to lay off the employees. Companies in
the environmental sector are also facing extremely hard times, suffering from the impact of the financial crisis in the short run. The
US-Japan Research Institute
Green New Deal is expected to contribute to the economic recovery in the long and medium terms, but it remains unclear whether the
environmental sector will remain healthy until recovery comes about. In Japan too, over the short term, I think it is necessary to provide
ample funding and offer opportunities so that these companies can survive.
There are probably limits to what an NPO can do. Also, private organizations in Japan and the United States or cooperative
relationships at the national level can achieve many things. However, the cooperation that can be achieved at the NPO level is for
Japanese and United States universities to share and disclose information in an active manner, and provide platforms for policy
The contribution that can be made by social science lies in policy analysis. I believe that many policies are being used to implement
the Green New Deal program. However, in concrete terms, what kind of policy should we implement to contribute most effectively
to reduction of greenhouse gases or counter global warming? How can we sustain employment? Can we maintain the quality of life
through improvement of people’
s income? There are so many policy objectives. The next issue is to identify a desirable policy mix to
accommodate all these issues. The best policy mix will vary depending on funding that is made available, but I think that various policy
discussions could be held through the activities of this NPO. For short-term policies and medium- and long-term policies, we should
consider the kind of projects that can be performed at the community level or at the state level, or at the national level or federal level
between Japan and the United States.
Of course the issue of climate change is important. But, when we consider world food security in the future, or Japan’
s national
security, there is the issue of water. Since Japan is located in monsoon Asia, a water shortage is not a high priority issue. However,
given the fact that Japan imports agricultural products from all around the world, the global water shortage could have an impact on
s food security.
About the relationship between global warming and food production, it is true that food production is a cause of greenhouse gas
emissions. I understand that in the US 65% of emissions are from energy consumption. From production to distribution, approximately
20% of greenhouse gas emissions are from the agricultural sector. The agriculture sector is the sole sector where we can reduce
greenhouse gases, as only agriculture and forestry have the ability to absorb and sequester CO2. Since they also play such a role,
it will be very important for us to consider agriculture and forestry from such a perspective, not merely from the perspective of food
production. In this case, the question is how to build up an effective production system to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and in
the case of bio-fuels I think it would be possible to establish a production system proactively in a carbon neutral manner.
As to the water shortage, I think it is necessary to introduce a system or policy to ensure more effective utilization of water. In
addition, since Japan is an island country, we can consider issues within our borders, however, in South East Asia for example, since
one large river system is shared and used by a number of countries from upstream to downstream, we should consider how water can
be used effectively by various industries in a number of countries. This is an international issue which should be considered within the
framework of political science, international relations, not only in the context of the economics.
Question 15:“Many foreign companies buy land and create food production bases in the United States.
Should Japan do the same thing?”
Masahiko Gemma :
Should we consider producing food in a foreign country as an investment in food production over the medium- and long term?
Specifically, do we need projects to produce wheat in Brazil, in addition to projects to produce crops or vegetables in China? In terms
of diversification of risk, I think it is necessary from the perspective of the food security. However, in such a case, I think the project
should be conducted not only by one country but jointly with other countries in the world, for example with New Zealand or Australia,
with cooperation from local people and such a project must be also beneficial to them.
Question 16:“How do you currently rate the Self-Defense Force (SDF) dispatch to Iraq under the
Bush Administration?”
,“How should Japan be involved in the Obama Administration’
Afghanistan/Pakistan policy?”
Akihiko Tanaka :
By and large, I myself cannot give a high score to the Iraq policy implemented by the Bush Administration. As I mentioned earlier,
I think it was a kind of illusion, or to put it differently, the invasion of Iraq was implemented by a nation under the illusion of its own
Commemorative Symposium for the Establishment of the US-Japan Research Institute
However, in this context, how should we rate the SDF dispatch to Iraq from the perspective of Japan’
s national interest? In those
terms I think it was quite a sensible policy. We cannot judge only from the results, but in terms of the results, there were not so many
victims among Japanese people involved, and, though the United States was rather caught up with the illusion of its own invincibility,
the Japan-US relationship did not worsen, rather, it improved. Therefore, generally speaking, even at the present stage, I think it was
quite a sensible policy that Japan supported the United States in the rather unusual period after 9.11 and its limited cooperation was
In this relation, what was the impact in Islamic countries and Iraq, in terms of opinions about Japan? At least it can be said that the
impact was not so negative. I don’
t think the evaluation of Japan significantly improved because of the Iraq operations, but it did not
drop significantly either.
Now, how should Japan be involved in the Obama Administration's Afghanistan/Pakistan policy? However, I think, the basic principle
of the security policy of the Obama Administration is to convert unstable areas like tribal areas in Afghanistan and Pakistan into less
unstable areas and open to the rule of law and government, as a means of reducing terrorist bases to the greatest extent possible
and reducing terrorist leeway for global activities. In so doing, I think his policy will focus more on civilian sector than military affairs
compared to the Bush Administration.
For this policy itself, I don’
t think Japan needs to voice objections very strongly, and I think it is right to adopt such a policy. However,
the difficult question is whether the situation will be obviously improved in a short period of time in this way in places like the tribal
areas in Afghanistan and Pakistan. We cannot be too optimistic. Therefore, it will take time and it may be difficult to produce results.
However, as I just explained, in terms of assistance for Afghanistan and Pakistan, I believe that there are some civil activities which
Japan should engage in, even based on the constitutional interpretation by the current government. In fact, it is still possible to offer
ODA to Afghanistan, and ODA for administrative stability to Pakistan, and we should proceed with such efforts. On the other hand,
over the medium- and long-term, in my personal opinion, I think it is necessary to review Japan’
s relatively tight legal framework for
peacekeeping operations conducted for the United Nations or the international community.
One more thing, earlier, in relation to Prof. Ozawa’
s comment, I think there was a question about the impact on the Six-Party Talks.
I think the new administration will have an impact on the Six-Party Talks, too. The Six-Party Talks are not a forum for neighboring
countries to gang up on and choke North Korea to control it. However, the purpose of the Six-Party Talks is, by making a concerted
effort against North Korea’
s undesirable behavior, the remaining five countries will encourage North Korea’
s denuclearization and
prevent unnecessary actions (such as ballistic missile or rocket launches). In such a context, the fact that the Party President of
a strong political party in Japan is likely to change the basic security arrangements between Japan and the United States quite
fundamentally, this may lead North Korea to observe that there is a possibility that a fundamental difference in policies between Japan
and the United States has arisen, while it is really the case that our two countries often share common opinions, particular in relation
to the other participants in the Six-Party Talks. Therefore, if the basic security arrangements were altered and North Korea perceived a
decoupling of policy between Japan and the United States, it would become more difficult to predict North Korea’
s actions.
Shotaro Yachi :
I would like to answer the remaining questions to wrap up the session.
Question 17:“Secretary of State Clinton indicated her intention to sign the East Asia Peace Pact when she
visited Asia recently. Going forward, how will the United States get involved in East Asia?
What impact will it have on Japan-US, US-China and Japan-China relationships? And how will
the Japan-US-China relationship develop in the future?”
First, the United States and its involvement in East Asia in future. Obviously, during the latter half of the Bush Administration, I don’
think the United States got involved in East Asia under an established, comprehensive policy or a policy which was simply established
exclusively for East Asia diplomacy. Clearly speaking, it placed a great focus on the Six-Party Talks, the nuclear issue of North Korea,
and none of the other countries could understand United States intentions about Japan-US or Japan-China relations, or the relation
with ASEAN countries very well.
Secretary of State Clinton has stated the United States intention to sign the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia
(TAC). She may have indicated that the United States intends to participate in the East Asia Summit. With the signing of the TAC, US
participation in such a Summit would be possible.
As US Asia policy is not clearly set at the moment, I think that Secretary of State Clinton chose Asia as her first overseas visit – to
US-Japan Research Institute
Japan, China, Indonesia and South Korea – as a means of demonstrating her intention of focusing on Asia. Also, Prime Minister Aso
visited the United States and had talks with President Obama. This was also used as means to communicate Japan’
s ideas directly. I
think US Asia policy will be defined concretely and promptly from now on.
With regard to Japan-US-China relations I think these are part of multilateral diplomacy and we should strongly promote JapanUS-China, Japan-China-Korea, Japan-US-Korea, Japan-US-Australia, or Japan-US-India dialogues in terms of trilateral or minilateral
diplomacy. The significance of Japan-US-China relations has increased. One element is the finance issue. Needless to say, in terms
of foreign currency reserves, China and Japan rank the first and the second, respectively and a large portion of this is held in dollars
or in US Treasury Bonds. I think, therefore, in terms of finance, Japan, the United States and China are on the same boat. We should
have lively discussions about these matters, for example, the idea for Japan and China to support the US dollar as a key benchmark
The environmental and energy issue also has a great relevance. Somebody asked earlier about the energy strategy. At the
moment, oil, natural gas and coal are major energy sources. From a medium- or long-term perspective, when these sources are
being exhausted or become scarce in future, whether a nation can take the leadership in new or alternative energy sources will affect
crucially the fate of the nation, making energy issues of the greatest importance. Of course, Japan is not exceptional. At the same time,
we have to recognize that this can become a serious source of international conflicts among major powers. Therefore, I think energy
is one of the very important problems which should be discussed among Japan, the United States and China. We need to talk closely
about the environment, too.
In addition, both Japan and the United States are seafaring countries. From that standpoint, the issue of sea lanes and the issue
of the anti-piracy measures are both quite important, and China has an interest in this issue also. This should not be a cause of
conflict in future. Japan, the United States and China must start discussions on these issues in a concerted manner. I don’
t think it
is an appropriate option to abandon hope by thinking that it will not be possible for Japan, the United States and China to engage in
discussions. We should start talking to each other by any means possible.
Another frequently asked question is about political leadership in Japan. As you know, during the so-called lost 10 years (the 1990’
we had seven prime ministers in Japan, and people from overseas often asks me whether Japanese diplomatic policy changes when
the prime minister changes.
I have always argued that diplomacy is essentially a technique to pursue national interest. Therefore, even if the prime minister is
changed, the national interest will be basically the same under normal conditions. However, it is still possible that the interpretation
of, or the way of understanding the national interest may slightly differ depending on the prime minister, since Japan is a democratic
nation. However, I don’
t think it would change significantly no matter who becomes the prime minister. Therefore, supposing the
Democratic Party take the reins of government, I don’
t think the current diplomacy or external policy of the coalition government of the
Liberal Democratic Party and the Komeito would be changed significantly.
Now, a leader of Democratic Party recently expressed the view that the Seventh Fleet in Japan is sufficient in terms of a US
presence. But, frankly speaking, I don’
t believe this will be adopted as part of diplomatic policies of a new administration. As Mr.
Zumwalt mentioned earlier, all three services – army, air force and navy – and the Marines are all important. It is highly likely that the
total structure of US forces in Japan will be maintained. Furthermore, Japan is under the United States nuclear umbrella. Under the
circumstances where China and Russia, possibly North Korea also possess nuclear weapons, we must address the nuclear umbrella
issue. My impression is that it is unlikely that the security policy of the current administration will be changed significantly by any future
About the Afghanistan/Pakistan policy of the Obama Administration, the United States cites revitalization of the United States
leadership through international collaboration, I think, for Japan, it is necessary to have consultations with the United States and
European countries, and also with the relevant neighboring countries and consider how Japan can collaborate with them given the
Japan-US alliance, under tha circumstances that terrorism is still rampant there.
About the prospect of the Six-Party Talks, frankly speaking, I don’
t know what will happen. In relation to the Six-Party Talks, a US
special envoy, Ambassador Bosworth is now in Japan, and perhaps the United States is interested in having the Six-Party Talks
simultaneously with the dialogue between the United States and North Korea. I think the United States will determine the new direction
of its approach to the Six-Party Talks, which has been led by Assistant Secretary of State Christopher Hill to date, after having talks with
North Korea. Future prospects will heavily depend on informal meeting between the United States and North Korea.
Commemorative Symposium for the Establishment of the US-Japan Research Institute
し上げたいのですが、その前に少し余談をさせて下さい。私は 50 年間
の意味は、困難な仕事に立ち向かうというようなニュアンスがあるかと思います。それは 10 年くらい前にやっとそういうことを身につ
に載っている早稲田大学が今般、この設立に関しては大変なリーダーシップを取っていただきました。他の 4 大学、それについていくと
学が大変元気でございます。早稲田大学、慶應大学、立命館大学、この 3 つだけでも十分強力な準備態勢ができます上に、叱られますが
も大切なことだという風に考えております。1980 年代、国際交流基金日米研究センター等設置がされました。当時、日本は経済的に大
西村 周三
US-Japan Research Institute
Closing Speech
Thank you very much for taking time in your busy schedule to come and participate in the Commemorative Symposium for the
Establishment of the US-Japan Research Institute. I appreciate your participation in this symposium over a number of hours today. Today’s
symposium was entitled “The Obama Administration and the Future of US-Japan Relations”, and while I was listening to discussions I
felt it is a very good thing to establish such an institute. There are precious few opportunities for these excellent members to get together
and have such fruitful discussions. I think it was a very interesting symposium.
I think there are four challenges for the institute we are going to establish. I would like to explain what these four challenges are. Before
that, and a quick digression, though I studied English for 50 years, until quite recently, I didn’t think that I could use the word “challenge”
properly. The word “challenge” in Japanese is usually used to mean “a call to engage in a contest, fight or competition", to challenge a
person to a fight. However, originally, the word “challenge” also has a meaning that is “a test of someone’s resources in a demanding but
stimulating undertaking.” I learned this just only about 10 years ago, and now I use the word “challenge” on every occasion.
Today, during the first speech by Mr. Zumwalt, I noticed that everybody spoke very good English. So I am embarrassed to tell you
about my poor English history, but I'd like to explain about the “challenges” we face.
Firstly, there is the challenge of economic difficulties. Today I think President Shirai of Waseda University touched on this issue. To
establish an organization such as this one favorable economic conditions are essential. Fund raising is also critical as you may know, we
are confronting difficulties now. We would like to challenge these difficulties.
Secondly, there is a challenge for universities to engage in such a project. In the past, we had this kind of opportunity at various
occasions such as academic meetings. Challenges have face the world of politics and economics and in facing these challenges we
have been able to advance Japan-US studies. However, there is hardly any precedent for the project led by the five universities. Today
we heard comments primarily from professors in the fields of humanities and social sciences, but as Professor Gemma explained, one
of our goals is to advance comprehensive Japan-US studies including but not exclusive to the field of social sciences and humanities. In
fact, this is a very difficult task which should be done on a university basis, because if individual researchers get together, they tend to
place disproportionate weight on their areas of expertise. In this sense, this challenge is one for which universities must make efforts at
creating an inter-disciplinary approach.
Thirdly, and similar to the second challenge, there is also the challenge for different universities to work together, which can create
difficulties. Earlier Professor Agawa told us that leadership is important for this kind of institute. In fact, in this symposium, as already
explained, speeches were made by the speakers in Japanese alphabetical order. The names in this brochure are also printed in
Japanese alphabetical order. However, it was Waseda University which is at the bottom that exerted strong leadership in establishing
this Institute, followed by the other four universities. Furthermore, although the University of Tokyo may scold me for saying it, but now
it is the case that among Japanese universities, private universities are quite active. Waseda, Keio and Ritsumeikan have engaged in
meticulous preparations and I may be reprimanded for saying this, but the University of Tokyo and Kyoto University have followed along.
Let me express my heartfelt appreciation to Waseda University which also provided the venue and other resources for this symposium.
Fourthly and finally, I think it is important for Japan to take an initiative in Japan-US studies like this. It is an important challenge. In
the 1980’s, organizations such as the Japan Foundation Center for Global Partnership were established. In those days, Japan was
financially very rich and could achieve remarkable results. However, frankly speaking, now, an attempt by universities to take an initiative
in Japan-US studies from a Japanese perspective is a challenge. I think it is very difficult, but from now on, we five universities would
like to cooperate with each other to build up a study approach under the leadership of Japan. We sincerely look forward to your fulsome
support. Please help us. One of the most important aspects is for universities to nurture researchers of the next generation in various
fields. Again, we would like to ask your support for this mission. Thank you very much.
Shuzo Nishimura
Executive Vice President, Kyoto University