みやざき発国際交流レポート Miyazaki International Exchange - 宮崎県

Miyazaki International
Exchange Report
My JET-setting life and the meaning of International
Carissa Soh
最初に JET プログラムに申し込んだ時、まさか JET が人生最大
CIR, Miyazaki Prefecture
の冒険になるとは思ってもみませんでした。 2013 年の 8 月に
名 前: カリッサ・ソー
出 身: シンガポール
現 在: 宮崎県国際交流員
When I applied to the JET program a year and a half ago, never did I imagine JET to be the start of the
greatest adventure of my life. Since assuming my position as a Coordinator for International Relations
(CIR) at the Miyazaki Prefectural Office last August, I have been on 2 overseas business trips, met people
hailing from countries all around the world, various walks of life and varying age groups. It seems that
every single day, there are so many unexpected encounters and hidden opportunities awaiting for me
that even after 9 months, there are times when I still cannot believe that I am living the life I am currently
in right now.
今まで、県の国際交流員として、携わった JET イベントや交流事業はこの通りです:
オリエンテーション C (県主催の JET オリエンテーション)、青島キャンプ、シンガポール・宮崎(椎
ールブース/ JET ダンスパフォーマンス at ワールドフェスタ(都城国際交流協会主催)、台湾ガラスア
ート展覧会 in 宮崎、ALT 中間研修(宮崎県)、国際交流員中間研修(千葉県)、カウンセリング担当者
(Prefectural Advisor) 研修(東京)等。
To give the reader some perspective on what I have done as a Prefectural CIR so far, events that I have
taken part in include: Orientation C (Prefectural Orientation for new JETs), setting up the Singapore booth
and performing with fellow JETs at World Festa (organized by Miyakonojo International Association),
Taiwanese Glass Art exhibition held at Miyazaki Prefectural Art Museum, Skill Development Conference
(for all Miyazaki ALTs), Singapore- Shiiba Exchange Program (Shiiba Village, Miyazaki), Arts Festival
(organized by Miyazaki International Association), Aoshima Children’s Nature Camp et cetera. Being
Prefectural Advisor (PA)/ CIR also means that I get to attend the annual PA conference in Tokyo and CIR
mid-year conference in Chiba.
Aside from the above-mentioned, my other responsibilities include: overseas work trips (Singapore and
Taiwan), school visits, teaching Chinese language/ conversational classes, translation duties (2 monthly
newsletters, official speeches/ letters/reports, translating for the governor when overseas guests make
official visits and translation requests from other divisions in the Prefectural Office) as well as writing
monthly columns and occasional reports. In short, life as a Prefectural Office CIR can be really exciting, or
crazy, depending on how you look at it.
Importance of ichi-go-ichi-e: from an unexpected
encounter to making new friends
かけられたり、世界中から来ている JET の皆さんや職場の人
One of the most positive aspects of my job is definitely the
people that I get to meet through the job. I have come into
contact with such a diverse group of people that it makes my
life back home in Singapore seems almost too dull for
comparison. I have met teachers through school visits who
became personal friends, students who would recognize me
and greet me when they see me in the streets, colleagues
who became my pillars of strength and JETs from all over the
world who continually inspire me in so many incredible ways.
(Top) Dancing with fellow JETs
(上) JET ダンスパフォーマンス
(Middle) Taiwan (Taipei) business trip
(中) 台湾出張(台北)
(Bottom) School visit (Singapore
cuisine cooking class)
Through my personal interactions, I have become friends with
(下) 学校訪問
the owner of a clothing shop I frequent, ended up learning
classical ballet with my hairdresser and I am currently also
learning Chinese Dance every fortnight from the owner of my favorite Chinese restaurant. When I
volunteered to help plant grape vines for a winery at the start of the year, I became friends with the
owners of the winery, an elderly couple in their seventies. Now I help out at their winery with other
volunteers once a month. Over time, I have learnt to treasure every single encounter because every one
of them is so special in their own unique way and they never fail to teach me something.
I finally came to realize that every person who walks in and out of our lives is really here to teach us an
invaluable lesson. Now I secretly believe that every “chance” encounter is actually meant to be.
A job that encourages professional development and personal growth
Another huge bonus that comes with the job is being able to travel on the job. Besides the frequent
school visits which bring me to different parts of the prefecture, exchange programs/ business dealings
with other countries have also brought me to those countries. Being able to experience different cultures
and work with people from other parts of the world has definitely been a great learning experience.
During school visits, sharing about Singapore has also helped me learn more about Singapore. It is
always interesting to hear about Singapore from a non-Singaporean perspective. Moreover, since
business and official matters are mostly conducted in English back home, having to write monthly
columns in Chinese and teach Chinese conversational classes has enabled me to stay in touch with my
mother tongue.
Asian-looking, English-speaking: Breaking cultural stereotypes in Japan
日本は他の先進国と比べると、外国人が非常に少ない国です(シンガポールでは 30%、アメリカでは
。日本で外国人が最も多い東京でも 2.8%で、宮崎ではたったの 0.4%であるため、「外国人?!で
One of the comments that I get most often in Japan is: “Oh! You are a foreigner?! But you have such a
Japanese face!” Sometimes, I cannot help but feel like an animal in the zoo when people would want to
meet me upon knowing that I am a foreigner. Being a foreigner in Miyazaki is like being a needle in the
haystack, since Japan is still largely a homogenous society. Even in the most cosmopolitan city in Japan,
only 2.8% of Tokyo’s population is made up of foreigners. In Miyazaki, it is a mere 0.4% (For comparison
purposes, 30% of Singapore’s total population is foreigner). Hence, it is no surprise that I am the first
Singaporean that many Japanese (Miyazaki) people have met. In the beginning, I used to feel like a fish
out of water even though I blended in well appearance-wise, but now, I have learnt to embrace every
part of my JET experience. The good, the bad and even the mediocre.
最後に, JET プログラムに参加すると決めたことは多分私の今までの人生で一番良い決定だと思います。
I truly believe that my decision to JET to Japan is probably the best decision I have ever made in my
entire life. It has taught me that unless I try, I will never know what I am capable of. And that, is the
greatest gift that JET has given me.